Would you purchase a stand-alone City of Heroes game?
An interesting idea. I would chalk it up to maybe. It would have to retain everything currently in the game. It would have to allow Multi-player. The installed game would be huge - all the content and coding to get things to run.
But the missing content would be the other players.
CatMan - some form on every server
Always here, there, and there again.
Considering that I mostly solo, I would, yes.
Which isn't to say that I wouldn't miss a) the updates, b) talking/reading about upcoming updates, and c) the community.
Yes. Plain and simple.
I love the community, and I would sorely miss playing with people. But what originally drew me to this game was the ability to make my ideas of superheroes come to life, and a single player version would still allow me to do that.
@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.

I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.

Even if it was totally offline and only solo-able, I wouldn't hesitate for a second.
I love teaming and I love the community, but sometimes soloing was fun, and at the very least, I'd like to retain the ability to go onto a character and smash things in the game.

I'm not sure 'cause I spend a majority of my time doing team things, like iTrials and TFs. Would we have NPCs for that, or would we get to create our own companions and have AI for that?

Taimatsu-maru Fire/SS tank Grapes. Plant/Kin troller Blood? Healer/Emp/BR fender | more...
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Haven't played the other games you mentioned but I tend to solo a lot at max settings, so yeah, if it's fairly similar to what we have now...and/or the story/arcs are the almost exact same...I'd admit I would. Wouldn't quite be the same since I adore PUGs and am not sure they'd be as easy to come by but I'd manage.
Black Dawn/Shattered Dawn
Chaos Legion
In a heartbeat.
I'd even pay extra for the ability to connect my computer to my friends' and upload/download AE content.
Newton: I observed Mercury's perihelion moving 43 arc-seconds per century more than it should. Is this WAI? --Einstein |
I would definitely go for this.
Sims and Civ does this and tend to have a thriving modding community along with periodic updates/expansions between serializations.
Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars

Honestly, NOT being able to do this is one of my biggest gripes about online games. As much as the online community is a thriving part of it, once the servers are down, that's it. There's usually no other way to access the game.

Yes, in an instant.
I solo a lot, but even so I'd miss the buzz of an evening of random PUG hopping on Freedom, or the ocassional TF, and just the sense of the world being alive with other heroes and villains, but I'd definitely play a future CoH game.
I've long since drifted away from reading almost any Marvel and DC comics, but this is one comic book world I'll really miss, so yeah, I'd happily revisit it.
I'd miss the MMO aspects, but I'd buy it without hesitation.
Virtue 50s:
Ice/Ice Blaster, Fire/Fire Dominator, Mind/Emp Controller, Shield/Axe Tanker, Spines/Regen Scrapper, Rad/Pain Corruptor, Petless Thugs/Traps MM(WHY!?), Widow
A zillion alts on Virtue and elsewhere.
An open-world sandbox RPG set in the CoH universe (ideally spanning both Paragon and the Isles), that rivals the scale of Skyrim and Just Cause 2? Yes, definitely. And I think they could easily do such a scale (I mean in the sense of not running out of ideas to fill it with, not the actual world building itself!).
Hell, it could even feature Architect Entertainment, for other people to share their own custom stuff.
Not that it'd ever happen...
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
The combo pack with the sequel, Freedom Force vs The Third Reich is $7.49.
Buy it. Trust me. I will be very surprised if you can find a single developer of this game who has not owned it at one point or another. While I abhor the whole idea of Metacritic (actually, it's the power it holds with investors that I abhor) there's a reason it has a Metacritic score of 90/100.
"But we are like children, thinking our toys will make us happy and the whole world is our nursery. Something must drive us out of that nursery and into the lives of others, and that something is suffering." �C.S. Lewis
If City of Heroes was re-worked into a Freedom Force or Skyrim or KOTOR-style of single-player game (possibly with a multi-player option,but again like a standard RPG, not a MMORPG) would you buy it?
For me personally, the answer would be a resounding yes. Especially if it had modding tools built-in (which seems to be more and more the norm rather than the exception). Downloadable content? Yeah, I'd probably be into that too. |
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
Would have 8 years ago. Think I'll snag Freedom Force on Steam tonight based on nothing more than SR's post.
Be well, people of CoH.

In an instant. And then spend my days trying to see if there were any mods that would make it multiplayer.
Absolutely! Just wishful thinking, but it would be amazing to have a workshop DLC pack with tools to build our own costume pieces and add them to the characters, or trade them as well.
Probably not. Most of the charm is the teaming. I'd get quickly bored single player.
I mostly solo and have never been a fan of MMOs outside of this one. If there had been a single player stand-alone version of City of Heroes back when it was first released, I would have bought it then.
Freedom Force on Steam is $4.99.
The combo pack with the sequel, Freedom Force vs The Third Reich is $7.49. Buy it. Trust me. I will be very surprised if you can find a single developer of this game who has not owned it at one point or another. While I abhor the whole idea of Metacritic (actually, it's the power it holds with investors that I abhor) there's a reason it has a Metacritic score of 90/100. |

EDIT: Well the demo isn't working with my version of Windows, but supposedly the main game was patched to account for it. Guess it's worth trying a leap of faith at this point!
This is not a "Plan Z" or any other plan to save the game. It's just something I'm curious about.
If City of Heroes was re-worked into a Freedom Force or Skyrim or KOTOR-style of single-player game (possibly with a multi-player option,but again like a standard RPG, not a MMORPG) would you buy it?
For me personally, the answer would be a resounding yes. Especially if it had modding tools built-in (which seems to be more and more the norm rather than the exception). Downloadable content? Yeah, I'd probably be into that too.