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  1. What or who killed City of Heroes ?

    It's easy to look back at the game and think what worked, what didn't work, what should have been done, and what wasn't done, the important thing to remember is that, even with all it's faults, COH was/is the best super hero online game in exsistence.

    We can look for reasons why Ncsoft are pulling the plug, but lets face it, COH was doing well, it was making a profit, there is no good reason that we know of for it to go.

    There is a lot of online games out there, and there aren't many that come close to COH, but somehow they survive.

    The only thing that killed COH is Ncsoft.
  2. Thanks for a positive thought Winterminal, in all the negitivity going around it's nice to read something a bit more uplifting, even if it is a long shot.
  3. Two weeks and we have heard nothing, the community has been fantastic, Tony and his team brilliant, so many people have done more than anyone could ask, and more.

    NCsoft cannot have missed what we have been saying, I don't beleave they are unaware of our actions, I think they are ignoring us, and they can continue to do that until the servers shutdown, they have nothing to lose, it's all just business to them, money, not people.

    Tonyv sounds worried in his last post, I am worried, I'm sure many others are too.

    I'm not giving up, but the fight is hard, I think we deserve an answer now.

    Ncsoft, tell us, put us out of our misery, 'is there any chance that COH will be saved ? yes or no', thats all we, well, at least that's all I ask, am I really asking that much ?
  4. katnap

    End of a world

    I have played so many online and offline games, but none of them have evoked so much emotion as 'City of heroes'

    I keep telling myself 'this is just a game, it's not the end of the world'

    But it is the end of, A world, a living, breathing world, made by and played by people with equal passion for it.

    'City of heroes' deserves to survive because it is more than a game, it's a living world with real people within it, people who have nutured it, protected it, grown attached to it.

    Only a heartless person could pull the plug that will send it into oblivion.
  5. And we love you.

    Love is all you need, all you need is love...........and COH of course

    Hope the flu goes quickly.
  6. You can count me in............sent.

    Enjoy the meal guys and gals.
  7. Mmm 2 am GMT, bit late for me being in England, however the 5pm saturday event looks good, I'll be there.

    One question, which server, or will there be runs on all servers ?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
    Personally, I liked it. It fit in with the City theme, and I've been tired of seeing the same billboards for 8 years.
    Me too, it somehow made the city feel more real, I guess it just didn't attracked enough business.

    The Kat
  9. Personally I found creating characters and playing them from level one to be one of the most rewarding things in COH, and there are so many combinations of powers and a massive amount of customisation to make yout hero look exactly as you imagine.

    So starting again at the begining, I'll be there, I just hope we get the chance.

  10. katnap

    A Heroes Plea

    Hello, my name is 'Fire Kat',

    I don't know if anyone will ever see this message but I send it anyway.

    I have lived in Paragon city for many years, I have fought villains of every shape and kind, I have protected the city from evil, protected it's citizens from harm, I like so many others have dedecated myself to good and justice.

    But that is about to end, so I have heard, from rumour in the street.

    For myself I have no worry, I have looked death in the face many times, I have excepted that the day will come when my time is at an end.

    No I have no concern for myself, I fear for my friend.

    He has been with me from the begining, always looking out for me,experiancing all I have achieved, or perhaps that should be, what we have achieved, together.

    His name is David, he lives in a place called 'Real life', I'm not really sure what or where that is, perhaps it's in another dimension, though I have never seen or heard of any portal to it.

    All I know is that he is out there, and he and I have a special bond, and that bond will soon be broken, I fear for his well being.

    Here I am the big hero, but I cannot help the one person who needs my help more that anyone in Paragon, I feel useless, with all my powers I can do nothing.

    If only I could get a message to, that 'Real life', to those that hold my world in their hands, to ask them to save Paragon, not for me, not for any hero, but for people like David.

    If only my voice could be heard.

    Fire Kat.