Techknight costume?




I saw something about this. I do not go to Beta (If I start leveling characters I can never run on top of the incredible altitis I already have then I should just run 1st levels around Atlas and give up!)

Is the TechKnight costume VIP, Tier 9, purchasable, or what? Anybody got screen captures. is there a Web site, bookmark, etc.



It's going to be a Tier 9 VIP costume set. As for pics I'm sure there's something on youtube or somesuch by now. Since it's technically in beta I'm not sure the Mods would like people to post pics here directly.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Thanks Zombie Man. Everything I needed. I will buy this. It will make a useful tool in my pursuit of robotic enhanced undead. (That is about 75% of my concepts....need to paint again lol)



Hmm... so even Dev hax can't kill a pedestrian or stop them from pushing you around. I guess we know who's really in charge.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Since this has been announced publicly, I want to repost my concerns here, as well:

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
This is precisely what I came here to post. Having an aura glow of any kind which matches the colour of the non-glowing object around it will always look worse than having the glow be a different colour. It makes the eye see as if in monochrome, and it's distracting, not to mention it misses the point. And the tech knight mace isn't the only thing that does this. The backpack does, as well. Here's what I'd suggest:

Add an alternative version of the mace/staff thing that tints the entire body in the primary colour, but colours the electrical sparking aura AND the glowing jewel the secondary colour. This way, you get the static parts one colour and the glowing parts another colour. We have symmetry in logic.

The backpack is also a big problem. It has a large circular glow in the big central area, but this matches the colour of the backpack around it. I'd suggest adding two alternatives of that backpack, but let me explain something first. Currently, the backpack is mostly coloured in its primary colour, with the bulk of the body and the auras being that colour. The small "capsule" auras contrast their background because the capsules take on the secondary colour, but the large "central" aura does not, because it's over the same-colour background. Here's what I'd suggest:

Alternative 1: Have the large aura take on the SECONDARY colour, but leave the three small capsule auras taking the primary colour. That way, you have primary-colour auras in secondary-colour capsules and a secondary-colour aura against the primary-colour backpack body. You have contrast!

Alternative 2: Have the ENTIRE backpack take on JUST the primary colour - capsules, body, trim, everything. Have all of the auras take on the secondary colour. That way, it's less loud and colourful, but you have exact control over the colours, and can the backpack a dark colour without lowing the glow.

Basically, I'm agreeing with the above suggestion - when a costume item comes with an aura or a glowing bit, PLEASE separate the aura/glow in its own colour that doesn't affect anything else on the costume piece but the glow/aura.

And do this to Imperial Defence boot and gloves, please.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



But it's a limitation of the "two colors per costume piece" that is built into the game as it currently exists.

If you want a glow that's a separate color from the (boots, for example), then the rest of the boot has to be all one other color. Which would be okay I suppose, but I don't want to be limited to that either. I really like the Imperial Defense boots as they are, and to reduce them to all one color except for the tiny bits that glow would not make me happy.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
But it's a limitation of the "two colors per costume piece" that is built into the game as it currently exists.

If you want a glow that's a separate color from the (boots, for example), then the rest of the boot has to be all one other color. Which would be okay I suppose, but I don't want to be limited to that either. I really like the Imperial Defense boots as they are, and to reduce them to all one color except for the tiny bits that glow would not make me happy.
I mean no offence when I say this, but did you actually read my post before responding? I ask because we're basically saying the same things. I want to see more options and more versions of those pieces. Colouring differences tend to come down to colour masks, so there's no reason we can't have multiple version of each item. Have you noticed how a lot of the newer items have N/A in their pattern section? Why not include those there. Say I pick the IDF boots, and I get to pick between what they are now, and a different patter that has the whole boot coloured primary and the glow coloured secondary. You get to keep what you have, I get an extra option.

Really, pattern swaps should be one of the less work-intensive parts of making and tweaking costume pieces. And if they had an official feedback thread, I'd say the same there.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



In response to the OP's request for screenshots, this was released to Facebook this morning. It's various combos of the Tech Knight set with itself and mixed with other pieces. I REALLY like the guy at dead center. If I had any misgivings, that one sold me on it.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
In response to the OP's request for screenshots, this was released to Facebook this morning. It's various combos of the Tech Knight set with itself and mixed with other pieces. I REALLY like the guy at dead center. If I had any misgivings, that one sold me on it.
Your words, my mouth. Something something.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.