Put us out of our misery




Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
If you request nicely, I will be happy to edit the post to include quotes.
The time for due diligence is before posting, not after whining about people who didn't read your mind. I'd expect someone who's been here 8 years to understand how forums work.

What is 'my ilk' exactly in your eyes?
Pimping other games on the CoH forums while going out of your way to heckle the people making an effort to save this one while endlessly trumpeting how realistic you are.

It's great you've spent lots of money supporting the game over the years.
It isn't great that you've decided your new role in the community is playing Forum Wet Blanket.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Gayla View Post
Maybe the devs are really well-known in the industry and basically had jobs waiting for them; but especially in this economy I would expect it to take several weeks even if the first place they interviewed with loved them.
I'll be surprised if the most prominent rednames didn't have invitations for interviews within the first week.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Congenital pessimist that I am, I find myself agreeing with this.
I'm following everyone on Twitter, I'm signing every petition that comes my way, I'm joining every online protest I can make.

If nothing else, it's introduced me to a lot of fantastic people in the community that hadn't previously come to my notice. It's also changed my opinion about a lot of folks around here- that old saying 'you don't know who your real friends are until you actually need them' applies. A guy like TonyV who I didn't get along with turns out to be exactly the sort of person you want on your side when disaster strikes. And all the people in Ultimus' Final Reveal thread, people with no post history but who've been playing for years and grabbed a final opportunity to connect with the wider community.

Then there's the why aren't you like me, way too cool to form an emotional attachment to a silly game? Also, GW2 is GREAT! contingent.

I like the crowd I'm running with.
If we end up bashing into a brick wall, as seems likely, we do it with the finest motives and in excellent company.
Nethergoat. For the most part I agree with you, but you have this weird chip on your shoulder with GW2. Not everyone playing it is doing the whole "Get over CoH" thing. In fact I can't recall seeing anyone doing both at the same time in a post. So could you maybe stop linking the two?

On topic, TonyV is mainly worried about losing to much of the Paragon team, I think. Keeping them together is kind of important to our goal, and the longer it takes to get some sort of at least internal word on it, the more they are going to drift off out of neccesity.

Regardless, it is still to soon to tell over the fate of CoH. I realize that two weeks seems like a long time, but it isn't. Not for this kind of thing. Buisness deals can take a long time to work out. Its just agonizing for us because well, its our game on the line.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



I'll be surprised if the most prominent rednames didn't have invitations for interviews within the first week.
I would be too! I just think it takes longer than two weeks to go from the first interview to an official new position. I just don't think business can move that fast. At least not in general.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
The time for due diligence is before posting, not after whining about people who didn't read your mind. I'd expect someone who's been here 8 years to understand how forums work.
You haven't noticed the ability to edit posts after 8 years, so take your own advice - you are so acidic and so negative and insulting, for no reason. Maybe taking your frustrations out on a new target is the goal of the day - who knows, maybe if you call me names the game will magically not get cancelled anymore.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Pimping other games on the CoH forums while going out of your way to heckle the people making an effort to save this one while endlessly trumpeting how realistic you are.
What heckling? I posted a review that I didn't make that also shows the negatives of the title and then gave my own opinions after others gave theirs.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
It's great you've spent lots of money supporting the game over the years.
It isn't great that you've decided your new role in the community is playing Forum Wet Blanket.
Well, it could be worse: I could be playing the role of Mr Rogers and talk about the Land of Make Believe where CoH lives on past Nov 30th...

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
Nethergoat. For the most part I agree with you, but you have this weird chip on your shoulder with GW2. Not everyone playing it is doing the whole "Get over CoH" thing. In fact I can't recall seeing anyone doing both at the same time in a post. So could you maybe stop linking the two?
Yeah, sure is awfully hateful here, maybe I am being too harsh and he's just having a bad day and found me to be his new plaything. If so, I forgive you Nethergoat.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
You haven't noticed the ability to edit posts after 8 years, so take your own advice - you are so acidic and so negative and insulting, for no reason. Maybe taking your frustrations out on a new target is the goal of the day - who knows, maybe if you call me names the game will magically not get cancelled anymore.
Don't feed the Troll.



Originally Posted by PPCGunner View Post
Don't feed the Troll.
Wow, if that's what's been going on, he's quite the jerk.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
NCsoft's ongoing silence is worrying.
No, it isn't. If there are negotiations going on, silence is to be EXPECTED. If nothing is going to happen, then silence would also be expected.

For there to actually be news made public at this point would be..... bizarre.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Two little mice fell into a bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned, but the second mouse, he struggled so hard that he eventually churned that cream into butter and he walked out.
eww. Do you want my toast? I don't think I can finish it. I don't know where this butter came from.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project





A follow up response to their current (non)handling of the closure of this game would be nice, and would really smooth over the hard feelings to win back a few customers.

Their current statement doesn't do it for me.

I don't anticipate it happening, though, and the truth will have to be dragged out to be seen. I'm hoping that one of the displeased is a really good investigative reporter who can speak Korean, or someone who goes to the same conventions NC does.

I'll be surprised -

- if I hear NC respond to an 18,000 strong petition with anything except silence.

- if any incentives are given out to former COH players, especially people who paid large amounts of money into the Paragon Market for the 14 months it was open.

- if they speak truthfully about EXACTLY why they closed the game, past their "no longer fits into our long term plans", or "realignment of company focus" - something not coated in corporate PR phrases, and more comprehensive than a four-sentence Dear John letter.

..but if they do any/all of these things, eventually, it will restore faith in them, even if COH dies.

The bare minimum for them is addressing what they are going to do with people with long term subscriptions hanging, and large point balances that are now worthless - and I hope it gets addressed, soon.




Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
No, it isn't. If there are negotiations going on, silence is to be EXPECTED. If nothing is going to happen, then silence would also be expected.

For there to actually be news made public at this point would be..... bizarre.
Exactly. In past closures, it was always a while between the initial announcement and when they said what the compensation was, so getting it right away would be out of character for NCSoft. If they were in talks with anyone, they also wouldn't say anything about that (hell, I'm pretty sure back when NCSoft bought CoH, the first we heard of it was after it was already finalized). Even if there were no parties inquiring about buying CoH, they might still be waiting X amount of time before they take the last step, just in case an entity comes forward.

People are simply blinding themselves with their rage. When I say that, I'm not saying CoH is doomed and you should give up in the slightest (50% chance someone still interprets it that way), I'm saying be smart about your moves and we might actually pull off one hell of a victory. Rash, emotion driven actions are simply counter productive.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
No, it isn't. If there are negotiations going on, silence is to be EXPECTED. If nothing is going to happen, then silence would also be expected.

For there to actually be news made public at this point would be..... bizarre.
I don't disagree insofar, as any negotiations are concerned, that we can't and shouldn't expect to hear anything until it's done. I am surprised that they've made no attempt to control the story, letting speculation and theorising run rampant on any site that's given coverage to the Save CoH campaign.

To put it a different way, it's two weeks and counting since the announcement, and noone knows for sure why they dropped the game beyond the vaguest of statements. Even the shutdown date of November 30th we're all taking as definite was mentioned solely in a follow up statement reported second hand by IGN.

That's what I find worrying, or perhaps disconcerting would be a better way to put it.



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Wow, if that's what's been going on, he's quite the jerk.
Your forum experience will likely improve if you just put him on ignore. Unless someone quotes him which negates the feature.



Originally Posted by Pebblebrook View Post
Your forum experience will likely improve if you just put him on ignore. Unless someone quotes him which negates the feature.
I'm hoping he was just throwing a tantrum and it wasn't his true nature.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



When Tabula Rasa's closing was announced on Nov 21, 2008:

the reparations for paying subscribers was announced the same day (by our own Avatea):

Almost four years ago. . . management policies could've changed since then. But in 2008, subscribers knew the same day what was going to happen.

A little closer to the current date, we see it took three weeks for Exteel:

When Exteel's closing was announced on July 27th, 2010:
Things were a little bleaker, but there was still a promise of news about rewarding customers in the future. It was delivered on August 18th, 2010:
Three weeks down the road.

We're only two weeks in. But we haven't even been told that we're going to be told anything. Zwill has just said he'll pass anything along that he gets, but that he hasn't gotten anything.

I would like to take the fact that we have no word as a sign that discussions are still underway. To announce perks for subscribers now could affect any business negotiations. After all, if the game might not close after all, one ought not promise things for when it does. (On the other hand, I rather think one ought not announce its closing in the first place. But hey.)



Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post
So, the links JayboH provided aren't sufficient eh? What is it you need exactly? A hand written letter from davinci@ncsoft.com (CEO) that says "Dear Shadowe, I has a sad..."?
I never got an email from Paragon/NCSoft informing me of the shutdown.
I never got in-game notification via the GMOTD.

I do frequent the forums and follow CoH on Facebook, as well as occasionally checking in on them on Twitter. So I saw Zwillinger's address to the community.

Many players (over 90%, according to Zwill) never even register for the forums. 55,600 people follow CoH on Facebook (less than half of the generally assumed playerbase, assuming that all those followers are current subscribers). 6,800 people follow them on Twitter (That's barely twice the number that showed up for TonyV's Unity Rally).
It's possible that there are people who follow news sites that got the announcement that way, without ever seeing it through any of the above sources, though I consider that unlikely.

My point is this: I am still running into people in-game who have no idea that the game is shutting down, because there has never been an OFFICIAL announcement made in a way that ALL players will see it, ie the GMOTD or an email sent to all subscribers. NCSoft has failed in communicating with us, because the information hasn't been put out in a way that is guaranteed to be seen by all of its customers.

Edit to add:

Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Also not good enough. I've never seen that. Since we have the ability to make the launcher pop up, launch the game, and close itself, it is quite possible to never see any of the advertisements or news stories listed on it.




Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
I never got an email from Paragon/NCSoft informing me of the shutdown.
I never got in-game notification via the GMOTD.

I do frequent the forums and follow CoH on Facebook, as well as occasionally checking in on them on Twitter. So I saw Zwillinger's address to the community.

Many players (over 90%, according to Zwill) never even register for the forums. 55,600 people follow CoH on Facebook (less than half of the generally assumed playerbase, assuming that all those followers are current subscribers). 6,800 people follow them on Twitter (That's barely twice the number that showed up for TonyV's Unity Rally).
It's possible that there are people who follow news sites that got the announcement that way, without ever seeing it through any of the above sources, though I consider that unlikely.

My point is this: I am still running into people in-game who have no idea that the game is shutting down, because there has never been an OFFICIAL announcement made in a way that ALL players will see it, ie the GMOTD or an email sent to all subscribers. NCSoft has failed in communicating with us, because the information hasn't been put out in a way that is guaranteed to be seen by all of its customers.

Edit to add:

Also not good enough. I've never seen that. Since we have the ability to make the launcher pop up, launch the game, and close itself, it is quite possible to never see any of the advertisements or news stories listed on it.
That's ok, if they make a GMOTD and email everyone who has an account regardless if they are a subscriber, there would still be people you will run into that won't know about it, so this argument is pointless.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
That's ok, if they make a GMOTD and email everyone who has an account regardless if they are a subscriber, there would still be people you will run into that won't know about it, so this argument is pointless.
If it were sent by GMOTD and email, it would reach EVERY SINGLE PLAYER. If those players choose to ignore it, then the onus is on the PLAYERS, not NCSoft.

The methods that NCSoft has chosen to use to reach the playerbase each reach 50% or far FAR less of the people it affects, and they know this.

No, the argument is not pointless. It takes 2 minutes or less to copy/paste Zwillinger's announcement to the GMOTD and a form letter that can be emailed to the whole mailing list. Why wasn't it done?




Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
If it were sent by GMOTD and email, it would reach EVERY SINGLE PLAYER. If those players choose to ignore it, then the onus is on the PLAYERS, not NCSoft.

The methods that NCSoft has chosen to use to reach the playerbase each reach 50% or far FAR less of the people it affects, and they know this.

No, the argument is not pointless. It takes 2 minutes or less to copy/paste Zwillinger's announcement to the GMOTD and a form letter that can be emailed to the whole mailing list. Why wasn't it done?
Please go and check - let us know what you find. People chose to ignore it now, but arguments can be made that it isn't their fault - I get what you are saying. I guess they can be surprised in December.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



My wife put this in an interesting way:

The announcement for closure of the game has required players to "pull" the information. In other words, it requires effort from the players to actually go looking for it. NCsoft have done very little (the copy on the launcher stays up for maybe 3 seconds with the right settings and is vastly overshadowed by the Nature Affinity advert) to "push" the information to us.

"We put it somewhere that you can find" is not a valid means of communicating with customers. "We sent you an email" is. Sure, there are people who disable emails on their Master Account, but that is not NCsoft's fault. Not even trying to send an email is.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



The majority of the information to customers has been passive from NCSoft. That is to say, the majority of the information has either been passed along by someone from Paragon Studios (either on request or on their own will), or has been posted somewhere for people to read (on the launcher, via news site press releases, etc).

The press releases can be seen as an active form of communication - via a third party - to the public at large. Customer, Non-customer and industry/commerical interests at large. They are not however a personal form of communication.

The desire is for a combination of both Personal and Active communication. This would help ease the community's ill-will (and show their PR Dept is worth a pay cheque).


What would be nice is an active communication from NCSoft (not Paragon Studios) to the customer (direct to us without a third party involved) in response to the massive undertaking of the community to get a response/save the game.

The most obvious example of this would be an email, even a mass form-filled email with account-server references filling in blanks to 'personalize' it, to all active customers that have allowed email contact.

That's not to say information hasn't already been given, it is that after the immense efforts from the community, an extra bit of effort from NCSoft (not Paragon Studios) would be polite/customary/in good faith.

Forse: lvl 22 FF/NRG Defender
Tam Krannock: lvl 37 Shield/Mace Tanker
Toppa Grace: lvl 25 Fire/Ice Blaster
Red Commissar: I'm in the Queen Mother. Only more awesome. And alive



Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post
My wife put this in an interesting way:

The announcement for closure of the game has required players to "pull" the information. In other words, it requires effort from the players to actually go looking for it. NCsoft have done very little (the copy on the launcher stays up for maybe 3 seconds with the right settings and is vastly overshadowed by the Nature Affinity advert) to "push" the information to us.

"We put it somewhere that you can find" is not a valid means of communicating with customers. "We sent you an email" is. Sure, there are people who disable emails on their Master Account, but that is not NCsoft's fault. Not even trying to send an email is.
Mrs. Shadowe is wise. ;D

And thanks for reiterating what I was trying to say in a clearer and more concise manner.




I brought this up on the Titan forums because it applied to the campaign and that there are still players out there who still don't know this is coming. It's interesting to note that if you don't do a lot of web surfing and/or don't ever come to these forums, you'd have no clue that a termination was coming. NOTHING in the NC Launcher or loading into the game (how hard would it have been for a little system message to appear at login?) gives you any indication that the game is counting down to oblivion. It's unbelievable to me that the only chance those players have at finding out is by word of mouth/keyboard.