Artic Keeper

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  1. Artic Keeper


    Originally Posted by XxBudweiser8xX View Post
    LOL STEEL!!!

    Always able to make me laugh....Thanks for the kind words for the P.o.N'ers, Great friends I tell ya.
    Anyways, you know your welcome in vent anytime, as far as CO goes, I think I'll pass. I wont lie, I tried it out......again..... and it just "doesnt work" for me. it feels very plain.
    Im ashamed to say, Im actually playing GW2 with ELF, Blackmelee, Cover Girl, and a bunch of others from C.o.H.
    Gfunny and Teh Artic are probably going to join us too I think?
    Its not to bad..... But its not C.o.H either.
    Anyway, good luck to you and Ima in CO....keep fighting the good fight!!
    I'll be on Star Wars on the Prophecy of the five Server for anyone that wants to ever team with me on there. Cant play NCSoft games no more . Should be stopping by your vent once in a while, just to see whats up.
  2. I found to have met some of the greatest people in this game and although I may have not have ever told some of you of my struggles at home or in my life, I did have many and you all made it easy for me to get on with my life. The community here was really great. When I 1st came into this game I was a villain who did not know anything about this game and was quickly befriended by Pink Hornet, Alaskan, Painstake, Hatchetkill, and many more fellow villains. As the years progressed my friends on this game went to other servers, but I stayed because for some reason I met even more people who seemed to care enough to give me their time, and keep me interested. Champions was truly a tight nit community that made things work no matter what.

    I will miss Cherry Cupcakes the most!!!....... wait no I wont.

  3. Will most definitely be trying to send my letter sometime today thank you for giving us some hope.

    EVERYONE Send out your letters!!!!!!