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  1. From NCsoft:

    Quote: We wanted to let you know that your voices have been heard and your concerns have been taken into serious consideration. We appreciate the overwhelmingly constructive and positive messages in the emails, notes, and packages you've sent in support of the game. It has not been an easy decision for us to close Paragon Studios® and prepare to shut down City of Heroes. We've exhausted all options including the selling of the studio and the rights to the City of Heroes intellectual property, but in the end, efforts to do so were not successful. City of Heroes has a special place in all of our hearts, and we want to ensure its reputation and the memories we share for the game end on a high note.

    Once again, we will be holding events throughout the process of preparing for the game's end, and we encourage players and fans of the franchise to join forces and enjoy their time in a game that we've enjoyed supporting for more than eight years.

    The NCSOFT® Team

    Non y'a plus d'espoir. Par contre va sur le forum du titan network. Y'a un utilitaire pour sauvegarder ton perso complet (sentinel plus) au cas où le titan network fasse un remake pirate qui prendra mille ans à faire.
  2. =sigh=
    Another epic fail for me. I did not need that.
  3. Just pour signaler que je viens d'avoir mon remboursement de la part de NCSoft.
    Non pas que ça me réjouisse particulièrement, mais au moins c'est toujours ça de pris.
  4. See you soon in the gaming zone here or somewhere else.

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by zwillinger View Post
    cessation of player services

    /me do not want.
  6. Should I or should I not?

    Of course I should.


    1-) For the people (like me-but I would be rated as an extremist down here) who think we've been too soft sending long letters that takes ages to go (and i still haven't got my registered receipt back!) to Korea and for those who can't pay the price of a registered letter to Korea, emails are cheaper, easier. This new action allow those people to join the dance and the fight.

    2-) People who think it's a bad idea because of the possible use by trolls : it's another reason to counter and outnumber the trolls! Write your most beautiful and respectful letter! Not writing your beautiful letter = letting the trolls have their words up.

    3-) For those who think it may cause problems to negociations : showing our love and support to this great game can't cause a problem if there are negociations. Cause if there are negociations, that means NCsoft is interested in selling the rights. If there is a negociation at this stage, it's probably motived by money and business. Not by letters. Even though letters and family action is good to help the hand that could sell the game.

    4-) For those who say it is over already : doing nothing is accepting it.

    So where are the bad reasons to do what Tony says? Follow your Leader. He proved his worthyness. If he says after much thinking that it's the next option, trust him. He's not a 4 year old kid who wants his toy and nags here and there. Neither are we. Trust the good sense of the community. Follow Tony "Stasteman" V. Unity is strength.

    So it shall be written so it shall be done.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
    Worse still, from a customer-relations perspective, is that they've said nothing about refunding subscription time or points. That's something that should have been communicated to customers within 24 hours of the announcement of the game closing (if not as part of the game-closing announcement), yet here it is, more than two weeks later, and there's been no information.

    In fact, NC Soft has themselves said nothing about CoH at all, including that the game was being closed. The only communication has come from Paragon.

    And that's... disconcerting, at best.

    Of course, I'd rather have the game continue and I'd be more than glad to continue paying to subscribe, but they shouldn't get to both kill the game AND keep our money.
    Brillant words! I agree with all you've said here.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
    Wow, you guys are freaking amazing.

    No, this is not WoW. This is CoH!
  9. Glad I could put 5 dollars in the basket.

    [taunt]@Zwill, you're speechless? I bet you won't be speechless anymore after a few drinks lol[/taunt]

    Question : is 1000 dollars enough for menu, cheese, meal, wines, beers, desserts, coffee, digestive alcool?
  10. COH_Myriade

    Ci-Git Coh.

    C'est bien et c'est tout à fait ton droit mais mon message s'adresse à ceux qui veulent faire quelque chose en mémoire des bons souvenirs dont tu nous as parlé.

    Si vous avez des idées ou si vous menez des initiatives ce sujet est pour vous. J'ose croire que tout le monde n'est pas résigné à attendre la mort passivement ici. Aux motivés, rêveurs et autres, je ferai remonter vos actions postées ici au Titan Network.

    Dans tous les cas, ceux qui ne veulent rien faire, et bien faites-le. Mais il est très facultatif d'en informer l'univers, si vous voyez ce que je veux dire.
  11. J'enverrai mon faire part de décès du jeu et signerait le registre des condoléances le 30/11.
  12. COH_Myriade

    Ci-Git Coh.

    Oui la flander's company.
    Tu peux aussi contacter le visiteur du futur comme webserie. Qu'il aille dans le passé changer les décisions de ncsoft.
    Quelqu'un peut il lancer un sujet avec les actions de sauvegarde du jeu sur jol et contacter jeux

    P.S. : le message ne te vise pas Bibi. Tu es un des rares à être actif en ce moment au niveau des actions.
  13. COH_Myriade

    Ci-Git Coh.

    Et si on se bougeait le cul pour alerter les médias et forums jeux video francophones? Des volontaires? Ou bien on laisse ******?
  14. COH_Myriade

    Ci-Git Coh.

    Bon ben manifestement les initiatives francophones pour soutenir l'effort de la communauté toute entière sont désespérément absentes.

    C'est bien dommage de voir tant de résignation, d'indifférence, de départs anticipés vers d'autres mmos, et surtout une absence globale de relais sur le net pour la défense du jeu.

    J'en ai pourtant connu des héros qui défendaient le jeu bec et ongles à une époque.
    Je ne passerai pas le dernier jour du jeu sur Vigilance donc. Jamais je n'aurai pensé dire un jour que je me sens plus proche de la communauté de Virtue que de Vigilance dans "l'esprit". Il faut croire que ce jour est arrivé.
  15. 1000 monks, 1000 religions.

    People can put the tag they want on this kind of gathering.
    For some it's a fest or a community moment showing unity, for others it's a testominy of the good times passed on this game, an hommage to the devs, a little prayer for the players who have passed away, a farewell and for some it's a protest.

    Everyone has his own reason to participate and whatever it is, noone should say "this is good" or "this is bad" or "this is not what it was intended to be".
    IT WAS. What we made of it as individuals and as a collective. Every personal reason was righteous.

    For me it was certainly a bit of everything. Protest included. I won't hide myself behind words. One thing is sure. None of the participants want this game to end. That's what matters.

    If external eyes have badmouthed about it, be sure they were badmouthing the game much before this event. And would have done that whatever we do.
  16. Purchasing it after having bought coh, cov, going rogue, expansion packs, items?
    To play it alone? Without the community?

    I would run it when i have the blues but i doubt much i'd play it that way as a hardcore gamer.
    Soloing Hamidon... Not a good idea.
    Yet it would join my museum of good past games that i still run from time to time to remember the good moments i had.
  17. Atlas park 9 on Virtue :

    Yes I'm the one bashing the big drum while using hover and personal force field.

    Uploaded with

    Uploaded with

    Uploaded with
  18. COH_Myriade

    Ci-Git Coh.

    Atlas park 33 sur Virtue parait-il... Je suis sur Atlas park 9.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    If he can eat it angrily, I'll paint "NCSoft" on it in icing and take a video for YouTube.

    I want to see that. Contact him! lol
  20. COH_Myriade

    Ci-Git Coh.

    15,263 supporters ont signé la pétition.
    Ca n'a pas l'air de tellement ralentir.
    Tant mieux.
  21. Maybe someone should contact wrestler Rob Van Dam. Has probably not played the game but has run a comic shop for years (the shop is closed now).
    And maybe someone should contact Greg Helms who was wrestling as a super hero "The Hurricane".
  22. COH_Myriade

    Ci-Git Coh.

    Des cannelés? =>[]
  23. COH_Myriade

    Ci-Git Coh.

    Titan Network vient de sortir une version "plus" et un extracteur XML pour sauver toutes les infos de nos personnages. (y compris les parties de costumes, les badges, les pouvoirs incarnés, le slottage, ...).

    Ca pourra servir au cas où... on verra bien.
  24. COH_Myriade

    Ci-Git Coh.

    J'ai fait ma lettre. Plus qu'à l'imprimer et la signer et un de mes sbires familiaux ira à la poste pendant que je bosse.