Blasters: The Ultimate Archetype!
Nice vid . I remember numerous posts of you debating endlessy in the blaster threads about stuff...w e all did but I never kept track of everything it's all a blur lol. What are you proving again?

Meh, that's ok but build discussions at this point are pointless.
Meh, that's ok but build discussions at this point are pointless.
Build discussions are one of my favorite things about COH! I plan to milk the existence of the game for as long as I can.

Also Todd, to better answer your question- One of the prominent lines of Anti-THB Rhetoric in the past was that all my Blasters could do is farm AE. I pointed out that my Blaster builds are just as awesome in regular content, though they happen to be good at farming too. 54x8 Malta was a claim I made forever ago and there were tons of naysayers who didn't think I could handle it on a Blaster. Well, tada!
Build discussions are one of my favorite things about COH! I plan to milk the existence of the game for as long as I can.
![]() Also Todd, to better answer your question- One of the prominent lines of Anti-THB Rhetoric in the past was that all my Blasters could do is farm AE. I pointed out that my Blaster builds are just as awesome in regular content, though they happen to be good at farming too. 54x8 Malta was a claim I made forever ago and there were tons of naysayers who didn't think I could handle it on a Blaster. Well, tada! |
I kind consider /Mental Manip an edge case much like a Plant/Fire/Fire Dom.

Nice! Just makes me wonder if my Fire/nrg can handle this too, didn't watch the whole video though, did/do you use barrier?
If not, which destiny and other incarnates are you using atm?
In the end, while videos like this are certainly good for chest-thumping, they prove nothing.
The real problem with blasters (and this was missed by a lot of anti-blaster posters too) is not that they they can't solo well, or don't do enough damage, or aren't tough enough... it's that other ATs can come close to their strengths while far outstripping them in their weaknesses.
But truth is subtle and unpleasant and rarely makes a strong rhetorical point.
In the end, while videos like this are certainly good for chest-thumping, they prove nothing.
The real problem with blasters (and this was missed by a lot of anti-blaster posters too) is not that they they can't solo well, or don't do enough damage, or aren't tough enough... it's that other ATs can come close to their strengths while far outstripping them in their weaknesses. But truth is subtle and unpleasant and rarely makes a strong rhetorical point. |
How many builds are capable of farming and power leveling at high end speeds, soloing some of the toughest enemy groups in the game on maximum settings (see video evidence,) competing in high end Pylon DPS standings up until the bitter end,soloing Giant Monsters without temps or inspirations, and tanking and soloing Incarnate Trial spawns (absorbing alpha strikes comfortably at the very least) with ease?
I submit to you, only ONE Archetype is capable of "all of the above." It is, at its currently defined epitome, the Archery/Mental/Mu Blaster. In and after i24, however, it would be the Fire/Mental/Mu Blaster.
Blasters, for all of their deficiencies and grievances, for all their percieved flaws and design atrocities... Blasters, after a tangent and a war on the fundamental principle of their existence in the first place in many cases, still reign supreme.
Is a God Mode Blaster as simple to comprehend and control as a SS/Fire Brute? No, absolutely not. I have a purpled out, high end SS/Fire/Soul Brute, and a TW/FA/Soul Scrapper to go with it. Both are the result of innumerable stacks of billions of influence into ideal builds, the best conceivable well rounded constructs for the given easy mode archetypes at the height of their performance. And still, they do not measure up to my Blaster's potential.
No, as a player who had the best of the best of everything in terms of character performance, I can tell you that COH will die with a simple truth. That Blasters, against all odds, predefined notions of insufficiency and convolution- Blasters, against all the hurdles that we, as a community chose to place before them, are in the end the ultimate Archetype.
For which other Archectype can beat the game by itself?
Ponder that question for a minute.
If you've reached the threshold of success in this game, as many of us have, you dual wield a SS/Fire Brute and an Ill/Rad Controller.
Between the two of these invested in, purpled and incarnated characters, there is no individual task which you cannot achieve all by yourself.
Well, the optimized and well planned and executed /Mental Blaster bests the end results of both, if you're looking at "can perform x task, cannot perform y task."
The Blaster can do all of the above, and at not only "jack of all trades, automatic middle ground" rates. The Blaster can compete with the best results on all fronts.
It's such a shame that the ultimate Archetype was consistently bogged down by an inability to play it, and a lack of willingness to invest in its potential. Blasters themselves are not to blame for your lack of infamy or ingenuity.
A fire/mental blaster doing well on beta would tend to confirm the problem with blasters, in my mind.
Fortunately, I hear a lot of other blaster power sets do great on beta, too.
I liked your video as well as this thread, for like some I came to enjoy my blaster characters "the best" (i.e. much of the time when not longing to play another fave character of a different archetype.) LOL, that the blaster would be the "ultimate" amuses me greatly since plenty of multi-year veteran players all but sneered at the "squishy" AT's, but especially the blaster. I felt vindicated even prior to Incarnate in coming up with a blaster design that held up and compared to well designed brutes and scrappers. Had a blast (pardon the pun) doing All-Blaster TF's!
aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).
A sort of followup to my previous Blaster tangents, but with video evidence! I feel like saying "I told you so," but I guess it's not appropriate given the circumstances.
I had some technical limitations for my video recording capabilities in the past, and to be fair, this is on the Beta server with my Fire/Ment. But I can do it on live too (albeit at a slower pace.)
I'll be updating the OP with a farming video and a GM soloing video as I get around to making them.
C'mon enraged discussion! You guys better have one more in you.