Would you purchase a stand-alone City of Heroes game?




To answer the question, definitely would buy it.



If it were strictly single player, the existing game with no ability to play with other people, I'd happily pay $50. (Thank God that Dark Astoria exists, else all the Incarnate stuff would be borked.)

If they made it the whole game plus the ability to invite friends, I'd happily pay $100.

I have to imagine this would be the quickest way for them to make some fast cash off the IP, both since it takes minimal programming and I can't see them being super determined to resurrect it somehow. Given that the shutdown seems to be largely stemming from NCsoft having a cash-flow problem, I have to imagine this would be a win for everyone involved, at least compared to simply shutting off the servers.

...and then I remember Cryptic would have to agree to it. Sigh.



Yes Uhm Yes Why yes I would. Did I mention yes I would definetly purchase a stand alone COH game. Especially if I could play my toons or even remake my toons. Just tell me where I can buy it.

Justice Server Global Name Elfin and Elfin Too #savecoh
I could name my 50s but why? Universal Heroes SG I love this game.



I love my characters so that would be a yes. My friends and I are talking about alternatives to CoH, so I am happy with that, but in the end what I will lose and miss the most are my characters now. I'd pay 60 for that.

I would pay $140 if I could invite friends.



I would definitely buy this.

Just playing my characters alone would be worth purchase of the game. But multiplayer? That would rock on toast. Not as much as a full MMO. But at least we could still team!



Absolutely yes. I've been hoping for such a thing for many years. I mean, I solo. Pretty much always have. I have a few toons that I team on, but not one of my builds has ever been "team only" or even "team oriented".

I can see there being a massive trade-market in NPCs though - need a team? Select from one of the available heroes that other people have built. Rather like the AE, actually.

But yes. Resoundingly, pleadingly, yes.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Yes. It doesn't need an explanation.



You know, a lot of the post-millenium Phantasy Star MMOs do double duty as single-player RPGs. Phantasy Star Online, Phantasy Star Universe, Phantasy Star Portable and its sequels, and (though it's more of an MO instea of an MMO) Phantasy Star Zero. Phantasy Star Online 2 bucks that trend, but in all the other versions, you can still play the game even after the servers die (which has happened for PSO and PSU so far).

When Tabula Rasa shut down, I'd wondered how feasible it would have been to rework it into a single or multiplayer-hosted game, like Diablo or Neverwinter Nights. Tabula Rasa, like City of Heroes, had a game world that was alive even when no players were around to make it come alive, though as a battlefield rather than as a city. Combat was fun and unique from the kind you'd see in WoW or EQ-based MMOs. I think it would have worked well as something a small group of friends could play together, or just play alone.

I feel that way more so about City of Heroes, because of how much fun I had in the game no matter what I was doing, alone or in a group. This game could very easily translate into a "wide open sandbox."



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
If City of Heroes was re-worked into a Freedom Force or Skyrim or KOTOR-style of single-player game (possibly with a multi-player option,but again like a standard RPG, not a MMORPG) would you buy it?
Yup. I never wanted an MMO to begin with, nor all the time-sing busywork garbage that comes with it. Many people have, over the years, told me to "go back to playing single-player games," forcing me to explain to them that I would if a single-player version of City of Heroes existed.

So if a single-player version of City of Heroes existed, then yes, I would very much play that and enjoy it greatly.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I'd buy a NWN-type version of CoH in a heartbeat.



I really only just started to team with other players when the bomb dropped... so, yeah, I'd buy a stand alone version. Even if it was stripped down so to the point that there were simple random generated missions.



Yes, yes I was. Also, for you guys talking about NwN, much much has been accomplished in the field of modding Nwn that it wouldn't be a far stretch for someone to sit down with a mutants and masterminds handbook and make city of neverwinter nights heroes.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Freedom Force on Steam is $4.99.

The combo pack with the sequel, Freedom Force vs The Third Reich is $7.49.

Buy it. Trust me. I will be very surprised if you can find a single developer of this game who has not owned it at one point or another. While I abhor the whole idea of Metacritic (actually, it's the power it holds with investors that I abhor) there's a reason it has a Metacritic score of 90/100.
Thanks for the recommendation, I'll have to look into getting that soon then.

Black Dawn/Shattered Dawn
Chaos Legion




The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Freedom Force on Steam is $4.99.

The combo pack with the sequel, Freedom Force vs The Third Reich is $7.49.

Buy it. Trust me. I will be very surprised if you can find a single developer of this game who has not owned it at one point or another. While I abhor the whole idea of Metacritic (actually, it's the power it holds with investors that I abhor) there's a reason it has a Metacritic score of 90/100.
Only problem I have with Freedom Force is you can't design your own toon. Hero X allowed you to do so, though with limited options. I bought Hero X when it came out, and was generally disappointed, even back then. Seems to be available for free at:




Hell yes. Without a moment's hesitation.

"Home is where, when you have to go there, they have to let you in."



Yes. But is it possible to turn CoX into a stand alone which will allow for internet group/solo play?



Originally Posted by LeperDave1 View Post
Only problem I have with Freedom Force is you can't design your own toon.
This is true, yes. However, if you are inclined to modding, you will find by googling "Freedom Force Mods" that it is not terribly difficult to create your own models and that many people have already done so. With tools like The Gimp available for free nowadays, it's easier than ever to take care of the art side of things without investing in a ton of expensive drawing/painting software.



Would be better than nothing. Yes. Unlikely to happen without redistributing the server software, though.




I have done MAYBE 20 solo missions my entire subbed (7+ years). While I love the game play of CoH...I love the social aspect of it even more. A stand alone version of the game would not appeal to me in the slightest

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Without question, yes.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Yes please! Imagine making a NWN version of CoH with specialized player run server communities.

Also single player adds a heck of a lot of fun to that too. Mods even more so. I will be able to mod my MM to summon my own customized pets with their own customized abilities on my own server.

I surely hope for this as a total last resort for CoH.



In a heart-beat.

I spend the vast majority of my play-time running either solo, or duo with FCM. If we could have a stand-alone version to continue playing with, I'd be all for it... Even if we never had more content for it than the game has right now.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Yes. Please take my $50.

Great game while it lasts.