2537 -
Winter... Vox,
It was an honor serving with you. When we started the Talsors, I somehow knew we'd make a lasting impression on the server.
With you in charge, and the wonderful community on Pinn, we did just that!
I must sincerely apologize to you and the Talsors as well, the news of our demise hit me much, much harder than I realized.
I went into an isolation phase, severely. While I wasn't depressed or unhappy really, I just found myself at a complete loss for how to approach it all coming to a close.
This forum, this community that had been my daily sanctuary for 8 years was going to die, there was nothing I could do about it, and when I should have been there by it's side, I found myself unable to visit the hospital. (in a manner of speaking.)
I tried logging in once or twice after the announcement, but within minutes the sights and sounds would be blurred by the rush of tears. I couldn't do it, I couldn't say goodbye and watch it all end, to see the streets turn empty.
I made peace with it. I decided to focus on the years and years of wonderful times, great friends and creative outlets. Still, I found myself unable to log in, unable to fly freely.
I made a list, of things I wanted to do, places I wanted to flyover one last time, spots I wanted to log out my mains, pictures to take etc etc.
I made the list then let it sit for a month. Unable to end it.
I reluctantly decided to 'get it done while you can' and turned on my computer a few weeks back, to do just that. At that very moment my PC popped and died...
I'll always have my memories, quite a few thanks to you and the crew!!
Once again, I regret that I couldn't stand back to back, blasting Rikti with you all one last time. I trust you understand and won't take it the wrong way when I say.
I love you guys.
Goodbye my friends, may the future bring smiles and the occasional chance to be 'Heroic'.
This is Talsor Tech, signing off. -
Quote:I take it to mean exactly what it says;I want everyone to please temper their expectations with the word "discussions". Please, don't take this to mean more than it does, at this point in time.
That you guys haven't given up without 'a fight'!!!
Though nothing may come of it, it swells my heart with pride to know we're giving it our all.
God Speed Dev's, and good luck! -
COH has been my only MMO home, ever.
I tried STO shortly after launch, but found space battles to be tedius and boring.
I am debating trying CO, but had heard that I would be dissappointed with the lack of available alts.
After 8 years, I still suffer Altitis.
Recent inventory of all servers revealed, I currently have 178 alts. That is my 'hearts content' so is that possible in CO?
Quote:You already have, just by showing up and fighting the good fight!Again, thank you Winter and the rest of the Talsorian Guard. If only there were some way myself and others could pay tribute to you for all you've done.
Thanks to everyone that helped repel the Rikti with us this year, it's been one great ride indeed.
-Talsor Tech -
Makes the most sense, as he is a dimension gobbling entity.
Also makes sense with his model already being ingame (since nothing new will be made)
Just have the Shadow Shard break and THE Rularuu appear in Atlas, the Heroes eyes widen at the sudden appearance, but before they can react, fade to white. -
I can't log in without tearing up. The sounds get me more than anything for some reason.
I can't look at the outpouring of screenshots either, without getting a lump in my throat.
I read War Witches farewell and started bawling like a baby.
I'm a 32 year old male, and I was sobbing like an baby, at work!
Had to lie and say my cousin died... least they look at me like a fool for getting so worked up over a 'game'.
Well, it might have just been a game, but it was THE BEST DAMN GAME EVER MADE! -
Quote:You say that except for all those times you worried it would get out.
(still not GG) I think Ill wait for november and maybe make it my parting gift.
From the sound of it, this place is going to be ashes by then. Posi seemed to think we wouldn't have access come next week...
So I second the; Hint please!! -
I really can't fathom how they could just Nuke such a venerable title as this.
To have the legacy and the fanbase we do, I always expected to be twilighted into maintainance mode and consolidated to a single server, not just vaporized...
I never anticpated this. I always thought it would live on in one form or another. -
Cuppajo was one of the reasons I stayed around so long. All these years later I still recall 'the good ol days'
How do you say good-bye to something that has been there daily for 8 years?
I'm not talking about the game either, more than playing, I'm going to miss this place, my place. My home away from home. More than anything.
The community. The familiar names and avatars, the memes and the passion.
I'd go for months without logging in to the game, but not a single day passed without checking in here. These boards have been my homepage since 2006...
Ah hell, I'm at a loss for words and choking up.
Farewell my friends.
*hugs* -
Titans contributions to the legacy of this game can't be underestimated! Thanks for all the hard work and dedication.
I really hope we can all play on the Titan server sometime in the future. -
I saw the Bass avatar in the corner of my eye while reading and for a moment my mind flashed a giant comic font AHA!!
I thought for sure, we were finally going to find out GG was a dev in disguise all along... -
War Mace Brutes killed my favorite AT for me a year ago.
After rolling my WM/Shield Brute for 30+ levels I went to roll up a Blaster, old hat for me by then...
Needless to say, War Mace ruined an entire AT for me, such was the power of the set! I just couldn't fathom making so many sacrifices on Blasters anymore when I could have just as much, if not more, damage and still be standing after a mob.
Needless to say, I have a Love it/Hate it relationship with WM at this point. -
I rewatched the original (for the 800th time) the other night when it came on TV.
About half way through it I said to myself, "You know what, screw Bill, the 80's are being milked to death by hollywood anyways, might as well get something we all actually wanted done out of the deal, besides after seeing him in the posters for his latest film... I don't think I'd want him dragging around the screen anyways."
So to this news I say;
(Just for reference, Venkman is my favorite GBer, but he's not the end all be all of the franchise.) -
It also helped if you had a job you could get paid to post here at...
I run DfB to 12-14 on all new toons. The quicker I get to SO level the better, as that is when the game starts for me. I don't mind pushing to 22 myself but the first 14 levels are such a grind to me, an altoholic that has spent 8 years in the 1-20 lvl range.
Indeed, my monitor at home is clearer. Work PC forces me to use IE and I think it's still chugging along on Windows7...
I should've known that was why, as it is ever other avatar takes up half the screen. -
I really can't tell a difference in the two there. Not doubting you, just looking really close and well, how do you get 'non-smart' quotes? As I only see the one " looking key. Not being facetious, just curious if it's an Alt# deal or something.
As far as the thread goes, thanks Troller45, I recently came back to the game and grabbed all the Mech pieces, got done with my new outfit and for the life of me couldm't get any binds I tried to work. My memory failed me and I long ago put the cheatsheet notebook away.
Finding this thread was much easier than digging in the wiki. -
Quote:It's certainly not that. Quite the reverse.
The way I see it, the only problem with blasters is not their survival, but their ability to do damage. Blasters in general are not valuable because a brute/scrapper will deal comparable damage but survive more. That is most due to mez protection. If you indeed believe blasters should be more survivable, then mez protection is what they need.
Again, though, I think that what blasters need is more damage.
I'm afraid of these changes because I don't think they wil do a lick of good.
I'm afraid that this will be the last bit of "good" blasters receive.
I'm afraid that this will make getting the right changes that much harder.
I just needed a minute to think about it.
Just when I thought they were about to pull me back in...
I never liked Drain Psyche on Blasters personally, so giving a clone to all the sets, doesn't really appeal to me.
Blasters problem IMO isn't survival based, as we've always been glass cannons. It's the fact that the cannon aspect has dwindled down to a bb gun compared to all other sets over the years that killed them for me. We needed a way to reclaim that damage crown, not be kept standing a few seconds longer dishing out the same anemic blasts.
I'll just take a wait and see approach for now, as there isn't anything to be changed at this stage.
/sadness. -
When I made the 'Blasters in the modern CoH' thread, I never expected it to last the night, so I didn't go into as much detail as you have.
Thankfully, Arcanaville swooped in and took up the call, she had the passion and intelligence to keep the ball rolling far longer than I could've.
That said, to those advocating he should've posted there instead, I'm afraid that would be Necroing and would end up getting the thread locked.
For my own addition to the current discussion, I cancelled my sub for the first time ever (by choice) about 2 months ago, with not being able to enjoy my favorite class anymore as one of the main culprits. The burnout would usually fade in a few weeks and I'd be eager to jump back into the City.
I don't know if I'm just getting older or what, but for some reason I have yet to get the urge to return...
Hearing about improvements to Blasters though, that would be a surefire way to get me pumped! -
My Claws/Electric Brute, Talsor Tech, is by far the sturdiest character I've ever rolled!
Was so fun levelling him up, he's the first I've bothered to Incarnate. Soloing DA with him all the way to Lore unlock was much fun!
Once you get rolling, you won't even notice the tiny dings to your health bar. On the rare occasion you start to get overwhelmed, Energize is always up! If all else fails, Surge ftw!
Was easy sailing up to about level 40 for me, then I did start to need just a bit more protection though, so I ended up respeccing into Tough/Weave/Stealth for the Defense.
Now, with I-buffs et al... Yeah Electric Armor rocks!
Fear not the resistance set Hero. -
Blue Ear is indeed cool, but mad props to the person at Marvel that got this into an artists hands! To think this boy, and by extension his class, will be inspired for a lifetime all from one single drawing. Big salute to the artist that went above and beyond here!
The receptionist at Marvel that didn't just dismiss this moms request, cause I'm sure they get hundreds, should be commended as well!
Bravo! -
I was never really into comics growing up, I preferred video entertainment ala ninja turtles.
My very first comic is actually easy to recall, I still have it too.
In 1993 I was at school waiting to get on the bus for a trip to six-flags. The ride was to take 2 hours so while talking to a friend I asked if he had any comics I could buy.
He sold me the one he'd read for a buck.
It was a pretty thick special edition of Spider-Man. The main story focused on a new villain named Annex, Gulf War vet that lost his legs I think. Also had a few other short stories, one about JJ's son being a werewolf?
Anyways, that was my first and aside from the JC Penny 'box o random comics' like Alf and Globetrotters, my last 'real' comic purchase.
Which is somewhat odd when people find out I never got into comics, as I'm a huge superhero mythos buff.
Now, comic cards on the other hand! Oh boy, I collected and traded those things like crazy. Think I still have a few binders full somewhere.
Edit to add link: Apparently it was Annual#27
So then we'll get to see all the proto-types that eventually lead to Robocop, including the ED-209? That actually sounds kind of interesting.