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  1. iltat


    I know I haven't been around much for quite a while, but I still wanted to thank everyone for all the fun. I'll remember my time in CoH fondly and really, the people are what made the game what it's been.

    Enjoy what time is left. Thank you all again, from the bottom of my penguin heart.
  2. Still no change. Anyone have any suggestions?
  3. Well, I found one manifest file in the CoH folder and deleted it. No change.

    Any other ideas?
  4. I read like 100 of these posts, and it feels like one big thing is missing.

    As OP stated, "Also, also Walmart has a no questions refund policy and I do believe they are the biggest retailer worldwide, best buy however sometimes hassles customers, sometimes not. Not nearly as succesful."

    Have you tried to return a computer game or CD? They won't take them and give you a refund. It's intellectual property, and once you bought it, you own it. They'll replace them if they're scratched or broken, but if you broke the seal, you own it. People bought CDs for years without hearing more than 1 track off the disc. They didn't get refunds.

    Paragon owes no refunds on you purchasing video game content. Sorry, but like just about all other media, once you buy it, you bought it. Period.
  5. Not to sound dense, but which file exactly is that one? I'd rather not delete the wrong one because I assumed I knew.
  6. It's been doing it for three days. I've tried on 3 different networks, still nothing but 0%.
  7. My NCSoft Updater won't download the newest patch on my laptop. The game runs fine on my desktop, but it just permanently sits at the Dowloading (0%) screen on my laptop since the newest patch. Any ideas to fix it?
  8. iltat


    Originally Posted by Archangel Mychael View Post
    and Mr. Iltat needs to remind himself that he is also a small part of the community.
    Thus why I don't need him to speak on my behalf and thus why I'm not speaking on the behalf of others.

    Originally Posted by Archangel Mychael View Post
    If you have friends and are chatting in the game and find a problem with a certain something then you are going to say something.
    Right. To them. I won't complain publicly and claim that NCSoft is going to lose a bunch of customers, not keep the lights on, and go away because of my problem. That would be dumb of me to do. Someone would have to be really, really dumb to think that argument is going to be anything but laughed off because it's so ridiculous.

    Yes Elvnsword speaks for more than just himself.
    Glad to hear it. Perhaps he should refer to those other people instead of deciding that he speaks on behalf of everyone who's been here for quite awhile.

    Originally Posted by Archangel Mychael View Post
    I haven't tried the AE farm yet to be honest but I usually find his arguements to be logical based and not just him fussing.
    Then you also haven't read his arguments in this thread. They're definitely not "logical based" and are "fussing".

    Originally Posted by Archangel Mychael View Post
    So either you agree with what he say or you don't and find somewhere else to post something.
    Oh, this thread is supposed to just be a circle jerk of people who agree with the opinion of OP? It seems like it would have been smarter to post one of *those* types of threads on your own private forums instead of on a public forum. It's like people in the public participate in the conversation when others post things in public.
  9. iltat


    Originally Posted by elvnsword09 View Post
    So here is our list of, well desires, not demands, but desires:
    I'm as "Old Guard" as you, and I'm not part of your "our", so these are your requests, not "ours".

    Originally Posted by elvnsword09 View Post
    1. Keep the Servers UP!
    Servers always go down a lot when a new issue is being released. It's almost like they won't go down as much a month from now. Like after every other major issue.

    Originally Posted by elvnsword09 View Post
    2. Enough with new Currency... in fact roll Threads and Shards into the same thing and let it drop like Shards do. The Empyrean Merits, and Astral Merits are crap too.
    I agree with this. It's not good when the Devs' approach to loot is becoming a running joke about what ridiculous new currencies will be introduced next.

    Originally Posted by elvnsword09 View Post
    3. Enough with the Farm Hate. Yes I understand Time/v/Payoff, but the farms are driving the economy for your game and without us it would be very difficult to keep things rolling. Not to mention while your trying to punish illicit behavior, a lot of players getting caught in the crossfire are innocent of any wrong doing. How is the Market a mini game, as has been cited by the devs, and the Farms aren't. Each takes a specialized set of skills, patience, long term planning, and both reap in game monetary benefits for the character. The market benefits a player MORE then the Farms if your looking at Risk v Reward, (lvl 2 player can sell his Tutorial Inspirations, use that as capitol and get over a billion in a week, it's been done on the market forums).
    The market will never get a player to 50 faster without them selling influence (a violation of game rules). The devs don't care how rich we all get. They only care that the players don't use their view of exploits to level faster than they feel is appropriate.

    As for whether farming is a mini-game, it is. It's the mini-game of you vs. the devs. The catch is that you always win. The rez change was a joke because you can just remove that power and get right back to work. It's barely a blip in your farming radar. If the devs truly despised farms, they'd make every mission timed and do away with XP in AE. They haven't. In years of combating farms, they haven't gone that extreme. So just farm, know that your farm won't last forever, and learn to adapt.

    Originally Posted by elvnsword09 View Post
    4. We are living in a time of low economy in the USA, and Europe, your prime playerbase, so Enough Micro-Transactions, VIP Players shouldn't have to spend money for what would have been free content in issues 1-19. New costumes, new powersets, all that should be VIP Content automatically. If you want to Micro-transact the f2p players, fine, that's what they get for not subscribing. Micro-Transactions should NEVER EVER effect content for VIP Players. We already pay for our content, please let it reflect that.
    Go visit the thread with people complaining about not having access to Incarnates on their premie account. Or not having access to global channels. Or SGs. Or any of the other things you get access to as a VIP. Just because *you* don't realize all the extras you get for your $15/month doesn't mean they aren't there.

    Originally Posted by elvnsword09 View Post
    5. No more mixed signals. Farms should be ok. Even farms where we have resurrecting enemies. Yes we figured out ways to build toons to stand up to it. But now we have Incarnate Trials we are basically required to farm day in day out if we want the shiny armor, and powers locked behind Empyrean Michael and Astral whatsherface (I don't know cause the Servers are Down!). One minute your encouraging us to repeat content as much as possible the next we are being told that isn't ok.
    The devs have always encouraged you to repeat content. TFs, make new toons, badges, etc. It's no more confusing now than it was in i4. They're not going to stop combating farming to some extent (seriously, again, the rez change was a joke, you're really gonna get all butthurt about *that*?), but they've become much laxer on it than they used to be already.

    Originally Posted by elvnsword09 View Post
    In closing, please keep the Old Guard happy, we're your steady paycheck, your solid gold, and this flash in the pan from the Micro-transactions are just that, fools gold, cause they won't last, but we Old Guard, if you keep us happy, we would love to stick around for years to come.
    I've been hearing how farmers are going to quit this game through ED, taunt changes, aggro caps, Burn changes, IH changes, Comm Officer changes, pet changes, RV heavy changes, and a whole list of other ones I can't even remember now. Each change was met with wailing and gnashing of teeth how the "Old Guard" (surely this term is trademarked by now, no?) and farmers were the game's only real customer base and how the devs needed to appeal to them more and how they were being run off. Look, I'm just as much a member of the "Old Guard" as you are, and this game has become outstanding compared to what it used to be.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    I would be cautious about that. I will be completely unsurprised if the next round of Incarnate slots require completely new Incarnate salvage. That's Posi's openly stated design philosophy, to prevent exactly that sort of thing: banking progress on prior content to leap ahead on new content when it's released.

    If that's the case, then oh well. I certainly have nothing else to do with all the spare incarnate salvage I've received.

    Worst case, I can just break it all down into threads if need be.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
    If by this you mean that I am a skeptic unwilling to be blindly led around by the nose by groups or individuals that have their own nerfarious purposes
    Funniest thing I've read today. Thanks for making me laugh.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
    At what level is exchanging Astal Merits for expensive recipes a valid investment?
    Any level, once you've spent whatever Astrals you want to spend elsewhere.

    I've T4ed all my Incarnate stuff, so I have no other use for Astrals right now. And since I'm getting Incarnate salvage in the meantime besides the Astrals, I'm not worried about new stuff coming out cuz I already have a storage of unused salvage, so I expect to be able to make full use of new stuff in a hurry.
  13. 1) @Thul Sorapa - Lady Clara
    2) @BigMoneyHustla - BigMoneyHustla
    3) @Amygdala - Amygdala
    4) @iltat - Master Pingu
  14. iltat

    *PING* Dings 27!

    Thanks for the birthday wishes, ya'll.

    ...and I may see about getting a new video together for ya'll this fall.
  15. Thanks again, everyone who came out. We hope everyone enjoyed themselves.

    This year, our bankroll proved too great. We actually weren't able to drain our funds completely.

    Next Sunday, we'll be doing a TF race, more info to come this week.
  16. Well, I can't promise my lengthy absence from the game will come to a complete end but I can assure you of one thing.

    This Sunday, holiday weekend and all, there's gonna be a party. It's the Pingus' 5th anniversary, and damn if we don't have a whole lot of inf to give away.

    This year we'll be starting around noon PST (I'm consistently late, so be aware), and we'll be giving away somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 billion inf scattered across both red and blue sides (big numbers on both sides).

    There will be races, contests, trivia, and anything else I can come up with to spend money on. Hope to see you all there.
  17. Welcome back, PG.

    Beware the...oh. Too late.
  18. iltat

    BMT Redside

    Hey, can anyone tell me how I can find out the overall shifts in population of the server and of a channel?

    I keep seeing folks referring to how the server and BMT are losing people, so I figure these statistics must be available because surely these respectable and trustworthy folks wouldn't be making **** up just to try to support their side of the argument.

    Anyway, if anyone has an issue with the moderating of BMT of Champion, feel free to send me a tell/PM. I'll care. A lot. No, really.

    Oh, and good luck to the SG channels. I hope all the members enjoy themselves.
  19. iltat

    Dear Champion II

    I'm around, though I'm missing alot. I'll try to hit you up this Saturday, Bud.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sole_Savior View Post
    Holy crap. Can I has your infamy?? lol
    If you can win it.

    All of my inf is given away through a variety of contests on Champion server. Feel free to come out and get some.
  21. I'm confused. 5 of these have sold for less than your starting price in the last 5 days. You're really expecting more than twice its going rate?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shaytanah View Post
    She's aware of your sig, right?
    For the record, she's SO much meaner to me than I am to anyone else. Since she's way smarter than me, it's a battle of wits I lose consistently. :P