3300 -
you know hit, you did a thankless job for what probably felt like far longer than it was. I appreciate that. It's a shame that it had to end like this, and you probably felt like the punching bag of a company that pissed off most of the people you worked with. my sig stands, ncsoft and their other games can burn for all I care, but you did an admirable job for a bad situation. and i wish you well.
well, I got 3 people into the game, 2 stayed 8 years and got one more in. given that my social circle included exactly 3 gamers and one doesnt play pc games, think thats not a bad record.
Its funny, I sometimes feel that the games that I think are really great are also just beyond the at-a-glance accessibility that leads people to go play skyrim or battlefield in droves (note, i do like skyrim, but if we dont get spears in dragonborn im hurting people) . games like okami, psychonauts, godhand and beyond good and evil. none of these games were really that out there once you gave them a shot, and all of them brought something memorable to the table...and all sold poorly. If i were to be cynical, i'd say people can only handle so much quality, too much and they get confused. -
professor plum,
the library
lead pipe
sorry, wrong game. anyhow rian frostdrake will be taking one last beattdown of mot in dark astoria on liberty. seems fitting. -
it would be an awkward situation. the money was no issue, i never stopped subbing so no biggie there. they would have to get back the majority of the staff harder to do now that several key workers are not employed elsewhere. Even then they committed a very significant breach of trust, and that is simply not coming back. Out of respect for the dev team i'd likely come back, but It would be different, and I dont think I can actually trust ncsoft again. transparency would eb nice, but im not sure I'd trust what they said.
Quote:well, first thing is that metaphor isn't quite on. in your example, you purchased a game with an established setting and, with no stated mandate from the players, introduced elements that are not native to the setting, just because you wanted to.This.
People, it has nothing to do with cultural disdain. I love me some Asian culture, art, history, food, women, alcho--errr, I'll stop there.
If anyone wants to take this and run away with some kind of "WHY U NOT LIKE ASIAN IN UR GAME", feel free to do so but you won't be having the same discussion I am.
I don't hate many things, but I hate it when people take offense with me after I say "no thanks" to their offer to insert as much <insert culture> as possible into largely western cultural artifacts in order to "improve things". This is how you LOSE something great, not how you GAIN something great. Imagine if I had enough money to buy out all the Asian-themed MMOs out there and systematically began marginalizing Asian aspects with tons of American-style patriotism, spandex, capes and masks, cowboys and indians. Would that be cool? (Hint: no, it would make me a huge d-bag.) You know, as an American, I'm well aware of the mistakes my country and culture has made in the misguided notion that it would only be helping the world to leave the American "brand" stamped all over it. It does not please me to see people falling into the same ignorant and arrogant mindsets on the behalf of other cultures. There is a difference between celebrating our differences, and the assimilation of anything different. Just ask the Borg.
What we have seen in several threads is that people state their dislike of something that several players, usually including myself, do want in the game, because of a very narrow definition of what the super heroic genre actually encompasses. in contrast, there are, and I have references lots of examples of, western comics drawing certain cultural touchstones from eastern, particularly Japanese culture. wolverine's time in japan, the foot clan from tmnt, samurai from the justice league, most of the stuff drawn by adam warren, silver samurai, marvel's various manga/ anime side stories, the teen titans tv series the ninja girl from sin city, Its a part of the genre, so when people say "no thanks" or more accurately, when people tell me my ideas dont belong in the game and should be disregarded outright because the only true superhero is a four color spandex clad anachronism, then yes, people are going to take their dismissal personally.
And i'm failing to see where you are going with the borg comment as anything substantial, the borg destroy and alter what they assimilate, expanding the game's aesthetic options to allow for a greater representation of different types of superheros destroys what exactly? does fighting alongside a player in a hamkama somehow invalidate your capacity to control what your character does or looks like?
Quote:Since the 1930s, the comic book super hero ethos has been primarily western in scope, and has only recently began incorporating multicultural flares to the extent that we see today. That's a good thing, but for goodness sake, with only four (soon to be three) MMO games covering the genre, it can be considered to be on the endangered species list compared to the hundreds of Asian-themed MMOs out there.
furthermore, you even state yourself that comics have become more inclusive since the 40's, so have bathrooms and drinking fountains, I'd say the ability to include a broader number of culturally iconic themes has helped comics grow into a stronger medium. The batman of the past didnt look half as intimidating as the current one with multiple eastern and western unarmed fighting styles to draw from, he is more black belt than utility belt. Besides, have you ever heard of manga? its quite popular these days, comics are more than just one thing.Quote:
I'm not saying "keep Asian influences out of comic book MMOs"--after all, the comics don't do this. But you'll please forgive me when I scrutinize those who seem to think my western culture can't stand on its own two legs without "help" from Asian subscriber numbers. This kind of thinking is what leads to homogeneous cultural artifacts in whatever forms of art you enjoy, and ten years from now when you log into the new "Cowboys in the Old West" MMO and find it filled to the brim with ninjas, samurais, katanas, throwing stars, a kibun meter and maybe two or three actual cowboy NPCs in the corner of an out-of-the-way zone, you'll finally be forced to agree with my point here. Unless, of course, you're loving the game too much to care what your fan-demands have accomplished to stamp out of existence.
western culture itsself is more inclusive of influences from all over these days. Within reasonable driving distance I can go to a korean Tang soo do school and a african-influenced capoeria school after snacking on a peroghi and while listening to j-pop music, American culture IS assimilating culture, and that is something comics are representing more and more. superheroes are not analogous to cowboys, one is set in the modern times and one is set int he distant , locked past, though games like rizing zan and movies like shanghai noon, do give some precedence. the scope of the argument sis so exaggerated as to be absurd. Diversity is about including others in, not excluding you out. The fact that we had the natural pack or the imperial dynasty pack never prevented you from having a large number of tights patterns available if you so chose. it only meant that people who liked spandex and those who didnt both had something to enjoy.
look, lets get to the meat of it, what do you think doesnt belong exactly? eastern martial arts? katanas? power armor? psychics? martial arts influenced costume choices? Cat girls? Giant robots? ninjas(or more accurately, western movie portrayed ninja, in anime and such, ninja often behave quite differently) Once you break it down, those scary foreign influnces are already a part of the genre already. so whats the breaking point for you?
The final bit of irony to this whole thing is that gg, the voice that launched the whole argument's one character that she has across all the servers is a MARTIAL ARTS/regen scrapper. based, as she said in the past, on herself since she studied kung-fu...so the voice for excluding eastern influences from the game based her character on someone using one of a large number of CHINESE martial arts. ya know?
EDIT: looking back, this was more confrontational than intended, cap actually is a poster who'se posts I enjoy, and I was just looking for a clarification because it looked like it was saying one thing, and i'm prety sure it was a thing he wouldnt be sayng. So was jus trying to draw out a more clear opinion out, not tackle him through wall, as it may have initially looked. -
1. customization should still be the main priority, keep the crator expansive and represent as broad a number of genres.
2. offline mode. nocsoft's little trick has reminded my why I liked phantasy star online and universe, because even though the servers are long dead, I can still play them offline. I think It also helps balance the expectation of soloable content and team content. If the bulk of the game is playable offline and team stuff is a separate additional thing, It would focus more on making sure a single player can do the majority of the content. have us buy the client, and sell dlc's of content that appends onto our offline game and I will be a happy camper. maybe even make the offline portion lan'able, for couples that play. -
Quote:That actually is the subject of a lot of player's hopes. If we can get a good portion of them back together to make a new game, superhero or not, I'd have to say that my patronage is assured. the question of course is how they would secure cash, but given their track record, maybe some venture capitalists might see them as a good investment. given posi's affection for traditional D&D it could even go fantasy, but so long as I can have a monk, im cool with the setting shift, though the fact that there isnt a great offline single player superhero game with customizable characters and powers and with an expansive world like fallout 3 or skyrim is something i'd love to see rectified. apparently todd howard wanted to do one, but he wanted it with batman...no, I want customization.who is left over, meaning that havent found another job already, that is able to do this new studio thing if they wanted to?
I'm curious of what kind of ideas they could come up with for a new game without any restraints of the company that they work for.
and yes, i know about infamous, but the character is already set for you, and powers are only lightning and ice/fire. close, but customization is a requirement for me. -
Quote:to be fair, a lot of people were helping initially because we wanted to help the efforts of brian clayton and presumably a part of our dev team get the game back. with october being the great "go screw yourselves" from ncsoft, that goal mostly vanished, they weren't selling, and no crying westerners were going to change that. I am all for generating what negative publicity that I can for them, and have been preparing reader reviews of guild wars 2 for gamefaqa, amazon, gamerankings and metacritic to try and hurt them where i can, and I have been active on kotaku making sure people know what ncsoft did in every ncsoft related post that would make sense, they wont blink now, and the devs wouldnt be there if they did, so pretty much all I could do is go from "work with ncsoft" to "hurt ncsoft" and I can be persistent.I'm just going to add that it irks me a little that their October 2nd press release ("exhausted all efforts") was so successful in quieting a lot of people and hopes around here.
I really felt like that was the time to shout right back louder than we had before.
What does that mean? Just simply continuing as much publicity as we could muster. Oh, believe me, there were many people still trying, but a large amount of our playerbase was simply gone and our turnouts seemed to be far smaller than previously. Believe me, that is all understandable... we were here for fun and to play a game... not to fight an impossible fight against a billion-dollar corporation via the press, media and any publicity stunts we could create. I just would like to see NCSoft's reactions to further negative press and public out-crying after their statement that that was that and all attempts had been exhausted.
Of course, people are still trying to do these very things and failure never happens until all efforts cease. So, you never know. And if you ever feel like helping out, every little bit counts.
as a side note, i'm really glad to hear about the weight thing. that was a significant step for his health, and I'm betting he feels significantly better because of it. -
furthermore, everything he i wearing is an nes accessory. not seeing anything making him emblematic of any game's community. And furthermore, he looks like he was having fun, a bright vibrant community would certainly welcome a person who didnt mind looking a little silly doing what he wanted, In fact, given that several posters posted pics of them cosplaying their characters, I'd say that was one of the positives of the community.
anyhow, i have my doubts, i know that wow had advantages coh or anything by a publisher that did not have blizzard's rep would simply not have and bypassing those numbers wouldn't have happened. that said, I remain skeptical when people try to blame advertizement for poor performance of good games, i have a standard rattle off list of games that were very good, were strong critical preformers and sold poorly(okami, godhand, beyond good and evil and psychonauts, for the curious), I just don't think that people want as much change as they pretend that they do. And I really think people overstate how popular superheroes are. a few summer blockbusters with massive budgets and bankable stars doing well does not show me that there is a large hunger for superhero games. outside of the infamous series, I cant think of a superhero game that did well commercially that was not a direct movie tie in.
the situation looked even worse when you look at how champions and dcou fared, despite heavy advertizement on the latter's part. So would more advertizing have brought in more people? dunno, i strongly suspect that it would have brought in some transitional players maybe got some 3 month stays out of them, but I just dont see a thirst for the unusual in today's gaming markets. people want what they already know how to play with incremental improvements. -
its all good, neither did I really.
completely off topic, but given your seeming affection for computer rpgs, have you been following project eternity? Obsidian going for a more classic styled iso rpg, with some venerable names a the helm, might be up your alley. It has monks as a class, so i'm in already -
Quote:If you look deeply enough from a culture different enough, I suspect many respected people would not look particularly good. that's the good thing about our forefathers, they are too long dead for us to remember what they did to get where they were.But Plato was a dick.
Quote:well, I cant read the mind of the op, but in defense of apologetics, its a word that has kind of drifted in meaning. an apologist is someone in the greek legal system who defends any position. as opposed to the katagoria, who takes the offensive position. so if you like co, then technically you, and i, are an apologist, because you are in some way defending the game. if nothing else, you are keeping company with Plato.Toast,
I take exception to your term "CO apologist". My wife and I have been part of Paragon City for over six years...nearly seven...and I'm playing CO because it's giving me the best superheroic bang for my buck now that CoX is shutting down.
I'm not going to apologize for that. Nor would I expect anyone who wants to be part of DCUO to apologize for their choice, or you to apologize for the fact that you don't like CO.
Some people drive Fords, others drive Chevys. Doesn't make one better than the other, and I doubt anyone apologizes for their choice. -
If i trusted the people who made it not to make it a virus delivery service, hell yeah, Happily.
I'd say a combo of depression at the current situation and people going to Titan to keep the fight going has left the population low, and the remaining population polarized. I'm basically still here because I havent yet deleted the bookmark, will probably soon.
Quote:This Is a problem that kind of bothered me. combat can be interesting, but it became a thing of one or so powers being really good, so you just spam them. For me, martial arts was, thunderous lunge, into a group, dragon kick with full charge, drops every minion, burning chi fist for the survivors, if its a nasty boss throw knees to interrupt hits and keep chi fist on him.. for my sorcery main, its skarns bane and sigil of the primal storm, drop survivors with the ST charge blast. mechanically its st's and aoes here too, but at least there is a flow of techniques, made thing s a bit more visually distinct.*Example* My power armor character at level 30 pretty much wins every standard encounter by pressing 3 once or twice. Thats it. It toggles on the mini gun which hits an arc for like 8 seconds which is enough to melt all minions and LT's. Bosses are usually few and far between.
It apparently . -
Quote:Wind waker too, which was huge, but also got controversy because it didn't fit the style of an earlier tech demo of link fighting gannon. cel shading isn't something that is just good or bad, its a matter of preferences, particularly for people used to a style for 5 years. i love cel shading and have to admit, I had to tag off the outlines myself.Don't the fairly successful games Borderlands and Borderlands 2 also use a cel-shader with outlines style? So somebody must like it or choose to ignore it.
I will admit, fully human characters with no facial coverings do look a little wonky there, but since I play monsters, robot and such, i am somewhat insulated. -
I'll admit, it isn't my preference compared to coh, but what I want is a character creator like coh's, and right now, its CO or absolutely nothing(DCOU does not cut it, at all). so since its the only game that is friendly for me to port my characters over there, it works out. The freeform stuff is nice and the community, whether out of genuine concern of calculated pragmatism has been welcoming, and cryptic apparently hired some unspecified devs, and most importantly, it is NOT NCSOFT.
It was good enough for me to lifetime back in the day, partially as a bet that it would grow and improve like coh did in 3 years time. It hasn't quite hit that mark, but its shown some interesting growth, I like the new perk system introduced in "on alert" so there is where I will go with copies of my coh characters.
they need to get babs off neverwinter and get him animating fast though, their animations are by far their weakest link, hand to hand moves are stilted and jerky, and the "athletics" travel power makes the character look like they are traveling downhill while running on a flat plane, and a lot of bestial's claw moves just look horrid.. the martial arts animations are surprisingly pretty good, the thunderous kicks combo actually looks better than the comparable "storm kick" power here, but then I make a stone character, and its just flailing their arms with rocks on them, yuk.
one funny bonus of co is you an make an arch enemy, i didnt have one for my Rian frostdrake characer, yet, so i know who it will be...ncsoft president T.J. kim, with demonic minions. Think I'll be doing several nemesis missions. Time to kick that twit in the face a few hundred times.
oh and xie, its club caprice. -
Jim Sterling is a irrational nutjob, he is the opposite of the dreamy idealism of extra credits, he is a crass internet troll with absolutely zero credibility. The only reason people listen to that blubbering idiot is because he conforms to the jackass internet troll culture. He is using ONE example of an edge case where stupidity was rampant on all sides to justify reducing gaming culture and its dialogue with developers to a bunch of screeching thugs. Gaming goes any more like that and im getting the hell out of it and agreeing with fox news, it wont be worth taking seriously.
You know what, i have a good counter example, the 8 years of city of heroes. we can talk about specific incidents and specific posters being ***** here, but in general the community worked because we could interact with the developers like human beings, we start acting like this morons video and dont expect that to happen again.
in fact, the best thing is his example really deosnt work anyhow. the only people that cared about that woman recanting her case were the people who already discounted fox news, those who would have taken the original stupid piece on fox news as anything other than a sad journalistic joke would not have been on any of the sites that mentioned her recanting, and would not have cared, their minds were already made, so congrats, we got one clown out of the screaming political shows, only thousands and thousands to go, and she is only out o people who didnt take her seriously anyhow thank you social media. -
absolutly, with one qualifier, i'm kind aofdown on mmos. While I would play one i'd really prefer a game like arcana described, a game that is primarily single player, playable offline but where you go to hub areas and can go online for quests with others. kinda like phantasy star online.
not to turn this into a throw gaming suggestions at bill thread, but in another thread you made about your general displeasure at the industry in general, you mentioned liking older pc games. have you seen the setup for "project eternity?" its a kick-starter thing for the guys at obsidian(a lot of them from the old black isles) that are making an retroish looking isometric crpg. wont be out for a while, but if you are looking at the past crpgs nostalgically, might be up your alley. they have a monk class so im in already :P. now to nag them to get me a reptillian race.
as for the coh thing. I never really liked mmos, you cant really affect the world because it has to stay more or less static, latency tends to make the gameplay less engaging than games like ninja gaiden. and the general need to emphasize teaming to force communities and keep people paying for long times ..not my style. Add in the continual wallet drip feed, even if "free to play" and the fact that soulless sons of...erm... publishers can just remove everything from you that you paid for at a moments notice, screw that noise, I can plug in my atari and play endeuro with a cart from nearly 30 years ago, but I cant play coh, which i have put possibly a grand into, come December,
I am very mad coh is going down, the devs gave feedback that i have not seen from previous favorites like capcom, nintendo and bethesda, and i will be following them to whatever studios hire them because I liked them. but as gaming goes, I will be fine offline. coh was a means to an end for me, suffer the indignities of the mmo structure for the amazing character creator, if I could have had it in a single player game with additional dlc...no question that i'd prefer that. i loved hanging out with my friends that id play, but I have a phone, mmos were never my intention. I'll hang out at CO for a time, see if they get their act together and start trying, but I dont see myself cradle to the graving it like coh, that happens once. -