73 -
The same thing I do every day, you irritating heroes.
--- Regnar Rats, Bots/Traps -
I dont think that your the only one not upset. Its just that as far as I can tell everyone else who feels like you just shrugged and uninstalled the game on the 31st of august.
Will we succed? who knows. But we're the types who identify with the sort of creed our charecters espoused that we HAVE TO TRY.
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO -
No, its a sociological truth. Go look it up sometime. Its called the Middle kingdom syndrome, and its been seen in behaviors of both the Japaneese, Chineese, and Korean peoples.
.... Oh snap. Cause... well, what if the original WoW broadcast stunt in the 1930's wasnt a stunt? IT REALLY WAS A NEMISIS PLOT!!!
In similar strains, note the use of Frack (in Battlestar Galactca) or Frag (from Shadowrun) in place of a certain OTHER f word commonly used.
So its all the not THAT new. And Bill? I've taken up using gorram myself; proof of how Great minds think alike, huh? -
Quote:Having grown up with it, somehow this feels more appropriate than Ever this morning:I know exactly what I'll do.
We are heroes, this is what we do, dammit...
And I won't go quietly...
no surrender... not even in the face of Armageddon
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lA4KvjtwkXM -
*wipes eyes* Oh my. And you know what? I am totally hearing this delivered by George C Scott in full on General Patton mode.
I'm sure there is a techno reason why they cant. Hell, Zwill said something about trying to get effective VIP for all in his coffee chat of 9/5. At a guess, I'd say it's NOT as easy as being able to do a global database lookup and say "Assign Status.VIP.COX == .True." Might have even required a client rebuild and push in some way, and that is something the Whip hands assigned to oversee the shut down have said "bleep" no to. We have what we have, and that is all we have until the efforst to have our beloved game picked up by a company that won't treat us the way NC Soft has have succeeded. Or they fail and on 1 Dec we go on with a tear in our eye but resolute in the knowlege that we did not give up; we never surrendered.
that sometimes the best way to acomplish a mission isn't the most linear version
That some NPC's need to be buttstroked (as in GUNBUTTS) and sent straight to the hospital instead of being allowed to help
The Worst offenders of the above point inevitably are dual pistol wielders, from before when DP was actuall usefull. -
I think its more that we couldnt discuss it HERE as it fell under the "Thou shalt not even think about trying to guess how we did it" clause in the EULA. certainly in relationship to files that actually allowed people to disect piggs.
Everyone, do understand that this IS a client side thing. YOu'll be seeing it, but no one else will unless they have also installed Leandro's patch.
For some of us thats more than enough, but I thought I should make sure there were no misconceptions here -
Quote:No, they dont. Because the only 'business' that goes on in austin are the server farms. In addidion; they are a multinational and that is the problem. the people who are ultimatly in charge (in and of they are directly responsible to the voting shareholders) are Korean. and are exhibiting a typically Koreaon response of "who cares what foregin barbarians think"Start posting complaints here:
They have to respond to you for these if they want to maintain good status.
IF you were to hammer ANY BBB office, at least make it the one in Seattle where their north american offices are located. -
FUNNY you should mention that EK. Go to AE; look for Crisis of Infinite Fusionettes by @Ran-San Many of them were still played (though with decreasing frequency) by the Players who made them, all friends of Ran.
The inestimable blapper who can tell exactly where he is in paragon just from the taste of the dirt. (cause he's eaten so much of it. The unconcious blaster from those cape radio commercails? thats me. or would be if I'd been known to them when they wrote em)
Cant take too much credit, this particular costume was designed for me by the lovely and talented Anhkani as the best way to represent an already existing charecter design in game terms. (I / he turned into a human sized Valkerie from Macross/Robotech; again something from before my arrival here) -
Andy, there are no words to describe how lucky we are to have you.
And no words to describe the LOATHING I feel for the Korean executives over you at the phrasing they seem to have rammed down your throat. I can say no more without making things worse for you; so I'm shutting up now. -
Quote:That... is the most creative piece of ....Originally Posted by ZwillingerBut before we get into the details, we want to personally share with you NCsoft’s sincere thanks to all of our fans that have spent time with us during the past eight years. We cannot reiterate how tough it was to make the final decision to close this wonderful chapter in our history. This has been a very special time for all of us, and we want to ensure we close this chapter with the best possible gaming experiences for everyone. To celebrate during the closing, we will host several of the popular events we have enjoyed in the past. Exact details and timing of these events will be shared shortly, as we are still nailing down specifics.
Sorry Andy. I know these guys have you in a bad place; but to force you to effectively LIE TO US? BADLY?
Gah. *throws hands up in disgust and walks away*
(btw, in specific, I am referring to anything refering directly to NC soft this and NC soft is sorry about that stuff. I can say no more about this without violating forum equitte and Zwill's been the poor guy stuck between a rock and a hard place enough since the announcement.) -
Quote:You are overlooking a VERY KEY POINT. Even now there are players who's computers struggle to keep up with an 10 YEAR OLD game engine. For these players, such as I was until six months ago; the incarnate trials simply were not an option.True. Except for the part where you have to grind 40 times as long for the same advancement.
Granted, I didn't want anyone to be let go over this decision. I just wanted them to fix it.
For all that you look in disdain at the DA arcs and their alleged 'grindy-ness' it is a thousand percent better than what people who's hardware cannot handle the trial based method of end game stuffz had before.
I can speak from experiance about this. I was one of those players. And one of the things that drove me up the wall was the assumption by well meaning players who would "Zomg! buy a new machine" as there are people for whom this is simply NOT an option. -
+1 for truth. Often the best revenge really is living well. Above and beyond that, I see no real need to exert myself, In my opinon those in power in Korea will manage to do in themselves far beyond anything I could dream of if their present arrogence is any indication.
Quote:+1 for truth.So let's give our Dev team a little credit: As many of us forum-frequenters know, the quieter the Devs and Community team are, the harder they tend to be working, and last we heard, they were indeed working toward a solution.
Have hope.
In addition, despite all our frustration these things DO take time. Two weeks might seem like a long time to us, but in terms of negotiations? hell the Dev's might only NOW be getting the NC Soft managment to acutally talk instead of being politely evasive. -
Quote:+1 for truth. Even though it is tempting at the moment.Okay. NO.
I don't care WHAT NCSoft did, they don't rate even the HINT of violence, even jokingly! That's NOT HELPING.
(if you edit your post to remove that offensiveness then I will edit mine accordingly. I suggest you do so ASAP.)
Besides, how do we know we wouldnt get an even BIGGER (explitive deleted) as thier replacement? -
Quote:I dont think so. I'm sure there are checksums and the like encoded in to keep us from haxing ourselves illegal stuff; that would mean the game would checksum the new piggs and say "you are HAX! NO DEMO FOR YOU!"Actually... quick question on that.
Couldn't you play demorecords from just a basic install of the original discs? That is, provided you don't use any resources in the demo from a later issue.
It's not like you need to connect to a server to update. Wouldn't you be able to install the game using a disc, then copy over the resources (piggs and such) from a later issue? -
Quote:... VERY good points, and ones I know JUST who to point out about thanks to Tony V.Now, my saying that about NC does *NOT* excuse the lack of communication to current subscribers about refunds or the game shutting down. That's just horrible service, and that *should* have been sent out to every single subscriber. I see where I applied one of the serial codes given out for one of the auras. After that... not a *peep* from NCSoft. Where is the "City of Heroes is being sunsetted, closing November 30th?" Where is the "Billing is currently shut down for this game and will not be renewed?" Where is the "Questions about refunds" (or even "No, we won't give refunds") email? That's just bad, *bad* customer service. Heck, I don't even see a remailing of their press release. THAT silence, to me, is inexcusable after this long.
Like I said elsewhere. Doen't matter, its not superheroes. Not interested.