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  1. COH is the only game that allowed me to exercise my creativity. I could create a character and have that character look exactly the way I want him to. This is one of the reasons why I am staying away from the Marvel MMO. The popular heroes are gonna be spammed. How many Wolverines and Deadpools are going to be running around? Had they included a character creator I would have considered it. As of right now I will probably go to DCUO. I played it before and I enjoyed it. They are about to introduce player lairs but instead of team bases they will be solo bases which I like and wish COH put in the game.
  2. Me: Hey! What's all this laying around stuff? Why are you all still laying around here for?
    You: What the hell are we supposed to do, ya moron? The game is done. There's nothing to fight for anymore.
    Other You: Let it go. War's over, man. NCSoft dropped the big one.
    Me: What? Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!
    Me: And it ain't over now. 'Cause when the goin' gets tough...
    [thinks hard of something to say]
    Me: The tough get goin'! Who's with me? Let's go!
  3. SilverPharaoh


    I logged in today and discovered that I received my VIP points for the store and my free server transfer token. My account has always been set to a monthly payment. I have not checked to see if I paid them this month.
  4. I played primarily on the VIP server. VIP is a ghost town. Its supremely depressing logging in and having the feeling you are the only one on the server.
  5. SilverPharaoh

    VIP Gaming

    Yeah I think Im gonna return to my home server and move my 50s over to there
  6. I do play on a mac and find the MMO choices wanting....that being said I wont give NCSoft another cent. Yes I am angry at the company but its for a very different reason. This game was cancelled with no warning what so ever. Can you guarantee that if I get invested in GW2 that down the road NcSoft wont do the same thing?
  7. Do not lose focus people. You are trying to communicate with a corporation. A corporation does not do things immediately. I can guarantee the decision to close down the game was not made that friday. If Ncsoft is considering saving the game its not going to be over a week or a few weeks.
    We have to continue our efforts. If we are being ignored then we have to yell louder. We have to get more media attention, more celebrities to the cause. Bigger and better shows of solidarity. Now is not the time to log off and feel sorry for is the time to pop those rezes and get back in the fight.
  8. Actually no news is good news. We know that TonyV is working hard to save the game but also that there is a team of Devs also working to save the game. These things take time. To me the best sign that there is still hope is the fact that we still havent heard what kinds of reimbursements will happen to those who have paid up past the close date.

    It is always darkest before the dawn
  9. SilverPharaoh

    VIP Gaming

    There has been a lot of talk of saving the game in the last couple of months. I dont know whats going behind the scenes but I do know that the past couple of days Exalted has been day there was only 17 people on during prime time. If the game is to be saved I dont think any server can be that empty. I am putting a call out to play on the VIP server.
  10. Keep spreading the word because everytime I log on there is someone who hasnt signed the petition
  11. Hey gang there is gonna be a session today at 1030am Pacific time
  12. While I am not a rabid burn NCsoft down type I as a consumer have a right to be angry. There was a right way to go about this and they did the opposite. No one had an inkling this game was on the chopping block...not even the devs. They were still working on issues and costumes and powers up until the day the rug was pulled out from underneath them. The reason why so many people are angry is because no one saw this coming.

    Now I am not the active boycotting type but I will not give money to s company that behaves in this manner.
  13. SilverPharaoh

    Im back

    I brought my main character back to Protector 'Silverpharaoh'. It seems fitting that he was created here and he should end here. See you around.
  14. I will be here til the end

    I remember having to get hover before flight and going to the top of the Atlas statue
    I remember trying to land on the blimp
    I remember earning my first cape
    I remember Go.Hunt.Kill Skuls
    I remember my first Hami raid
    I remember City of Heroes
  15. This is what I would like to see....Hami raiding Atlas...or an invasion of Hamis...or Hamii followed by Rularuu and Mot and then every AV....and the heavens open and the ghost of Statesman joins the fight...the main heroes also join in the fight until.....evil is defeated

    ....and then we get to see Paragon as it was giant energy hazard zones...just one massive city...that you can fly from Atlas to PI without the trains.

    There is a huge ceremony on the steps of city hall and mayor thanks all of us for fighting the good fight and making the city whole again. "For 8 years we have learned that for every evil that spawns from the darkness a shining hero rises to do battle with it. We were broken and bloodied and discouraged...but we did not give up the fight. We continued to rise while we fought enemies foreign and domestic, alien and all too familiar. On this day you have cried out to the heavens that Paragon is a City of Heroes, not to be trifled with. I declare that this day, November 30th will forever be known as City of Heroes Day."

    Fade to white
  16. Please please please tell me there will be a thread where you guys talk about everything that was planned and stuff for the future...please
  17. This is what I would like to see....Hami raiding Atlas...or an invasion of Hamis...or Hamii followed by Rularuu and Mot and then every AV....and the heavens open and the ghost of Statesman joins the fight...the main heroes also join in the fight until.....evil is defeated

    ....and then we get to see Paragon as it was giant energy hazard zones...just one massive city...that you can fly from Atlas to PI without the trains.

    There is a huge ceremony on the steps of city hall and mayor thanks all of us for fighting the good fight and making the city whole again. "For 8 years we have learned that for every evil that spawns from the darkness a shining hero rises to do battle with it. We were broken and bloodied and discouraged...but we did not give up the fight. We continued to rise while we fought enemies foreign and domestic, alien and all too familiar. On this day you have cried out to the heavens that Paragon is a City of Heroes, not to be trifled with. I declare that this day, November 30th will forever be known as City of Heroes Day."

    Fade to white
  18. I want to delete all my toons but my first one and stand on the Atlas statue and wait for oblivion...however I want to wait and see what events might happen leading up to the end.
  19. SilverPharaoh

    Good bye VIPs

    It has been an honor and a privilege to battle the forces of evil by your sides. Take care and thanks for all the Xp

    Mr Quantum
    Apollo Helios
    Black Spider
    Mr Champion
    Ares Phobus
    Ms Champion
    Black Voltage
    Mr Mystik
    Rick Danger
    Dis Pater Hades
    Astro Cat
    Johnny Appleseed

    Fare thee well
    see you on the other side
  20. Positron...many people believe that its the original positron in the armor but few know that its actually the armor that has gain sentience

    Dream one know if he is the original hero or a new person in the mantle

    Citadel 2.5

    Manticore....the grandson of Manticore 2 and Sister Psyche....he can fire arrows of psychic energy from his mind

    DJ Zero who travels to the future when he's not DJing in our present

    Dr Aeon...a clone of the original who uses his abilities for good
  21. 3D (and remakes and reboots) will go away when people stop going to see them