New Trailer for Conan the Barbarian




Here it is.

I'm looking forward to this. Still not sure if it'll be as enjoyable as Arnie's effort, but Momoa definitely seems to be pulling it off from what I can see.

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Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
Here it is.

I'm looking forward to this. Still not sure if it'll be as enjoyable as Arnie's effort, but Momoa definitely seems to be pulling it off from what I can see.
Dosent look to impressive to me honestly. I actually think i would have been more intrested if rather then doing what will likely turn into some kinda Prince of Persia movie with CGI enemies you can hack apart and keep a Pg13 rating, if they had gone the "game of thrones" route and make a limited run miniseries for a cable network.



By Crom, I will watch this in the theater!

Confirmed altaholic with 70+ alts in coh and cov...yes i know thats alot! Playing coh since beta test phase.



Originally Posted by Starflier View Post


The few lines he delivers in that trailer are weak, I hope he's more imposing or charismatic in the full release.
Not interested in seeing it at this point.




Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
Dosent look to impressive to me honestly. I actually think i would have been more intrested if rather then doing what will likely turn into some kinda Prince of Persia movie with CGI enemies you can hack apart and keep a Pg13 rating, if they had gone the "game of thrones" route and make a limited run miniseries for a cable network.

Should have just quoted this.



By Crom, Momoa looks like Conan!



Yeah I'm still not convinced this is going to become the classic that Arnie's Conan has become but it does looks like it might be a good movie in and of itself. If it ends up being better that say the Clash of the Titans remake then at least it might be worth a matinee sometime.

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I want to see it, but I think I might wait for the director's cut - Conan is the sort of thing that's meant to be rated R, not PG-13.

And I think Momoa looks more like Conan should than Arnie did.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
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Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
It would have to try really, really hard to be as bad as CofT.
Well I am trying to give this new Conan a chance after all.
If I don't set the bar too high for it it might be somewhat entertaining.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
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This crushes its viewers, sees the audience driven before it, and hears the lamentations of the viewers.

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Yeah I'm still not convinced this is going to become the classic that Arnie's Conan has become
Certainly not if it uses that music in the trailer compared to the music in the original

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Maybe it's just the trailer, but I already saw shades of 'skakeycam' action, and I really dislike that. It's not on the must see list by any means. Unless I see something to revise my opinion, right now it stands at cheapo theater or DVD.

Too many alts to list.



Originally Posted by Defenestrator View Post
This crushes its viewers, sees the audience driven before it, and hears the lamentations of the viewers.
aaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnndddddddddd WIN!

threads yours.

Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.

screw your joke, i want "FREEM"



Feels all mished mashed up.

Member: Mutant Force Five, Chaos Legion & Team Awesome



mMMmMmMm Jason Momoa.

I'm there!

Also it looks better than Kull the Conqueror so its doing well for itself as a PG-13 action-adventure.



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
I want to see it, but I think I might wait for the director's cut - Conan is the sort of thing that's meant to be rated R, not PG-13.

And I think Momoa looks more like Conan should than Arnie did.
Agreed on both counts. I had previously thought Mamoa made a good choice for Conan, but after watching this I am SO sold. His dialogue is only okay, but his physical acting and facial expressions are f'n fantastic; the guy scares the crap out of me with just how much he seems to enjoy killing the hell out of everything he can get his sword into. The fast cuts aren't doing it for me, but it's pretty common for trailers to overdo that sort of thing. I'll catch it on opening night, but I do wish they'd stayed truer to the source material and gone for a hard R rating.



I read that this movie WILL be rated R.. not PG-13..

"It seems that many fans are worried about it being a soft PG-13. As a screenwriter on Conan The Barbarian, I get asked this question a lot. The world of Hyboria, as Robert E. Howard described it, is fleshy and brutal. Bloody beheadings and bare-chested slave girls abound. However, while the movie is unflinching in its depiction of barbarism, slavery and warfare, the violence and nudity emerge from the fabric of the story. It isn’t gratuitous.

Robert E. Howard’s stories, although violent and perverse for their time, were not intrusively graphic either. So this is ultimately a movie about the character Conan, a character that will hopefully launch a healthy franchise of movies with stories and characters that celebrate Howard’s work. Yes, you’ll see blood and boobs, but this isn’t a Cinemax movie; it’s epic action/fantasy.

And yes, it’s rated R."
Also the Arnold version of Conan was never the version in the comics.. what happend to respecting the source material people? we (Most of the Comic Book internet fans) are looking like hypocrites here.. we claim to want source material all the time.. but now it seems like people want this movie to be like the arnold movies instead of the true version of the comic book.

Its like no one here ever read the comic from its creater Robert E Howard.
His version was gritty when he first wrote the book..

Arnold killed the whole Conan franchise with his dumb acting, he made the character one-dimensional. In the first film he had a better supporting cast to make it almost watchable, the 2nd film had nothing and both flopped!

The "real Conan" from the novels isn't an ancient Irishman, that's a common misinterpretation. He's from a "Mythical" race from a "Mythical" race that resembles the Proto Celts and is bronzed in his skin from many travels from his youth, blue eyes and black hair.

His race settles to a "Mythical" land where Northen Ireland and Scotland will later be after the Destruction of "Mythical Atlantis".

Despite the vast lengths Robert Howard went through to not assign his character to any place or region definitive to our map of the known world, people keep calling him an ancient Irishman due to the mythical setting of where his people would later settle, not where they came from nor the fact his physical description is not a-typical Irish whatsoever. Howard simply describes him as big, muscled, black haired and blue eyed, wearing whatever clothing suited where he was wandering and stronger than any man although not taller (Howard later described him as 6'0 when he was 15years old so in adulthood anything from 6'2 to 6'6). Sullen and brooding in expression and sometimes wearing a horned helmet and agile as a panther despite his great size.

Arnold isn't tanned, never was as Conan and although blue eyed has brown hair and actually 5'10 in height instead of the 6'2 he constantly lies about being for impressions sake. Heavily muscled Arnie is but agile as a panther...? No chance, Arnie is far from fighting physique.

Jason Moma is tanned, isn't blue eyed but has black hair (browns in the sun) and is 6'4 and has bulked up but not over the top so as to remain agile (agile as a panther remains to be seen) Has sullen features to replicate the brooding aspect of Conan.

In short, Jason has more in common with the character description than Arnie did plus he can act which Arnie could never do.

Frank Frazetta has pretty much influence the whole look of Conan in art with this one picture that hits the brooding look on the nail! But other artists today kinda get closer to the Robert Howard description.

Jason has the look in the face of the sullen, brooding Conan that Arnie never could perform despite his great physique, nice costumes and props.

Arnolds problem is his goofy acting which leads to him pulling clueless faces like this no matter what character he's playing..

While Jason as an actor will keep that crap in check hopefully and stay in character for more like this..

To attempt to capture the essence of this..

So in truth they're getting more right than wrong with this latest version and it's looking a lot more like the world Howard describes with the creatures and characters they've been unveiling in photos. The production looks good so far and we should wait and see how well they deliver before shooting it down as another prop fest like the Arnold films that literally flopped massively at the box office and just became cult faves for fanboys due to Arnolds popularity despite the lack of quality in the features.

The Conan from the books looks a lot more to be given some justice with Jason Momoa, the clever, cunning warrior who is huge but fast and athletic and can read many languages and has a sense of humour unlike the way he's done in those terrible Marvel comics and Arnie's muscle-headed version.

This new film hopefully will portray the smarter cunning Conan from the books and not Arnies dumb version.

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