



Velocity sounds familar...they were one of the top 5 SG's on Test back when Tribute and Lions Den played



Velocity during the ladder was probably one of the best if not the best Arena PVP teams - Tribute and LD were before the organized Ladder - I would say FOL with Putz, Ed, Owange etc..and later VR, Team V and JAL with Sorrows and Anichi were the top three..I don't think once Velcoity with Sorrows and Anichi climbed the ladder - lost a match.

That being said WARE is not Velocity other than Vinnie and HP being on the team...that and I think at this point not many people from any organized pvp teams are left.



Originally Posted by B_Witched View Post
Velocity during the ladder was probably one of the best if not the best Arena PVP teams - Tribute and LD were before the organized Ladder - I would say FOL with Putz, Ed, Owange etc..and later VR, Team V and JAL with Sorrows and Anichi were the top three..I don't think once Velcoity with Sorrows and Anichi climbed the ladder - lost a match.

That being said WARE is not Velocity other than Vinnie and HP being on the team...that and I think at this point not many people from any organized pvp teams are left.
I would also add in OS with Strike, Shocker, Squints, Gramma, Jeff .90, Hotshy, Rogue and Manheim starting. The inital ladder was FOL, JAL and OS in the top three spots.



Ahh I see......Hell's Army was my group not very well known on Test cause we didnt compete too often But played against Trib, LD, Punks, and a couple others that i cant remeber this was awhile back. Guess there really isnt a reason to come back to a non-competitive pvp system. Its a shame this game has such a great PvP engine.



when velocity came to be, Tribute was already out. Tribute later came back for a show match because everyone said they would loose now. Tribute beat the top team at the time and once again canceled their accounts. (fun fact: Tribute had practiced and trained JaL back in i4 - i6; and JaL went on to beat LD on their original team of noobs). JaL went on to rival velocity and won the 1st place title back. They stayed on top for awhile and then also quit the game. Velocity then broke up and all the good players consolidated into one group but with no more competition, the league fell apart. Tribute still remains undefeated as a team.



Ware.gov for life. Not only did we never lose a match we never lost a game within a match.



ya but HB got 6 kills on you... scrubs.



Originally Posted by Dexington View Post
Ware.gov for life. Not only did we never lose a match we never lost a game within a match.

Please don't compare a league record to a ladder one. Big difference.





Originally Posted by Like_Woah View Post
Please don't compare a league record to a ladder one. Big difference.
Are you denying the fact that Ware created the biggest gap in skill between the first and second place team? I realize you are just attempting to defend the fact that Renegades lost games within matches. It's ok a once great philosopher told me "#13: Haters gonna hate"



Originally Posted by Dexington View Post
Are you denying the fact that Ware created the biggest gap in skill between the first and second place team? I realize you are just attempting to defend the fact that Renegades lost games within matches. It's ok a once great philosopher told me "#13: Haters gonna hate"
Actually I think you pointed out my point. Except you didn't create the gap. The gap was already here. Teams have always had roster issues but not nearly as bad as this last league. Skill level disparity was another difference. I think this last league just proved there really is no serious competitive team pvp left in this game. What ware did was impressive but really just pointed out the fact that nobody is left and they aren't coming back. Further more in a ladder system if you were at the top you only played against second place officially. You guys didn't just play #2, you got to play against teams with less resources and clearly less skill. Finally a ladder didn't just end...you had to hold your spot until you retired or got beat. At the end of the league teams had to recruit multiple times just to field a working roster. I have no shame in saying you guys were the best league team. That still doesn't mean I would compare you to Velocity or Fol.





No we certainly created the gap hence the matches between The Dalorean Mages and Teh Artic Monkeys being so close. If it werent for us that league would have been close as ****. If you think about the fact that we are in a post i13 world and our team had the top 8 players to play in this system it makes us the most stacked team ever. Never were the top 8 players of any system on the same team before. Thus our domination. But really it's NBD hate all you want and try to make jabs there is no 8 man roster that can beat Ware in this pvp system.



WARE is the dream team of post i13 PvP.

IMO ware would do well competing against any team in the history of coh arena.

I am PL in RL.

Freedom- Magnet Man, Hott Sauce, Stand-Up Comic



Originally Posted by Sinistar6000 View Post
WARE is the dream team of post i13 PvP.

IMO ware would do well competing against any team in the history of coh arena.
I won't argue either of those statements as I believe them both to be accurate.

