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  1. Has anyone else noticed a slow down on the levels around 20-25 in Star wars?

    I think star wars did not get the memo that these levels need help what do you think?

    COH got it but star wars is lacking in this regard...
  2. graystar_blaster

    My last post!

    I logged on last night after about 2 weeks. I thought i would give away most of my influ/ios

    I couldnt

    on virtue last night as well as freedom maybe in atlas there were 5 people. TOTAL

    between both servers.

    i was announcing in chat giving away 100 million to anyone who wants it

    free pvp ios and free purples...

    NO TAKERS! except the same 5 or 6 people over and over.

    so its over. I cant even give it away now. So to the grave i take it.

    when they put me under throw purples on top of me....

    sad but true. I will uninstall the game now cause seeing it on my desktop sucks.

    p.s. thanks for all the people reading my trolls, thanks to all the fun responses, thanks to allthe people i played with all these years....

    bye and it seems you cant has it.
  3. starts tommowrow on a certain server somewhere.

    My objective to give away 100 billion in stuff! ill keep the rest till next month

    but if you see me ill be handing it out.

    this game has a fork stuck in it!
  4. nothing was even yellow 10/11/12 this game is done i will commence giving away everything.

    yes you can has it.
  5. ill be 7 15 - 7 20 est

    hope I make it.
  6. Ill come as well this weekend. Ill bring a sonic coor or def.

    all t4d.

    unless you need or want something else.
  7. counted 120 on freedom not on hide.

    8:23 pm EST 9/27

    only virtue was yellow
  8. OKay ill stay with my

    Resistance Killer (name of toon)
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Thanks to everyone from the other servers that came out to try to help. We didn't quite manage the Really Hard Way, and it was only due to a bug that we didn't get the Hard Way done twice instead of just once. Provided server access is still there, there will be more tries this coming weekend.
    let me know what you think is needed.

    I brought -res toon

    if -regen or dmg is better let us know. Ill be there with bells on.
  10. graystar_blaster

    refund = doom

    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Oh, so this whole thing is just another graystar_blaster troll thread.

    Cool story, bro.

    lol who me never...
  11. just moved my toon over and parked in DA is that where you start tongiht?

    Maybe a little late. Its right around bed time but wife gave me the ok ones kids are down so ill be okay!

    i hope that 7 15 will be okay! Try not to start too soon.
  12. graystar_blaster

    refund = doom

    Hello xxxxxx,

    I apologize for the delay in our response; we have an unusually high ticket volume which we are working through as quickly as possible.

    Your ticket has been escalated to me as a supervisor for NCsoft Account Support. Thank you for taking the time to contact us regarding the recent announcement that City of Heroes will soon be discontinued. For fans of the game, including myself, this of course was not news that was well received.

    Regarding your request for compensation, what I would like for you to do is keep this reply as a record of our conversation. Typically, when a game has run its full course and the decision has been made to end services and support for the game, a compensation package is rolled out to all those players who qualify or have remaining paid game time, point, or currency balances left on their game account. In the past, these packages have been very generous and have sometimes included complementary copies of other NCsoft games, depending on how much time or currency was left on the account in question.

    Since the compensation package for City of Heroes has not yet been finalized, and I do not yet have authorization of offer compensation for the closure of City of Heroes, I would very much like for you to wait to see what the official offer will include. If what is offered is not up to your satisfaction, please reply to this message and we can address your request at that time.

    Of course, if you have any questions in the mean time, please let me know and I'll be happy to address your questions to the best of my ability.

  13. graystar_blaster

    refund = doom

    Just got my emails from ncsoft.

    So rather than letting me play the game they would prefer to give us our money back.
  14. logged onto freedom just now. Green server. Maybe 20 people in atlas.

    Sad sigh, i think bai.

    nothing left to do now that its all over.

  15. ill bring my sonic sonic def.

    t4 -resist.

    its sick unless you want something else.

    Also i am good for 2 or 3 runs

    see you this weekend.
  16. if its this sunday coming up I have many support toons that ill bring. Its one badge i never got on my main but its ok i got plenty I will never have em all or be finished.

    I am happy to help you guys get it.

    I have lots of

    cold, sonic, dark support toons. that are all t4 incarnates.

    i have coors, defs, trollers, mms, if you want -res

    if you want +buffs i have them too.

    If you want heals i have them if you want mms i have them too

    just post what you think you want and i have them. Also let me know what incarnate powers you want so i can put them together if their not made.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TargetOne View Post
    Let's not lose sight of the fact that the game is still up and running. Everyone can still play their characters, at whatever account level (free premium or VIP) they were at before the announcement. And we still have (according to all I've seen) over two months before the shutdown happens.

    Yes, a lot of people HAVE left. But a lot are still here! Your SG-mates not logging on? Then play with people outside your SG. Friends list looking a little sparse? Then make some new friends! Can't find a PUG for missions or whatnot? Start your own! Your server practically empty? Try a different one!

    Seriously, anyone not able to find SOME way to enjoy the time we have left simply isn't trying.
    After 7 years of playing and grinding and farming and playing and marketing etc... Its not fun to log on and see nobody around. Also I am already on teh busiest servers. And i dont feel like waiting 20 mins to get on a team for something i dont really want to be doing.

    I try to run some tfs: itf, stf, trials all the itrials, hami, rwz raids, etc...

    But if i get on at 7pm est and nothing is forming im not gonna sit around and grind on something thats being deleted/canceled in a month anyways. I am trying to play my main characters to thier completion. (only one is actually done everything(arc) and 99.0% of badges).

    this weekend was deader than i ever saw. Also I played about 30 mins street hunting in PI and got bored and went apple picking(which was great! beautiful weekend)
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    Incorrect. -10 points from Slytherin.

    I said the fact that people don't want to door-sit for you does not, itself, mean the game is dead. Hell, I've never wanted to door-sit or be power-leveled -- and lots of people feel that way. It's possible that more people feel that way now that time is a limited resource.

    You responded with a non-sequitur utterly unrelated to your power-leveling thesis.
    I said you are correct.

    not sure what the dissagrement is about.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    Your examples might not mean what you think they mean. Green servers have never been a bad thing per se.

    More to the point, many people may not want to spend their last days doorsitting in your AE farm. That in itself doesn't mean the game is dead.
    correct this does mean the game is dead:
  20. Tried again just now to get a team when i got to log in screen every server was green.

    its 12:15 am friday morn or thursday night depending on your place in life.

    I dont think its ever been green on every server at such a prime time.

    went to atlas to offer a free PL to anyone could not get more than 3 to join a free ae farm.

    No chatter on the chat channels. So bummed out.....

    cancelled and deleted SWTOR only game on my machine is AOE 2 lol(dunno why i put it there)
  21. Loaded up the game last night around 7:15 and every server was green

    i sighed and rented a movie.

    I dont think i have seen anyone in my sg for a week. And its not a small sg its ranked highly.

    my real life buddy that i played with for 6 years bought an Play station, and so did his cousins.
  22. Cmon people dont bail yet we have lots of time to run fun stuff and hang!

    I have too many of my long time play buddies and real life people that have bailed.

    Dont go so fast. I still need TF commander on 2 toons and I want to at least get avoid the green stuff on my main!
  23. 41 (50's) and 2 (49s) that sucked ans decided not to io