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  1. Adding to the chorus here but IF you haven't join one of the other sites in the first post or at least bookmark them to follow what's going on when these forums close. With Zwil gone I'd guess they'll disappear sooner than later.
  2. Fista and I Burnt the both have very valid/very different opinions on this matter.

    However, you also BOTH want this game saved. It may be time to agree to disagree on this one. The last thing we need is a division in our efforts; we're stronger together than apart. Something to think on...or maybe you can both join together and make fun of me for this post?

    What's done is done and we're all in this together.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
    All evidence to date shows that the positive, well spoken members of this community outnumber the naysayers by nearly 10 to 1, and the trolls by even more.

    Like it or not, the information is out there now. The trolls will be trolling. Our choice now becomes whether to drown out that unhelpful signal with something better, or stand still wringing our hands worrying about it and doing nothing.

    We can't afford to do nothing anymore.

    Oh I have been following and know we have the numbers and will not be "doing nothing" as I have been active so far. Doesn't change the fact that I don't feel good about this move is all. Nothing wrong with voicing concern, figure it's fair. If I thought what was done could be undone with regards to posting the e-mails...well, I'd then be delusional. Preparing for the worst and hoping for the best sums it up nicely for my views on this one.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fista View Post
    This looks like a spectacularly bad idea. With these e-mail addresses in the open any one can use them. For any reason. I think it would have been better if you had done a slow roll out via pm or personal email to people you know could be trusted to do something constructive with this information.
    Not to sound like a negative Nancy but I agree completely with this. It's like giving the trolls the keys to the castle or worse. We're all hungry for information but this seems premature; if I were them I wouldn't exactly be thrilled my personal work e-mail was suddenly available all over the internet. Hopefully this doesn't shoot our efforts in the foot and I'm completely wrong about it. =/
  5. It was a pleasure reading your recap, looking forward to next week's edition!
  6. Hi Van! Have you visited I think I caught wind of a unity rally being held in another game this weekend. If you haven't heard of their site or heard about the weekend rally, you should go to their site and check out the details there. There are also at least four COH groups on facebook where similar events/plans have been being discussed. If you have, well, feel free to ignore this post then. =)
  7. I was running Heroclix tourneys and pretty much playing Heroclix exclusively when I started playing this. As much as my husband would LOVE me to go back to that I think I'll be headed towards more playtime for Catan, Plants vs. Zombies (OMG why can I not stop playing this?!), Race for the Galaxy, and catching up my stack of un-opened Harvest Moon, Rune Factory, and various other DS and Xbox 360 games (embarrassingly enough I have at least 20some games I've bought and not played waiting for me from over the past few years). COH really does just dominate my freetime after my family goes to bed. I'd be okay not playing any of them still if the game stays open though, just sayin'. =D
  8. There's a park about a mile from my home that in 2007-2008ish had a huge flood light placed near its' pond. It looks EXACTLY like all those standing plaques we click for history badges! (Richmond Park)*.

    There's a road not too far off from where I live as well(neighborhood behind McDonalds in Standale)* named Kings Row.

    Then (in Jenison off Chicago DR. by the highway)* there's Paragon Grooming...okay the pet part could remind me of game but, come on, who doesn't see Paragon and think City of Heroes that actually plays this game?

    *locations are listed for anyone who lives in the Grand Rapids, MI and would like to check them out...even if it's just Thirty Seven.
  9. *Hugs* for all of you who are so so sad. It breaks my heart truly knowing just how bad you feel. In 2006, my son was words how much that hurt. I was so depressed and in so much pain I stopped doing everything I liked...and hearing how much some of you are hurting reminds me of that (yes, honestly). There are no words, I wish I had FABULOUSLY CHEERFUL words for you...but I don't. You're going to cry, there will be a void (maybe not always like my grief...but for a while). My best advice is to try to smile in spite of the sad (in other words at the peak times-not constantly), it truly does help the anxiety a bit and remember, it's okay to be sad. Be sure to keep venting and talking about how you feel instead of being a recluse like I builds up and wears you down fast that way.

    I'm sad right now too, have some more gray hairs suddenly =), but after other experiences I know I'm strong enough to handle this no matter the outcome. I've found just logging in and chatting in global channels has also been a bit theraputic(sp?). You're not alone and all in good company!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Bump it up to $2000 so we can also buy them drinks & dessert and a cigar!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    They said they were going to do this. Bad sign would be if all stuff in the market goes free. Then again, a bad sign also would be if all the Paragon Studio staf was laid off and the studio shut down...
    Thanks for the perspective, genuinely needed someone to say just that. =)
  12. That sounds like a fun idea, would love to see this happening!
  13. Oh my gosh I am SO there for HEROES on-line! =)
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by opprime28 View Post
    my hope is that one of the things they're waiting for is a final "definitive" answer on whether there's ANY hope that the game may continue in some form. After all, answering all of this now cramps any future story plans they had in the works, so they wouldn't want to do that if there's even the possibility that the game will be bought out or continued in some form.

    So the fact that they haven't answered means there are workings behind the scene to keep the game alive and they're looking like they're succeeding!!!!

    At least, thinking that way makes me feel better, so that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

    Funny, that's how the story goes in my head too! I was just coming here to write something very similar.
  15. You sound somewhat similar (though loads more thoroughly articulated) than I did in my "take my money" thread in the suggestion forums...but I'll happily re-post a pledge here!

    I'd be willing to do/purchase the following:

    -extend my sub is auto-renewed so 1000 times yes! I'd even be okay if the monthly payment increased to $20-$25.
    -was going to and still would love to buy $100 worth of points this month
    -was going to re-VIP my second account for the next 3 months at least and still would with a sub increase.
    -I'm always trying to get more to play this game because it's just that fun to me!

    As an added bonus answer if paragon studios tried to get this up and running, well, I'd do my darnedest to come up with a way to double my point purchase and sub my second account longer than 3 small businesses, what can I say?
  16. That is truly impressive! What a fun way to teach a subject and to learn from it.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by American_Knight View Post
    With all the talk/reviews on this board lately of how good GW2 is, I had to try it out. Now having played COX since before issue 1 and initally poo-pooing any ideas of playing another MMO, once I actually tried GW2 and went beyond my assumptions that I couldn't find a game that gave me the same satisfaction that COX gave me, I discovered a really fun game.

    Thanks for the suggestions all and I encourage others who were in my same mindset to give it a try.

    Not reading the entire thread, amazed you were brave enough to post it here where folks are still rallying to save COH and I don't want to read through the expected negative reactions you've likely gotten. That said, I'm glad you've found a new game you enjoy! It's nice of you to share that but please don't be saddened if a lot of our community isn't ready to hear that yet. You're still one of us too!!!
  18. jeanngray

    Take My Money!

    So, yeah, the game isn't dead dead yet and sure the store is closed down "forever", the staff gone ='( , etc. But, since this is a suggestion/ideas forum I'm posting anyways on deaf ears I suppose for the heck of it. Anyways....

    -Bio Armor!!!!!! Want this on both accounts-planned on dropping $20 as soon as it went live
    -Carnival Mistress costume change toggle!!!!!! I'd easy pay $20 per account for that for crying out loud and it does nothing but change my appearance.
    -A Wailer pet!!!!!!!! I have been begging for that on and off for years. They're just so impishly cute (not the Queen or King just the minion). Another purchase of up to $10 per account. It could be the same type of pet as those ligers or whatever...doesn't have to do a thing.
    -More booster packs!!! I seriously love love love those things! Easily drop another $100 on the second set that's in the works...just not for both accounts, as much as it sounds like it, I'm not actually made of money unfortunately.
    -I was planning on buying staff fighting the first week of September after adding $100 worth of points to my account (finally have a little more breathing room in my budget!), so $10 for staff fighting.
    -The space costume pieces for both accounts, $10 (same reason as staff fighting).
    -The ability to re-VIP my second account for 3 months was also in the works so $40-$45ish there.
    -COHV 2 I'd personally pay $100 for the initial collector box release.

    Anyone else have any items/wants they want to share? Even though it's extremely unlikely to happen at this point I'm allowed to day dream still. That and I'm trying to bring back silly requests since that's what this forum is for! =D
  19. Found this on Facebook an hour ago, recommended and shared!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vengeance_MK2 View Post
    They are talking to me. I dont know if that means a formal vetting on the report, or they are doing their own. since they want another shot, it likely means vetting... but thats still good.
    Sorry I missed this earlier, but oh my gosh that's exciting news (yeah even if it doesn't save the city it's still nice to have an article get attention like that so quickly). Good job!!!!

    To those who haven't read it, go do so now. Who knows, you may end up liking it and recommending it too! =D
  21. jeanngray


    Originally Posted by Vengeance_MK2 View Post

    I have to say, it was a giggle to see the HTML link for it being bounced around not just by me at the rally.

    Your article is well written and deserves the attention. I was glad to see it bouncing around too.

    Keep posting to this thread in hopes more see it/having it stay on page whether that's against forums policy or not...I'm not totally sure.
  22. Really is breath-taking, isn't it? Nicely done, looking forward to seeing if you can pull it off once the event is in full swing.
  23. jeanngray


    140 recommends is great but still need more. C'mon folks, sign-up at CNN and add to the recommend count if you haven't already. Our game is worth that much at least!
  24. jeanngray

    If we succeed...

    I'd volunteer. I'm a mom and seem to always get stuck taking care of things no one else wants to. I'd be as happy to do that here as I am happy to do that at home!