353 -
Hm, it seems that either all of you already have that badge, or Champion's population already has shrunk significantly.
Well, I'll just try to ask players live on the chat channels later.
10joy -
Hi, everybody,
my badge collector still needs the Tournament Victor badge. If we get at least eight people, we could do a series of quick Swiss Draw tournaments (with intentional concessions) until everybody who needs the badge has won one tournament.
I would like to do this on saturday 29th, 18:00 EDT. (The starting time could be changed if you prefer another time.) So, who is interested in getting the badge (or just helping out)? We need at least eight people to start a Swiss Draw tournament.
1. @Tenjoy
Thank you all,
10joy -
Quote:My time/ice defender would be happy to join your team. (I don't have a true "powerleveling" chara, but I can offer good buffs and some healing for you as well as holds and slows for your enemies in whatever mission, TF, or trial you'd like to play, so I hope I may assist you in leveling up.)Howdy Justice Peeps,
Here is the deal. Please help Alpha Wolf gets to level 50 and I will reveal my secret identity as a Justice player. I am normally online 7PM Pacific time if anyone wants to team up.
10joy -
Yeah, we had a league of four full teams (okay, the fourth team only had seven members) starting four Posi-1s simultaneously. I also saw a few people standing near Positron that were not part of our league, so there might have been even more teams. A few players had to drop out for Posi-2, but I believe we still managed to do four of those as well.
I'd like to thank my team for a great evening: Good damage, good suport; well done! (In case it wasn't obvious, I was Ten Gee, the grav/storm controller.)
10joy -
This might be a bit naive, but I would assume that such clauses apply if you leave the company, but not if the company leaves you?
10joy -
You've got mail. (I've sent you two short demorecords and the link to three larger ones.)
10joy -
Of all the days for my graphics card break down, it had to do so mere two hours before the scheduled meeting...
I'm sorry for not joining you this time, but I had to get an old machine up and running first. Unfortunately, that machine isn't really powerful enough for an enjoyable game of City of Heroes, so I managed to get to the Justice photo shooting, but that was it.
I don't know whether I'll be able to fix my main computer in time for the meeting on sunday/monday, but I'll keep my fingers crossed (except for the times I'm holding a screwdriver).
10joy -
I'm planning to participate on both days.
10joy -
is there a way to get the CoH client to demodump images at a greater resolution than your current screen size?
I tried the "screen {width} {height}" command option in different combinations (with and without full screen), but the images the client created never exceeded the screen resolution.
Alternatively, is there a way to change the "height" of the camera, so I could get an image of my character that encompasses the whole screen height without being centered on the face?
10joy -
Our small SG only recently migrated to Champion, but what I experienced here was absolutely great!
You were wonderful, and I'll miss you all. )-:
10joy -
Of course. If subscriber payments had anything to do with this, I would have wished for them to ask us for exactly this, instead of just pulling the plug. I'm sure that many, many players would have upgraded their subscription to "fan mode", or whatever it would have been called.
10joy -
How about the epic archetypes?
10joy -
1.: SyrusB / Liz.
2.: Tartyrsause.
10joy -
Quote:That would have been the Coralax, if memory serves.Yep, I remember that. It is the story part I was wondering about. It was one of the suggested Epic ATs along with the Avilians. There was a third I think that I don't remember.
Avilians became the 15 month vet reward (wings); Coralax can yet be found around water, but the Blood of the Black Stream never really materialized. Also, back then, "incarnate" was considered to be an archetype...
10joy -
The funny thing is, my very first chara remained my main chara for all these years. I've rolled up countless others; some were deleted, some were promoted to "Team Ten" (which basically was the ten charas I liked most), but this one always came first. He was my badge collector, my best-equipped chara, and even the chara who was fused with my global name when my original global (@Ten) was no longer available after after the server merge.
I present Joyride:
The screenshots are from back then, so they are not of the best quality. The cape was added at level 20, the alternative costume with the aura at level 30.
When I created the original costume, a bug allowed me to use Malaise's trousers. Of course, back then I had no idea who Malaise was, or that his costume parts were strictly-off limits for player charas. When the bug was fixed, I lost the ability to edit the original costume ... for a while.
Joyride has had a couple of other costumes as well, including the Team Ten armor I created in 2007 or so. But mostly, he's still running around in the original outfit.
10joy -
My favourite rider costume is still Den-O's, although Faiz's was also pretty good. Wizard looks interesting ...
10joy -
I ran into this issue a couple of years ago. A few days later, my computer's power supply decided to kill itself, taking the whole system along with it...
I assume that it's a hardware problem, possibly caused by insufficient power stability or a dying graphics card.
10joy -
Quote:Will training take place on Champion server, or on Freedom server?Practices will be held Friday at 9 pm est. I expect a good chunk to be there, if you cannot make Friday we can do another practice Saturday. Due to the fact that many on our team are 'new', I highly encourage participating.
10joy -
Well, he didn't actually say it was welcome information... (That smiley didn't look very happy, either!)
10joy -
I'd like to point out that the shorter range blaster powers will receive a range upgrade soon(TM).
Energy Torrent knocks all enemies away from you. Explosive Blast knocks enemies away from the center of the blast, so if you target an enemy further away from you, it can even move enemies towards you.
I think the answer depends on your personal playstyle. Personally, I'd choose Explosive Blast, because I like that animation.
10joy -