Dear NCsoft Executives... YOU'RE FIRED!
Unless you have irrefutable proof that you could supply to these people, I'd suggest not doing this.
You can't just write to people with here say and rumour with regards to NCSoft employees, you would have to have 100% proof that you could cite at a moments notice to support your claims. The word 'slander' springs to mind.

Help Dirk Knightly the freelance detective solve a case in Arc ID:368097
Shareholders generally only care about one thing... profit and stocks sea saw up and down all the time. The way they handled the closing of Paragon Studios and ending the game may not effect them in the long run, only time will tell. While I personally will never knowingly have anything thing to do with any game or company involved with NCSoft ever again, there are potential gamers out there that #1 don't know NCSoft's history or #2 Don't care about NCSoft's history. People seem to have the memory of a fruit fly and are very forgiving when it comes to parting with their hard earned cash in exchange for entertainment.
I have the feeling that the blow back from this CoX fiasco will end up being more like a shin kick to NCSoft instead of the kick to its nuts (followed by a double back hand slap) like I'd like it to be...
Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?
Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575
Well, at minimum, THANK YOU, Rubberlad, since merely the title of this thread caught my attention and made me laugh!!!!! ((God's teeth, after logging out of game, i've been up all night reading forums and networking with sg mate who long along transformed from fellow players to friends.))
I think the points about Slander and irrefutable proof are valid; however, I think your idea is not only creative but equally valid regarding negotiating with a bad upper management team. I suggest (strongly) that you post this idea to Titan Network/TonyV and Mr W, since while there is fan-ac (fan activity) there like here, Titan (imo) is getting more thoughtful posts from players with backgrounds ranging from Info Tech to Fair Use Laws to business/finance people analysing NCSoft and ways to approach Corporate/negotiate to Media contacts and Community Action to a forum dedicated to generating capital and entrepreneurial investment/purchase of the IP. (And apologies to any who feel I'm dissing the official forums; it's simply that I've personally seen more ser-con (serious/constructive) discussions on Titan Network and it's easier to find them, than I find on the forums here, though both have merit and there's stuff here on the official forums I love that exists nowhere else.)
The entire CoH Community wants to restore Paragon Studios and save City of Heroes; the question is How Best To Do This? And closely related to this, is How Best Do We As A Community Co-ordinate Our Activities To Achieve This?
Meanwhile, while off-topic, I always find this vid uplifting and inspiring: Game On! by the Guild
aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).
First, NCSoft is saying that they can't get a good enough return on investment for CoH.
Then, they say they can't sell/license it for a negotiated price. To me its obvious, they feel someone else may prove them incompetent, make money AND hurt their current MMO share.
If they sold it then they wouldn't think CoH could return investment, they wouldn't fear CoH makes money or steal market share.
They are AFRAID to sell it and be shown up by a buyer/licensee.
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
Unless you have irrefutable proof that you could supply to these people, I'd suggest not doing this.
You can't just write to people with here say and rumour with regards to NCSoft employees, you would have to have 100% proof that you could cite at a moments notice to support your claims. The word 'slander' springs to mind. |
Need facts? Look no further than:
1) Stock History - NCsoft's stock value has TANKED...
-- Source, Bloomberg Market Snapshot:
-- Source, Bloomberg Market History Graph:
-- Source, Reuters:
2) NCsoft's Earnings Release Data...
-- Source, NCsoft IR:
3) NCsoft's public responses ignoring efforts/requests to save a profitable game
-- Source (pick any official NCsoft post you like off the main CoH page)
4) Raise awareness that 7 NCsoft games have been closed in the last five years (all under Mr. Kim's leadership)
-- Source, Wikipedia NCsoft "Games section (sub-section, End of Life/Closed Games)
5) Raise concerns regarding "cronyism" at the top - including the fact that NCsoft's CEO and standing Board Member, Mr. Taek-Jin Kim, has been running the company with his wife, Dr. Song-Yee Yoon, who is also a senior NCsoft executive.
-- Source, Korean Times:
6) Raise awareness of NCsoft's various "scandals" in the past 5 years alone (all under Mr. Kim's leadership)
-- Source, Wikipedia - NCsoft "Controversies" section (as a starting point for further research):
There is MORE than enough concrete proof to point fingers at NCsoft's executive leadership (starting with Mr. Taek-Jin Kim and his wife, Dr. Song-Yee Yoon) and assert that they've made an absolute ****-up of NCsoft's global operations, business models, and shareholder's investments. You can't blame Richard Garriot, Paragon Studios or anyone else for bad management that began with Mr. Taek-Jin Kim and Dr. Yoon.
The IMPORTANT thing to do now is get these talking points out to the media and let them ask the hard questions... One way or another, more negative press like this will affect positive changes with NCsoft's board as well as with it's executive leadership much sooner than later (because what's the alternative? We just stand by, accept defeat and do nothing...? No, we must push on and keep fighting the good fight).
Business is business, after all...
Hmmm, I may well stand (or sit) corrected. Please carry on!
aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).
1) Yes, there has been a decline recently (from a high in October 2011), but then it is also far higher than it was 2 years ago (it is roughly equivalent to its level Jan 2011). Source: Reuters: 5 year view *edit* You actually need to click the 5Y button to get the view up, i forgot about my cookies keeping it in that view
2) One quarter of loss in profits, which they have attributed to a One off labor cost. Strangely enough, their *revenues* via game sales/micro transactions has increased from Q1, although it *is* lower Year on Year (for Q2 2012). Source: Same as yours.
3) Not going to touch this one
4) Yes, they have closed MMO's in the past (or shut down servers for a region...
5) *edit* As this is now fixed I will now comment. Date of article is 2007, mentions his wife in it for all of 2 paragraphs in it. (Article is titled "NCsoft CEO stands at cross roads". It is more about the misfortunes of stock decline, decreasing revenues *at that point in time*). She was already an outside director of the board *before* the marriage.
6) The "Scandels"... if you had read them correctly (or knew more about them) you would have at least picked *just* the RG one.
6:i) Stolen Source Code: Well, this wasnt a controvosy on NCsoft's part. The thieves were convicted of this crime
On Dec. 23, Seoul Central District Court handed down the same sentence pronounced at first instance on the vice development director of Bluehole Studio - Mr. Park who had tried to disclose Lineage 3's business secrets to a famous Japanese game company during his tenure in NCsoft. Specifically, Mr. Park was sentenced to a fixed-term imprisonment of one and a half years with a 2-year suspension of execution, and Mr. Bae was sentenced to an 8-month imprisonment with a 2-year suspension of execution. But Mr. Yo and Mr. Kang were punished more heavily with a fine of 10 million Wons instead of 7 million Wons decided at fist instance. The judge at second instance expressed that Lineage 3 undergoing years of development was a valuable asset possessed by NCsoft, so the verdict of innocence was hard to be rendered. But in view of the defendants' repentance, the 2-year suspension of execution was maintained as well. |
6:ii) the whole incident. Should have read this one properly instead of actually just flinging it out there. I actually followed this when it kicked up because I realised *how* badly it could have affected the MMO world if had won. (long story short: There would have been no MMO's as we understand it, nor multiplayer FPS games as an extension).
Yeah, it was that wide ranging.
*side note* City of Heroes was also cited in that court case.
Source: Google Patent page Massively starting coverage of said lawsuit. NCSoft and settle.
Side note: If *did* manage to beat NCsoft in this one, Blizzard, Linden Labs and pretty much all other MMO companies would have been sued or forced to pay royalties.
The general opinion on the street about it (from professional developers and the like) was "What a load of bull-excrement that it was valid".
6:iii) The RG one, I will let you have. Lots of backstage maneuvers and politics on this one from my point of view anyways.
Thanks Robey. I'm not registered at the Titan Network, and its not something I can do easily over a cell phone during the work day right now but feel free to repost my original action item and supporting post if you think it will help.
Gangrel: Hyperlink for point #5 is now fixed.
Thanks Robey. I'm not registered at the Titan Network, and its not something I can do easily over a cell phone during the work day right now but feel free to repost my original action item and supporting post if you think it will help.
Gangrel: Hyperlink for point #5 is now fixed. |
aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).
And now you may consider this actually done, Rubberlad:
aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).
Thanks Robey!
1) Stock History - NCsoft's stock value has TANKED...
-- Source, Bloomberg Market Snapshot: -- Source, Bloomberg Market History Graph: -- Source, Reuters: |
In comparison EA is down 50% over it's yearly high and down over 75% over 5 years. Activition Blizzard is down over 20% this year and around down 40% over 5 years.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
But still up 320% over 5 years and 150% in the last 3 years. True it's down about 40% from it's all time and yearly high but that's more of the result of a much needed correction from an overenthusiastic run up in price.
In comparison EA is down 50% over it's yearly high and down over 75% over 5 years. Activition Blizzard is down over 20% this year and around down 40% over 5 years. |
Regardless, let the media ask NCsoft why they've dropped 7 titles in 5 years, lost billions of dollars but Mr. Kim and his wife Dr. Yoon still keep making millions of personal dollars while they're on the executive board (even when the company is in the red). That smacks of insider trading (amongst other things) but again let's have the media ask those questions for us...
I'd like to add some small information here: The bad decisions did not begin with TJ Kim. They were omnipresent under Jae Ho Lee. I witnessed how it was to work with the man first hand. It was not pretty. In fact, it was awful. He had no respect for his Western coworkers and made no effort to conceal it.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

NCsoft was in the red last quarter. That fact alone is enough to cripple the stock price and the company no matter how well the stock performed in years past. It's worth researching prior IR reports to see if NCsoft was also in the red when it cancelled the other 6 titles prior to canceling CoH this year.
- Auto Assault: NCsoft were profitable through all of 2007
- Dungeon runners: NCsoft were profitable all through 2009
- Dragonica: Still up and running at least in the western market (Dragonica for EU, Dragon Saga for US). You are correct in that NCsoft closed down their Korean server for it, but it is back up under Gravity Corporation. Make of that what you will.
- Exteel: NCsoft were profitable all though 2010
- Point Blank: NCsoft closed the Korean server for it (the region they held the license for). Once again, NCsoft were profitable all through 2011 (although it was an up and down year for them).
- Tabula Rasa: NCsoft were profitable through all of 2008 (actually more so at the end of the year, than the previous 2 quarters).
Regardless, let the media ask NCsoft why they've dropped 7 titles in 5 years, lost billions of dollars but Mr. Kim and his wife Dr. Yoon still keep making millions of personal dollars while they're on the executive board (even when the company is in the red). That smacks of insider trading (amongst other things) but again let's have the media ask those questions for us... |
Can you please site your sources for this.
In *every single quarter* from at least 2007 up till Q1 of 2012, they have made a profit.
So, how can they *lose* billions of dollars?
I'd like to add some small information here: The bad decisions did not begin with TJ Kim. They were omnipresent under Jae Ho Lee. I witnessed how it was to work with the man first hand. It was not pretty. In fact, it was awful. He had no respect for his Western coworkers and made no effort to conceal it.
Ok, going from just the Q4 PDF of each year. I am using the same sources as some people (not necessarily you, but others) have used as an argument for how the loss of $7million (ish) for Q2.
They lost *billions of dollars*? Can you please site your sources for this. In *every single quarter* from at least 2007 up till Q1 of 2012, they have made a profit. So, how can they *lose* billions of dollars? |
It's really unsporting of you to bring actual facts into a rant thread...
Heh. |
Yeah, i know, shall i get back into the corner and let the squabbling continue until it hits a point of "he said/She said", finger and hair pulling?
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

It's really unsporting of you to bring actual facts into a rant thread...
Heh. |
Weeeeeeeel, he did kinda ask for them to be posted...
Yeah, i know, shall i get back into the corner and let the squabbling continue until it hits a point of "he said/She said", finger and hair pulling? |
Ok, going from just the Q4 PDF of each year. I am using the same sources as some people (not necessarily you, but others) have used as an argument for how the loss of $7million (ish) for Q2.
They lost *billions of dollars*? Can you please site your sources for this. In *every single quarter* from at least 2007 up till Q1 of 2012, they have made a profit. So, how can they *lose* billions of dollars? |
Speaking of which, both of you have gone out of your way to spew frothy negativity in defense of NCsoft across various threads... Are you being paid to do so or do you answer to NCsoft directly?
Speaking of which, both of you have gone out of your way to spew frothy negativity in defense of NCsoft across various threads... Are you being paid to do so or do you answer to NCsoft directly?

Speaking of which, both of you have gone out of your way to spew frothy negativity in defense of NCsoft across various threads... Are you being paid to do so or do you answer to NCsoft directly?
(I mean, as long as you're making stupid **** up, I might as well be rich).
And I'm not spouting frothing negativity. You've cornered the market on that. What I'm doing is called 'being rational'.
You want a call to action? Here's your call to action:
Start sending emails to NCsoft's shareholders (including Nexon), to the media (including the Wall Street Journal), and to anyone else in Korea that will listen. List out the names of the NCsoft executives that are jeopardizing the company's ability to be profitable - and make it very clear that these individuals singlehandedly SANK NCsoft's profits and put the company's bottom line at risk BEFORE they pulled the plug on a profitable game like City of Heroes -- thereby making an already bad situation even worse. To leave the current executive leadership in charge means further jeopardizing the shareholder's investments and the company's ability to remain profitable. GET RID OF THEM!
Make your letters short, sweet and to the point! Not sure who to name? Look here:
It's time to stop talking to BAD MANAGEMENT that's struggling to save face and start talking to the other players in the industry who can implement *positive* changes to remove bad management... Maybe then we'll get someone at the top who will listen and reconsider our stance on City of Heroes and Paragon Studios. We CANNOT be nice anymore! So let's take some names and demand their removal...
Sun Tzu wouldn't expect anything less and neither should we!