The CO Community & You
I really have not liked Champions Online every time I've tried to play it. The original free-form power system was just a bad idea, but looking at what they have now seems to be too far in the other direction. The animations are jerky and the art style is hideous to my eye.
But it really warms my heart to see their community -- and really, all the other MMO communities that have supported us -- stick up for us, despite what has been a rather fierce rivalry at times.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Well that's nice. I feel I should probably give that game a shot since I've never played it before. If anything, here's hoping for more 'superhero' MMOs in the future...
Too bad it doesn't run on mac have to wait till I get home to play.

For those of us that go there (I reluctantly made an alt there because I want to determine how my characters die.)...
Anyone up for a consensus on a backstory as to why we're in "Millenium City" instead of Paragon?
My "Arachnos Commander" is sitting in the tutorial until the plug gets pulled here, but this was my "bio" that I wrote up specifically for why he was in CO.
I watched it burn. I watched it ALL burn. It was a surprise to the heroes of Paragon as it was to the villains of the Rogue Isles. There was no warning. In a flash, the "Coming Storm" washed through us like we were nothing. I don't believe, even with preparation, we had a chance against it. By the saving grace of Mender Silos and his Ouroboros, millions were able to flee. We were removed from our own dimension and sent hurdling into thousands of others. Where I landed was a mystery until I was met by the one called "Defender." In the Rogue Isles, I was a soldier. I was one of the few, hand chosen, by Lord Recluse to lead his elite soldiers into battle. For years I remained loyal to Recluse and the Arachnos until I was met with a cold dagger of a compatriot. My life flowed out quickly, as did my blood. My love, the Countess, saw to my last wish and had my remains buried on a R-Class planet. Little did she, or I, know... the planet held the secret of resurrection and eternal life! It was a colony of Nictus that raised my body from the ground and filled me with a hunger I have never felt before. I was hungry for revenge. I was hungry for power. Most of all, I was hungry for the love that believed I no longer existed. My Nictus brethren brought me back to the Rogue Isles but there was nothing that remained of my life. My home... destroyed. My honor... defamed. After months of searching, I found my love in the arms of another; in the arms of my killer. Without hesitation, I devoured the living essence of my killer while the Countess looked on in terror. She no longer saw me as her love. She saw me as a demon. She lashed out at me but I knew her fists could do no damage. Fearing her attack might provoke my Nictus Essence into feeding off of her life force, I fled... and that's when it happened. I don't know if the Countess escaped the perils of the Isles. But I will spend my days looking to find my love and restoring my honor. Hail Arachnos! |
If, by some chance, another company picks up CoH (or TonyV gets to do what he hopes), I've got another part to add to my Champions Online bio:
"Argh..." With sweat dripping down my face, I roll over and check my alarm clock. It's 8:31am. "I'm late." I get out of bed, shower, then quickly get suited up. "This armor always chaffes this time of years... hrumph!" I snap my cape into place and put my helmet on. Being Lord Recluse's right-hand is a job I'm never thanked for... but it's still my job. "Hail Lord Recluse!" |
pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am

pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:

I say this jokingly... Although, it is true to my very initial reaction (quickly dismissed as I believe the sincerity... we are all fans and gamers and can relate to each other through times like these).
I feel like I'm being approached by missionaries..."Oh, diseased village? Starving? Thirsty? We can help... if you swear to our ways and beliefs!".
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
As I am currently on a Mac, this is impossible for me to try (maybe I can swing BootCamp...) I am not really a fan of the game's art style, but the playing mechanics sounded somewhat interesting. If I get a shot, perhaps I'll try it.
Regardless though, that thread is very touching.
@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.

I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.

I dislike the idea that the Coming Storm beat us. I prefer the idea that Paragon was saved/the villain took over the world. Their work finished, they moved on.
It's nice to see them commiserating with us. I wish I liked CO as a game. I also wish that the taste of how STO was at launch would come out of my mouth.
You can't be a villain, you can't be a rogue or a vigilante. It also leaves me a bit cold. Paragon had a lot of time to make the game more user friendly, solo-friendly and accessible to casuals. All those things seem to be missing in CO.
The battle system seems a bit more "console-y" for me as well.
That's a very warm gesture... if all fails with rescuing Paragon City from the En'Zhe'Shofft horde, I might have to seriously consider the invitation. I'd still have trouble with that fugly art style though. And the lack of a villain option disheartens me.

Already over there, and i have to say i'm impressed with how they are acting. the community can be contentious, more at pwe/crptic, but still, they are being really open. I'm guessing a portion of that is pragmatism, they are a small game who, but for the intervention of pwe, would have gone this way themselves, and more players would stand to make the game better for everyone, but this is the nicest I have seen them acting in a while. Co is better than nothing..and dcou.
Anyone up for a consensus on a backstory as to why we're in "Millenium City" instead of Paragon?
I can tolerate the art enough to not be totally put off by it, but I'm not a fan of the combat system or animations. It's also hard to feel invested in my character and the "story" because for the most part there is no "story" at least that I've seen. Majority of the solo content is you more traditional errand-boy missions that you see in MMOs. CoH isn't immune to those either, but it masks that feeling better.
Still, and I mentioned it on their forums too, I'm grateful for the warm welcome. Especially since I always got the feeling that our "rivalry" was an extremely competitive one, and I was almost expecting a "yeah, one down, one to go" attitude. I'm glad I was wrong though.

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster
That Stinging Sensation #482183
This is so sweet. I've to speak with a friend but seriously considering CO as an alternative if we do lose COH and would definitely be there for a crossover.
Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.
I bought a lifetime sub to CO, and although I haven't played it in 2.5 years, I was thinking about checking it out again. MMOs change; I took a year long break from CoH shortly after it launched as well, and it was a lot better. I'll have to see what CO has done to improve since I left.
Love the setiment, but I hated the little I play of CO, about the only MMO left for me to go to is WoW again simply because I enjoyed Death Knights as a class.
Perhaps, if City of Heroes does go the way of the dodo, I too will move to CO. But I am also loathe to do it even if they are showing hospitality.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
But it is nice that there is hospitality outside of City of Heroes. It seems, to me at least, to be rare on the internet.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
I had an account for Champions once (I was there for beta and the disappointing launch and a couple months after)... haven't checked in in awhile, so I don't know if it disintegrated or got hacked or something.
The game wasn't nearly alt-friendly enough - the lack of character slots was terribly restrictive. Characters with defensive abilities were far too squishy, and characters that focused on offensive abilities weren't damaging enough to make up for being ridiculously fragile. They slowed down advancement so that instead of being able to follow different paths with different characters you had to do pretty much every story arc/area with every character.
But I liked the free-form power selection - I had a character whose gimmick was a variety of breath weapons which was the only character I got to high levels. If they've killed that with their changes I'll likely be even more disappointed with the game, unless there's been a dramatic enough increase to defensive/offensive abilities to make up for the restrictions.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
I dislike the idea that the Coming Storm beat us. I prefer the idea that Paragon was saved/the villain took over the world. Their work finished, they moved on.

We never even got to it saddly.

What I will do is say Paragon and the Rogue Isles are alive and well. Hopefully, saved or rebooted at a later date (CoH2?)
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
It's cool that the CO community is trying to help.
The problem is, at least as far as I'm concerned, is more with PWE & Cryptic, to an extent. While I understand that there are separate development sides at Cryptic for CO & STO, my overall experiences w/STO since the F2P option allowed me to play STO again have not been pleasant.
I also got to try CO in the Open Beta. I wasn't impressed with the overall game play either. While the CC was a lot better that CoX, that alone wasn't enough of a saving grace, IMO.
My issues (and I would imagine a lot of others as well) rest solely on the development and management side and not the community.
Thank you for the time...

I had an account for Champions once (I was there for beta and the disappointing launch and a couple months after)... haven't checked in in awhile, so I don't know if it disintegrated or got hacked or something.
![]() The game wasn't nearly alt-friendly enough - the lack of character slots was terribly restrictive. Characters with defensive abilities were far too squishy, and characters that focused on offensive abilities weren't damaging enough to make up for being ridiculously fragile. They slowed down advancement so that instead of being able to follow different paths with different characters you had to do pretty much every story arc/area with every character. But I liked the free-form power selection - I had a character whose gimmick was a variety of breath weapons which was the only character I got to high levels. If they've killed that with their changes I'll likely be even more disappointed with the game, unless there's been a dramatic enough increase to defensive/offensive abilities to make up for the restrictions. |
It's virtually a new game.
Instead of starting in Canada or the desert, players start in Millennium City. Freeform characters are still alive, and just as versatile as before - you can min/max, FOTM, and create your concept characters til your hearts content.
There has been a steady increase of missions and story arcs (Though not near the degree CoH has) and has become more alt-friendly. Especially since they've added several "Adventure Packs" and "Comic Series."
They've also added a plethora of new power sets (Wind, Earth, Batman-esque gadgetry) as well as padded out other powersets that were lacking (Might, Power Armor, Telepathy) and are continuing to do so. Cryptic is also releasing this Autumn customizable character vehicles. And currently have an in-game event regarding them.
Both Champions Online players, Ex-City of Heroes players and those that played both (like me) have been trying to ease any transition City of Heroes players may have coming over to Champions. Several CoH chat channels have been created, as well as Roleplaying channels. There has also been several Supergroups created for City of Heroes players that want to join other CoH players.
So if anyone is willing, You might want to give Champions a try. While it's a close cousin to City of Heroes, and it isn't as robust as CoH has become over eight years. It isn't all too different.
And anyone that has played Champions several years ago and quit, you may want to try it again. While it was admittedly sub-par when it first released, it's grown and gotten better in leaps and bounds.
If anyone joins and wants help, or wants to be pointed to the direction of other CoH players, feel free to get contact with me @Akaebeel (Both here and in Champs.)
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
I sincerely doubt that. How many character slots do you get? It was a rather anemic amount before. I imagine it's just as anemic now, and if they've expanded on it at all it requires gobs of cash.
Paid members get extra character slots via vet rewards. Plus getting the icon perk (badge) grants you another character slot. (Which you get at reaching level 40. And counts for every character you get to level 40.) I have 18 character slots through combination of vet rewards and level 40 characters.
Extra character slots can also be purchased through the Z-store. Z-store currency can also be exchanged for Questionite (in-game currency) from other players. (Using an in-game auction system)
This thread on the CO Forums is an open-armed welcome from many of the players at Champions Online:
It's worth noting that they look up to us as a community. And they want us there with them, and are offering to do whatever it takes to make us feel at home there.
I think that speaks volumes. One poster notes, "It was never them & us. It was just us."
Also, the moderator of Champions Online Role Players (CORP) posted this on his site:
On behalf of the CORP staff we sincerely apologize for your loss and welcome you to join us over at the Champions Online Roleplayers Community. Many of our CORPers are or were longtime fans of the City of Heroes franchise and we share your frustration with the turn of events that recently happened. It's such a shame that such a fun game was cut down the way it had been.
I've been a longtime player of City of Heroes as well, but only got into the RP scene roughly four years ago. Since the launch of Champions Online, I migrated over with frequent visits to the old gal that was City of. Some of you might remember me from the Virtue server. My global name over there was @Reldin and my main character was Soulless Titan. While CoH was a much older game, it still had that sort of charm that kept my interest in wanting to return every now and then. The frequent content updates to the amazing costume pieces, the game always gave me a reason to visit besides going to see how friends were doing.
Champions may not have the vast content that CoH has, but it is slowly working its way there. Just remember that it also took CoH quite sometime to get to where it was. CO has its own charm the same way that any other MMO has. It might not be the same for some of you, but you will eventually find that something to keep you interested. Some of you may like the customization, some of you may like the innovations that Champions has (vehicles!), or what's most important, some of you may enjoy the roleplay here. Whatever it may be, just know that you're not alone. You have the entire CO community here to rely on, as well as whomever decides to follow you from City of.
Adjusting to a new setting may be difficult for you, but do know there are many people here you can ask questions. Champions has lore that spans over two decades and there are many, many resources to take a look at. However, the most difficult thing to do is adjusting to a new community. Over on the CORP forums, we have many threads detailing some helpful links that can help you get started.
So if you decide to cross over to Champions, remember that the Champions Online community welcomes you with open arms. And who knows, you may find some long lost friends that used to play CoH long ago and moved to CO.
If you have any questions about CORP, feel free to send me a message in-game: @Reldin
Or feel free to send a message to one of our moderators.