226 -
Quote:Awesome! Thanks for posting about this, i'll check it out!Did anyone notice the building with the arboretum in Atlas Park?
My friend @Malohin just noticed it last week.
Look for a domed building in AP, with glass panels in the dome. You can see in, there's trees and tables and chairs. Looks like a lovely spot.
Look on the bottom of the building for the stairs icon on a door. Click that, and *poof* you're in that arboretum.
You can see out the glass, and are entirely enclosed. It's very cool and has been there in AP since it got the refresh. -
I'd like to be in the same room with Mr. Kim just after the servers are shut off but while City of Heroes is still in range and cast HOWLING TWILIGHT.
(Hey! Who said anything about realistic?! This is my revenge fantasy!) -
My take on it is that this "old" game of 8+ years could be presented as a "classic" without too much efffort. Not only is there the longevity of the game and devoted players, but part of the appeal for some of us is pure nostalgia. CoH is enjoyed by children (let's admit it, under the recommended age of 13 for PG-Teen), their parents, and even their grandparents. It appeals to the responsible adult who has many demands on her/his time by requiring little grinding or daily log-ins; i.e. casual play works just fine. It's elaborate enough to keep most of us interested and playing, yet easy enough to learn that grandparents and gradeschool kids can play and enjoy it--and that's especially true for those who simply enjoy designing costumes with a superhero theme. (CoH *is* my fave coloring book!)
Yes, player numbers have fluctuated over the years, and if what I read on these forums is correct, with ever declining numbers. HOWEVER, there are new players all the time (I started with Issue 15) and some love it and stay.
There have been discussions here about marketing and advertising (or lack thereof) and speculated consequences. IF a company such as Disney were to take City of Heroes under its umbrella, who can predict the extent to which this might be marketed and "branded"? (and, no, I don't mean with a branding iron.) I can imagine some pretty snazzy marketing coming out of formerly Paragon working with Disney. Per NCSoft, CoH seems to appeal most strongly to NA and EU markets, markets Disney has always had an interest in.
Those of us who grew up with comicbooks and retained affection for them in adulthood and especially those who imagined their own superheroes find City of Heroes especially appealing.
An in other markets, "niche" may well be the way to go in MMORPG's to successfully compete for market share. Making it cost effective is the purview of the publisher. Does EverQuest I for instance have similar player numbers?
[total aside: much of what I've said here is because I'm mentally drafting the letters I'll be writing to Disney in support of Team Wildcard's efforts.] -
I'd like to suggest a second name for your MinMaxing Cost Efficient super hero. While he needs at least one costume that is business attire befitting a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or certified public accountant, the character needs style, panache! Given you treated us to a brogue while wearing golden boxing gloves and (in retrospect) highly appropos Mickey Mouse ears, if you make the character French, he could be Le Roi de R.O.I. (Some might quibble this should be Return on Event or R.O.E.) I don't know the French language so apologies if I have an incorrect article.
Additionally, whatever AT and powersets you decide on, I think his Origin must be Natural, unless you prefer to go with something like him getting radioactive ink in his bloodstream from an accidental papercut.
The concept of Efficiency seems the best fit for idea. Hoping to win a smile, and best wishes for an excellent day!
Quote:My two cents. Call him Cost Effective Man! His F10 Battle Cry is "Doing the MOST Good for the LEAST Effort!" Given the power and use of money, I think he has to be either a Controller or a Dominator. Hence, I'd propose Ice Control (Freeze their ASSets!) with either Trick Arrow, Thorny Assault, or Time Manipulation.
Thanks for letting me play, Black Pebble. I hope I win a smile! -
Quote:My two cents. Call him Cost Effective Man! His F10 Battle Cry is "Doing the MOST Good for the LEAST Effort!" Given the power and use of money, I think he has to be either a Controller or a Dominator. Hence, I'd propose Ice Control (Freeze their ASSets!) with either Trick Arrow, Thorny Assault, or Time Manipulation.There's a concept character I always wanted to make, and I figure this is the week for it. I know the theme, but I don't have a name or costume. So could you guys help me out with that?
[INSERT NAME HERE], The Fiscally Responsible Hero!
Our hero has a massive spreadsheet at home that he uses to calculate just how economical each act of heroism is, so he can figure out the Return on Investment.
- Someone just stole a purse from grandma.....but it's 2 miles down the road. How much gas and time would it take to retrieve the purse, especially when there's a car crash a mile in the other direction?
- Villain wants you to give yourself up in exchange for hostages? Well let's do the math and figure out the potential future earnings of all of the hostages and compare that to the money that's saved by the Hero stopping disasters.
- Are the Skulls rioting in Steel Canyon? Well what if the Hero has a job interview with the Freedom Phalanx instead at the exact same time? He might be able to save more lives if he gets in.
In every situation, our Hero pops out his handy-dandy Smartphone and runs through the numbers so that he can be heroic AND fiscally responsible. This guy isn't about getting endorsement or self-promotion, he just wants to save the most number of people with finite resources. And he never leaves home without finishing at least one financial forecast.
But what would we call him?
And what would he look like?
Help me COH Players, you're my only hope....
I'm looking for:
Power Set/AT:
If any of you are up for it, I'd also love to see
Screenshot of the Costume:
You have until 5:00PM PST on Thursday, November 29th. Winner gets.....something. Probably a smile from me.
Thanks for letting me play, Black Pebble. I hope I win a smile! -
I am so glad to see Team Wildcard's idea here on these forums. I heard about it today on in-game chat, then read thru the (then) nine pages of posts at Titan Network, which addresses a number of topics likely to resonate with readers here. I strongly recommend reviewing the OP on Titan and that thread. I also want to thank Mercedes Lackey and 3 other "titans" who along with "two senior members of former Paragon Studios" who helped put Wildcard's presentation pitch together for Disney. Now it's up to us to support it.
A slender hope is better than none; and if (former) Paragon Studios is backing this idea (my interpretation) then it must be among the better ideas currently on the table for saving CoH/V/GR.
We know what happens if we do nothing. This effort costs one a bit of time, thought, postage, and paper & ink costs. Let's show Disney and any other prospective purchasers that the fans are loyally committed to City of Heroes.
Disney is a bigger fish than NCSoft. If we can get Disney interested, they've leverage far beyond what we can manage. Hoping we can persuade Disney that it's Win-Win if they acquire "City of" and rebuild Paragon Studios. Your letters and postcards can help demonstrate that this would be a worthwhile endeavor for them.
You post on these forums, you have friends, get writing. Please!
Refernce link: http://www.cohtitan.com/forum/index....im2o2q226hoet5 -
I applaud what you've written here (and frankly I'm surprised it hasn't gotten more comments.) If the current "TF Hail Mary" plan from the good guys at Titan Network, see thread: http://www.cohtitan.com/forum/index....im2o2q226hoet5 is going to work it will take a LOT of us writing in support. I recommend at least skimming if not closely reading the entire thread, as many points are discussed. We fans can make a difference, especially if we give some thought to how we present ourselves.
I'm one of those holding hope but not holding an expectation, merely hoping and working towards a desired outcome. If you feel positive enough about City of Heroes, I urge you to write and mail letters as Mercedes Lackey and Team Wildcard recommend. Happy gaming! -
Thank you for starting this Thread, Scarlet Shocker. I felt inspired to write about this today, after having spent the past 24 hours playing virtually non-stop this last weekend of "City of... " for the foreseeable future.
Fave Things
1. Create your superhero character whose look(s) isn't tied to gear, with multiple costume slots. Every option the devs gave us only made it better, imo.
2. Heroics/Villainy/In-between with drama and tension but also often lots of humor.
3. Easy to learn the basics of play while still engaging after nearly daily play for years.
4. Able to play solo yet also easy to teamup.
What made City of Heroes special to me were the following: 1. the game. It was fun. Nope, not bored yet - I still enjoy playing. 2. at another level, I saw people take great pleasure in creating characters, costumes and bases analogous to the loving details hobbyists put into models (railroads, cars, etc.) A certain SGmate and grandfather comes to mind. While I enjoyed my own creativity, I marveled at what others came up with. 3. This community, the in-game community, who were often quite generous not merely with INF, but also time, in helping new CoX players (rather than disdaining or worse hunting them); some of you have been truly heroic (even on your red toons). Many have been inspiring. Most have been a pleasure to game with, whether it was a one time PUG or a SG/VG where we teamed often. 4. It may seem cheesy or even vain, but I really liked the use of cutscenes in SSA2, Pandora's Box, where one's character is shown alongside the Freedom Phalanx. 5. I liked so many of the non-player characters, arcs, and our virtual environment landscapes.
The camaraderie will be what I miss most, even as I love all sorts of things about City of Heroes.
Thank you, players, and thank you, Developers. Hats off, one and all! -
Quote:Short answer: Yes. Longer answer: It depends on the final product. That said, I liked the initial discussions and how things were organized by the fans working on Plan Z at Titan Network. (Since I'm now focused on playing CoX until the end, I've cut back on reading all forums.) Barring getting CoX back intact, I'd at least be very interested in trying a Plan Z MMORPG.My question to everyone is: in the event CoH can't be saved, can and will you get behind a spiritual successor/new super hero MMO?
If so, use this thread to send a message to whoever might be listening that is considering such an undertaking that a spiritual successor to CoH is something you want to happen.. -
Quote:LOL, I wish I'd known about this "exploit" as it would have fit at least a couple of SG/VG groups as well as being very practical for vigilantes and rogues. Too bad it was against game policy, since I think it would have been nifty for this to have been permitted by game design.When Issue 18 brought us side switching, it was possible for a while to coalition Hero and Villain SGs together.
You needed someone with SG permission to form coalitions to switch sides. Once on the other side, they could form a coalition with an SG from that side.
While this was eventually fixed so you could no longer form new coalitions (I think it took until around I20 or so), oddly there was apparently no simple way for the devs to data mine for cross-faction coalitions such that they could break all such coalitions automatically. It took someone reporting the coalition, or some other way for a CS rep or what have you to notice it, and then it would be dissolved on a case-by case basis.
My Hero and Villain SGs have been in a coalition this whole time. They have basically been personal SGs for a long time now, and I was simply very cautious about who I told about their being in a coalition together. Most people didn't seem to know it was ever possible.
About all its good for is to make travel convenient between sides. Only Rogues and Vigilantes can take full advantage of it. You just hit the local SG portal, go in the other side's base and use their teleporters. It's been convenient for me for some time now getting my Rogues to the regular Hero-side Hamidon raids on Justice.
You can use it to get into Ouroboros Echo zones with Rogues.
If you try to send a full Villain to a Hero zone or vice versa, it won't work, barring degrees of exploit I'm not familiar with. You briefly appear in the target zone, then are teleported to Mercy (for Villains) or Atlas (for Heroes).
The coalition has one other good use, though: it grants a pretty high degree of access to Ouroboros missions from the other side for rogues and vigilantes. If you want to take a Rogue on a Hero arc, for example, you get them on a team together with the Hero in charge and go into the Hero base. The Hero starts the arc, and the villain can run it. There are a few oddities that were introduced in I20 that sometimes get your "grey" character kicked if they try to zone to a co-op area, but otherwise it works out great. (This bug actually affects grey-aligned characters on some normal TFs - a Rogue will get kicked off of a Kahn if they zone to a coop area or into a SG base.) -
Quote:AWESOME!! I had no idea that could be done! Thank you for the write up, the transcript and the screenies!Okay - this is a follow up all the way back to page three of this thread, where Satanic Hamster mentioned that Hamidon in the LGTF could be wormholed.
Well tonight, I just did it.
Kara Skye, my Grav/Kin controller Wormholed the nucleus of the Hamidon completely out of the goo, up the crater wall, to the top of the cliff, and all the way to the Helicopter! (Nothing but net!) Actually placing the last Wormhole spot IN the Helicopter. Then wormholed him BACK down the waterfall to the crater floor where we finally took him out. A truly epic finale. -
I echo just about everything you have said, but especially what I've excerpted to quote below (bold and italics emphasis mine). The in-game community was heroic and generous (with rare exceptions). Thank you, players, for making my time in City of Heroes what it was.
Quote:There will never be another City of Heroes. Never another game that just feels so right to me.
But ... I will play other games. I have found much to enjoy in Champions Online. I have taken a fresh look at DC Online, and even WOW. And there may yet be something that comes out in the next year or two that proves to be a blast as well.
And I will try to take what made City of Heroes special to me with me. We have all read comments from so many people on how special our community is, how helpful it is. Those of us who are moving onto other games have a responsibility to carry on the best part of what made City great to the other games that we play.
Be a helpful player. Be fair. Be kind. Be the kind of player that makes other communities say, "Man, that game must have been something ..."
Eight years, and I'm still not ready. -
I liked your video as well as this thread, for like some I came to enjoy my blaster characters "the best" (i.e. much of the time when not longing to play another fave character of a different archetype.) LOL, that the blaster would be the "ultimate" amuses me greatly since plenty of multi-year veteran players all but sneered at the "squishy" AT's, but especially the blaster. I felt vindicated even prior to Incarnate in coming up with a blaster design that held up and compared to well designed brutes and scrappers. Had a blast (pardon the pun) doing All-Blaster TF's!
I am very much enjoying reading your story, Arcanaville. Thank you for writing and sharing it.
Quote:CoH may have been the first venue (place) where you felt this way but I suspect it won't be the last!I had friends, respect, a world I felt at home in. I don't know how to say goodbye.
Best of Luck to you, heroic GreatRock! Remember to stay SUPER (in-game and out)!
Happy Thanksgiving! Checking the forums before logging back in to play CoH.
Great pics and a great plot!! ROFL!! Well done!
Quote:Anyone that doesnt want to see a classic game like this go out, we must all bare(SIC) together and show them we all still want the game!! As of effectively right now, EVERYONE ON THE FORUM POST links to the city of heroes website on facebook and other major communication sources!!!!
WE MUST SAVE THE GAME!!!!! we can save the game..
I agree with Chad; many of us have been working to save City of Heroes. Efforts continue at Titan: http://www.cohtitan.com/forum/index....ard,134.0.html If there are other initiatives, I for one would like to know about them. Here's hoping NCSoft sells the IP and rights to CoH soon after 12/1 and our characters can continue (whether likely or not, it's my hope.) -
Best wishes to you! While it is saddening to lose CoH, I'm still online and gamng some each day until the very end -- and after that will maintain some glimmer of hope that CoH is brought back in the months to follow. I enjoyed designing and playing my characters, building bases, enjoyed most of the teams I was on, and became friends with some sgmates outside CoH. Nope, I have no regrets about playing CoH. It was epic fun! Take care,
John -
Which character was fave would vary based on mood and what i was into and especially if I was teaming up. That said, while I love my triple dark def (1st 50) and found a controller I really liked (gravity/RE/Forces tho Fire/Kin looked really effective but there were tons of them), the single character I loved most was likely my energy/mental manip/ele mastery blaster (even if my upstart water blaster is now surpassing him in survivability.) Note my icon here is a pic a friend took of Aleksander wearing a JingleJet (just cause it looks pretty)
His build is here: http://www.cohplanner.com/mids/downl...93CCFF959BDAB1 -
Quote:If NCSoft said they were gonna continue CoH, I'd very strongly consider (read: most likely would) staying to play CoH. I'd also very badly want the dev team back. So the short answer is Yes.OK, so NCSoft treated this community as secondary to the MMO, and the MMO as so much Software just to be swept aside. No real attempt made to release the IP Rights so that the Game could continue with another Company.
The Game is still scheduled to be shut down and we all feel that pain. Also, NCSoft Stock has been in decline.
As City of Heroes/Villains made Profits for the other Games...
If NCSoft decided, for whatever reason, to turn Payments back on and Keep the Game...
Would You Stay?
The White Comet - Pinnacle Server -
It's not secret or out of the way, but I enjoyed Night Ward and its arcs for pretty newly decorated maps. Cimerora might be my fave place for simply pretty, though Ouroboros and many other zones are equally lovely. Additionally, a number of the player bases I got to see were really well thought out and beautifully put together by their owners.
Natural was probably the origin I took least, and usually went with what fit the character concept best. The Martial Arts/Super Reflexes scrapper was natural, but the strangest Natural I made was a Gravity/Storm controller simply because I wanted the knife throwing temp power for him; since he wasn't from another planet or dimension I've no idea how that could be "natural" but I never worried about it and just enjoyed the character.
Wish list for Mr. Miller or other MMO designer. Create a PvP option that turns off all enhancements including set bonuses, so it's only character level/AT/powers, player skill, and luck of the game system dice to determine the outcome. (If memory serves this option and others exist only when doing arcs via Ouroboros Flashback not in the Arena.)