Least-seen combos
There is usually a good reason why the least seen combos are..the least seen. Because in some way they just..don't go together, no synergy, less good power sets etc.
Quite often I see odd combos, and they are being played by someone who for whatever reason, loves the power, the theme, and invests time in it..and makes it work.
A friend has a sonic ice blaster, and when he first told me about it, I laughed. I mean../ice? But he is really good on it.
Myself, I made an ice dark corr, and has NEVER seen one till that point. And it turned into a great toon. Of course, since then, I have seen a few..imitation is such sincere flattery.
Also a fire/earth Dom..which I have only ever seen one other of. I made it just for the purpose of running, and seeing if I could run, mudpots and hotfeet. It is now one of my fav toons to play.
Another would be my sonic traps corr..made back before traps was..'cool' I guess. And before fenders got it.
A storm/energy blaster fender I met on Virtue..sounds like a combo from hell, but she was awesome and never seemed to kb anything in a bad direction.
And before EM got killed, I had an Em/Da brute I loved to bits and did just about everything with.
My Grav/psi dom is the only dom of those sets ive seen around, i'm sure there are plenty but not seen any on Freedom.
DA/DB tank is pretty rare.
if you want a sucky worthless toon i once made a force feild/electric defender.
The only thing it was ever good was buffing heavies in rv and staying in PFF.
I mean this toon was and still is worthless.
i have over 40 50s and this is still by far the worst sets i have ever seen in combined on this AT.
I'll throw in some votes for a Mind Control/Trick Arrow Controller, Ice Armour/Stone Melee Tank, Radiation Emission/Dark Blast Defender, Gravity/Thorns Dominator, Electric Melee/Fiery Aura Brute and Dark/Radiation Blast Defender
I've had one of each of those and not seen/heard anyone else really talk about the combos
Sonic/Dark Defender.
I have never seen one in the 7 years I've played.
And the synergy actually wouldn't be too bad. Resistance and -to-hit seem like a no-brainer combination.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Well, don't want to repeat sets on these guys, but the Mind/TA Controller might be interesting. As would the Grav/Psi Dom.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
Sonic/Dark Defender.
I have never seen one in the 7 years I've played. And the synergy actually wouldn't be too bad. Resistance and -to-hit seem like a no-brainer combination. |
I have a dark/sonic corruptor I made to help a friend get MoITF badge. The synergies are awesomely awesome. The only other one I've ever seen was someone who copied mine. And she's lifetime 24/25 on getting MoITF with people. The one fail had a griefer who got killed to mess things up since I said I had a perfect record.
As far as least played combos go I'd have to say an ice armor / stone melee tanker is probably darn near unique. I very rarely see either set anymore let alone both on the same toon. I have no idea how they'd play together though.
What about
TA/DP or TA/AR Defender
Ice/Elec Tank
DB/Nin Stalker
Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?
Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575
I got a StJ/FA brute and its a beast... Not very common combo though
Gravity/Sonic controller.
Dark/Devices blaster.
Empathy/AR defender.
Energy/Energy brute.
I'll check my character list for more, but the usual answer to least seen or underpowered questions is whatever I'm playing.
Well, don't want to repeat sets on these guys, but the Mind/TA Controller might be interesting. As would the Grav/Psi Dom.
I play it more as a tank, a farmer if you wish, slotted all the aoes for damage and with drain psyche and rebirth i can cap regen at 132hp/ps.
After the grav psi I made a plant/psi, and haven't played my grav since, sadly.
9 AoEs on my plant/psi, two ST attacks.
SO fun!
Mind/Trick Arrow also lets you Entangling Arrow for Containment set up.
I'm surprised I don't see more /TA controllers. It is the most "controllery" of the secondaries.
50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM
Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad
How about a Sonic/Energy Defender? I have one that I am struggling to level solo... after a few years I am 38. I've never seen another one.
Unexplained Investigations Supergroup on VICTORY!
UI Cards
Snuph's Hero Helpers
My friend and i ran a pair of Gravity/TA trollers for a stint. They were fun and pretty safe. Never saw another with that combo before.
"You sir, have never been in a hammer fight, that much is clear."
*yeah, I quoted myself.
Also a fire/earth Dom..which I have only ever seen one other of. I made it just for the purpose of running, and seeing if I could run, mudpots and hotfeet. It is now one of my fav toons to play. Another would be my sonic traps corr..made back before traps was..'cool' I guess. And before fenders got it. |
Energy/Energy brute |
I have a Mind/TA troller at 46 right now (Cupid theme) and he is definitely fun. Troller multipliers on EMP Arrow make it into a real beast. I strongly suggest a Magic origin for lighting the Oil Slick with the origin attack power (or perhaps science, not as sure if it has an energy damage component). Telekinesis with a burning oil slick is a nice combo.
First villain I got to 50. Pre-i13, it was cussed out a fair bit in Siren's, generally, as "that *&#$#* Stalker," which generally made me laugh. (Well, that and having people try to TP Foe me for an hour or so.)
As for rarely seen, Ice Melee, hell, even Ice Armor, but not together.
You could always make a Peacebringer.
Most of the combinations I've never seen are either really bad, or really, really bad. Like TA/Beam Defender or an Energy/Storm Corruptor (at that point, your knockback is interfering with your knockback).
But uh... hm. I was considering a Merc/Nature (we're the planeteers! you can be one too! eco-terrorism is the thing to do! The power... is guns.) or Merc/Thermal MM recently. I rarely see Merc MMs, for fairly obvious reasons, but there are some synergies to explore there.
I dunno if I've ever seen an Ice/Ice Dom, because I probably would have mistaken it for a Blapper if I had.

I have only seen one AR/fire blaster.
I never seen a AR/TA blaster yet although heard a few exist.
I havent seen many ice control/TA controllers.
-Female Player-
So, I've decided that I want to create a triumvirate of characters that reflect some of the least-seen powerset combos in the game. So far, I am thinking of going with a Sonic/Fire Blaster, a Dark/Ice/Stone Tank-troller, and a... I really just don't know what to do with the last spot. So, I'm throwing it out there to the peanut gallery. What are some combos that you almost never see in the game?
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus