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  1. I'm kind of bummed initially when the feature was introduced I did try to keep notes and star people but that was so long ago I've since upgraded computers at least twice and never bothered saving CoH files.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JohnP_NA View Post
    That's the main reason I disapproved of it. It meant you were dicking around, sometimes while people were trying to finish off the warehouse/labs in a time limit.
    This is false. Once you clear the warehouse with time to spare the entire team can make it to Marauder safely I've done it many a time.

    Obviously you guys are a tad bit uptight but I'd expect no less from Shamster and his friends.
  3. Photo Bombing cutscenes? Usually I would dance right next to Marauder during the cutscenes and nothing unusual occurred.
  4. They should have never allowed images to be posted on the forums.
  5. These notes crack me up, man. SHamster is secretly The Rock.

    "Beer Pig" "0" " Beer, Keg, Beer, Haze, Biergarten, Beer, Truck, Col., Beer, Kilgore, Col., Beer, Kilgore, Beer, Distributor, Beer, 30, Beer, 30, Beer." "Decent player, but needs to KNOW HIS ROLEw"

    "Diabolic Flame" "2" " DFs, Sexy, Stoner" "Useless on stone tanker, needs to KNOW HIS ROLE in a team. Kicked from Sara Moore."

    "StaticZone" "0" " Blood, Maw" "Not really team friendly. Doesn\st KNOW HIS ROLE, logged off w/out saying a word mid mission then starting solo\sing (WHILE sk\sing some)"

    Layeth the Smackdown SHamster, on all their candyasses.
  6. I show up all over this list.
    "Doc Boy" "1" " Doc, Boy, Vador-X" "******* idiot"

    "Instant Briefs" "1" " Maintenance, Man, Maintenance, Man, Doc, Boy" "Doc Boy"

    Here I am too!
    "So Low Jones" "0" " Maintenance, Man" "(null)"

    And nope, not my account.
    "Just Do It" "2" " Epic, Fiyah, Yeah, I, Power, Level" "Some sort of weirdo? Possible 2nd account of doc boy"
  7. Dawk_Boy


    I did the same stuff, I Powerleveled characters never PvE'ing with them once just so I could PvP with them. I duped/farmed IO's so I could complete my build the quickest possible way so I could hop in RV or Arena.

    In fact back when CoV launched I had an Emp Defender and a Fire/Fire Tank but I wanted a Stalker so bad for PvP, specifically a EM/Nin for Sirens Call so I paid 200 USD to a Korean Goldfarming site to get a lvl50 Stalker. I never regretted it I had so much fun with that character over the years in PvP.

    All of this has nothing to do with skill it's just time sinks, how long are you willing to grind to get your characters and gear. PvPers want to PvP and PvErs want to PvE is that so hard to understand?

    Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 doesn't have these problems.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
    7 minutes in... and almost everything he loves CoH had.
    No it did not. Especially not at launch. GW2 just launch and your comparing the QoL stuff from CoH (and 8 year old game) to GW2 (just launched) and saying "CoH did it first and did it better!" No **** the game is old as my mothers britches.

    Lets not forget the Sub fee CoH launched with, something GW2 doesnt have.

    Lets not forget backtracking missioned such as the "Traverse large zones and click on multiple phone booths" missions CoH launched with, GW2 does not have backtracking like this during open world quest OR instanced.

    or the "You are currently in Brickstown and need to backtrack to AP" oh BTW this was before Trains went to every zone so you had to run through all of Steel Canyon and back. Instead GW2 HAS multple Wavepoints in everyzone which you can Teleport to at any moment as long as you have already discovered it. This is at launch people not 6 years later they added Trains to AP.

    Lets also not forget the horrible zone crossing in Hollows, you are level 8 now dredge across this lvl15 zone to complete this mission chain for a lvl8 OH BTW their is no Hosp in this zone so if you die its all the way back to AP. Not only does GW2 not have this but it auto exemps higher lvl players in zones they out leveled so they dont just farm lowbie quest or Power Level noobs.

    You guys are seriously overlooking some major flaws CoH had and may still have while GW2 does pretty much every CoH does but better AND at launch. PLUS MORE

    Now of course GW2 has its problems but dont come in here saying some **** like "CoH has everything GW2 has and they did it first" Thats ******* a flat out lie.

    You may enjoy CoH more than GW2 or prefer it better but please for the love of god don't compare the features and say anything like the quote above it's not true at all. It's not even close.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
    Better make it 6 because you have my word that I will never touch a NCsoft product after CoH closes.

    He said 5 digits, not 5 people. lol
  10. Goodbye CoH you were my first MMO.

    My first Forum.

    My first TOLOLOL.

    My first Ban.

    My first Noob.

    My first PvP

    My first SG/Guild too.

    There was Rainbow Alpha Force.

    There was PWNZ.

    There were Hami Raids with Hank Rearden.

    There was Legion of Valor and Fallen Legion.

    There was Iso's which I was never allowed to join. (For good reason. lolz)

    There was the Internationals.

    There was Tiny C.

    There was Jenny Angel.

    There was the Paragon Dance Party.

    Then there was Pocket D.

    There was IO's and ED.

    There was first Arena then Zone.

    There was CoV which no one played.

    There was Virtue for getting laid.

    Freedom was overrated.

    Victory Forums global channel, dictated.

    There was more than one Hamster.

    Victory Badges spread like cancer.

    Arena chat was the lawlz.

    Victory Reborn, suck my balls.

    AP kids.

    PI pros.

    Farmin' in heaven with Bobby Bomb.

    Record breaking ski times on the slope.

    Costume Contests gave people hope.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Inviegle View Post
    See I told you the game would shut down without a decent PVP game.

    No one listens.

    Super Mario has no PvP and its been around years, jackass!
  12. Yeah I agree, screw GW2 and NCsoft! CoH'ers rise up and fight!

    What do you say?
  13. The Devs won't ever learn guys. How many times have people made constructive pvp threads on similar topics and gone unheard or ignored or simply told no.

    Honestly no one should be playing this game anymore and if you still are you got noone to blame but yourselves. It's like that old saying how did it go?

    "Sub to a bad game once shame on the Devs, sub to a bad game for 7 years shame on you."
  14. This guy Esonover Wolfie http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=274684
    is having the same problem as me and my two friends. Thats at least four people affected by this same problem, $60 worth of sub right there and they cant give you more money NCSoft/Paragon Studios because of your broken risk management system.

    We've contacted support multiple times and they can't do anything to fix this problem I was on the phone, I sent in support tickets they wont tell me how to fix it. It's something on your end NCSoft/Paragon Studios! Fix your risk management, I've got tons of money but you wont accept it because your dumb.
  15. Ncsoft/paragon studios slogan - we are the stooges of mmo games
  16. Absolutely what he did was illegal and wrong, us as general public should never ever try to take the law into our own hands or better yet help people, stop violence, theft or crime.

    Next time when someone is getting punch or killed or ra.ped across the street don't intervene instead call 911 and hopefully that person survives their encounter unscathed. When someone breaks into your home, wait for police to arrive or pray to god there is a batman because you can't do diddly poo.
  17. Apparently the above fixe mentioned was only a temporary one day pass or some dumb ****. Because I'm still getting this error and my sub will run out today on the 14th of OCT, unless this problem was fixed today I won't be able to resub with my Visa or make Microtransactions.
    I'm not going to Gamestop to buy a time card, NCsoft. I have plenty of money on my card and if you don't want it I'll take my money elsewhere. Currently I'm having a ball of League of Legends and I've already blown like 30 bucks on Champions and Skins.

    Me - "Yesterday it worked fine, but today I'm having the same problem. Listen my subscription runs out next week and if you guys can't fix this problem I won't be able to resub and throw away money on this game anymore, either find a solution that works or kiss my sub and micro-transactions goodbye. Your fraud protection system is a piece of crap NCSoft."
    Hello Brian,

    The Risk Management system is not broken and is working as intended.

    The fact of the matter is, your purchase attempts are displaying characteristics commonly found in known fraudulent purchases. If that were not the case, you would not receive the Risk Management message and your purchase attempts would not require manual review. I'm sorry, but that is the situation.

    At this time, I have again taken steps to assist you with completing purchases for the next 24 hours.

    Please let us know if you have any other questions.

    Steve S.
    NCsoft Payment Review

    What am I doing thats fraudulent? I'm using my Visa Debit Card to purchase items on the market, I use my Debit card every day NCSoft you are the only one who has a problem with my Debit card purchases. I just made a $400.00 purchase from newegg.com for a couple of 21.5 inch monitors and they dont have a problem accepting my Debit, why do you have a problem if I buy $5.00 worth of Paragon Points or a $15.00 sub.

    Like I said my subscription runs out today I "Was" having fun again on CoH but you, yourselves are restricting me from giving you money. I'm sure no one will read this but I bet more people are having this problem than you think and your losing money Paragon Studios/NCsoft.
  18. Whirlwind is not spose to be in there I actually took taser but I just noticed something I could improve apon. Get rid of burnout, take Ignite use those slots to put Jav Volleys in for more range and then take TP and toss in a micro there.