
PvP Bootcamp Mentor
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  1. Neuronia


    Originally Posted by Fire Man View Post
    Speaking of Invulnerability,

    It wasn't until fairly late into CoH that I found Invulnerability worthwhile for a Scrapper, and wow was it really worthwhile. After the last update the power set got, I was able to do some amazing things with a DM/Inv build. It is by far my most favorite build combination ever. Incarnate abilities just made it even more awesome.

    I had a build I really liked, a character with the story and looks that I liked, and a great community to play it with.

    Had a sof-capped MA/Invuln Scrap I was starting to love...
  2. Neuronia


    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    No one did.
    Loled hard, good one Golden Girl.

    Yeah, Scrappers rocked pretty hard. Going to miss my Kat/Regen something fierce...
  3. I'll pass on the I13 mentions.

    The Devs had ADD. One minute it's The Rikti War Zone, then it's Cimerora, now it's AE, now it's Dark Astoria, now it's Sig Arcs...there were just too many threads left hanging that should have been tied together, or at least cut.

    Also, the Incarnate System made any 45-50 TF an absolute laugher. 13-18 minute RSFs, LGTFs, STFs, 10 minute ITFs...those powers should have been toned down for normal content or at least been disabled for Master runs.

    Incarnate Solo path was crap. Yeah, you could get enough threads to unlock and slot your Common slot, but good luck getting a Rare slot or even an Uncommon done. On top of that, Hybrid was tied to one trial instead of the whole DA zone...meh.

    It was a nice game, was fun but the Devs had new shiny syndrome to deal with from both players and within.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
    similar IO system.

    better costume customization.
    There were too many junk uncommon sets. Too many Taunt, Confuse, etc.

    As much as CO is becoming a bit of a grind (the costumes are great, most of the content is fun but the Adventure packs are infernal to fantastic) I love what it does with face sliders and so on. Also, its IO sytem is get a piece of gear and apply upgrades to it as you go. Not bad.

    Think I'm off to Star Wars next though.

    I'll really miss this game. Logged in the other daya nd we blitzed States TF, LGTF, LRSF in about 13 minutes each. If we could ignroe cutscnese might well have been 10 minutes. That's awesome.
  5. Winning a PvP ladder with my team, dUmb. WE got 2nd/3rd in a few but we never got the top spot.

    Still the most fun PvP MMO I've ever seen and easily the only reason I am still logging in.
  6. Neuronia

    An Update

    Thanks for the update GOlden_Girl.
  7. Secret World and my PCs did not agree, so I re-installed CO at the urging of @Shotty Mario...

    The Good:

    I was able to claim my global (@Neuronia) and name (Neuronia) and make a reasonable facsimile of my Mind Control (Telekinetic Blast/Assault) and Forcefield (Force) Controller, the costume is very nice too.

    I love the textures, eye/face options, single/both leg options and so on. They add a lot of customization room.

    The city looks like a city...Chinatown looks like Somerset St. over here, minus the ninjas and so on, of course. It really looks comic booky, which I love.

    Lots of flexibility in character advancement and so on.

    The Bad:

    The map takes a while to get used to. Having been used to BIG GLOWING WAYPOINT, it took a lot of squinting to find the small (1) (2) (3) on the map, but I got used to it.

    Lots of currencies...I thought City had gotten bad for this but boy, Police currency, local currency, global currency, sheesh!

    Not a lot of grouping so far but I've joined some Alert teams and those have been really fun!

    The Ugly:

    Clipping when flying, haven't figured out how to look "frontal" (Page/Up, Page/Down weren't doing it).

    Too many puns. Far, far too many puns. I like puns too but...yikes.

    Level speed seems slower than CoH, where I would be 20 in no time while here I'm 15 after a few hours of play.

    Overall I am quite enjoing Champions Online. It's much better than CoH in some respects (you "unlock" contacts by passing nearby, citizens offer you short missions, Alerts offer constant teaming) and a little unpolished in others (no skipping Tutorial looks like...) but so far having a great time. Already subbed for an additional month, no plans in stopping anytime soon.
  8. WoW is a world of its own. That being said, friend that plays WoW told me they made a Kung-Fu Panda raid that needs 40 people because it has over a hundred million hit points...yeah. It's great that they have millions of monkeys pressing 12345 but when you're reaching the point of self-parody, might be time to take a step back and look at the game and see where it needs to go.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Speculator View Post
    I was on Infinity last night around midnight PDT. Only myself and one other person was logged in at that time. Most people have moved on to something else.
    To be fair, that's 3 AM Eastern...not a lot on at that time anywhere.
    Was on Infinity last night and managed an ITF around 8 pm, then some randome pug teaming in Peregrine Island.

    People are leaving but it's still somewhat populated.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reiraku View Post
    I would. If the modified it so that things like TFs could be started solo and kept everything else the same as now, I'd likely never stop.
    This, if the emulator allowed me and a friend to start TFs then hellz yeah.
  11. No thanks, I tried it and got to level 20 or so and the only group I ever found was someone that needed to rez me for a quest completion. I won't pay for a game if I can't get a team when I log in, or at least after a period of time. Unsubbed and uninstalled ages ago.

    Pretty game though.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Interface View Post
    At least you're not playing Magic Online. The day it becomes unprofitable, poof! All your cards vanish. Millions of high-pitched screams will ring out from basements across the world that day.
    Had a friend that played that for three months, spend over $500 on virtual tokens, tickets, cards even got a set redeemed then the servers went down for TWO MONTHS for an update. They sold all their stuff for real cash (recouped about $400 in real funds) and moved on.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    The answer is "no, we're not"
    That's well and good but I'd like to know what I can do outside of spreading the word; at the moment I'm logging in to Beta more than live and am getting dangerously close to uninstalling the client altogether. Really the only thing stopping me is I haven't used Extractor on a bunch of my heroes and villains yet.

    Just feel so...empty about all of it right now.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    I am surprised it took that long for him to show up in the list. And no, not because I concur, but I have seen that said often in game.
    Was going to be on my list but I took Kadabra Kill for classy, Dreck for woohoo party and Synapse for more reasonable party. There just wasn't room for "Bieber with guns", sadly.
  15. Arbiter Hawk cos he has great hair and is apparently a munchkin power-gamer.
    Synapse for the Reward Systems and tweaks.
  16. Female: Silver Mantis, any of the Knives of Artemis bosses (Indigo doesn't count, she went weak, err Hero) or Shadow Spider.

    Male: Kadakra Kill, Synapse, Dreck.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
    If there is a discount, it's ~10%.

    Here's what the membership levels get you:
    Snipped a lot.
    Used to be that when you went to the "Buy" screen at their website it gave you the option to get one of those packs, but now it's just a straight "buy" for 49.99. Can you upgrade to these packs in game anywhere or are we spit out of luck?
  18. So how many characters can you make total/per server and which is the most active PvP server?
  19. Yep they did, I always seem to be the one that gets quips from my GM calls.
  20. Neuronia

    Refund Day

    Got refunds for both my accounts, good job on this NCSoft.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
    GM Lloyd is fantastic. He's part of The NCsoft Customer Service team, but we always felt like he was also a part of the Paragon dev team. Part of what makes him so great at his job is the fact that he is a long-time player as well.

    Fortunately, GM Lloyd will still be with you guys until the lights go off and then some.
    The City GMs are always cool. I got data restored (weird bug where I zoned a train and all my badges disappeared, all 1,200+ of them...), dealt with stalkers of my own and so on. All had a sense of humour too...

    GM_X: Anything else I can do for you?
    Me: Could use a set of Armageddons
    GM_X: I suggest you do some Marketeering then. Have a good day!

  22. I'm usually out on Fridays but I'll log in my namesake and do something...just really hard to log in these days.
  23. Neuronia

    Refund Day

    No emails or anything here, probably will see something in a few weeks given the CC company holding onto refunds and so on.
  24. Not a chance, zero, nada, zilch I pay $500-$1000 for a lifetime sub.
    I'll just pay my $15 with occasional Paragon Point purchases.