Lets try to keep CoH from shutting down
The devs have already been let go, basically.
While I'd like to see the servers released so we can independantly keep going... I wouldn't hold my breath there.
so in other words /jranger?
I am very disappointed in NcSofts actions, out of the blue they announce they are pulling the plug? It feels like NCSoft is saying, thank you for your money over the past 5 years but now we have tapped this resource dry we are going to move on to another richer resource, have a nice day! I am sure they knew this was coming for sometime but yet kept it from the customers as well as I'm sure some of the employees that work for them.
I have signed it. I'm not sure if this will keep the game going or not, but maybe it will show the powers that be at NCSoft we love the game, we love our server and we love our SG and VG families, and we want the game to continue.
Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.
This is unfair.
I hope Guild Wars 2 goes belly up and you go bankrupt and Blizzard buys and sells your sorry butts for less than a penny, you jerks!
I'm sorry, everyone. I'm speaking out of hurt. T^T
I signed it
but releasing the servers while nice idk if it will help ...
would have liked to see server mergers before they turned out the lights (Have a few toons here n there but have always been a justice rat myself)
This is unfair.
I hope Guild Wars 2 goes belly up and you go bankrupt and Blizzard buys and sells your sorry butts for less than a penny, you jerks! ![]() I'm sorry, everyone. I'm speaking out of hurt. T^T |
I lay this *directly* at the feet of NCSoft. I don't want to see another studio, such as Arenanet, go belly up either or get suddenly let go. MORE devs out of work won't help things - the NCSoft execs will still be dragging in money wherever they can find it.
I want to see THEM let go. The properties divested to places that will actually treat them fairly.
This is the only super heroe mmo that has the best and most creative developers and players and a community better than any other out there. I have played other mmo's and i am not a mmo die hard but what did it for me on this was the people who worked on and made this game what it was the developers. Having direct player involvement and input was some thing from what i have heard is never truly done in any other game. All of this would still be fine if there was a reason such as to make way for City of heroes 2 or some thing. Just to up and shut it down is like a slap in the face of all of us who stuck with this game and company. The company profits may have fallen short and well with a game engine so out of date only so much can be done. This leaves a void out there that will not be filled to those who were let go my heart goes out to you your passion and dedication will be missed. I f this company knows whats good for them they would have tried to develop another coh 2 maybe with that engine they have. But who am i kidding its the same thing in every aspect of business the safe bet is the best right if thats the case we would never have had the industrial revolution man would never have flown and the moon would never have been landed on. Stagnation and stupidity go hand and hand and to do this is pure idiocy. Any time creativity is stifled by those who are just in it for the money makes me sad.
Some of my suggestions from posts i have done
Here is all My toons
Go to the forums and read about their progress in creating a player run server for CoH, THIS IS COH'S BEST CHANCE.
Coders are needed quickly as there is work to be done that can't be done once the servers are down.
I for one hope to see Investors pull out due to the outcry this has and will continue to make. I suggest emailing them and not NCSoft. Investors have the true power in big business and if they see them not doing there jobs right they will pull out and find someone who can. This was not a smart business move at all for NCSoft.