
I Survived PVP Bootcamp
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  1. hemmingway3

    Who Killed PvP?

    Was there a point to this rant? A lot of your reasoning is flawed or incomplete, but I just don't even see what the point is. Are you complaining that people complain too much? Are you accusing the developers of poorly designing PvP in this game? Are you blaming the genre for the lack of competitive PvP? Really, this makes little sense. Of course, that is all aside from your condescending tone, which will garner you little support.
  2. If you can't web and double stack taunt on 6 targets, you're nothing. NOTHING.
  3. The fact that ATO and SATOs are different sets may be restrictive but also creates many opportunities. I agree, however, that they should tell people about this stipulation explicitly and ahead of time.
  4. ya but HB got 6 kills on you... scrubs.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slazenger View Post
    Have you any of these names OP.


    They would interest me.
    Is that a question or a statement?

    Now, let me ask you another question:
    Have you any of these names?


    They may be valuable to someone.

    Back to the topic of this thread, I have received some requests for names that I listed in the OP, but all are still available.
  6. It may be that I get nothing, but I've only invested into this as much as anyone else posting in this thread. Yet, should someone decide they want any of the names I've listed, then this thread would have a purpose... other than an outlet for the anger of those very imaginative folks who would describe me as a "name squatter." lol.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
    I honestly wouldn't take any of those names if they were offered to me for free. In fact, I just snagged what I consider a much better name on Exalted for free - in anticipation of Beast Mastery, I took "Leader of the Pack." (though I do keep making "brum! brum!" motorcycle sounds in my head everytime I say it.)
    Your compassion is humbling. But really... thanks for the bump!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by WanderingAries View Post
    I place such transactions in the realm of those bloody hotwheels dealers that ransack the toy dept every morning (taking the opportunity away from some kid to get his cool new toy) and then post them on ebay for profit because they've intentionally messed with the availability.

    If you don't want it, then by all means just delete the toon and let someone feel the joy of "OMG, I got the name I wanted!" during character creation.
    ...or I could offer it for sale and let you continue to post in my thread with illusions of righteous indignation. Have a good day!
  9. I have the following names available for sale or trade:

    Pew Pew

    If anyone has any interest in buying or trading for any of them, you may PM me on the forums, send me an in-game email, or send me an in-game tell.

    My in-game global is @Hemm

  10. Following suit of others, I am offering the names I have on Exalted for sale or trade.

    The names I have include:

    Pew Pew

    If anyone has any interest in buying or trading for any of them, you may leave a reply here, PM me on the forums, send me an in-game email, or send me an in-game tell. Prices are negotiable, but some of these, I think, are quite desirable names. As such, they may not be cheap.

    My in-game global is @Hemm

  11. hemmingway3

    Costume Codes

    My Rulu Shin code is sold.
  12. there are lots of ways that could be implemented to make PvP rewarding. buuuutt... the devs dont really care.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    We're playing them. If you want to ban us or whatever go right ahead.
    The rules do not stipulate that we cannot play them, so of course we are going to play them.
  14. I think the main idea of Xan's post was to make sure FAP knows they are the little dogs.
  15. I bet some (read: most) of the devs would not know the level range of the PvP zones if asked.
  16. Quite the self-contradictory post you have going for you there. You clearly are not experienced with the drop rate of PvP IOs.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AresSupreme View Post
    No melee toons take SJ in PVP they are all fiteklubbers meaning they sit around and duel one another. I'll throw together a fiteklub build for you with high HP in a sec.
    lol great advice.
  18. I edited my post above to reconcile my misunderstanding of Killobot's leaving the team.
  19. Since all we get (the pvp community) is turds, some sugar would be nice... even if we still get turds.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Katalyst View Post
    Make sure you remove the core members who are MIA so that your roster is legal. You currently have 12 core members in that post, although I suppose you are technically a draftee.
    Yea, turns out I can't count. I removed Private Nurse. If she happens to spontaneously reappear and wants to play, we will be sure to add her to core and note that I am a draftee. That, or call more drafts.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Emo_Bitter View Post
    Captain: @Emo Bitter / @2Emo2Bitter
    Co-Captain: @Hemm

    @Arctic Shu
    @Projects1 / @Projects Pain

    Badgers in Training :
    @Light Within
    @El Juapo
    @OhK Bye
    Updated to reflect the addition of KGB and Projects to our core, and removed Nurse for never showing up.

    edit: I misunderstood Killo's post above this one... He has left the team. I have removed him from the roster.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Katalyst View Post
    If I wanted to model this league to benefit me or my team, I could easily just start making up BS rules that hurt other teams ability to win and things of that nature, which I have not done yet.
    Lol really? I remember a certain instance in which you banned controller paralytic poison to stop a certain team from using it to win the league.
  23. lol you're still defending sharks. The reason you choose is because there are other broken powers in the game? Yep, there sure are, and they are part of the problem too. Nonetheless, sharks are OP and are on the very long list of things that should be balanced.
  24. Lol are you defending Spirit Shark, one of the most horridly broken powers in the game? (and there are a lot of broken powers so that is actually saying something.)