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  1. I would come back in a second.

    And I would happily pay to play.
  2. I am just curious about why the walkers don't mind eating dead flesh this season, but last season it was specifically pointed out that they only go for living flesh.
  3. Arnabas

    coXso... GTNwIA


    Numbers Taken: 14, 22, 28, 32, 49, 67, 81, 52
  4. ME!

    Seriously, I would KILL for some good art of any of my characters.
  5. When I first heard about this and read that the producer of the old show was behind it, I was excited. When I saw the trailer, I felt like I had been slapped in the face. I didn't even bother to check it out past that.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post

    Also forget, this Spider-Man will be grim-dark
    See, I always figured that the whole Ben Reilly thing was a way to get back to the light-hearted Spiderman of the past. Over the years everything Peter went through gradually turned the comics darker and darker. It seemed to me that Ben was a way to go back in time, in a sense. Fans wanted to keep Peter, though, so suddenly Peter became all upbeat again (even after the "death" of his daughter, who was never seen or heard from again, despite still being alive (although I stopped reading not long after this, so maybe they did actually kill her, but killing a baby off would kind of suck)).
  7. Huh.

    I came here expecting to see how Q got around in the continuum.
  8. I totally loved it. Smiled from beginning to end, but had to wipe my eyes when it was over.
  9. Quote:
    ...we want to ensure its reputation and the memories we share for the game end on a high note.
    You're special, NCSoft.
  10. I decided months ago that I wouldn't watch this until the series ended. That way I can see the whole thing on DVD without having to wait 2 months between episodes and 10 months between seasons.
  11. Arnabas

    Good news all..

    Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
    That one's good, but was thinking of this one
    Great. Now I am watching clips from Perfect Strangers and feeling nostalgic.
  12. I decided to try CO last night...

    I wasn't thrilled with the character creator because I couldn't find a way to make my character without a hood (unless I chose a different AT that didn't have one by default). I started the tutorial and played about 3-4 minutes before exiting. I just couldn't do it.

    I admit that some part of it may have been the graphics... I don't know what their system requirements are, but my new computer (which I just bought for CoH 2 months or so ago... *sigh*) which plays CoH maxed out on Ultra and also plays Skyrim no problem will have issues with CO unless the graphics are turned way down. That makes no sense to me.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
    I think I can make that costume in CoH.
    For a little while longer, anyway.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
    Batman's voice is a real turn-off.
    Yep. The voice, the nipples and Robin's crotch all added up to keep me from sitting through this. I skimmed it and did laugh at Nightwing hitting Harley in the head... I'll give it points for that.
  15. Hmm.

    Don't hate it, but... Meh. Kind of neutral to it.
  16. Ok, I hate to sound dumb (and maybe there is an answer already in this thread further along than I have read), but what will this do, exactly?

    I get the basic concept-- that this saves our character data-- but to what end? To export to another game if CoH is shut down? Or in case our characters are somehow erased/ deleted?

    I am a bit confused as to the purpose.
  17. You know, whatever happens to this game, the pride and love I feel right now will carry me forward. This community is beyond amazing.
  18. A glimmer of hope....
    I'm not sure how much my heart can take!

    Still, I will be spreading the word, too. Maybe miracles can happen.
  19. I hope so.

    I said if before in another thread and will repeat it now:

    I want to help.

    I have NO idea what I can do beyond signing the petitions etc (already done) and there seem to be so many varied attempts at saving the game going on that I don't know where to begin. I will, however, do anything I can. I will donate time and money, or do whatever it takes.

    I am just feeling a bit lost as to what to do.
  20. Sigh.

    I would even be happy just keeping the CC...
  21. ... I actually feared what is happening now. I had no experience with MMOs and I worried about what would happen to my characters and all the "work" I put into them if the game were to shut down. Now I am facing that nightmare with all of you.

    Now, even though it is many years later, I still wonder about something that I had thought about at that time: is it possible to download the entire game so that we can play it solo, as we would with any other single-player game? I know the game is big, but is something like this even possible?

    Sorry if that's a dumb or naive question, but I figure I might as well ask.
  22. I tried to avoid getting my hopes up, but I couldn't help it.

    I am on such an emotional roller-coaster right now. I was playing with my wife and son earlier and looking around Talos, thinking "how can it be that this will soon be gone? How can my characters cease to exist?"

    So, yeah, I guess it's really done, but I still don't want to believe it.
  23. I can't ever delete mine either.

    I love the way everyone is pulling together to try to save our game, but I am feeling a bit lost as to what I can do... I wanna help, toooooo!