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  1. Apparently Zwillinger enabled PM's for everyone, if that's what you're needing, but as far as I know if you're not currently VIP you can't get it.
  2. It's been fun running with you the past year or two. I'll likely be around a while yet while I sort out what to do next.

    Best of luck to you and everyone else that joined us.
  3. "And don't you ever stand for that sort of thing. Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back."
  4. I call this one Malta Undone. I just wish I hadn't killed most of 'em before thinking to snap a screenshot.

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    First villain I got to 50. Pre-i13, it was cussed out a fair bit in Siren's, generally, as "that *&#$#* Stalker," which generally made me laugh. (Well, that and having people try to TP Foe me for an hour or so.)
    Currently my highest non-50 character at 46. I am a big fan of Energy Transfer and the combo in general.

    As for rarely seen, Ice Melee, hell, even Ice Armor, but not together.
  6. Gravity/Sonic controller.
    Dark/Devices blaster.
    Empathy/AR defender.
    Energy/Energy brute.

    I'll check my character list for more, but the usual answer to least seen or underpowered questions is whatever I'm playing.
  7. Not Sonic.

    While I quite like Sonic Resonance as a teaming secondary it's limited in solo play when paired with Gravity. Disruption Field paired with Singularity's Repel aura is beyond suck, even if it makes Singy look badass when paired with the other sonic buffs.. Being unable to use your best debuff effectively is pretty crappy.
  8. Score.

    Could be a region issue, maybe.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    I remember that one. He played a Puritan from Colonial America that Angel turned to save his life, and later had to put him down.

    As far as I'm aware, Jeremy Renner's character was the last person Angel ever turned.
    Nah, there was also the submariner from WW2 that returns in season 5, and strings up the rest of the team.
  10. Hmm... so even Dev hax can't kill a pedestrian or stop them from pushing you around. I guess we know who's really in charge.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    I don't know if "just a horrible show" that Dollhouse was, is the networks fault.
    Well they did make Whedon change/water-down the original concept for network tv. From the bits I read it would have been a lot edgier had it been produced true to his original idea, but that's what happens when dealing with any network for primetime.
  12. My point was that despite two of his four shows being very successful, the failure of Firefly, and to a lesser extent Dollhouse, has stuck Whedon with this premature cancellation stigma that everyone seems to focus on.
  13. The Virtue Name Watch thread is where I go. It's also where I dump all the free names I find. A lot of other forums have similar threads where the naming gurus congregate, but the Virtue thread is by far the largest.

    Back in April '11, Tempest_56 gave us this spreadsheet of all the names compiled from the thread up until then. Clocks in around 24k names. Out of date, but plenty will still be free since the thread generates far more names than we use.

    There's also the Seventh Sanctum superhero name generator.
  14. My Elec/Dark was a scrapper, but I usually tried to fire off Dark Regen immediately following Lightning Rod so that a) I could have a lot of enemies around for both regaining health and triggering the +End proc, and b) so I could take advantage of the knockdown. Of course that doesn't always work, but the telenuke+heal combination was nice when I pulled it off.
  15. Buffy and Angel combine for twelve seasons. Dollhouse and Firefly combine for (almost 3). Joss Whedon somehow ends up as 'the guy whose shows are always cancelled'.
  16. Starflier

    REVAMP EM set

    We're just all necro'd out.
  17. Both pretty much rock the house. If you want a lot more damage, go Fire. If you want to be a lot tougher, go with Dark.
  18. Starflier

    REVAMP EM set

    Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
    I don't want to see Stun's animation given to anything, especially not ET. I like ET's animation.
    Agreed. Not only is ET one of my favourite melee attacks, but the two-handed junk punch is a great animation, if a little slow. Which makes it a lot like Executioner's Shot in that regard.
  19. 4 was pretty good, at least for the training montage, as was the last one (6?). I hear Rocky 5 hooked up with Highlander 2 and are busy producing progeny who will usher in the end times.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    For a movie that made almost 800million, I really do think it was just a let down to a vocal internet fan base while the rest of the movie going fanbase enjoyed it.
    Which is part of the problem. There are critics. There's the 'vocal internet fan base'. And then there's the people who pay money to see movies. Part of the same reason the Transformers movies will usually make an internet 'top ten worst' list, yet they kept making the movies: the people who matter to the industry liked them enough to pay to watch them..
  21. It's just a phone booth. Calm down folks.
  22. To be fair to The Phantom Menace, the second coming of Christ to throw a giant bbq for all mankind and give everyone $20 couldn't have lived up to the kind of hype they put out for that movie.