Put us out of our misery
I think they worry about loosing what little in-game purchases they still have left.
"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

Gamecards don't work. However, people report that serial codes from box copies do.
NCsoft's ongoing silence is worrying. The SaveCoH campaign has gathered more and wider media coverage than the game itself has had in years and it's disconcerting that we aren't hearing anything at all from NCsoft.
They could easily sit back and just let the clock run out, and it's looking increasingly likely that they will. I'm already seeing tensions rising in the forums and it's going to be hard enough to keep everyone together, to keep morale up and keep the momentum going as it is - with nothing from NCsoft it could be impossible.
Yeah, I'm sure they will. They gave us their answer in those two links. I don't see the point of them saying anything if there is no chance, so there you go.
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

The point is that they have several thousand customers around here who want more information. Any business whose standard business practice is to stonewall existing customers is a business that is asking for those customers to a) never buy from them again and b) tell all their friends about it.
Right now, NCsoft have completely ignored any attempt to open a dialogue between their customers (us) and themselves. Even a one line "we understand, but it isn't going to happen" would be better from a customer relations perspective than complete and utter silence.
This may be a cultural issue, I have no idea, but I work in the customer service industry, and there are two things you NEVER do: Lie to a customer, and ignore a customer on purpose.
That's just asking for trouble.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

Worse still, from a customer-relations perspective, is that they've said nothing about refunding subscription time or points. That's something that should have been communicated to customers within 24 hours of the announcement of the game closing (if not as part of the game-closing announcement), yet here it is, more than two weeks later, and there's been no information.
In fact, NC Soft has themselves said nothing about CoH at all, including that the game was being closed. The only communication has come from Paragon.
And that's... disconcerting, at best.
Of course, I'd rather have the game continue and I'd be more than glad to continue paying to subscribe, but they shouldn't get to both kill the game AND keep our money.
Pull together, guys. NCSoft is done with this game, but we're not done with them. That's the whole point of this campaign. We know they aren't going to miraculously reverse their decision; what we want is for them to sell the game to someone else who can take better care of it.
And yeah, it's going to be a long, uncertain road. But this isn't some doey-eyed ex-girlfriend we're courting here. We need to show them it's worth their while to sell, financially if possible, but certainly both as a public relations move and to keep us as potential customers. And we need to show other companies it's worthwhile to buy, by being the loudest, most loyal fanbase in the web-o-sphere.

Any business whose standard business practice is to stonewall existing customers is a business that is asking for those customers to a) never buy from them again and b) tell all their friends about it. |
Jay is right. It has been communicated to us, uniquivocally, that the game is shutting down.
Silence on NCSoft's part is not a sign that they're considering any sort of change to their thinking. Silence implies the status quo. Not to be Mr. Negativity, but I also expect the status quo to be silence as well. I doubt CXOs in Korea are going to be terribly moved by the fact that a few thousand gamers signed an online petition and all went to the same zone at the same time.
Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)
Jay is right. It has been communicated to us, uniquivocally, that the game is shutting down.
NCsoft have not once communicated with me, their customer, to inform me that the service they are providing is ending.
A customer service staff member who works for a subsidiary of the company I am actually paying money to has told me this. It appears (though there is no proof) that the company I am paying money to has informed a news website that this is happening.
But I have had nothing from NCsoft to tell me.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

So, the links JayboH provided aren't sufficient eh? What is it you need exactly? A hand written letter from davinci@ncsoft.com (CEO) that says "Dear Shadowe, I has a sad..."?
What does it matter whether the notice comes from NCSoft or Paragon, or a link on a news site quoting NCSoft's statement? I personally don't think their intentions are vague.
The IGN article includes this statement NCSoft provided IGN:
We will begin the City of Heroes sun setting process immediately with the goal to officially stop our service offerings for the franchise on November 30, 2012. |
Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)
Technically, no, it hasn't.
NCsoft have not once communicated with me, their customer, to inform me that the service they are providing is ending. A customer service staff member who works for a subsidiary of the company I am actually paying money to has told me this. It appears (though there is no proof) that the company I am paying money to has informed a news website that this is happening. But I have had nothing from NCsoft to tell me. |

ill tell you the same i told the people on facebook...
the game is shutting down.
people lost their jobs.
real life isnt as scary as you think.
there are other games.
yes all sucky...but however you need to get realistic because its despite our efforts ncsoft already looking to their new game. they just didnt think about it in a day nor just to screw us. yes we getting air time and such...little too late. itll cost more money now to make everything get back running.devs are moving on. looking for other work.
2 months and 15 days your not gonna have anything. no forums.no game. d00m is finally here. panic!!

All right now, peeps! It ain't over til the fat lady sings as they say, and I don't hear any singing! The spotlight won't even be shining on that stage until November 30th, so pull together here.
Hellgate: London closed down and came back online. Gods and Heroes closed down came back online. APB and Fallout went under and came back online. CoH only has to be the next one to do it--but this time we're aiming to drag Paragon Studios along for the ride.
So get to it! Send those three emails out to the NCSoft Head Honchos in TonyV's thread there. Go go go!
You don't know until you try. And wouldn't you rather go out, guns blazing, knowing you did everything you possibly could to save CoH, rather than wondering that it might have been saved if not for your lack of trying in the end?
Sharpen those katanas and broadswords, mix up some new spells, un-holster those wild western pistols-- we have only just begun to fight!
I'm not giving up hope until the servers go dark.
I'm following TonyV, I think it's the best we can do.
I do agree that NCsoft doesn't seem to be handling the PR very well. They could have at least sent an email to their existing customers.
I've seen big companies on the inside. There are also cultural differences. In general I abide by the adagium, "Do not attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupidity".
The only thing we can do, is to try and speak with one voice and as loud as possible. TonyV is making all the right moves in my view, I will keep doing what he suggests.
There are exceptions, where actions like this have worked on some form. My personal favourite is when the Apolyton fansite was allowed to continue work on Call to Power and got the source code.
Actually no news is good news. We know that TonyV is working hard to save the game but also that there is a team of Devs also working to save the game. These things take time. To me the best sign that there is still hope is the fact that we still havent heard what kinds of reimbursements will happen to those who have paid up past the close date.
It is always darkest before the dawn
"I believe there's a hero in all of us, that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride, even though sometimes we have to be steady, and give up the thing we want the most. Even our dreams." Aunt May SM2
i dreamed a dream, but now that dream is gone...good bye Paragon
That might be true if the MMO market weren't bottoming out, in the middle of what is already a financial recession.
Meanwhile, the world will keep working the way it does.
Two weeks and we have heard nothing, the community has been fantastic, Tony and his team brilliant, so many people have done more than anyone could ask, and more.
NCsoft cannot have missed what we have been saying, I don't beleave they are unaware of our actions, I think they are ignoring us, and they can continue to do that until the servers shutdown, they have nothing to lose, it's all just business to them, money, not people. Tonyv sounds worried in his last post, I am worried, I'm sure many others are too. I'm not giving up, but the fight is hard, I think we deserve an answer now. Ncsoft, tell us, put us out of our misery, 'is there any chance that COH will be saved ? yes or no', thats all we, well, at least that's all I ask, am I really asking that much ? |
Two little mice fell into a bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned, but the second mouse, he struggled so hard that he eventually churned that cream into butter and he walked out.
I'm not giving up hope until the servers go dark.
I'm following TonyV, I think it's the best we can do. |
I'm following everyone on Twitter, I'm signing every petition that comes my way, I'm joining every online protest I can make.
If nothing else, it's introduced me to a lot of fantastic people in the community that hadn't previously come to my notice. It's also changed my opinion about a lot of folks around here- that old saying 'you don't know who your real friends are until you actually need them' applies. A guy like TonyV who I didn't get along with turns out to be exactly the sort of person you want on your side when disaster strikes. And all the people in Ultimus' Final Reveal thread, people with no post history but who've been playing for years and grabbed a final opportunity to connect with the wider community.
Then there's the why aren't you like me, way too cool to form an emotional attachment to a silly game? Also, GW2 is GREAT! contingent.
I like the crowd I'm running with.
If we end up bashing into a brick wall, as seems likely, we do it with the finest motives and in excellent company.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
Let me tell you about a long-time subscriber I know, who isn't me.
This subscriber has been paying NCsoft for over 6 years to access CoH. NCsoft (and Paragon Studios, actually) have done nothing to inform this subscriber that their subscription is no longer due. Nothing to inform them that the game is being closed. This subscriber does not frequent the forums, and does not look at MMO news sites. In fact, the only source this subscriber has that the game is due to close is me.
NCsoft have this subscriber's email address, their physical address, their credit card billing address, and quite possibly their cell phone number. All of these are valid means for a company to make their customers aware of a change in service. NCsoft have chosen to use none of them.
This subscriber is my wife.
So while I trust what we have been told here, and I believe the reports of the game's closure, it represents reprehensible customer service to fail to inform your paying customers of the loss of a service, and from the perspective of the person I know better than anyone else in the world, NCsoft have failed to do so.
Call that trolling if you like, but unless you can prove that my wife has been told by anyone associated with NCsoft that CoH is closing, you won't change my mind.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

Two weeks and we have heard nothing, the community has been fantastic, Tony and his team brilliant, so many people have done more than anyone could ask, and more.
NCsoft cannot have missed what we have been saying, I don't beleave they are unaware of our actions, I think they are ignoring us, and they can continue to do that until the servers shutdown, they have nothing to lose, it's all just business to them, money, not people.
Tonyv sounds worried in his last post, I am worried, I'm sure many others are too.
I'm not giving up, but the fight is hard, I think we deserve an answer now.
Ncsoft, tell us, put us out of our misery, 'is there any chance that COH will be saved ? yes or no', thats all we, well, at least that's all I ask, am I really asking that much ?
Now more than ever