Save Our City: Good idea or not?
I think that a parade is a fantastic idea!
With or without the Statesman tribute costume, honestly.
Regardless, I love the idea of having it move. It could get clumsy, it could get a little weird with switching zones and all the many instances, if we have a turnout like before... but... the idea is absolutely worth exploring.
So, what problems might exist and what can we do about them and how can we work with it all to make it awesome?
Potential negatives:
- lagging movement; difficult to keep in sync for a parade march (might not be a big deal. I do suggest /walk-ing)
- Zoning - would that many people moving into new zones cause server problems? This, I don't know... maybe we stagger zoning... so, if we keep orderly formations, we zone in small groups to try and avoid overloading the server with so many reloads at once.
- Multiple Instances - Let's say we have 33 Atlas Parks again (woohoo). Would it be a chaotic mess for people if they don't all stay together through the different zones/instances? I have a few thoughts about this... Sticking to your Instance Number for each and every zone could be good, but that would require some serious coordination in order to open up enough zones for the higher numbered zones... the only way to pull that off would be to let AP1 go first, into SC1, then AP2 into SC2 and so on... until the hypothetical SC33 opens up due to all the others being filled, and AP33 then can go into SC33. And, again, going in waves from within each zone.
Anyway, all of the above may very well be drastically over-thinking it.
I think it could be great just as a big messy moving rally, but I figured I'd just type my immediate thoughts.
I like this idea.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
I agree Electric,
Honestly the title was tentative and an obvious play on The Million Man March, calling it a parade is a great idea with the idea being unity and not protesting.I could lose the whole Statesman theme and cc as well, i remember there being great confusion about the dev cc during the rally.
I was thinking along the same lines as you with the zoning, with league leaders all communicating and cordianting in a global channel such as Save Coh or possible a new one.
I know it would be a crazy amount of coordination but imagine if we did pull it off. And imagine if we did get the same turn out as the Unity Rally: a rolling wave of 33 zone instances. That would definitely have NCsoft or who ever is maning the servers stand up and take notice.
Yeah, I seriously love it!!
A parade of our heroes, marching the streets of Paragon City.
(I'm not against the Statesman thing, but yeah, it may be better without it. I'm game either way though)
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
Yes, and every villain who see us will run screaming to their mommy Or attack the hero that is 5 level lower then them :P
Oh, it will look more cool without the Statesman outfits, to me anyways
Ha I think thats the consensus on Statesman. I've always been impressed by our community's creative costume design anyway. This event would be an opportunity to showcase it and our city.
Sounds like a great Idea to me. I just hope its on a Sunday that I am off work. Weekends are probably best though cause I know the majority of you probably don't work on weekends. I do work weekends however. I am only off every other Sunday, but I would want any and all events to be on days when the most people can attend. For the good of COH.
Justice Server Global Name Elfin and Elfin Too #savecoh
I could name my 50s but why? Universal Heroes SG I love this game.

I love it!!!
"Why can't the villains ever hide out in the old abandon catnip factory?"

That sounds like a fun idea, would love to see this happening!
Black Dawn/Shattered Dawn
Chaos Legion
The march thing I can see. The dressing up as Statesman? not so much.
I would love to see this, and hopefully I can participate in this one.
Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!
Great to see some support for the idea and its been duly noted that the Statesman angle is not that popular.
So with that I will be updating the first post and asking for suggestions for a name for the event. Date for the event is also tentative.
Please feel free to comment with a suggestion for what you think is a good name for this thing or if you'd like to see this event happen.
not to crash the party but there are lots of people on separate servers, not to mention, who's attention will we catch doing only this?
may I suggest Livestreaming it to VOD and sticking it on youtube? that and I think a real march with real people would demonstrate this issue better.
why not march through somewhere like Washington DC or someplace, you know get attention for our cause on a national or even world level.
we could call it the Million Person Super Walk calling to the US government for help to assert our claim to our beloved city of paragon. we are it's citizens and the koreans have no right to take away our city!
not to crash the party but there are lots of people on separate servers, not to mention, who's attention will we catch doing only this?
Live-streaming is a fine idea though. Im not sure if your serious about a live march though. There are lots of people in seperate parts of the world. Not everyone lives in DC or can afford to fly out there. Like the enthusiasm though.
Hence the idea to gather on Virtue and the event is for the players.
Live-streaming is a fine idea though. Im not sure if your serious about a live march though. There are lots of people in seperate parts of the world. Not everyone lives in DC or can afford to fly out there. Like the enthusiasm though. |
just need to organize it to give everyone enough time to get there.
I was thinking of a player event that would show off our fine city and possibly draw some much needed attention to our plight.
Here's a rough outline of the idea:
I was thinking of a march from Atlas Park to Peregrine Island.
Players would start the event in Atlas Park with as many players as possible forming into leagues and then at the start of the event walk (using the macro or not?) from Atlas to Steel Canyon to Independence Port to Kings Row to Skyway to Talos Island and then all board the Ferry to Peregrine Island and then march to the front of Portal Corp. Along the way showcasing our great city and creating several instances of each zone. At each zone players would coordinate their locations over the global channels to ensure all participants keep a similar pace. This would also allow latecomers to find our march and join.
Once at Portal Corp we would zone back to Atlas in whatever fashion we choose for a massive get together celebration.
The zone order: AP-> SC->IP->KR->Sky->TI->PI-->AP
Shorter loop: AP->Sky->TI->PI-->AP
Possible Date and Time: September 30th Sunday at 3:00 p.m. EST*
Name - We need a name for this thing suggestions?
Coordinators – to coordinate the league or leagues for each zone instance preferably 50’s with Incandescence (incase people get stuck and to keep us together) since we will be entering higher-level zones.
Volunteers – to lead individual teams, again preferably a 50 with a mass teleport power.
People - Participation from as many people from as many servers as possible. Bring that level 1 or other charter you made for the Rally, with enough volunteers it should be fine. Stocking up on purples or awakies for others or low level characters though would be a good idea since this will be a peaceful march, well maybe we’ll do a bit of street sweeping on the way.
Server - since players from other servers have already made toons on Virtue I would suggest making use of this server again.
Feedback and questions much appreciated
* - tentative and subject to change