Have some fun and show us your very first character
Trying to figure out...First Character, first costume, or just first character overall?
50s: Yumi Eryuha-Arch/Energy, Mirria-Thugs/Dark, Meyami Kitsuna-Claws/SR, Celesta Seusen-SS/Invuln, Lady Mirriella-Illusion/Empathy
Arc 503982 "Dimension Xi Epsilon 22-10" Part one of a multi-part arc.
My first character was a Villain as well... specifically, a Ninja Blade / Regeneration Stalker. It had crappy ST damage, no AoE damage, crap for survivability, and horrible end issues. I've been meaning to redo the build since Stalkers have been completely overhauled. The combination should be fairly good now (not the best, but certainly good enough to be enjoyable), but I'd never really gotten around to it. I've done several Mids builds... and I was actually starting to slowly amass the inf and A-merits necessary to IO out my characters (I had finally broken a billion on one character not too long ago! My Peacebringer I did even make two months ago, though, has made over half a billion inf while doing a fair amount of IOing already). A shame, really.

It's not EXACTLY the first costume, there's been a few minor tweaks. But it's pretty damn close to the original. Probably my biggest mistake was not realizing you could put multiple of the same type of enhancements in a power! Fortunately, I was still quite low level at the time (not even to twenty!). Also, my first travel power was Teleport (and I still love it, even if it could use some loving...).
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
All of those things. Your first costume, what you designed for, and all those terrible mistakes you made because you didn't know any better.
Sorry for just the link, but I'm fairly incompetent at working with pictures and forums.
50s: Yumi Eryuha-Arch/Energy, Mirria-Thugs/Dark, Meyami Kitsuna-Claws/SR, Celesta Seusen-SS/Invuln, Lady Mirriella-Illusion/Empathy
Arc 503982 "Dimension Xi Epsilon 22-10" Part one of a multi-part arc.
For a minute I thought this was lost to time when my first laptop died. This is my first, my favorite, my main character.
I had discovered Pocket D and emotes at the same time that day and it blew my little cat ninja mind.
Little Xieveral here grew up from a little cat ninja robot whatchamacallit to a slightly more normal kind of ninja named Lady Seiko when I came to Virtue. Once I started getting into RP, she became Hyakki.
I can't find a picture of my first character (Cuke Nukem, who still exists on Guardian, which use to be the original beta server), but here's my first 50, Photon X (the one in front).
A screenshot from the beta character creator. Before I knew how to make an attractive character.
Ironik wasn't my first character, but he was one of the earliest and only one of three who survived the transition from beta to live. Along with Cuke Nukem and Ironik, my other earliest character was Starina. She was transferred over to Virtue, my first character there.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
My first character, Birdy (Inv/SS Tanker) in her original costume:
Three of my first 5 characters - yep, I was an altoholic from Day 1.
Miss Sarah, Ill/Emp Controller
Bast-Nefretiri, Claws.SR Scrapper
Libby Belle, Kat/Regen Scrapper, originally a sidekick for my husband's MA/SR Scrapper, Sergeant Liberty, both translated from a PnP campaign.
For good measure, Sergeant Liberty (my husband's first character, but I made this costume)
After 8 years, only Libby Belle, the former sidekick, made it to 50.
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
Round 1 beta is when I started playing.
I was actually lucky to have my first character featured on the box art of city of heroes. That character was Controller Grav (grav/kin). To this day Grav is my main character and wears that same costume. She will be the last character I am playing when the servers are shut off.
(link to the box art) http://www.giantbomb.com/city-of-her...de/51-1027898/
Controller Grav is the hero found under Protect the Streets. I've often wondered who the other heroes on the box screenshots were. I know that the pic from "the join other heroes" shot was from the first 100 when we gathered for that screen shot, but the others no clue as to who they were.
I really need to upload images somewhere....
My first toon has also been my favorite since I started in 2005 and that my dm/regen scrapper Bloodscape. I have made many alts over the years many different ATs and power sets but Bloodscape was just my kind of fun and play style.
I will be the first to admit I left the game and came back to the game a few times over the years to try new things or because of life issues but the one thing that has always amazed me about this game is the community. Unfortunately I cannot post attachments probably due to low postings but I thank you for sharing and making me remember how much this toon and community means to even us quite players who do not post a lot on here.
While I went on with none of these for more than a few levels, all of my characters got attention in the form of "I put them there to see my imaginary friends come to life".
The first character I made was on Freedom, since that's where my friends that bought me the game had theirs. I remember when Rest was one of the easier ways to get through the lower levels, and also how terrible the Vahz zombie AI was.
Spines Reflex scrapper. Unfortunately for me, the spines thing is ... still so damned ugly I just cannot get over how it looks when I play him. He is meant to have JUST those spines on his arms, right? Not a whole bunch of sticky sickly things jutting from his body, EW. Ah well.
Over on Infinity, I was pleased to be mentored by Infinity Woman for a time, and took on the guise of her protegee Infinity Grrl.
No freaking clue what AT or anything, I'll get around to finding out while I go through all my characters to demorecord and take last shots. Oh I think she was Ice / Ice blaster. Yeah.
I also loved making hilarious names, and Ono is one of those. Sound it out.
I made some Pokemon toons I think also on Infinity, including Pia and Wiggy Tuff, had a couple others in a group.
Friend of mine was heavily into the power rangers so I indulged him, and had some fun with it.
One of my "things" that I do when I start playing any tabletop game is try to fit my "original superhero" Silverfish into it. To only moderate success most times, since the concept is kind of hard to pin down. She looked good in her original form,
But was made much better with other costume parts later on. The little pale image in the middle is my art from years back.
I was in the COV beta and that was a lot of fun, because some of the costumes were just a little better than in prior issues.
So many memories.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
This was the first character I created and is still! my main character.
Very little change, though I tons of themed versions of him now. (arachnos, hero corps, vanguard, PPD, etc...)
Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.
▲Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition▲
Technically this is the first character I ever created, but I deleted her within a few days.
Organica, my first real character.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
I actually made a screenshot diary from my first year of gaming from the very first day if the EU release.
And in those days I even collected pictures of superbabes and made an online database of them. So if you want so see all those early costumes, have a go at:
Oh, and they are all from the early days of Defiant.
Super Babes database
Electronic Super Greetings
Johanna Sinclair. My time-bending, troublemaking, techie pagan nun. Click the picture for a larger version and to see other great ingame screen caps of the sassy Sister.
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)

My first and longest-running character, Wulfen, sitting on one of his normal perches in Gemini Park, Galaxy City, Virtue Server.
My first and oldest character Fenrisulfr, during his escape from the old 'Breakout' tutorial. Virtue Server
I ended up taking off the shoulderpads and remove the tree from his chest.
(It was supposed to represent Yggdrasil and Fenrisulfr's desire to destroy the world. He outgrew that stage of supervillainy early on when he realised just how hard it would be.)
Eastern Standard Time (Australia)
is 15 hours ahead of
Eastern Standard Time (North America)
which is 5 hours behind
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Glacia, my Ice/SS tank that was made as soon as you could make a character in the headstart.
"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict
My very first character in his second costume... I don't recall the first. It is lost in time.
Introducing Nadirance's first snapshot.
Yeah, I neither knew neither how to take screenshots to feature the costume nor how to make dynamic costumes worth featuring. Surely only in my mind did this elf wear rough animal leather.
The funny thing is, my very first chara remained my main chara for all these years. I've rolled up countless others; some were deleted, some were promoted to "Team Ten" (which basically was the ten charas I liked most), but this one always came first. He was my badge collector, my best-equipped chara, and even the chara who was fused with my global name when my original global (@Ten) was no longer available after after the server merge.
I present Joyride:
The screenshots are from back then, so they are not of the best quality. The cape was added at level 20, the alternative costume with the aura at level 30.
When I created the original costume, a bug allowed me to use Malaise's trousers. Of course, back then I had no idea who Malaise was, or that his costume parts were strictly-off limits for player charas. When the bug was fixed, I lost the ability to edit the original costume ... for a while.
Joyride has had a couple of other costumes as well, including the Team Ten armor I created in 2007 or so. But mostly, he's still running around in the original outfit.
The design evolution of my first and namesake hero, Dixileta.
The first one: I started playing the game on the Infinity server on October 1st, 2006. This is the first character I made. As you can see, she's always been pretty gaudy. She was, ironically enough, based on a Mega Man X-style villain character that I had created before I started playing CoH. She's still there, sitting at level 25, and will remain that way until the game goes dark.
The second one: Since things seemed to be pretty thin on Infinity population-wise at the time, I decided to move to Freedom and reroll. I eventually took her to level 50 on August 17th, 2007. She was my first max-level character. A bit later on, once server transfers went live, I decided to move her over to Virtue, where I finally made my permanent home.
The third: In 2010, I decided to freshen up her design a little bit. This was actually based on Reiq's design of the character. He made a few design tweaks that I liked, so I integrated them.
The fourth: This is from later in 2010, and is the only alternate outfit for Dixileta that I used on a regular basis. I actually made quite a few costumes for her, but I almost never used them until this one. It's not anything spectacular (just inverted colors, really,) but I think it really worked to change up her design without losing the look I associate with the character.
My very first character that I made was on Protector known as Red Hot123, she was a MA/Regen Scrapper. I moved her to Pinnacle and renamed her Lily', she was my first Hero 50.
Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!
I've been with this game since Christmas of 2005. I don't even remember what else I got that Christmas, but I remember sitting down that night and making my very first character, a Bots/Traps Mastermind, Because Bots/Traps sounded awesome.

That character became my first 50, my namesake on these forums, and my main for several years until my Elec/Elec Brute Clerisy came along, and I love her.
...But for laughs, I recreated her very first costume, that I initially made that Christmas night in 2005 and later gave a cape and aura. And it's... well.
If I had to pick a word, it would be 'unsalvageable'. I honestly have no idea what I was thinking. I wasn't any good with her either, I specifically remember never using Inspirations and in fact going until level 20 until I even figured out enhancements. Frankly it's a miracle I wound up even borderline competent at the end of it.
Surely I'm not the only one with these kinds of bad ideas from back when we started. So go ahead, tell us your horrible stories, show us your abysmal costumes.