Would you purchase a stand-alone City of Heroes game?




I've always wanted to be able to run CoH offline, and at one point I thought of a design for a limited single player mobile game (which I called Scrapper's Challenge). So I'd definitely go with this.



I played Freedom Force when it came out. That was really fun. I had always been meaning to try out its sequel, but I'm too busy playing The Secret World right now.



CoX reworked and rebalanced into a single-player game would definitely find a place on my hard drive.

People complain about the "lack of content" for certain areas, but there's enough content overall to absolutely SWAMP a truly solo player. The replay value of being able to create hundreds of different potential characters would almost be superfluous.

The one issue is that it would require MASSIVE rebalancing to make it work. Every AT/powerset needs to be able to solo every encounter for CoX to be viable as a singleplayer game. That means everything from the tutorial to Tyrant has to be doable with whatever design you left the creation screen with. Paragon, and NCSoft in general, has an absolutely pathetic track record when it comes to solo viability.



In a heartbeat. In a lot of ways, I think CoH would be even better as a pure single-player RPG.

Incidentally, I think Champions Online would be vastly superior as a single-player game. Ditto The Old Republic. Those two games seem to have been designed from the ground-up to mock solo players and multiplayers alike; the community aspects of both of those games are so lackluster that I'm forced to wonder why the developers would even bother spending resources on them.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
Nice build



Yes, it will be like a new game. I would like realistic fighting like in Mass Effect, Fable, and those type of games. Here my wish list for the stand alone.

1. Sidekicks (1-47 of them)
2. Nemesis
3. A ton of new power sets and outfits.
4. Destroying buildings.



Very likely, but as a standalone game, it really should have *more* than the MMO does. By more I mean things like more environmental interaction (such as being able to pick up things to throw or use as weapons, be able to climb walls, destroy certain things), and character customization should be amped up to eleven (oodles of costumes and mods, stances, etc).

There's a standalone sandbox-type game with superpowers, called 'Awakened' I think, in development (at least it was) that I can't wait to get. Has a decent preview video (google it).



Abso-flipping-lutely. Here take my cash ! Give me stand alone game !!!!

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Seuss.
"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. "



Originally Posted by jfp2004 View Post
Honestly, NOT being able to do this is one of my biggest gripes about online games. As much as the online community is a thriving part of it, once the servers are down, that's it. There's usually no other way to access the game.
Yup. It'd be great if all MMO publishers would at least modify the game to allow for people to host their own servers before they shut down the games. Updates and patches could even continue in the form of a dedicated mod community.



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Very likely, but as a standalone game, it really should have *more* than the MMO does. By more I mean things like more environmental interaction (such as being able to pick up things to throw or use as weapons, be able to climb walls, destroy certain things), and character customization should be amped up to eleven (oodles of costumes and mods, stances, etc).

There's a standalone sandbox-type game with superpowers, called 'Awakened' I think, in development (at least it was) that I can't wait to get. Has a decent preview video (google it).
Dunno. CoH obviously wasn't designed as a purely single-player game, so there are aspects of it that would probably be considered inadequate in the single-player market -- but that said, CoH also has a veritable mountain of content, love it or hate it.

Hell, even if a single-player port of the game simply cut out all of the group content in CoH (task forces, trials), the amount of story-arc content is absolutely staggering -- hundreds and hundreds of hours' worth. What's the playthrough time of the average single-player RPG these days? 20 hours? 40ish if you're lucky?

I'm not saying the game would be competitive as it is on the single-player market; the age of the engine alone would make CoH a hard sell there -- but I don't believe the game would have to be altered all that much to be a great value as a single-player game. In short, there are advantages and disadvantages to the game's MMO-focused development history, and the good far outweighs the bad.

(EDIT: Also, the character creator in COH absolutely crushes any character creator in any single-player RPG that I've ever played. You're simply not going to find a development house willing to put anywhere near as much time and attention into a character creator for a one-off-sale game. To the extent that single-player games give people more-than-MMO customizability, it's usually through a given game's after-market modding community.)

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
Nice build



Without a doubt. My approach to this game (or any other MMO for that matter) has for quite some time has been "something I can play the way I like, but can team too, if I'm in the mood". A single-player version of the game wouldn't be a whole lot different from the way I normally play anyway.



Yes, most definitely. I had that thought a long time ago as a hope if they ever decided to shut it down, just let everyone buy a copy just for their own personal use.

I love this game and solo as much as I team. I love following the stories and playing different concepts. I love my SG but we'll survive past this, but I'm really going to miss this, what is truly my favorite game of all time (and that's saying something).

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
Dunno. CoH obviously wasn't designed as a purely single-player game, so there are aspects of it that would probably be considered inadequate in the single-player market -- but that said, CoH also has a veritable mountain of content, love it or hate it.

Hell, even if a single-player port of the game simply cut out all of the group content in CoH (task forces, trials), the amount of story-arc content is absolutely staggering -- hundreds and hundreds of hours' worth. What's the playthrough time of the average single-player RPG these days? 20 hours? 40ish if you're lucky?

I'm not saying the game would be competitive as it is on the single-player market; the age of the engine alone would make CoH a hard sell there -- but I don't believe the game would have to be altered all that much to be a great value as a single-player game. In short, there are advantages and disadvantages to the game's MMO-focused development history, and the good far outweighs the bad.

(EDIT: Also, the character creator in COH absolutely crushes any character creator in any single-player RPG that I've ever played. You're simply not going to find a development house willing to put anywhere near as much time and attention into a character creator for a one-off-sale game. To the extent that single-player games give people more-than-MMO customizability, it's usually through a given game's after-market modding community.)
I wouldn't want that content to be cut out. I'd want it to be made soloable. One of my biggest regrets is that I never was able to solo an ITF on my Tanker. Not because I couldn't do it; actually it was going very well when I got booted on the third mission because the person I had filling a slot on my team disconnected.



I would, but I'd definitely hope they'd make all the character types a lot more soloable for it.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Some of the group content is just artificially group. Remove the entry barrier to task forces or the need for simultaneous clicks and it would be fine.

I think that sidekicks would still be necessary for some content if the game is limited to single player. I won't necessarily want that balanced, it's okay to leave it feeling that without several heroes working together there's little chance for success.



Purchasing it after having bought coh, cov, going rogue, expansion packs, items?
To play it alone? Without the community?

I would run it when i have the blues but i doubt much i'd play it that way as a hardcore gamer.
Soloing Hamidon... Not a good idea.
Yet it would join my museum of good past games that i still run from time to time to remember the good moments i had.

Les Gardiens de l'Equilibre / Les Disciples de l'Equilibre / Les Traqueurs de Chaos



I don't think I would. Although I love CoH, its community is what makes it such a good game and why I'm still here after 7.5 years.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



If it were compeltely reworked as a single player game - essentially a new game just kept in the same setting and spirit - then I'd give it the same consideration I'd give to any other new game, i.e. if I liked the look of what they were doing, the features and game mechanics appealed to me, then sure I'd add it to my list of games to buy.

If it were just the MMO as it is just now but made so we can play it offline, solo, then no I'd not buy it - I get bored pretty quickly soloing in CoH.



Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
Hell, even if a single-player port of the game simply cut out all of the group content in CoH (task forces, trials), the amount of story-arc content is absolutely staggering -- hundreds and hundreds of hours' worth. What's the playthrough time of the average single-player RPG these days? 20 hours? 40ish if you're lucky?
You don't need to. Specifically, you can make those solo-friendly by using systems the game already has. Let TFs scale down like Ouro TFs do - AVs to EBs, number of players down to x1, level down to -1. Also, return the old mechanic which existed for a few days that let EBs scale down to bosses when the "no boss" option was selected. It used to be that if you disable bosses AND AVs, Ouro TF avs would drop down to bosses. That solves almost all of the game's "team only" content, and it can already be achieved.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
You don't need to. Specifically, you can make those solo-friendly by using systems the game already has. Let TFs scale down like Ouro TFs do - AVs to EBs, number of players down to x1, level down to -1. Also, return the old mechanic which existed for a few days that let EBs scale down to bosses when the "no boss" option was selected. It used to be that if you disable bosses AND AVs, Ouro TF avs would drop down to bosses. That solves almost all of the game's "team only" content, and it can already be achieved.
Yeah, I agree. My point was to emphasize the amount of content in the game; even without any of the group content, CoH has much much more content than your average single-player RPG has. Whether that content is of sufficient quality for a single-player game is another question, of course.

Ideally, you'd get a big-time overhaul of the game before it were ported to single player. Making the group content work for single players would be among the easier things on the list, I would think -- but the more suggestions you make to change the game for a theoretical single-player version, the more I believe you stray from the spirit of the question posed in this thread.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
Nice build



Honestly, if NCsoft wanted to, they could have left the studio alive for those last three months, but stopped work on any future development. Instead, they could have spent the time adapting the game to non-centralised operations and sold it as a standalone title, didital distribution only, with existing paying customers getting a discount. Or not, just sell it, with existing customer being able to export their characters if they did so prior to the final shutdown.

I'd buy it, like I said. I'd stick with the community even without the game but, more on-topic, I'd play the game without the community, too. I don't need multiplayer to enjoy a good game.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I wouldn't play it if it wasn't LAN-compatible though. I don't like to play with big groups, but I DO like to duo/trio with my gaming partner and my husband. Without the option to do that, I don't think I'd play much.

Minecraft has a great system for that, I'd steal that and tack it on



Lisa finishes reading the thread, and scowls pensively at the screen.

Being a soloer, I love all the ideas in this thread...I have a very good track record of being on the losing end of things...for example I was rooting for Texas A&M to win, and they lost...so if I were to decide I liked the ideas in this thread more than I lik NCSOFT either selling or bringing back the game...NCSOFT will bring back the game....hmmm....

Well, here goes....clears throat.


Digs out Paintshop Pro, and makes modding plans...

We will soon hear from NCSOFT.


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung