Why the SaveCOH efforts are the RIGHT ones
Interesting perspective.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
Makes sense to me.
Est sularis oth Mithas
My take is the video shows the CoH efforts are the WRONG ones
For the most part, the SaveCoH movement is trying to squash any "whining and b****ing".
They are trying their level best to be polite. They aren't trying to cause a s***storm, which is what the video is saying we should be doing. Not passive-aggressively asking NCSoft 'pretty please' over and over or showing them we're 'too good' to resort to getting ugly.
Ugh why would you share Jim videos. That's like getting herpes and then rubbing your blisters on people you pass on the street.
Jim Sterling is a irrational nutjob, he is the opposite of the dreamy idealism of extra credits, he is a crass internet troll with absolutely zero credibility. The only reason people listen to that blubbering idiot is because he conforms to the jackass internet troll culture. He is using ONE example of an edge case where stupidity was rampant on all sides to justify reducing gaming culture and its dialogue with developers to a bunch of screeching thugs. Gaming goes any more like that and im getting the hell out of it and agreeing with fox news, it wont be worth taking seriously.
You know what, i have a good counter example, the 8 years of city of heroes. we can talk about specific incidents and specific posters being ***** here, but in general the community worked because we could interact with the developers like human beings, we start acting like this morons video and dont expect that to happen again.
in fact, the best thing is his example really deosnt work anyhow. the only people that cared about that woman recanting her case were the people who already discounted fox news, those who would have taken the original stupid piece on fox news as anything other than a sad journalistic joke would not have been on any of the sites that mentioned her recanting, and would not have cared, their minds were already made, so congrats, we got one clown out of the screaming political shows, only thousands and thousands to go, and she is only out o people who didnt take her seriously anyhow thank you social media.
After watching the video and thinking that punishing other development companies with publisher boycotts are a great idea, you are just as much of a '(insert insult)' as this guy.
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

-Female Player-
Actually, the whole reason the SaveCoH movement is being glossed over is because so many temper tantrums have been made recently that our positive effort isn't new news. We are being lumped in with the tantrum crowd, but only insofar as the mainstream media coverage is concerned. Blame Mass Effect 3s call of outrage because it was the biggest to catch the attention of everyone. The problem here is, those players DID make an impact. I think there is a fine line. You want to be agressive to a point, but not draw negative reports. And to be honest, the Mass Effect 3 debacle got attention when death threats started arriving in developers mailboxes. "That" can wind you in legal probelms that you just don't want and since our position is "Save a Super Hero Game" you don't want to come across as a "super villain."
The old axiom of journalism is to cover something once when the topic is hot and the next time a similar subject arrises it immediately goes back to page 9. We're there because of the weekend NcSoft chose to do all of this and because our news isn't fresh. And to me that is the saddest aspect of this whole thing. The fact that we are approaching this in such a positive matter should be bigger news than it is.
And of course the fact that NCSoft isn't really the juggernaut game company like EA or Blizzard or any companies of that sort doesn't help us much.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
What did Jim Sterling ever did to you? Sure, he has controversial views on certain things, but then so do MovieBob and Yahtzee and especially the folks at LoadingReadyRun. The "Thank god for me!" bit is a joke he carried over from his early videos and it IS old at this point, but the broader point he's making is still valid - boycotting publishers accomplishes nothing. Making noise may accomplish nothing, either, but it still has a better chance of succeeding.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I'm just gonna leave this here