38 -
Eventually, yes. Never is a long time.
But it might be years from now. -
I've heard that some of the more recent stuff--Whiteout, for example--is better written and not as campy. I can't swear to it myself. I tried it out last week and quit; it just isn't my cuppa, try as I might to make it so.
It wasn't what we wanted to hear, but thanks for the update! Hope all is well with you.
Zwill just posted in another thread that there would be a message regarding "the cessation of player services" in the next few days.
Quote:I agree. I think that if CoH were saved, there would be a big influx of people just checking out the game that was saved by its players. I don't know if they'd stick around, but I think they'd show up for a while.
Consider how much coverage this situation has already received, and how much media attention there will be if the game is saved. This would be a huge event in the industry and would get us more attention than the game has ever had before. -
Quote:I would be too! I just think it takes longer than two weeks to go from the first interview to an official new position. I just don't think business can move that fast. At least not in general.
I'll be surprised if the most prominent rednames didn't have invitations for interviews within the first week. -
Quote:Do you really think so? It takes a while to find a job, in my experience. There are usually multiple interviews and they have to be scheduled around all the meetings on everyone's calendar. And then HR gets involved, and all of that red tape takes a while as well. I think the last time I was looking for a job, it took two months from the first phone call I got until the day I started it--and that was what the company considered rushing! (Granted, it was a really big insurance company and there was a lot of bureaucracy.)
I'm sure that some of the dev.'s have pretty much secured new jobs and TonyV is aware of this.
Maybe the devs are really well-known in the industry and basically had jobs waiting for them; but especially in this economy I would expect it to take several weeks even if the first place they interviewed with loved them. -
Quote:Of course Paragon doesn't work for free, but they're not the ones I pay. I pay the publisher. (Our game accounts are NCSoft accounts, after all.) So the publisher has a responsibility to let me know what's going on.
Oh, I forgot Paragon worked for free. -
Quote:Because they're the ones taking my money.
why is it magically the publisher's job to personally tell you anything all of a sudden, instead of the development team?
Quote:Paragon Studios' shut down letter has been linked onto the CoH section of the NCSoft launcher since that letter was posted on August 31st. -
I've been thinking about breaking out Pharaoh/Cleopatra/Zeus again.
And....we made Massively again: http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/09...proclaim-alle/
Quote:Wait a minute, we're feeding Black Pebble?
Does this mean that we can finally squelch, once and for all, Black Pebble's grousing that nobody ever buys him food?
Can I have my money back?
(I kid, I kid.) -
On the other hand, double XP could get more people in the game. So it could have a positive side effect.
I had some server disconnects, but they seem to have gotten quite a bit better in the last couple of days.
Quote:I would so play this.
The game: Transmetropolitan Online - The concept: seriously, read the book
- What we keep: costume creator, insanity
- What we lose: Boring architecture, common sense
- What we add: double the drug budget for the writing staff, triple for the VFX staff
- Why it would be like City of Heroes: force everyone to play on Virtue and make the tutorial dump you into Pocket D, and you'd be halfway there already.
- The Downside: downside?
- Why I would play this: pre-order bonus power: the Chair Leg of Truth
Quote:Well, I don't think they're going to reverse their decision and rehire everyone--and I don't even think that's desirable at this point--but I do think it is certainly possible they might sell the studio to an investor.
What I can tell you is that it is extremely unlikely for them to ever say 'derp! maybe we will reverse all decisions and hire everyone back just to show how weak and stupid we are' so realistically I don't see anything happening that will ever let us play the game beyond Nov 30 -
Quote:You're right. It crashed a couple of hours before the rally. It didn't crash during the rally, in large part because the organizers asked everyone to turn off their toggles and dismiss their pets. The rally caused a pretty big load on the server and pets and toggles would only have increased that.
By all accounts the server had crashed just before I got there and did not crash after. -
I initially did not like the graphics at all (and I think I posted that here; sorry if I hurt your feelings, Lokikin) -- but this weekend someone told me I could turn the outlines off, so I gave it another shot and now have a level 15 Inferno. It does still feel weird to me, and I have no idea what I'm doing, but I did have fun and the community has been just amazing.
Quote:You realize this was to avoid crashing the server?
"Turn off all powers and dismiss all pets." came the demand. -
New article in Massively: http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/09...-save-the-game
Quote:Same here. Mine is supposed to renew on September 14, so we'll see what happens then.
My main account is on an annual subscription. I appear to still have VIP status. As of ten minutes ago, my account is not showing the "become VIP" star, my characters have access to incarnate powers and inventions, and I have full access to test server and beta server character slots. Everything I expect a VIP to have access to I current do. -
Quote:Personally, if they did that I would feel much more forgiving than I do at this precise moment.
Given that NCsoft wants to focus on other efforts, how would you, the City of Heroes community, feel if they came out and said something to the effect of, "Unfortunately, City of Heroes isn't part of our future, but we understand that you still want it to be part of yours," and opened the door for the game assets to be given or sold to someone else? -
When I first heard the news, my plan was -- as I posted at the time -- to log on one more time, take some screenshots of my favorite characters, log off and uninstall. To accept the end gracefully.
But now that the initial shock is over, I've changed my mind. At this point I am choosing to believe we can win this fight, and I'm doing what I can to help. I realize that I may be setting myself up for a crash on December 1, but if that does come to pass, at least I'll have the comfort of knowing that I did what I could to avert the end. -
Quote:The thing is, though -- NCSoft treated them really shabbily, from what I understand. I think it would be hard for me to go back to work for a company that treated me badly, no matter how much I cared about the particular project. I certainly wouldn't blame anyone who didn't go back under those circumstances.If NCSoft did suddenly realize their mistake and allowed CoH to remain, I would hope a lot of people would stay to back up their professions of love for this game. Show them we meant what we said.
I know I would stay.
Regardless, I don't think it's realistic to believe that NCSoft will just change its mind.