If Matt Miller makes another MMO wishlist
similar IO system.
better costume customization.
There were too many junk uncommon sets. Too many Taunt, Confuse, etc.
As much as CO is becoming a bit of a grind (the costumes are great, most of the content is fun but the Adventure packs are infernal to fantastic) I love what it does with face sliders and so on. Also, its IO sytem is nice...you get a piece of gear and apply upgrades to it as you go. Not bad.
Think I'm off to Star Wars next though.
I'll really miss this game. Logged in the other daya nd we blitzed States TF, LGTF, LRSF in about 13 minutes each. If we could ignroe cutscnese might well have been 10 minutes. That's awesome.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
I'd definitely check out Positron's game if he developed one. Things I'd like to see?
1) Better power customization, things like:
- customizable name for each power
- customizable thematic origin for each power rather than powerset (magic, technology, mutant, science, natural, etc)
- customizable weapon (blades, guns, staffs, fists, palms, eyebeams, blueberry pies, ect)
- customizable type of projectile (bullet, bolt, blast, ray, etc)
- customizable damage type (electric, fire, psychic, etc)
- customizable animation style (brutish, professional, stylish, flamboyant, etc)
- Customizable pets if there's a Mastermind AT
- Minimal FX option for all defensive, shapeshifting or buff powers
2) Better PC customization and development, things like:
- two costumes at character creation (civilian clothes and hero uniform)
- two names at character creation (civilian name and hero name)
- character origin having a visual impact on the GUI (tech heroes could have a steampunk-looking GUI, for example)
- a personal apartment and vehicle (even if it's just a car or airship that can't get out of the garage)
- Closer involvement of the PCs in the meta-plot (like the missions designed post Freedom or even like SWTOR)
- more recurring NPCs that remember their previous involvement with the PCs
Just to clarify, It doesn't HAVE to be a Super hero game, Though that's the most likely thing to happen.
If you were to make it any genre with city of heroes sort of abilities, Besides Supers, how would you handle it?
The two things that mean most to me are:
(1) Character design is a matter of concept and creativity, not gear. If I get a good drop and want to use it, it shouldn't change how my character looks. (This does only really count with a good character designer, but that's a feature that can always improve, gear not influencing appearance is a design principle.)
(2) The ability when I log in to play solo, smallish teams, and large raid type content and make progress in each. The play style should be a matter of choice, any time the designers are thinking "we have to incentivize this playstyle so people will play it", they should think "what's wrong with the experience that we need to incentivize it". (Arguably, the solo incarnate path is a violation of this.)
My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout
Just to clarify, It doesn't HAVE to be a Super hero game, Though that's the most likely thing to happen.
If you were to make it any genre with city of heroes sort of abilities, Besides Supers, how would you handle it? |
You could do something cool in the spy genre, different gear and training letting you do different things.
Or a sf genre, different alien races or different psionic/tech powers could provide a wide choice.
I would want a similar enhancement system/IO system; that is the one thing that keeps me from playing other games.
I'd also simplify things a bit. Maybe combine defense buff and debuff into one. Or maybe combine by area. One enhancement type for protection (defense + damage resistance). One for control (Hold, sleep, confuse, taunt). One for debuff (toHit Debuff, Defense Debuff, slow). And all travel enhancements become universal ones - run speed, fly speed, jump distance/speed, teleportation range.
My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout
Only two? *stares and stares at personal requirements for an MMO game*
If I could only pick two, the absolute requirements would be:
1) Unassisted flight. No mounts, no artificial time/cost limits, no pre-scripted paths. Keep flight just as Fly is in CoH.
2) Avatar design not dependant on equipment/powers. One of the reasons CoH was so powerful was because the avatar could crafted into an epic conceptualized from the start.
If I could pick three, the other would be:
3) Casual-friendly playstyle. Can log in for 15 minutes and still complete content in one session.
I have some more points for an MMO wishlist, but they are variations of those three.
First thing for me would be no gear. I hate having to worry about any type of gear more than what we had here.
Second, I would want heroes and villains all together in the zones. No more red or blue specific zones, as it pretty much doubles the effort to add new zones/content.
I could go on and on, but the last thing i'll add is fresher combat. Doesn't have to be anything ground breaking, but should flow a little better, if that makes any sense.
'Looting' - City did it right. I don't want to have to Stop the adventure, so I can skin a critter or pry a chunk of gear off some device. If I'm due a reward, then give it to me now. In fact, I don't want to have to negotiate who gets what, while there are still enemies to defeat.
If I am fighting something that carries a 'resource' let me Select whether I want to auto-loot that resource, or not, but Don't make me STOP!
Be Well!
That's easy:
1 - Can be any genre, but not fantasy. Preferably a contemporary / "near future" setting, or full on sci-fi.
2 - Look of the character has no effect whatsoever on its abilities. I don't mind gear based per se, but would prefer a mechanism where the gear didn't govern the look of the character.
@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"
That's easy:
1 - Can be any genre, but not fantasy. Preferably a contemporary / "near future" setting, or full on sci-fi. 2 - Look of the character has no effect whatsoever on its abilities. I don't mind gear based per se, but would prefer a mechanism where the gear didn't govern the look of the character. |
Don't care
What I value most in any business is honesty and reliability CoH never had either.
In addition the Titan Crew have already failed the test before they even get going.
Quote: Originally Posted by Golden Girl I don't have any official role with the Titan Klan - I just help sew their hoods. http://www.cohtitan.com/forum/index....ic,5757.0.html Quote:
Perhaps you should lodge your complaints with the Titan network over at their forum, this is the CoH site.
Perhaps you should lodge your complaints with the Titan network over at their forum, this is the CoH site.
Personally if I were to get behind or otherwise help, lookforward to or pre purchase, I would want to see people whose great skill was producing the item, not the manufacture of excuses.
It isn't a complaint it is an observation. It ties in with the observation that for the past 8 years the greatest skill they have exhibited anywhere has been making excuses about why things haven't been done.
Personally if I were to get behind or otherwise help, lookforward to or pre purchase, I would want to see people whose great skill was producing the item, not the manufacture of excuses. |
My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout
-Female Player-
I was tempted to post here originally before I started my own similar thread, but this OP implies assumptions about Matt Miller's game design philosophy that we don't have any way of knowing right now. Just because COH game mechanics worked a certain way doesn't mean Matt Miller would bring them all over as is.
For all we know, if given a chance, he might design a game closer to CO or TSW than to COH. Maybe his philosophy can be inferred by bits and pieces of information over the years, but we all know that minds change over time and until I see a comprehensive treatise by Matt Miller, I'll reserve judgement (my many sincere apologies and crow eating if this exists somewhere, my google-fu is weak/lazy). We know they were working on a new game that was supposed to deal with some of the limitations of the current COH engine, but because of the secretive nature of the project we don't know what those perceived limitations are, much less what their perceived remedies are. Nor am I certain how much influence he had over the project, though some might reasonably guess he had a lot.
EDIT: Odd that he has a website purporting to talk about his thoughts on MMO Game Design, yet there is very little of that type of discourse.
1 - Character customization is king. What I look like should not influence what I can do. No gating of 'leet' looks behind arbitrary 'you're not tall enough' gates - No Ascension armor only being for Incarnates. Being awesome in street clothes should be just as valid as being awesome in superhero tights or mech armor.
2 - No holy trinity required. Want to run a team composed entirely of melee dps? Go for it. All crowd control? Rawr.
I can put together a team composed of almost anything and be successful in this game - I don't have to wait for a healer before my team can go and stomp faces.
Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."
It isn't a complaint it is an observation. It ties in with the observation that for the past 8 years the greatest skill they have exhibited anywhere has been making excuses about why things haven't been done.
Personally if I were to get behind or otherwise help, lookforward to or pre purchase, I would want to see people whose great skill was producing the item, not the manufacture of excuses. |
Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.
Let's assume he makes it as the head cheese by some miracle again in this hypothetical little post. Post your most wanteds/quote someone who beat you to it. Only pick 2.
Coh's artstyle is a major one for me.