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  1. Blue_Centurion

    I miss you guys.

    I miss all the people on the boards. I miss creating endless costumes. I miss grinding some of the best content in the world. I miss flying. I know I need to grow and do creative stuff outside the comp, but this is a horrid way to get pushed out of the nest.

    Thank you to all on the boards who took the time to argue with me about , well most of the stuff I posted. That helped me to grow up in how I communicate with people a little, and think before I make a statement a lot. Also, you were just the coolest geeky people to hang near. Also, most of you rocked when it came to clearing content. That just felt...super.

    Good luck to you. I hope to see you all someday when the technology exists that we can recreate the City.
  2. Much like the rest of this mess I am unwilling to research on my account, research on my bank record, or even go into the city in play. I don't harbor grudges and resentments. I nurture them for years until they are full on lifeforces of their own. Trying to get over that habit. Still, this was... Not going to rant. Argh.

    Basically I am posting to say "It doesn't matter one way or the other" and other nihilistic thoughts. Anyone seen my copy of Dostoyevsky's "Notes from Underground?" I need something to cheer me up.
  3. The community. Oh, I am a grinder at heart, and I ground solo for years, in ignorance, happily. But looking for answers (and friends) I found a couple great channels, and they made my gaming life complete. Also certain posters. I don't want to start a list, cause I will leave out some peeps. I loved getting my butt handed to me when I was wrong (too often) because then I learned stuff. I loved listening to some people talking way over my head, not because they wanted to sound cool. They just naturally think and talk WAY over my head. One name in particular jumps out there (Arcana) of course. Disagreeing with her and getting a response was like disagreeing with my mathematics professor. But I love so many posters for different reasons, their style, their humor, the graphic on their signature. Where the heck did Aett Thorn ever find that odd photo? Thank you for being here, for being those posters. I am trying to find a place for myself elsewhere. Again, I am a solo grinder by nature, so that is satisfied. But the channel I said goodnight to before logging out every night? The channel I would drop my gaming plans to get into a 8 person "I know all you geeks" Synapse for? The wonderful mix of nuts on this board that gave me great advice, bad jokes, and listened to my whining for years? There is a big hole. I hope to find a good community I fit into for online gaming. But City of Heroes will always be the bar they are measured to. Thank you all.
  4. I want to run the first character I ever created. He never made it past level 2. I never deleted him. Was thinking bring him to virtue, not that it matters too much I guess.

    anyways, are server transfers working, or did they get shut down?
  5. I am so angry at the entire situation I have not gone into the City. I meant to go for the Sunday Atlas thing, and dodged it. You know, like knowing you need to diet but eating a order of fries instead kind of feeling. I know I should be enjoying the last days with my friends, and yet, I just have no interest in it.

    I have found a passable game to play. It has one of the 3 things I got from the City. (wonderful escapism)

    I found a great network of friends in the Brickhouse group. They are some of the coolest gamers I have ever hung with. Geeks and Friends and Comedians and Creative. I will miss that channel more than I will miss all of CoH. That daily/weekly/monthly flow was so great for me. It can not be replaced.

    The costume generator was the third thing I got from CoH. So, I will paint now, and it's better for me to do that anyways. So, NCSoft shattered what was my online community. It taught me some lessons, and the most important is that the people are what makes something special, better than a nonstop flood of purple recipes. Hey, anybody want 50 purp enhancers? lololol I seem to have no use for them.

    The most important moment I had in CoH. Let me quote myself:

    Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
    I did not know @Salsakitten. In some ways I am very new to Virtue, having made the decision to make it my home a few months back. I was passing thru Talos on my current project character, and was on a timed mission. I heard what was going on in broadcast. I decided to join the group. I heard so much heartfelt love for @Salsakitten. I stayed quite a while, and was brought to tears at least once.
    This community taught me so much about respect and love and being a network of geeks. My wife remembered me telling her about this and showing her Salsakitten's thread. It was one of the first things my wife mentioned when I told her they were pulling the plug. I guess she has always known how much Virtue has touched my heart.

    Thank you. Wherever you go, I wish you well.
  6. My plan is to get all my enhancers out of base and onto first 12 characters in list, that way even if "frankensolution" only gives me back 12 Virtue characters without any base access I have 99% of loot.

    I cannot bring myself to play game anymore. That is not cause I do not like the players. I just get this ball of ich inside me whenever I think about what these smucks have done.

    As far as costumes go I just need good front or 3/4 view of my best designs over the years. (not that many really lol) No, there are some wonderful things that have evolved in my CoH style I want to grab. I can draw and paint, and especially my last design that meshes vampire and technology in a version fully worthy of "Keith Thompson's Drawing and painting the Undead" (yes, plug, get this book!) I can recreate 99% of what I have done over the years. The things I cannot see or forget I can alter on canvas to what was in my head that CoH wouldnt allow me to do.

    In a way CoH has kicked me out of the nest and now said "Fly ******" I needed that artistically. However my geek friends I spent so many evenings with will be scattered to the four winds. I have lost a community that regularly (very regularly) gathered as a geek family. The red hot hatred that burns like a thousand suns crying out for vengeance against injustice and tyrrany.... Okay, I am off track here.

    Grabbing my stuff, putting on a few characters in 1st row, grabbing screenshots. I will miss you guys. So much. Sad now.
  7. Snarky here, (my new global) Before that Jeffrey, and one other I think. Yeah, I reinvented myself a lot. Ah, sigh. no more.

    I am heading to WoW. Never played there before, crap character gen, fills the desire to monkey grind. If you guild there shoot me a line.
  8. I have had a couple globals, Blue, Jeffrey, Snarky. I am leaving the game, or rather she left me. Virtue has been my server for the last year and a half. Before that Freedom, but I was a redside solo cuss most of that time lol. The community has treated me so well. I love you guys, thank you for showing me all that geek fun.

    I am heading to the 800 lb gorilla in the marketplace. If you have a guild set up, can offer tips, want to continue to hang, that would be cool. I won't be on CoH much after this. I need to warehouse characters and take pictures/screeengrabs. My process for dealing with loss is different.

    my email is jeffrey23jeffrey at the hot mail place.

    I check the boards a few times a day, but it is hard to watch. I will be checking on on my favorite chat lines from time to time inn game. I hope to be able to get out of this mood and run a few characters in the coming weeks. (hi brickers!) I love you guys so much. Good luck to all in the cities.
  9. Blue_Centurion

    new (temp?) home

    I have gone over to the 800 lb gorilla. Never played there before. I am on Hyjal, and running a forsaken. (I am really feeling the forsaken right now) If anybody has a good guild there let me know.

    Blue Centurion, Snarky, Jeffrey

    Thank you all. I learned so much. I will miss you all.

    Jeffrey23Jeffrey at that hot mail place
  10. GL Z. I now realize how much I am going to miss you guys. I have (at times) been a hotheaded poster who stepped out of bounds. I am not posting much now. There is no reason to. I KNOW my voice is heard, my feelings are known. We all hate this. I feel so sorry for you nd the crew that have been placed in a sudden really bad job situation. My heart goes out to the pinkslipped and their families. Thank you for taking the pressure of staying on. I'll try to make this easy on you.

    I loved my 5 years making up the most detailed costumes I could imagine here and hanging with the best group of geeks in the world. Thank you all. Jeffrey
  11. yaknow Seebs. I really don't care. My game just died. Understanding it is not gonna fix it. GL to you and everyone.
  12. NCsoft Announces New Studio in North California; Takes Full Ownership of Successful City of Heroes Property

    AUSTIN, Texas, Nov. 6, 2007—NCsoft® Corp, the world’s leading developer and publisher of online computer games, today announced the formation of a new development studio in Mountain View, California. The announcement comes as the company begins a renewed push to further develop the City of Heroes® property, which is now 100 percent owned by NCsoft. Previous to today, ownership of the intellectual property (IP) was split between NCsoft and Cryptic Studios, the original developer of the project.

    The new studio will be built around key members of the City of Heroes team from NCsoft and Cryptic Studios including the art, programming and design team leads.

    “We’re happy to announce that NCsoft has acquired full ownership of the City of Heroes IP,” said Brian Clayton, NCsoft executive producer and manager of the new studio. “Our plans are clear. We are now in a position to make a major reinvestment in the City of Heroes product line. With our existing Cryptic and NCsoft team as the core, we will be able to run our current service without any interruption to our players, expand our studio to deliver triple-A content, and take City of Heroes to new heights.”

    NCsoft will soon be announcing formal plans for the City of Heroes IP, which will include expansions and sequels to the popular comic-book inspired massively multiplayer online (MMO) game.

    Matt Miller, Lead Designer on the City of Heroes project and formerly with Cryptic Studios said, “We’re thrilled to be bringing the CoH franchise to the next level. And we couldn’t be more pleased to be working completely under the NCsoft banner. We feel that City of Heroes’ best days are in front of it.”

    For more information about City of Heroes, go to

    About NCsoft Corporation
    NCsoft North America is headquartered in Austin, Texas and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Korea-based NCsoft Corporation. NCsoft, with its own development and publishing offices in Texas and California, also works with other NCsoft subsidiaries and third party developers throughout North America to develop and publish innovative online entertainment software products. The company has successfully launched multiple online titles in the last three years and continues to support its franchises, which include Lineage®/Lineage II, City of Heroes/City of Villains®, Guild Wars®/Guild Wars Factions®/Guild Wars Nightfall®/Guild Wars: Eye of the North™, Richard Garriott’s Tabula Rasa® and Dungeon Runners™. More information about NCsoft can be found at

    NCsoft, the interlocking NC logo, PlayNC, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Lineage, Guild Wars, Guild Wars Factions, Guild Wars Nightfall, Guild Wars: Eye of the North, Richard Garriott’s Tabula Rasa, Dungeon Runners and all associated logos and designs are trademarks or registered trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. Cryptic Studios is a trademark of Cryptic Studios, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

    Cryptic Studios Sells City of Heroes and City of Villains E-mail

    Cryptic Studios™ announced today that the development house has sold its intellectual and proprietary rights to both the City of Heroes® and City of Villains® franchises to publisher NCsoft. As part of the agreement, NCsoft is licensing Cryptic's engine technologies for use with future games.

    "City of Heroes and City of Villains players should be assured that Cryptic Studios will be working closely with NCsoft to ensure a smooth, seamless transition," said Michael Lewis, president and co-founder of Cryptic Studios. "City of Heroes was Cryptic's flagship product and we are proud of this title and the many millions of characters that have entertained over a million people worldwide. The decision to sell the franchise allows us to focus resources on our soon to be announced first-party projects."

    About Cryptic Studios:
    Established in July 2000, Cryptic Studios™, Inc. is an independent, employee-owned developer of massively-multiplayer online games for the PC and next generation consoles. In April 2004 Cryptic launched its first MMO title, City of Heroes®, which received top accolades in the industry, including E3's "Best of Show" and multiple "Game of the Year" awards. In the City of Heroes visually stunning, 3-D graphical world, thousands of players create unique super-powered heroes and embark on immersive adventures, battling villains and executing special missions as they build a dynamic online community. City of Villains®, the stand-alone sequel, launched in October 2005.

    I found this, it looks from this that it was not an expiring license, unless this is wrong, I am reading this legalese wrong, or something else going on...
  13. I want to create a new character all right. One all dressed in black, black hood, black mask. Named "The world will End Nov 30" and walk around Atlas carrying a protest sign. THats about all the gaming I am inthe mood to do.
  14. It's not everyplace that you can strap on a cape and go to work! GL Freitag.
  15. Blue_Centurion

    To all of you...

    Thank Z,

    I hope you, the rest of the people laid off (80?, more?) and everyone impacted by this land on their feet. Trying times I know.

    Thank you and everyone who worked on the game for giving me a canvas for my characters. I have 2 wishes 1) I had made thousands more characters 2) I had concentrated on one character and they had done everything. Thats how much I enjoyed this game. GL.
  16. I predict this will have an adverse effect on the market.
  17. It looks like NC Soft is financially imploding. Any chance the game / database will be sold off cheap and run as a zombie CoH by another company. I know the team is shattered, but just hoping against hope here.
  18. I have decided (unless CoH in 'Sundown mode" is still available) to not join another MMORPG in the immediate future.

    I will be painting, and drawing, and writing. I need to do some studying, and work on my "RL leveling."

    Thank you all for the experience. Those on the boards have taught me the joy and perils of boards. Those in the game have been a hoot. GL to all of you in all things.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Riiiight. We should just say nothing and let him spread misinformation so people that don't know any better can get the wrong ideas about this game and how things work.

    Then they go and spread that same misinformation further because it must be true since no one contradicted it.

    I was going to say that no one would read 25 pages of this, then realized everyone just goes to the last page. Torches, Pitchforks, ready, and "Roll em!"
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
    It's a wonder he can even operate the computer.
    I'm not surprised he can use a computer. I am kind of shocked (you guys must be so freaking bored) that he can get you to argue with him for 25 pages. Dude needs to play a Tanker, he got Taunt in his bones. lolololololololol
  21. Blue_Centurion

    Brutiful Game

    I have recently been trying to play things besides Brutes. I tried once before, when the sides were still split. Ended up back on Brutes. Feeling I was stuck in a rut I have diligently worked over the last year trying Tanks, Blasters, Scrappers, a few lowbie doms, more blasters, more tanks. I have 50'd many, incarnated a few, and gotten a lot into mid 30s after a few days TF and testing. I have found out one indisputable fact. I love running Brutes more than anything else.

    Thanks to the Devs for writing this Archetype into the game. It is truly a Brutiful thang.
  22. This thread is still alive?!?
  23. Thanks Zombie Man. Everything I needed. I will buy this. It will make a useful tool in my pursuit of robotic enhanced undead. (That is about 75% of my concepts....need to paint again lol)
  24. I saw something about this. I do not go to Beta (If I start leveling characters I can never run on top of the incredible altitis I already have then I should just run 1st levels around Atlas and give up!)

    Is the TechKnight costume VIP, Tier 9, purchasable, or what? Anybody got screen captures. is there a Web site, bookmark, etc.
  25. Seasons of the Widow is a fine piece of work. I wish I had the motivation to have done something on this. (Also, i seem to have only found out about it a few hours before the deadline, and I am really not the fastest artist in the west lol)

    Lief-Nin's piece is well done. I enjoy some of the expressions captured and the overall feel of the work.

    My 1st choice would be "Seasons of the Widow"