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  1. Before I start on this let me say CoX is my first love. And while I'm hoping beyond all hopes that it's saved 11/30 will really be a dark day for me when it finally closes.

    Now on to the rest.

    I started playing CO the first week of this month (starting as a gold member) and after dealing with the (beeping) learning curve I've started to like the game (especially after a turned off the (beeping) toon outline feature also liking the pen & paper version doesn't hurt). And have started recreating some of my favorite CoX toons to CO. And with many other CoX players making the move the place is starting to have a CoX vibe to it (with costume contests an all).

    In short it isn't CoX but it'll do.
  2. Yes. But is it possible to turn CoX into a stand alone which will allow for internet group/solo play?
  3. I'm still at mixed feelings on this (taking acount the pros/cons of this). But if it leaves the game still running, if somewhat intact, and leaves the Dev crew as it to keep on doing what they do to make it better then I'm guess all for it.
  4. Keep playing until the game shuts down.
  5. Oh I am staying. They have to kick me out of here when CoH finally ends.
  6. Bravo. You got my support (and funding if/when I can swing it) if you need it. Here's much luck to you on this.
  7. Probably (very) grudgingly to CO (which means getting a PC or dual boot my hacknitosh for PC since CO doesn't have a mac port) to get my hero fix since I don't like fantasy MMO's (i.e WOW). And NCSoft was PO'd me by this to never try Wildstar (or any other NCSoft game).

    (sigh) Still I wish I didn't have to.
  8. chawk

    To all of you...

    (sigh) What can I say that hasn't already been said. Not much. Still mucho thanks for producing a great game (and on a mac/PC no less) that I'm more than happy to subscribe for. And good luck to you and the dev team future endeavors.

    Still this sucks bigtime

    (sorry, had to add that)
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    I hate the momentum mechanic. With staff I get to skip 0 and go right to 60. With TW everything seems to take forever.
    This is the main reason why I'm rerolling my TW toon into a SF one. I've already have 2 SF toons of different types (1 brute, 1 stalker) and am having great fun both solo and in group play with both. So count me in as fan.
  10. I'm hoping for Staff Fighting also.
  11. Working on my Staff Fighting stalker on Beta server.
  12. 400pp yes. 800pp hell now.


    (and I was looking forward to getting this too)
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dragon_Surge View Post
    [B]would you re-roll a toon that you had years of work / badges / accomplishments / etc. put into so that you could better match their name to a new AT ?
    For the name no. But yes if the new power-set/AT better fits the concept (which is what I'm doing to a 50 once Staff Fighting finally drops. And have done that in the past for other AT's. Redoing a DP/Kin for DP/Time is a more recent example),
  14. Spring event stuff - highly likely

    One or more of the new power-sets (along w/the Pocket P stuff) - possible (but unlikely)

    I22 - no (still in fine tuning, probably will see that in early march)

    Just my .02 cents
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Not locking as this post is pertinent to a valued Community resource. While we aren't planning on participating in the blackout, Paragon Studios does not support SOPA/PIPA in it's current form.
    And this is one of the many reasons why I still like/play CoX
  16. chawk

    i22 Beta

    Created a new toon using the new darkness powers and got on today. Found the first half of the tutorial to be a lag fest (despite having lower graphics settings). but went thru the second half just fine. And save for some graphical glitches I'm having no problems out of it so far game play wise (but the toons only lvl 3).

    More to come.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post

    Not sure why, I just have no interest in Titan Weapons.

    Bring on Staff Fighting I say!

    Til then, have fun everyone.
    My thoughts exactly (tho I really want to see dual staff/stick fighting one of these days).

    But for those who are looking forward to TW have fun for me also.
  18. this is a no brainier for me. I like the game too much (despite being a mac person) not to be/stay a VIP

    (though I still prefer Guardian over the VIP server even though I like both)
  19. chawk

    Pistol Scrapper

    Right now I'm playing 2 DP/TM corruptor toons using the toon stats posted here as a guideline. Namely (at this point) level 14 t-porter & a level 10 speedster (thou neither is high enough level-wise to get those power yet).

    So far either can more than hold their own in a small crowd melee-wise, yet still do ranged damage. It seems that getting Temporal Mending at level 4 and Time Juncture at level 10 seems to have made surviving mass melee combat possible- so far (as long as the foes are no more than +2 levels). And both toons seem to now have that "gun-fu" like feel.
  20. Well I opened up my launcher and got the "NC Launcher Update" message. Which I bypassed due to many saying not to do so (and wont until I'm sure it's safe to download). But said I'm fine when I clicked "Check for Updates." Meaning either I'm already updated, or the I21 download hasn't dropped yet. Looks like I'll find out either way when the game goes live this evening (unless the mac experts and/or someone in red tells me it's ok to let the NC Launcher update itself).

    Update: Decided to launch game anyway and got the old start-up screen. Looks like I need to download the I21 update anyway. Does the NC Launcher handle this or does the game do so once it becomes available?
  21. Fix worked for me as well. I can now fully read/access the market now (even though I have to do the delete 'user.reg' file thing every time I pull up the market-but at this point that's minor).

    Now to see what happens tomorrow.
  22. Ok. Me again.

    Finially got all 3 versions of CoH to work on mine. Still don't quite know how. But heres what I know so far.

    1)moved the NCLauncer update away from the NCLauncer window and hit now, then one of the CoH's under install instantly afterwards.

    2)Then I clicked on repair. Let it go thru the motions. then canciled checking files. then quit launcer.

    Then when thru step 1 again and clicked on game to run.

    As I said. dont' quite figured out how it works but maybe I lucked out and the update didn't quit take. Still it means I can now still run CoH (at least until tomorrow).

    Hope this helps.