Few other QoL things...
it looks like many of those players who posted are also part time coh players, however i do agree that even those that havent played coh are now reconsidering their views on ncsoft

Champions Online Players are also unhappy about it.
Other games you might create only anything between 1-22 characters and get bored. This game is different, you can do over 80 really, level in different ways and it gets good updates.
I'd imagine alot of players were looking at this old game as something they could come back to.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Wow thank you for sharing, perhaps NCsoft will see this as a domino affect and reconsider.
Aion players better be nervous. Aion seems to be in the spotlight as an underperformer. I doubt NC will tolerate too many quarters not meeting expectations.
Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)
Wow thank you for sharing, perhaps NCsoft will see this as a domino affect and reconsider.
Highly doubtful, unfortunately, that they would reconsider at this point.
But I bet it will be less than two months before we see another arcticle in Forbes magazine or somewhere similar, bemoaning how unloyal today's players are and how the MMO industry just can't pick up steam.
I doubt if there an industry on Earth that thinks less of its customers than MMO publishers.
Aion players better be nervous. Aion seems to be in the spotlight as an underperformer. I doubt NC will tolerate too many quarters not meeting expectations.
The cash shop prices are so insane (and they actually doubled them recently regardless!) that no one buys anything. And they just cut the fight and crafting XP in half on every server to make it take twice as long to level in NA, and then jacked up XP pot prices in the cash shop the same day. Subsequently they've been forced to institute a volunteer player mod program. What a surprise.
Aion is so laggy (which never happened when it was Pay-to-Play) that I've given up on it, but I feel sorry for those peeps. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they're next on the chopping block.
If NCSoft had listened to that player base during beta let alone for the 2 1/2 years after launch concerning the horridly low drop rate, insane crafting/socketing failure rate and the never-ending wall o' grind, they never would have had to go F2P. And they still aren't listening now. The cash shop prices are obviously the reason for Aion's low microtransactional rate (someone quoted NC's charts in that CoH thread), and you watch: Instead of seeing the forest for the trees, NCSoft will close down the NA servers there too.
Okay, and now we even have the peeps over at Blizzard's official Diablo III forums upset and calling for an NCSoft boycott over CoH's closure!
http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/6471627997 If we have to go, let's go kicking and screaming, folks! Spread the word and include petition links like this person did. |

Now that surprises me.. I guess CoH has a lot of "sleepers" meddling in other games.
from the sound of things, after day 2 of the closure notice ncsoft has already received a LOT of bad publicity
bad publicity + community spirit = one very bad place for ncsoft

I really can't fathom how they could just Nuke such a venerable title as this.
To have the legacy and the fanbase we do, I always expected to be twilighted into maintainance mode and consolidated to a single server, not just vaporized...
I never anticpated this. I always thought it would live on in one form or another.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
Some Star Trek Online players as well. I guess alot more people played CoH then I realized.
NeoSaturn-L50 Kat/Regen Scrapper

Paragon Family Swift
NeoSaturn's Deviations
Well, I still play Aion sometimes on Siel but that game is... was... had... er... had potential, I got frustrated by their *mostly* trollololol community that consists of extreme players playing it 24/7 to achieve something like PvP gear, hackers, gold sellers (they're so abundant in Aion they deserve to be called part of the community) and the COOL and rare minority of players.
There is no way Aion will make profit unless they go pay-to-win model or sell pikachu and jugglypuffs pets through the cash shop.
CoX had VIPs and an interesting cash shop, I can't believe Aion will stay around for long unless they transform it into a money maker.
And in CoX the whole community is awesome, not even comparable to Aion's.
50 Ice/Ice/Force Blaster *
50 Ice/Fire/Fire Tanker
50 Kin/Sonic/Power Defender
50 Ice/Storm/Psi Controller
50 Stone/WP/Soul Brute
50 Spines/SR Stalker
Pinnacle | Virtue
@Black Heart
Some Star Trek Online players as well. I guess alot more people played CoH then I realized.
Seems a fair amount of people play it on again/off again whenever they are burnt out on their primary MMOs, or when they don't have the time to commit to them, then migrate back when they can.
Or there's people like me, who constantly try other games and just keep coming back to CoH because it's that good, even eight years later.
Hell, especially eight years later. Think about it. How much cool stuff have we gotten even since the game went f2p. How much more cool stuff was on the beta server just waiting to be released when it was suitably bug-free. All of it, gone because of some Korean boss more focused on money than on people.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
I think thisis largely because COH is the perfect "Part time" or "inbetweener" MMO. As it doesn't require an absurd amount of time commitment to get anything done.
Seems a fair amount of people play it on again/off again whenever they are burnt out on their primary MMOs, or when they don't have the time to commit to them, then migrate back when they can. |
Plus, no other game lets you be so grossly overpowered as you can get in CoH. I can't imagine what my IO'ed out Mind/Fire/Fire permadom could do in EQ...
Or there's people like me, who constantly try other games and just keep coming back to CoH because it's that good, even eight years later.
Hell, especially eight years later. Think about it. How much cool stuff have we gotten even since the game went f2p. How much more cool stuff was on the beta server just waiting to be released when it was suitably bug-free. All of it, gone because of some Korean boss more focused on money than on people. |
coh has always been my primary mmo, its the only mmo ive ever been willing to spend a significant amount of time/money on
all the other mmos never fit me, they were too grindy, or too focused on having uber gear, this mmo never really felt grindy or gear focused

Yup pretty much sums up my play habits too. I've tried EvE a couple of times, tried Rift, Guild Wars, Dark Age of Camelot, Age of Conan, Champions Online and the same thing always happens; no matter how good those games are and what their individual merits are, I always find something missing, something that's just not right and end up coming back to CoH.
CoH has always tried to be its own game and not ever billed as a "potential WoW killer". That way it has its own personality and its own feel instead of trying desperately to come up with a magic formula for success by copying one that's already in place. Sure it has its little annoying quirks, but there's enough stuff that's done right that means whenever you log in you know you're going to have fun. No other game I've played has managed to capture that.
@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"
I really can't fathom how they could just Nuke such a venerable title as this.
To have the legacy and the fanbase we do, I always expected to be twilighted into maintainance mode and consolidated to a single server, not just vaporized... I never anticpated this. I always thought it would live on in one form or another. |
I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.
Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.
So sad to be ending ):
Aion should be nervious. Not the Entire Aion, but the NA version.
From what I've seen we were a bit over half of what NCsoft pulled out of the NA/EU. For western players of NCsoft games, we gave them the most money. Koreans had us beat 7+:1, but CoH was essentially NCsoft North America/Europe.
Why would they keep pumping money into a community that did less for them than this one that they're shutting down? I would be unsuprised if Aion NA is shut down, and NCsoft decides to focus all resources toward the Eastern/Asian market.
It does not appear a good time to be a Western MMO player.
Murphys Military Law
#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.
#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.
#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.
Wow thank you for sharing, perhaps NCsoft will see this as a domino affect and reconsider.
If I were a (former) Paragon employee, I sure as hell wouldn't be jumping for joy at the prospect of going back to work for NC-ambush-layoff-Soft.
Be honest, exactly how many of us would return should NCSOFT reconsider? I lost a lot of trust and confidence in them after this blunder.
Target Zero- Scrapper (dark/dark)
Nemesis Zero- MM (Merc/Dark)
Poprock- brute (Stone/stone)
Junglier- Dominator (Plant/thorn)
Nexus Zero- (Warshade)
Invulnerable Edge- Tanker (Inv/dual blade)
I didn't think many of them would even know CoH, they're such different games, but there's a thread in general about CoH closing over there and nobody is happy about it!