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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    And alienating old fans at the same time.
    Sadly that rarely ever effects the bottom line. Juts look at how many CoX players are now playing GW2 and promoting it to boot!
  2. Yesterday I went on mmorpg.com to look at what other games I might be interested in and found one, then I clicked on the game to find out more about it and saw NCSoft was the publisher... guess who won't be playing that game...
  3. Does it revolve around a retirement home?
  4. Shareholders generally only care about one thing... profit and stocks sea saw up and down all the time. The way they handled the closing of Paragon Studios and ending the game may not effect them in the long run, only time will tell. While I personally will never knowingly have anything thing to do with any game or company involved with NCSoft ever again, there are potential gamers out there that #1 don't know NCSoft's history or #2 Don't care about NCSoft's history. People seem to have the memory of a fruit fly and are very forgiving when it comes to parting with their hard earned cash in exchange for entertainment.

    I have the feeling that the blow back from this CoX fiasco will end up being more like a shin kick to NCSoft instead of the kick to its nuts (followed by a double back hand slap) like I'd like it to be...
  5. I was interested in it, but didn't bother to watch it. After all it's on NBC so I doubt it will see a season two and the story will remain unfinished...
  6. EnigmaBlack


    My confession, I routinely fall asleep while running TFs, especially at the end. So if you've ever teamed with me and my toon was stuck running into a wall while everyone else fought the AV... sorry...
  7. I have a feeling AMEX will be hearing from me.

    I never really expected much form NCSoft in terms of customer service, but their handling of this sunset has got to be a textbook case of what not to do.

    Or maybe they are so busy dealing with the GW2 account hacking that they don't have time to bother with CoX players?
  8. What Jack said. Also some players may feel they is no longer a point to coming to the forums or even logging in any longer so they want to say their peace now and be out.

    Example: If a player is going to school and the game closing was announced on 8/30 (beginning of school year) I can fully see them saying "what's the point?" and hang it up now to focus on schoolwork etc.
  9. If NCSoft used PS staff to break the news to the playerbase, they have no considerations for the players, so I'm not surprised.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    To be honest, all the emails that went out when TR was closed down also included in them what compensation you would be receiveing at the same time, when you will receive said compensation and what else is happening. This was about 2.5-3 weeks after the initial announcement.

    To be honest, i would rather they take their time on this one, instead of rushing out one email, then another, and then a 3rd....

    Side note: They did a release (that went out to press outlets) about the closure, and their reasons for it. You might not like *their* reasons for it, but those are the reasons that they have given.
    I hear you but the point is I'm not the press. I'm a paying customer and have been since closed Beta and I have not heard one word from NCSoft. Like I've been saying all along, they did not walk into work on 8/30 and decide to shut down PS. They knew this for quite some time. IMO they should have already worked out compensation etc or maybe expecting a corporation to have it's **** together is asking too much?

    I'd appreciate any links you have to these releases because all that I have seen have been articles that link back to Zwill's post. I have seen nothing official.
  11. Almost a week since Zwill's announcement and still no official word from NCSoft. The company that pulled the trigger doesn't even have the guts to face its customers, either that or they are showing just how much they care about their customers.

    They know exactly how to contact us when they want to promote other games and they know how to contact us when they want money; but they don't have the decency to say "Hey we're shutting down Paragon Studios and CoX", instead the corporate cowards leave that job to the people they just axed.

    I guess the NC in NCSoft stands for Notorious Cowards...
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    Going from previous experience of NCsoft closing MMO's (ie Auto Assault and TR)... the remaining game time from the *time of announcement* was refunded
    That's good to know.

    I'm just glad i was stuck on a concept and didn't purchase nature affinity
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    In case you're not aware, we have three months (Nov 30th).
    And those three months will not do much for players that paid for chunks of game time in advance, unless we're getting reimbursed for any paid time past 11/30. I won't even get into the SBE's I purchased that I'll now never get to use nor the superpacks I spent a good portion of discretionary income on.

    3 months more or less is 12 weeks, which may be a lot of time to some, but not to me. For example, look how fast this summer went by...
  14. Yeah yeah business is business, the only thing that matters in the bottom line yada yada yada etc etc.

    The fact remains, they did not walk into work on Friday and decide on a whim to shut the game down; they knew this for some time and to continue to offer market items and transactions knowing damn well in a matter of weeks they would be useless is not only irresponsible but it speaks volumes as to what NCSoft really thinks about its player base.

    I hope as part of their restructuring they rename themselves and hide their corporate history very well, because NCSoft will never get another dime from me.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    the only thing im definitely boycotting is any ncsoft product
    I'm with you on that. Irregardless as to what happened the fact remains the same. They did not walk into work 9/30/2012 and decide "That's it". They knew this for quite some time and was perfectly happy with letting the community continue to spend money on add-ons that would be useless in a matter of weeks.

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    Several of those new ones are telling me they are valid codes but I can't use them on "any" accounts I might have? *shrug*
    If you're trying to apply them to multiple accounts and have several tabs open, make sure the correct one is currently logged in. You could be trying to apply them to an account that already had it applied.
  17. So this essentially means no more CoX?

    Sad but if so it's something most MMO's face and something that was bound to happen, I for one thought there would be at least another 2-3 years before the servers shut down...
  18. Looks like there are at least 3 more giveaways. Keep your eyes peeled

    Olympian Gaurd
    Talon Huntress
    Rula Shin
  19. Keeps saying the ones I'm trying to use are valid but I can't apply them...

    Nevermind, figured it out...