On Travel Suppression and Heal Decay




The question was recently brought up in Freedom Arena Chat (I know.) of how the community would feel about removing Heal Decay and Travel Suppression. I feel as though it is blindingly obvious that the vast majority of the PvP community hates TS and HD.

The way I understand it is that turning off TS and HD is a simple matter of toggling them off. If that is true, what is stopping the developers from removing them? Fear of lash back from the community who complain about any changes? Maybe... but I don't think most people would cry to see these two mechanics gone. Not only are they poorly designed and implemented, but they are generally un-fun as mechanics, which is exactly what one does not want in a video game.

So, I ask you, the community, to tell the developers in a calm and civil manner that: "Yes, we want you to remove Travel Suppression and Heal Decay."

Note that "/signed" type posts "do not engender constructive discussion" or whatever the forum rules say, so please, discuss why this is a good or bad idea. Also note that this topic is about as dead as horses get,but that's ok, because the Devs don't seem to have heard our answers before.






I support both of these mechanics, simply because they can be removed for Arena and have significant effects on zone PvP. Removing them for weak reasoning such as "it is unwanted" would not be a wise decision.



Heal Decay was probably implemented to offset empaths but builds which rely on a self heal are greatly hurt by this especially since they cannot rely on good dmg output to withstand a battle.

YES it is unwanted is a HUGELY good reason on the count of the community is the game and if we truly do not want a feature in our playstyle then why should it be here?

As for travel suppression. Coh pvp is known for is speed so why should there be any travel suppression at all which just hurts fast paced gameplay.

Obviously no one likes either feature which is why it is standard practice to turn them both off. THIS is a no brainer.



Without TS melee toons would be completely worthless. Without HD AND TS fenders or cors with a spammable heal would never die. TS and HD balance zone PvP. These features make perfect sense. Of course people won't like them, but most of these people fail to understand their importance.



Iffy about HD, but TD needs to stay. It's annoying to be fighting a guy, be winning, and then he zips off into the atmosphere right before the killing blow. I'm not interested in chasing a guy around the city for another minute before I can kill him. I just want to kill him.

HD, on the other hand, seems like kind of a 'hammer' fix. You smashed in the piece you wanted, sure, but you broke a lot of stuff doing it. I would prefer if they took a look at what is over performing and balance that, rather than just applying this global nerf to everything.



Psh all melee is KM anyways these days. Let's not get started on that subject.



Nerf CS for scrappers and the problem is solved. TS should still remain. Warkupo makes a good point about HD. It has a desirable effect on players that spam greens consecutively, but it really does hamper an emps attempts at saving an ally. But how much damage should a spike target be allowed to survive with emp heals? Without HD it's extremely difficult to kill your spike target if the enemy emp is focused on him. In zone with a large enough burst you can bring an emped enemy down.



Travel Suppression in the way it was implemented is horrible. It nullifies the effects of movement slows and punishes you for doing... anything. Also, melee already have ways to stop kiting (see: web grenades) Heal Decay gives you basically 1 option as a healer: Watch your teammates die. Damage spam just wins with Heal Decay on. There is only 1 counter play: Phase/Hiber; and that has a no phase timer, so it only works 1 time every 2 minutes. Why should you have to die if you have a healer on target? (unless the enemy offense beats the healer to the target and kills them too quickly; spiking) Aside from all that, a counter to healers has been added: Poison.

These are just some of the reasons the game is better off without HD/TS in their current state.



Originally Posted by Zahyl View Post
Nerf CS for scrappers and the problem is solved. TS should still remain. Warkupo makes a good point about HD. It has a desirable effect on players that spam greens consecutively, but it really does hamper an emps attempts at saving an ally. But how much damage should a spike target be allowed to survive with emp heals? Without HD it's extremely difficult to kill your spike target if the enemy emp is focused on him. In zone with a large enough burst you can bring an emped enemy down.
Fresh join date. Clearly you have enough experience to make an informed decision about what would best benefit PvP.



Originally Posted by DaveMebs View Post
Fresh join date. Clearly you have enough experience to make an informed decision about what would best benefit PvP.
What a great way to not make an argument.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
What a great way to not make an argument.
It's a valid statement when the argument he commented on doesn't make much sense.

Some people actually think TS is beneficial when it's really not. All it helps is unsuppressed targets to catch up to suppressed targets to land at least one attack. You see this doesn't help melee characters in the way people think. Once you're both suppressed, you're moving at the same speed, which is just annoyingly slow. In the end all TS does it make it very easy for a group of players to kill another player.

HD is just as much an idiotic idea as TS. I've never heard a good argument for this feature, besides from players fears of other players getting healed by emps. Guess what? It's pretty simple actually, kill the emp!

I assume most of the people who "like" the current system are all the bad KM Scrappers that think they will suck if anything is changed.




Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
I assume most of the people who "like" the current system are all the bad KM Scrappers that think they will suck if anything is changed.
Makes about as much sense as assuming everyone who doesn't like the current system are all bad unless they arena with TS and HD turned off.

Unless a person has been stuck in a box for a few years... TS and HD shouldn't be an issue or have that much of an impact on one's PvP experience.

Complaining about it these days is no differrent than whining about phase, hibernate, inspirations, Psy/Ems and KM/ scrappers.

Bottomline is if you don't like TS and HD (as another poster pointed out) then just stick to arena where you have the option to PvP without them.

"Situational power? Sure. Although in a sense... all powers are situational. It's just that some situations occur more than others." Understand the situation needed in order for the power to be most effective... and make that situation happen.



Taunt, web nade, web envelope. all work for melee fighters before i21 when fighting ranged, so you don't need TS to kill some one. We got kills before TS was ever around and that was before they added the -range to taunt.



Originally Posted by Dahjee View Post
Unless a person has been stuck in a box for a few years... TS and HD shouldn't be an issue or have that much of an impact on one's PvP experience.
It doesn't matter how long it's been around, it has a HUGE impact on one's PvP experience. I really don't know why you're saying it shouldn't.

Most people who don't like the system do stick to the arena and turn them off. But I, along with others still pop into RV when bored and it's not always feasible to setup an arena match.




I'd LOOOOOOVE to see Travel Suppresion and Heal Decay disappear from zones.

How much sense does it make when you toss a 1-4 second hold/immolize/stun/sleep on a fleeing opponent and you still can not catch up to them? I'll answer for you, it does not make any sense :P

I hate travel suppresion, the fast paced action of pre-13 PVP was what I really enjoyed about this game.

Gimping the abilities of heals makes all kinds of powersets useful for only a few seconds in a sustained battle in zones. If you think a a healer can not be killed if HD is removed, check out any KB or arena duel with no TS and no HD. If you think you can't get kills if there is a healer healing your target, check out any KB or Team Arena match without HD and TS.

Removing HD and TS will do one thing: encourage team play and tactics.



Dev mindset goes like this:

"The vast majority of people hate TS and HD, but it is kept in for the benefit of the casual player who isn't superspeeding/superjumping all over the place. It might be unpopular; but much like ED and the CoT redesign, it's for the good of the game."

The devs legitimately think HD/TS is a good idea. They will not be told otherwise. They think that all of our carefully constructed feedback is nothing more than "1337 pvpers" trying to manipulate them into making it easier to farm casual players.

Add to this that the devs themselves are not PVP minded, don't understand what PVPers want, and aren't any good at PVP, and you can start to understand why they've made the changes they have over the years.

In short: the developement team don't know what they're doing, and don't trust any active PVPers enough to listen to their feedback. It's a bad combination.

Hopefully Zwillinger will be able to talk some sense into them. He's legitimately our only chance at change.



I'd like to see these removed, or at least tweaked. Travel suppression makes pvp feel sluggish in a zone. At the very least heals, buffs, offensive toggles, and inspirations should not trigger TS. Offensive toggle powers with TS make them the best "-SPD debuffs" in pvp which is silly...



Originally Posted by Dahjee View Post
Makes about as much sense as assuming everyone who doesn't like the current system are all bad unless they arena with TS and HD turned off.

Unless a person has been stuck in a box for a few years... TS and HD shouldn't be an issue or have that much of an impact on one's PvP experience.

Complaining about it these days is no differrent than whining about phase, hibernate, inspirations, Psy/Ems and KM/ scrappers.

Bottomline is if you don't like TS and HD (as another poster pointed out) then just stick to arena where you have the option to PvP without them.
You just didn't even read the OP did you? I bring up this subject because A) The community was asked by our lead representative to the developers (Zwillinger) how they would feel about this change if it were to hypothetically happen, and B) Because TS and HD are truly bad mechanics. It has been explained in several different ways in this thread alone why that statement is true. You suggest that people should be complacent just because they have been around for years. That is a horrible suggestion. One should not be complacent with something simply because it exists. If it sucks, get rid of it.



Dude just ignore Dahjee. He's arguably the most successful troll in PVP history.



Originally Posted by hemmingway3 View Post
You just didn't even read the OP did you? I bring up this subject because A) The community was asked by our lead representative to the developers (Zwillinger) how they would feel about this change if it were to hypothetically happen, and B) Because TS and HD are truly bad mechanics. It has been explained in several different ways in this thread alone why that statement is true. You suggest that people should be complacent just because they have been around for years. That is a horrible suggestion. One should not be complacent with something simply because it exists. If it sucks, get rid of it.
I did read your OP, and I gave you feedback on the matter. You seem to be campaigning against something that you have the option to avoid.

Regardless of how strongly you may feel on the subject...the best you can really offer here is your opinion. I simply compared your opinon to a few other things that people can spit opinions on... Sorry to say, but your OP is not terribly different than a PvPer getting droned reapeatedly only to complain about the drone or the droner... instead of simply avoiding both.

Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Dude just ignore Dahjee. He's arguably the most successful troll in PVP history.
Still bitter X?

"Situational power? Sure. Although in a sense... all powers are situational. It's just that some situations occur more than others." Understand the situation needed in order for the power to be most effective... and make that situation happen.



Originally Posted by Zahyl View Post
Without TS melee toons would be completely worthless. Without HD AND TS fenders or cors with a spammable heal would never die. TS and HD balance zone PvP. These features make perfect sense. Of course people won't like them, but most of these people fail to understand their importance.
Yeah melee attacks are impossible to land without TS . Wait who am i kidding.



Maybe the devs don't take you guys seriously on the forum because all you guys ever do is attack eachother? I'm only new to the forum, not the game. I thought it would be fun to hop on here and debate, yet all I see are a bunch of arrogant, bitter players whose main points have been simply that it is a bad mechanic, with no facts or ideas supporting their idea.

How can the devs take you guys seriously when all you can do is scream and call people names?



Originally Posted by hemmingway3 View Post
So, I ask you, the community, to tell the developers in a calm and civil manner that: "Yes, we want you to remove Travel Suppression and Heal Decay."

Note that "/signed" type posts "do not engender constructive discussion" or whatever the forum rules say, so please, discuss why this is a good or bad idea. Also note that this topic is about as dead as horses get,but that's ok, because the Devs don't seem to have heard our answers before.
Remove it from Arena, tweak it for zones. Basically there should be a small amount of TS when Melee attack, but that's it. You should not be getting TSd when you hit an inspiration, buff, etc.

Originally Posted by Zahyl View Post
Without TS melee toons would be completely worthless. Without HD AND TS fenders or cors with a spammable heal would never die. TS and HD balance zone PvP. These features make perfect sense. Of course people won't like them, but most of these people fail to understand their importance.
The new hold system ensures you're going to die sometime, as does the two minute Phase timer. Since you always get held for a limited amount of time, this will allow the damage spam to get through.

Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
It doesn't matter how long it's been around, it has a HUGE impact on one's PvP experience. I really don't know why you're saying it shouldn't.

Most people who don't like the system do stick to the arena and turn them off. But I, along with others still pop into RV when bored and it's not always feasible to setup an arena match.
^ This.
Was really annoying heading to RV on my Emp, buffing and healing then trying to evade an attack and...TSd off the attack, TSd off my inspiration use, TSd again...and HDd off my using Heal Aura. Yeah, no thanks.

Originally Posted by Zahyl View Post
How can the devs take you guys seriously when all you can do is scream and call people names?
Maybe Zwillinger actually had a constructive, almost hour chat with a bunch of us when PvP University ended. Maybe Zwillinger is still in the Freedom ladder and gathering opinions and such. Maybe now that PvP is on the radar again the Devs can make some changes, if not wholesale, to the system.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
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Again, I made this thread to highlight that the majority of the community does not want TS/HD in their current form. Although many may argue that some form of them would be good to have, it is reasonable to say that if choosing between what we have now and removing TS/HD, we would be better off removing them.

It is most likely that the Devs are not willing to put a large amount of work into PvP. That is generally understood, but there are many fixes to PvP that could be completed in a very short amount of time. Bug fixes take dedicated coding time. New maps take some time to cut from PvE maps (lol). But HD/TS? If it is as simple as turning them off, then turn them off. That would be one step in the right direction, and would also make zone PvP much more playable to a lot of people.