Thanks to everyone on this server who made my first MMO experience such a great one. Such a good one, I never considered switching servers or going to another MMO. I will try to remember all of the good memories that I have had with all of you, but it will be hard for the next few days.
Go in peace my friends.
I don't even see the reason for releasing i24 now, or why people would hold onto their subscriptions past today's post.
I thought they were doing fairly well with their paid market now, at least enough to keep the servers open, or a reduction of servers into a few that are easy to maintain.
Champion/Freedom Servers
@Orion Zidane
@Orion Zidane2
Thanks to Amy and the rest of the Nexus family for all the fun trial and task/strike force runs. nexus turned my venture into a single mmo from a single player game into a vast multiplayer one.
Curse you Nemesis!!!!!!!
Control Queen
Mind Control/Empathy
Lvl 50
Champion Server
Battle Cry:"Oh, Honey, I don't THINK so!"
I know I haven't been around much for quite a while, but I still wanted to thank everyone for all the fun. I'll remember my time in CoH fondly and really, the people are what made the game what it's been.
Enjoy what time is left. Thank you all again, from the bottom of my penguin heart.
- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)
Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.
It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.
Wow... I just realized I've played this game almost a quarter of my life. There have been many fun times, and the direction, especially looking at i24, was looking better than ever. Then just this? Wow.
I am at a loss for words, I have made friends here, seen their children go off into high school, college. I have made enemies, rivals and people that I log in to almost every night.
A few years ago, I was able to help out a fellow Championite by letting him stay at my place while he figured out his next step after losing everything he had, Champion has been my home since Day 0 and this news does bring a sad, heavy tear to my eye.
I am not sure what the next few weeks will hold, I am hoping that this is publicity stunt for CoH and that the game will be moving to a new production phase but I am not sure if that will be the case.
Again, I will miss most of you and will hope that the friendship will carry itself through this period of sharp discomfort.
NCSOFT just made a 43 year old man cry.
We will have to get it in some extra playtime this weekend and throughout the remainder of the year - need to run at least one more Hamidon Raid, and run some battles in Recluse's Victory, as well as some fights in Bloody Bay.
Control Queen
Mind Control/Empathy
Lvl 50
Champion Server
Battle Cry:"Oh, Honey, I don't THINK so!"
I saw the news I was in denial, now i'm pissed. I saw my wife cry for the first time in years, we lost more than a game we lost the priceless communication with freinds every night. Also the families of those who worked for COH over 80 employees lost their jobs and means to support their families, lets not forget about them.
I haven't been on as much as before, but had thought the game was going strong and had good turnout.
I made a lot of online friends here, and I'd like to think I can keep in touch with you all.
Will the forums here stay open?
Is it alright to start trading business cards/contact info?
MA Author: Look for my eight arcs under @Witty Librarian!
Hero Cleanup Protocol estory now available! Through Smashwords.com and most ebook retailers!
Ashcraft has a Sad. It was a pleasure, Champion.
A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.
New Pet Shop Boys single from their album Elysium that kind of fits how I feel today about this:
Control Queen
Mind Control/Empathy
Lvl 50
Champion Server
Battle Cry:"Oh, Honey, I don't THINK so!"
Thank you Champion for the Good and Bad. However, I would like to thank those that personally made my game an enjoyable experience. I feel as though my fish died.
And for those that were my 'second' family, you will not be missed as you will always be with me.
If anyone from my Globals or those that I have teamed with still want to keep in touch, feel free to shoot me a PM and I'll give you a means of communication.
Good Luck, Have Fun.
Here is a petition, although it may not fix the outcome, but at least give it a good fight.
Quick Edit: Stages of Denial

'You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.'
An announcement I hoped never to see. I'm going to have to try and get as much time in game as possible in the coming weeks I suppose... It'll have to last a lifetime.
To all of you that have made the last 8 years here an unforgettable experience, thank each and every one of you for being my hero.
Marut, 50 FF/Rad/Power Defender - Champion
Leader of The Earthguard
Leader of The Galactic Empire
I'm always going to be a Champion.
Ya'll are the best.
Even a great MMO can be ruined with an awful community. CoH was a good MMO made great by its community, and no server was a better example of the community spirit than Champion. I'll never forget you guys.
Good luck and godspeed.
Also on Steam
Thank you to all the friends I made playing this game over the last 5+ years. Without y'all, I probably would have long ago moved on to something else.
Hope to see y'all around Paragon for whatever time is left.
I'm going ingame at 7pm
I'm gonna play through blurry wet eyes
I'm gonna drink a ******** of wine.
A pox on NCSoft.

So, there I was; getting off work early to enjoy the long weekend. And I was walking into CVS to buy toilet paper before heading home when my phone blew up from someone posting to my wall on Facebook. It was the Farewell announcement, and I just started laughing out-loud to myself. I didn't know what else to do, just trying to process the fact that seven years plus of my life would be ending very abruptly.
I suppose that's the worst part, aside from the fact that CoH is ending for all of us. It's that usually leading up to a game shutting its doors, the servers are merged and all that doom-crying nonsense. Nope. Not here. Just wham, bam, thank you ma'am.
I've been talking to people since I got home and immediately logged on. Naturally it was the talk of the town. I logged in my namesake since it seemed like the thing to do. I had him stashed in AP to pay the SG rent. Broadcast was a-buzz with it, Global channels were going crazy, tells were being sent, so on and so forth. Petitions have gone up, threads have been posted in, Facebook Groups are created. You think of it, it probably happened via some form of social media.
People have posted before me, and I've read what they've had to say. Now as I sit here, wondering what to type, it's hard to take it all in. How does one, in a single post on some forum somewhere in the digital ether that is the internet, encapsulate seven plus years of experience? Of course, I was tempted to simply tip my hat, raise a metaphorical glass in salute, and leave it at that. I still might, who knows at this point.
Favorite memories? Too many to post, and I've probably forgotten more than I could recite at the moment. Mostly firsts, you know. First character, first tutorial, first time hitting level two, first time hearing the Atlas Park music, first team invite, first death, first gfriend, first global channel, first Hami Raid, first in-game drama, first forum post, etc. You get the idea. Yes, even drama is a favorite memory. Sure, it sucks, but it just goes to show that people are passionate about this game.
What, its just a video game, you say? The hell it is. This is the medium that we've all connected to other people through. That's what we're really losing here, that's why it sucks so hard. I could name off dozens of other video games out there, and they've got their players, but we've got a Community. I don't just mean Champion, which is the best of course, but all the servers and their players as a whole. When all is said and done, we'll dissipate and go our mostly separate ways, and the places we end up will be better for it as we take the experiences that we've had here and share them with others, but those places will never be what we had here.
What we had here... I think most people only appreciate what they had after its already gone, as the saying goes. Not in this case. In this instance, we know exactly what we're losing; family, friends, Community.
Too many friends and family to list off, but they know who they are and that's what matters in this case.
To Champion as a whole; I was quoted once in a song by @Decision saying that I don't play anywhere and I never will. This much is true. While we may have had our disagreements along the way, I never strayed.
Yes, our game is ending. Our Community is ending. Our way of living our digital lives is ending. But its not over yet. Let's do the most and best we can with the time we have left. After all, We Are The Champions.
As I said to someone in-game; Wherever your travels find you, may they find you well.
@Cobalt Azurean
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
My husband and I have been playing this game since 2004. I've taken a hiatus here and there (to have my 4000 babies) but I always gravitate back to this game and to this server.
Champion was not my 1st server. But it was the one that I found and stayed on. I have billions of great memories.
Running my 1st Hami raid and sweating my **** off with nerves.
Winning Ms. Paragon City 2009 and getting a CoH teeshirt.
Doing the server's 1st 16 man Hami Raid.
Running my 1st CC in AP.
My very 1stest 50 (Synsynatti)
And to all of those ppl I have met over the years? You guys are stellar individuals. I truly hope that we still keep in touch.
I don't want this game to end. I want more memories like the ones I've gotten in the past.
What I want and what I'm going to get is 2 different things. So farewell, CoHers.
<3 you guys. Always
will it was fun wa'll it lasted. goodbye.
member of the Protectors of neverland high council.
Memories....When I first started playing the game Dec 2007 it was as a trial, i've never played MMOs and decided to try this super hero game. I always wanted to be a super hero and who didn't run around as a kid with a blanket around your neck as a cape or carry a trashcan for a shield. After my 2 weeks was up I decided to stick around. I had a bunch of noob questions and wondered how I could fly, typical noob questions. My 1st SG was, "Easter Studio" and knowing what I know now it was a small, (15 people) SG but still efficient for my teaming needs.
Favorite memories-
(1)Getting my first Master badge, Master of Statesman Task Force, I was pretty bummed after several tries but for one reason or another just couldn't get it, nothing wrong with the people I ran with it was just something always happend. Finally I posted on forums about getting help for this badge, I was set to deploy to Iraq in less than a month and I had in my head I wouldnt being playing for at least a year. Amy, Horus, Kahlan and others invited me for there next Master run and we got it, I was so happy!
(2)Master of Keyes, this one was really special as well becuase it took us several months to acheive!
Whats next- I'm not really sure, I say i'm going back to Diablo 3 but no other game will compare socially and I doubt there ever will be. D3 can only team 4 people at a time, I'm not interested in any other MMO. Like I said before I always wanted to be a super hero, not a Jedi, trekkie, or even a freaking Elf. The next MMO i'll be checking out is The New Marvel MMO being ran by Gazillion. Doesn't guarentee i'll stick around for that. COH will always be the standard MMO and if Marvel doesn't fit the bill then who knows.
COH is the one game my wife, (Ima Mankiller) and I have always enjoyed together. Sometimes we'd see some things in game and be WTF? Sometimes we'd lol, but it was something we always did together. I saw her cry for the first time in years and it really broke my heart. She was reacting differently but we felt the same way with overfilled emotions of time, effort, and freinds we made over the years coming to an end.
Once again too many names to mention but thank you, I just wanted to share my thoughts to everyone in game and especially on Champion server. I love you and this game.
Thanks to all the friends I've met through this game. Being with it for 8 years, I was always hopeful for the future. Alas, reality kicks in.
1396 Badges... here's hoping this won't be the end! SAVE PARAGON CITY
In case you missed it.....http://na.cityofheroes.com/en/news/n.../thank_you.php
Ima and I will like to say goodbye as well to all we have played with these past 4 years, this really comes as a shock and I'm just as dissapointed about this news. I want say goodby; goodbye as we might see again in another game, COH2, or who knows. I want say a special goodbye to everyone with too many names to mention and freinds we have made over the years.