1799 -
Depends on the game. If it's good maybe if not good then no.
Quote:yeah, tell me about.Jeez, E_L you're subject to more public lynchings than I am lately it seems... That's really saying something.
Don't let em get you down, you have just as much a right to post here as anyone else. Nice post.
Thanks for the compliment and I wont let them get me down. They been at it for a long time now and will not succeed. -
but hey that is their opinion and way of looking at it.
Kind of find it funny the person in the quote talk about doomies but exhibit the same behavir towards that forum and game it seems. And the way it looks, it wasnt on topic. I wonder who was actually trolling who in that situation. -
Quote:lol. yeah same person alright. I not sure what gave them that idea in the first place. You said many times that you hated soloing and loved the market, and I said many times that I hated teaming and loathe the market set up. lmao.See and if people ever thought we were the same person this would be my thread I point them to
I am VERY much a team person - I LOATHED soloing... which is also probably why I never play console games.
I also loved the marketIt helped me make my first 50 billion inf.
I am considering doing a similar "goodbye" thread.... More to put my thoughts into form than for any well wishers...or haters to have a place to hate
Now if anyoen says that we are same person now, direct them here.
But your reply proves that it's very much possible contrary to popular beleif it seems, to be on the opposite of the fence about stuff and still be civil. You didnt come in here ranting and raving about how idiotic I am about it because I didnt like the market and you do as many people tend to do. -
Quote:To the OP: Some good points and some I disagree with.
I never had many issues with "leet" players in this game. They were few and far between, and the comment/star rating system helped me avoid them.
On the other hand, games like WoW and GW were dominated by them. You couldnt go on a dungeon raid in WoW without someone dissing you about your armor or DPS metering you. In GW, you were required to ping your build and kicked if you didnt fit one of the cookie cutter builds. So, no, I dont agree with you on this point.
As far as soloing, this was the most solo friendly game I've ever seen. You would level more slowly, yes, but that's your choice. I prefer rewards for teaming.
Can't really comment on the pvp aspect, since I never participated beyond CoV beta. In order for a game to be successful with pvp, it needs to be designed for that aspect from the beginning. PVP was retro-fitted onto the game, and the poor results speak volumes. PVP should never have been an addition to the game IMO.
Yeah plenty of the leet players ran rapmart in the pre-13 pvp era. Then there are many on the forums here (elites) where even if you disagree with their opinion, it's like they respond "How dare you! Dont you know who I am?" well that would of been alot nicer than how they usually act and say.
But yeah I think PvP definately should have been part of the plan from the get go and I think the powers would have been better suited and balanced for PvP in result and or just plainly it would have been just considered normal and not considered a major change for better or worse.
Never been to GW but in WoW ironically I never had issues with leet players. Barely even seen any. Usually the "famous" leets just stayed within their group of people and didnt bother with people outside that circle too much. I never ran into many. Ran into a couple of false leets that did exactly as you decribed but then looking at their build they was more boloed then the person they was talking about. lol. But that is how it goes. Everybody experience is different. Even here, some people never had a single issue forming and or joining a team even on the deadest server but others it seemed like a ghost town and barely can get three people togetehr at peak time. Different people different experience different set of eyes, different view, different perception.
Well solo friendly, yeah compared to some games but I think the way it was set up it could of been even more solo friendly. CO is way more solo friendly, one of the aspects where I think CO havea major up+ on COX system for me. Still if a person can team they always can easily but they made it very solo friendly. COX, too much stuff gated behind forced teaming, especially the good stuff, like the trials and TFs and the rate of progress on Incarnate compared to teaming. CO I think basically the alerts are gated behind teaming aspect but those things are not storyline important comapred to the important storyline content in COX but had to get a team to do it. I mean, yeah there are comic like the Justice league and all where heros get together but most of their existance, they are solo. Why? Because they were powerful enough to do that. In COX, it felt like it was an underlaying suggestion that the player's toon were nothing but mere sidekicks and had to team up to take on threats greater than run of the mill petty thief (based off the suggestion of others that the game is balanced around SOs) like the meat of the game lore is TF and trials but the player is too weak to go at it alone because the big bad villain. I like CO way of doing it for the most part where it's merely suggested that you get friends if you cant handle it but on average, a person could solo 90% of the major storyline materials and take on the major villians. In COX, you cant do it at all unless you bring friends along according to the contact because to them you are weak and only way you can beat up that villian that they supposedly took single handedly, is if you bring friends. I mean hell, then, it might as well be called Sidekicks of Freedom Phalanx. -
well alright then. good information to know.
Oh the times we had here, mostly good times.
Yeah, this game had some annoying little quirks but overall it was a solid super hero game. There won’t be another COX, one of a kind, just as there won’t be another WoW, EvE, or Everquest and others. Well, this game could have gone another 5-10 years probably if it was meant to be but alas, it seems it wasn’t. I guess that is the perk of owning a game. You can do whatever the hell you want with it and decide how long it goes on.
But if everything lasted forever, would we cherish it? Do human have that ability? Not sure. Not many people even think about the air that they breathe until they can no longer take a breath. No one thing about the good things in their lives and only see the bad until they are staring death in the face with your number in his/her hand and so on. If they did, there would be no such thing as regret or the saying you don’t miss something until it's gone. Some people had to take a break and took their time coming back after a year or so but really, is that healthy for the game? That is one less subscription, one less player and one step to justify closing down. Atlas 33, good stuff, very good stuff, a nice show of force but did the game have to be on its death bed for that to happen? Human nature I guess, can’t miss anything until it's gone. Cant miss breathing until you are suffocating. Cant cherish life unless you see death. Many people never gave a crap about cancer until a family got cancer and about to die then they want to spend everything they have into cancer research when if they was doing it before the cure for what that family member have might have been found and that family member would have lived.
Yet, in a few days, a specific date will be upon us. Seen so many good by letters, so many people left without saying a word and some are riding the rocket until it goes dark. In the end many people are sharing what they felt and speaking about their times. Well I guess I might as well too. If ya not interested I implore you to stop reading now. If you continue, and don’t like what you see or feel it was a waste of your time, don’t blame me. You were given a fair warning.
The Good:
In game the community was over all good. No different from many, not the best not the worst, the middle. It could be called the standard of how a community should be overall. You had your usual people that had nothing better to do than cause trouble for others but mostly, people were friendly and helpful. Many others, were not so helpful and rather focus on grammar while themselves were using bad grammar and or be a smart butt instead of just answering the question. Even with the bad, there were enough good people to carry the community and find help with just about anything. Most people didn’t drive by buff, will conversate with you, give out tips about various other things without being pushy with it, and etc.
The gameplay, and storylines overall were good. Some storylines were a bit goofy, but over all good. The character backgrounds look like someone put in a lot of work and the same for the maps. Sometimes it seems that someone put in a little too much work. It was sad seeing the beautiful landscape and excellent storylines of praetoria go to waste within a month or two. The mobs were not that hard or at least I didn’t have a problem with them at low levels. I had more problems fighting the Clockwork and Vaz. people than the mobs in praetoria. But what is easy to one person is hard for another.
If teaming is what a person is looking for, then this here is the game. Easy to team assuming people are available at that time, and good rewards for teaming. Not to mention just about any combination can get the job done. While this game have mostly the standard type of ATs, healer, dps, tank it also had things in between but still within a set limits and roles but most other games if you don’t have at least the main three you can forget about it. Here, a group can get 8 defenders if they wish and go to town on the mobs in a very efficient manner with no problems and same with other ATs.
The art style is ok, but the game is old as dirt but by looking at it, I don’t think most people would be able to tell. It aged pretty solid. Of course there is some outdated niggles but overall it's still good. The devs knew what they were doing.
The devs-Talented, uhm talented, in touch, and did I say talented? Yeah? Well I'ma say it again anyways, they were talented. Especially given with what they had to work with. A seemingly a tangled mess of codes, an outdated engine that was at or near capacity of what is could do it seems, and through hall of that, they made it work. I think this game probably would have been long stale and doomed in the hands of anybody less talented than the crew we had here on this game. I hope where ever they end up, they take it to the next level. I have a feeling that within the gaming community they will soon become household names. I don’t think we heard the last of them.
The meh-
The combat system, the grind, the end content, the incarnate system, AE, super group bases. Good ideas on paper (IMO like everything else written thus far just throwing it in there just in case a few people forget) but not followed up very well.
The bad-
The market-as soon as this and those IOs came about and inflation skyrocketed faster than Mach 25, then of course the gold sellers came about in force and more grind stuff. I think we could have done without the mechanics of the way the market was build. Didnt care too much for the auction thing. Too much stuff was way overpriced for the amount of buffs you get. It basically brought the game 50% closer to WoW like overnight. 500 million inf for about only a smidge of a buff. But I bet the gold sellers loved it though. They seemed to be making a killing off the players of the game.
Teaming-Too much catering to teaming. It sometimes felt that soloing was not encouraged or recommended at all. For a casual game, it focused on teaming a little bit too much and really dulled the casual feel to it. It was like solo players were not even considered part of the community which is a bummer especially for night owls, people you may not be able to play on the weekend, or people on servers that are not as populated as Virtue or Freedom (at the time). But unfortunately the idea of server merging seemed to be widely considered unacceptable by the community when brought up at least pre-aug 31st but I think that would have helped alot. The population was spread too thin. Three different secs of game, red gold blue, tons of servers that probably rarely went beyond 10% capacity at peak times coupled with the seemingly less and less players logging on at east on a regular basis.
The ugly-
Some people in the forum and community- Disagree with these people they troll you, state an opinion they don’t like they troll you, especially if you are not one of the "elites", while at the same time will say nothing to those elites or their friends that say the same thing you just said. Too many grammar Nazis, too many nit pickers that just look for something to nitpick to start trouble, too many people that are full of themselves, too many people who think they can never be wrong, too many people that make it a point to try to drive new players away, too many people who think the whole point of a discussion is to "win". Not a very good crowd of people. But seems like the chicken is coming home to roost. They seem to done a good job at keeping new people out of PVP, seems to done a good job with having people quit because they try to force other players to play their characters the way they want them to play it whether the owner of the character likes it or not, especially some people that play kins. Null the gull was one of the best ideas that have ever been created in this game but the damage was done on that regards. Then ironically I saw less kins running around. I guess it's no fun for them when they have no one to grief constantly. Then you have people that tried to alienate anyone that is outside their tight nit group, and that is not good in a game where the focus is for teamers. Yet, I guess they all got what they wanted, a small population game but that is not good for business or more importantly, growth. Yeah other games have their knuckleheads just the same but this game probably due to the smaller population have a greater concentration of them. 1 person as described above can cause more trouble than 1 person in a game where the population was 10 million people.
In WoW, there were plenty of people like the ones described above in sheer numbers but they were vastly outnumbered and were usually outcasted anyways. Here, the people that don’t perpetrate said behavior don’t bother saying anything about it until the person finally just decides to defend themselves then they on the person that was attacked in the first place like they started it. I guess it could be that they are afraid of being kicked out the "cool" group or because the person that is doing that trollish behavior is popular and don’t want to deal with it but see easy target when a person is already being attacked or think it's ok because a popular person is doing it.
I'm sure someone is probably asking what it the point of all this? The same point as the rest of the posts where people stated what they was thinking and or good bye.
In about a couple of days now, I guess none of this is going to matter. People will go about their way after the massive party on Fri. and some probably will run into again in other games some wont, some wont play another game and some will work harder on getting that replacement game up and running. I hope it succeeds. While others will find or have found new games to play. So far I found CO. Good people there, good mechanics, and good community. Much better, community, even the COX channel but seem to be populated mostly by not too many of the notorious "popular" troublemakers here in game and on forum. Most of them said they was going to stay away from that game anyways which is fine with me personally as rather not see another community get dragged down with their in game and forum behavior. -
yeah it could be any game as it always been but hopefully their eyes are open now and realize that MMOs are not like console games now and MMOs lives are not totallt infallible. So no more putting stuff off until tomorrow or spending life savings expecting it to be there for ever.
Quote:isnt this is how the game is already is with the end game? Reach incarnate content, end game, then not much after that. And didnt people say that they rather have NCSoft put this game into maintence mode instead of shutting down, which is like no updates, like a single player game?That would be possible, but it would be a new game and you would have to buy it ,even you owned the original game, it would be a single player game , the multiplayer would be Doom and Quake style (manly PvP amomg little groups 8-10 characters at most) very few updates (if any) and once you had reached end game it would have a very little replay value.
In a word look at
ame and you will have an idea of what the game would be
And buying a new game is no different than people haveing to buy Madden every year for the updated rosters, or at least used to had to do.
I think the port to single player wouldnt affect much besides the number of people running around, which may not be a bad thing. -
Quote:Yeah, and then there are cases where it's best to say nothing at all until the facts are known and or can be displayed.I think that's the same reason a lot of the anti-NCsoft crowd have been rather annoyed. We definitely are in a very unusual situation here with this information blackout coming from all directions.
Some of it MAY be caused by the fact that NCsoft has accidentally found themselves in hot water before, over things they didn't see any reason to be an issue. So perhaps there's more paranoia there than we realize. It may even be paranoia over nothing, but they can't tell the difference.
That may be the difference between a company like NCsoft and Disney or BMW. I also won't pretend to understand the difference between how business is done in Korea and other examples. Maybe this lack of transparency is just standard 'business as usual' for them. If there's multiple companies who made a bid for it, then it could be akin to a silent auction where nobody gets to disclose what their bid was.
The top secret government thing just reminded me of a few things. Since we've been in the box of conspiracy theories: I was once a hardcore UFO fanatic. And the Roswell crash was always the holy grail. But as I poked around that more and more, I became convinced that the "alien craft" of myth was actually an early version of the Blackbird. Maybe it isn't, but that was the theory I came up with, long before I saw anyone else suggest it. But regardless, when it crashed, the first explanation the government decided to give to the people was that it was a flying saucer. BIG F'ING MISTAKE. One that they still haven't been able to brush off more than 50 years later.
Why are a lot of people still iffy about NCsoft's decision? If CoH was under-performing, why didn't they just say that? Follow up on PS's announcement and make an official statement (which should have been prepared before PS was even given the news). The company realignment to slowly pull out of the West isn't even needed to justify it. "The product isn't selling, so we're choosing to stop." That would have been a simple honest business answer. And people would've been angry, but it's a very simple explanation. Why not tell us that? Because they want to save face and not admit to the public that they had a failing product? If not that, then what? Either way, it hasn't worked out too well on the PR front. Like the Roswell incident, maybe sometimes the cover story is just as important, perhaps even more important, than what you're trying to cover up. NCsoft doesn't have a history of good communication with its customers.
That may very well be the reason there's no concrete evidence. I've even wondered if Fansy's funky way of saying a lot without actually telling us anything, is for the purposes of denying NCsoft's legal department an angle of attack. The more vague the information, the less likely they have a case.
The first time, ok it's word on the street, second time ooook still not much new. After a few more times it become to be viewed as a myth, like Roswell with the different conclusions made. Some will still say that Roswell was still an alien UFO incident cover up and some would say that alien UFO never existed.
Yep different company different policy and that would explain their decision. Different company different policy and transparancey seems to not be their strong point but when it's replaced by something else not so transparent and or based off hearsay, then it doesnt seem any better than the ones they criticize for being non-transparent. It would have been better if they simply said that all the details are not available at this time and cannot be disclosed instead of hearsay or better yet that they just dont know for sure yet. It's is just as vague as NCSoft answer to the situation, the same response that have been panned and the cause to some for the anger.
Like I said in the prior post, my hearsay is about as likely to be true as the rest. It's just hearsay at this point. It might be true it might not but I think that is the point of the NDA, to prevent the facts from getting out and until it expires, anything about the subject is basically hearsay that is just as much likely to be true as the next hearsay or rather just as likely to be true as the Roswell incident did involve an alien UFO just as likely as it is not to involve an UFO. Yet usually when the truth do finally come out, it's usually that both sides were way off and the rabbit hole goes deeper than either side have anticipated. -
Yeah but that is what appealing to me. Not taken seriously. I play these types of games for fun/leisure. If I wanted to be serious and feel like work, I'd just stay at work as I enjoy that too. Yt I dont mind serious games and can find them enjoyable as long as they are actually something to be taken serious. I'm sorry but hard to take serious a dude wearing tights a cape and helmet and can fly like Peter Pan and spout ya standard super hero stuff and or villian stuff that send you out on missions like "steal this book" or "burn those school books." and try to be dead serious about it to boot. Cant help but to laugh. It's like meeting a guy dressed in poorly made homemade blue/red tights wit ha cape at the super store that actually seriously thinks he is super man with super powers. Cant help but to laugh, even as serious as he take himself. Compared to CO which is like a guy that knows he just dressed as hero and willingly says so.
well so much for someone saying things they dont like. Remember, you only can post things that you do like. but then you'll still be called a troll because someone will not agree with something on that list either.
So f-it make either list because ya damned if you do damned if ya dont so might as well do it how you want to do it, OP. -
Quote:last official capacity was called BS from NCsoft by a select group and few so I find it odd that even an offical statement from them was not good enoug hevidence but we are suppose to take their hearsay as facts.If it were posted in an official capacity somewhere and there was corroborated evidence, I don't think anyone would complain. All we've had up until now (and I do realise that it's largely the nature of the beast what with NDA's and the like) is a glimmer of hope followed by the harsh reality of nothing actually changing at all. That is why people are cynical and that is why people are after something more tangible.
But in general, yes, an official statement would suffice fro meither side about the situation.
But since hearsay is adequate information for a particualr group, I heard from this guy on the street that heard from this driver who knows this corporate guy that their company that I cannot name, nor can I name the person, that they plan on making a big offer, a sum which I cannot disclose, to NCSoft for the IP. They said they tried to talk to them but was snubbed in the past but will try again. -
Quote:I guess the only actual "proof" will when and if either the IP will be sold or not, and or what ever NCSoft states. Or if one of the companies that supposedly made offer actually make a public statement saying whether or not they made an offer.We may get that, or we may not. Brian is probably still NDA'd anyhow. We haven't heard any new grimy details one way or another yet from ANYBODY. Maybe after shutdown that will change. But if it does, unless it's posted on Youtube as Burnt suggested (highly unlikely. how often does anyone who is even a mild celebrity go out of their way to do that, just to prove it's they who is saying it?), nobody will believe it. Any other online venue he may post it on will be immediately dismissed as a troll account or a deliberate Titan smokescreen.
I never seen this much secrecy outside an illegal drug deal ever before with so many supposed offers and or supposedly turned down offers.
Even the fiasco between BMW Volkwagen and the rights to Roll-Royce/Bentley detail can be found.
Disney's purchases or aim to buy other companies is seem to be usually published, even the ones where the deal dont go through.
Yet, a simple game IP, is like it's selling top secrect government information.
And if those people were under a true NDA and or it's llegal for them to speak on it, isnt by definition, the people that may have or may have not heard from these said insiders that cant speak because it would be illegal, is proof that the person spoke about it if they indeed did tell that person who then told the rest of the community? If say Brian Clayton would have trouble gettign a job or something because of his lack of ability to keep secrets if he came out and either confirmed or denied the word that is going around, why would someone trust him for that same reason if he actually told someone else and they go around sayign things about what they told them? If the reason was they couldnt come and tell us because of a NDA isnt getting someone or telling someone that tells everyone the details a violation of most NDAs? It's like if I told someone a secrect of the government and then they told someone else saying that they heard it from this guy and those detail matched up it probably wont take much investigation to figure out who stool pigeoned. And guess who gets arrested usually, the person who spoke when they wasnt supposed to.
That why a lot of this stuff sounds fishy to me. They speak of NDA but give out information that supposedly is under the NDA that the guy cant give out because of said NDA, which sounds like they did actually disclosed information to this person who then tells everyone else. Even if a person said "Well I'm not supposed to tell you this.." and or confided in them about something they wasnt supposed to say, is it that blatant where they are willing to risk their source by putting out the information anyways? -
Quote:I dont see what is wrong with asking for proof. Some people want proof of NCSoft exhausting all options but then get puffy when asked from them for proof about what they are saying. I dont get it.Well since most of us know what he looks like....there's this lil website called youtube
Because yes at this point if he were to appear on the forums...that could easily be faked; unless of course he had and still has a red name
All a lot of dissenters want is proof...don't think that is asking for too much.
Granted even if Brian Clayton made a youtube video stating "Yes IBTT everything Titan has said about me is true" I still would not follow Titan. My main objection to them is their lack of credibility, but the Korean in me could never be affiliated with them again for various reasons. I would however stop saying there was no evidence and it's all hearsay....
This is all moot anyways in 4 days when these boards are gone. While I check Titan forums out every now and then...I said my last post over there about a month or so ago.
Prior to Aug 31st, you were right about that evidence said. The same people who is saying this he said she said stuff, were the same ones that required and demanded proof of any poster that gave third hand knowledge, even if it was as simple as about a past post that someone typed and could be easily found in search, yet, the poster was the one that was suppose to provide the evidence.
Really it didnt seemed very much accepted pre-8/31 not sure why some expected to change now and accept every hearsay as fact when those same people especially did not trust anything that was hearsay without proof and some downright said it was false because lack of evidence. Yet, if someone say that hearsay is false, they are a troll now. lol. my how times has changed. -
Quote:Or they could buy the COX IP and use the good parts in their Marvel game.This comes up a lot, so excuse the copypaste;
On the topic of "Why the hell would Disney buy CoH when they already have Marvel?"
Back at you; why would Valve make L4D when they already have TF2? For that matter, why would NCsoft invest in a Generic Grind 5 when they already have Generic Grinds 1-4?
Simple. Just because two franchises share a common component {superheroes, in this case} doesn't mean they will necessarily compete with each other.
Marvel Heroes is essentially a Diablo knockoff.
Marvel Arena is a PvP-only kind of deal.
City of Heroes... is neither of those.
If they buy CoH, they'll be able to cater to just about every gamer demographic even remotely interested in superheroes. Not only that, since their purchase of Marvel showed they know how to market the superhero genre, it plays to their strengths to boot. And considering that one of the damning causes of CoH's obscurity was an eternal lack of advertising, if Disney even thought about marketing the game, it would probably pull in more newcomers than the game had in its entire lifetime.
Not to mention Disney markets itself as a family-friendly company, and considering the contrast between the kind of toxicity you tend to see in other MMOs and CoH, it also plays into their established strategy, especially in light of how many parents play the game with their kids of family.
To add to the appeal, the superhero trend doesn't seem to show any sign of slowing down, so a pre-built, heavily developed and optimized game franchise with a metric crapton of content, in addition to AE is practically a license to print money.
So yeah. It's a long shot, but as far as anyone outside Disney accounting department can tell, we've got a lot of hooks set out, enough to show that we're worth the investment. All that's left to do is show that they're attached to people with wallets. -
Quote:hm never had any survival issues with sticking to hybrid role.The problem is that melee attacks and ranged attacks in CO use different stats, and Melee Damage and Ranged Damage are separate "Roles". If you want to be a melee/ranged hybrid in CO, then you can, but you'll do neither one well, and have no survivability on top of it to boot (since Tank is yet another separate Role and requires still other stats to support that Role). You can also just split the difference and go with a Hybrid Role, but that Role does everything in half-measures by design.
Furthermore, the Roles shoehorn your playstyles into one of the Holy Trinity. Ranged or Melee Damage are both DPS, Tank is, of course, tanking, "Support" really means "healer", and "Control" means "don't bother."
Then again I solo most of the time so I do not get into "I have to be this" role. But that is the point I'm making, in COH, you basically get set into an assigned role, and that's it/ In COH, you choose tank, you get melee and defense/resistance of some sort and ok damage. No changing that much. In CO, you can build your own role. But yeah, you cant build a "gimp" build there just as easily as you can builda gimped tank, controller, defender or other rolse specific toons. That comes down to the person and if that wasnt the case there would be no such thing as coming across a "poorly built" tank and those stories about squish tanks or wouldnt be any need for those postings about "how to bud this or that build."
Actually one of my most powerful solo toons there is actually one that I'm not sure if any one role fits. She takes hits like a tank, do melee damage very good, and even more powerful range damage, and can actually heal allies if need be, but like I said I do solo 99.9% of the time and actually only teamed once ever there (outside the three alert things) and pigeon holing my self in one role would have been my folly as I can easily just click another button depending on the situation, whether to mob is hovering above trying to rain down pain, or in my face. If it was set up like COX, if I was a raneg toon, I would be dead meat in most of those sitiations up close, if I was tank, the battle would go on longer because of being limited to one or two powers tryign to reach a flyer. And I dont think in COX there is an ability to choose that much variety of powers. You choose a fire melee, you stuck with fire only. You choose ice, you stuck with ice only, you choose arrows you stuck with only arrows. Very limited.
Although yea, with more freedom comes with more room to mess up but also more room to create a greater toon than that can be created if it was limited. -
Yeah not familiar with that term, which seems a bit of an oddd saying. Tongue in cheek or not, it's no more nor any less odder than saying that "there are no african americans on the internet" because the game at hand have a stronger appeal to caucasians and because caucasian is what you are more likely to come across and thus it's safe to assume that everyone is caucasian.
Quote:Yeah.Indeed. And if there is an option to petition for such a thing, I'm open to it. The amount of time I've wasted on political correctness when it comes to forum posts is on gender issues is crazy. Often I'll try to refrain from them altogether and only use the forum handle, which has the side-effect of making me seem like a computer from a pre-90's sci-fi movie. Otherwise I'm replacing "Him" with "him or her", and all other variants that it implies, which is equally annoying to write (and probably to read).
And while I don't think it's 'asking' for sexism to publish your sex/gender, I also understand why some would think it does. "Asking" was the wrong word. More like "opening oneself to." One of the things I immediately loved about the text-based communication, back when it wasn't even the web, just local dial-in BBS networks, was that it eliminated the eyes from the equation. Sight, the sense that all of humanity uses to get a first impression of someone (which is the LEAST effective way to get an impression of a person) is conveniently removed online. This instantly allows for a deeper conversation, with no assumptions about a person's background, ethnicity, sex (again, I'm going by the idea that "he" is being used in its traditional English use, not as an assumption that everyone on the forums is male) , etc. It's understandable why some would think broadcasting that information might be detrimental to the internet as a communication tool. I don't think it's a valid reason to censor whether or not people choose to publish it though, and I don't think Sentry4 was saying that either. I think Sentry4 was just suggesting a reason why it perhaps should not be published.
But seems that assumptions about background, sex, ethnicity and etc have been/currently being made regardless. -
right. Meaning not anymore. And it's not only "he" that I'm talking about. Last I checked male was not gender neutral.