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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cover Girl View Post
    The only thing capable of beating /regen is jblackstar.
    <3 regin cant be bet by tru warrir
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
    Stalagmites and Total Domination have actually been reduced back down to their normal (and apparently intended) 4.00 second duration. So apparently anything above 4.00 is a bug.
    "Why you ban stalagmites if you plan to run all earth fires??? noobs"
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Diotrophes View Post
    No one will be able to bring their own team. Instead captains will be able to choose players from a lineup.

    Example: Lets say captains are , Psycho Jas, Barrier, Diotrophes, and Heater.

    Psycho would get first choice, then barrier, dio, and heater out of the line up of players wanting to play. After each captain picks we go through lineup again to pick from remaining players who did not get picked first round.

    This is also why we need more captains in this tournie.
    I suggest you make it serpentine draft.
  4. Dexington

    Who Killed PvP?

    Originally Posted by SneakyProphet View Post
    i13 pretty much ruined PVP permanently in this game.

    i12 Test Ladder had become one of the most active points in competitive PVP in the game, with several more teams ready to join the fray right before the update. Castle made VERY VERY clear that i13 was not made with the PVP community in mind, and the pvp community in turn cancelled subscriptions en masse, some moving on to other games and others simply disappearing. The most saddening part about the whole mess was that i13 was promised to be the first step in a sweeping change to PVP for the best, but nothing major happened after i13. PVP was wholly ignored after the initial bridge burning. There have been glimmers of hope since, the FPVPL Season 1 being the best example of this. There has not been a competitive league or ladder since (I do not count the last league with WARE in which the winner was decided before the season started).

    That being said, I will make this perfectly clear: If the devs ever created a test server like environment with a ruleset similar to where we were in i12, dozens and dozens of "old school" pvpers would return. To put it plainly, no other game has managed to capture the enjoyment of CoH's PVP engine in its prime: its requirement for absolute skill and coordination and its 3D combat which allowed for so much invention and creativity.

    I hold no hope that a game in this stage of its development cycle would suddenly have a reversion as extreme as what I envision, but it is nice to pretend it could happen.

    This can't be quoted enough.

    It is good to see you are still alive Sneaky.

    Viva la
  5. Dexington

    Who Killed PvP?

    "i13 dealt CoH PvP a fatal blow - put the nail in the coffin" -anonymous

    Ps. TL;DR
  6. Dexington

    I have fans!!

    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    Last few visitors to my profile!

    AttentionSeekerPhilly BigPhilly MyrmysGirl PhillyGorilla pHiLlYhAtEsAlaD Philly RAGE PhilthyGirl PhlabulousPhilly

    Really you could be more creative with the names...except PhillyGirlilla I liked the toon ingame, the forum account isn't the same name though :/
    You seem to have proved the first name on the list right.

    I bet you have like 100k followers on twitter, in fact I think I saw #PhillyGirlilla trending last week.

    Also someone has way too much time on their hands.
  7. No we certainly created the gap hence the matches between The Dalorean Mages and Teh Artic Monkeys being so close. If it werent for us that league would have been close as ****. If you think about the fact that we are in a post i13 world and our team had the top 8 players to play in this system it makes us the most stacked team ever. Never were the top 8 players of any system on the same team before. Thus our domination. But really it's NBD hate all you want and try to make jabs there is no 8 man roster that can beat Ware in this pvp system.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by B_Witched View Post
    there is a server called guardian??
    There are still multiple servers in coh?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Like_Woah View Post
    Please don't compare a league record to a ladder one. Big difference.
    Are you denying the fact that Ware created the biggest gap in skill between the first and second place team? I realize you are just attempting to defend the fact that Renegades lost games within matches. It's ok a once great philosopher told me "#13: Haters gonna hate"
  10. for life. Not only did we never lose a match we never lost a game within a match.
  11. Dexington

    i22 PVP changes

    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    Heh you haven't seen me pissed off yet

    Also your still subbed? Figured you would have canceled by now.
    Can't get passed the security questions to unsub haha. $15 a month is NBD and I can randomly lurk the forums.
  12. Dexington

    i22 PVP changes

    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    I think I can handle the Hate I'm a lil scarey when i get pissed off, I once made Barrier's ears bleed (true story)
    Philly please don't pretend to be tough. I'm sure the level of decibels you excreted out of your vocal cords was loud enough to be annoying but no one was scared of you ever. Except the time you commented on my voice and I was worried for a week that you were stalking me.

    To sum up this thread: You can't fix stupid.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daknah View Post
    I didn't play back then, but from what I have heard from Walrus and everyone they could possibly beat

    Let's be honest. There's no chance of that happening.

    Worst come to worst, I WILL come out of retirement and poop on everything, like a flock of seagulls. I will also make bad music and try to capitalize on an 80s craze for bad, big hair.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by prophet_8 View Post
    where you at?



  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mirage_Mage View Post
    We currently are mad/bad on Tuesdays. Did I mention that Shenanigans is terrible?

    Really, please PLEASE practice with us. We actually would rather attempt PvP despite playing the game for 5 years and still being awful.

    Please message either @iLoveDucks or @iLoveDudesThatLoveDucks to schedule practice.
    ******* biter.
  16. If only he was biting my style. Kid can't even get the font size correct.

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Katalyst View Post
    Also with Fraps, most people have to change it from full-size to half-size and turn off sound recording... It makes an extremely big difference in performance. If you've already done that then there's not much else you can do to make it run smoother.
    Generally, reducing the size is reducing the final storage size of the file, which requires much more compressing while trying to record all of the information. That causes much more lag. Just sayin'.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
    I don't know many people that use it for some reason, but yeah its quality I think is much better. You can do it in HD, but this is a random one I had at medium settings (in wegame) and Reccommended settings in CoH, from the most recent attempt at a test ladder. Of course however the audio is set up, it records vent along with the sound effects.

    Yes we did really bad.
    You should have attacked that BRProx guy more. I heard he's bad. Instead you chose "Ay"vid, who, as you should have known, would never die. He's a professional.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Borderline Boss View Post
    you will do anything for attention.



  20. Shut up.

    Who cares? The League's won. Points are irrelevant now because of dominant/garbage performances in the past. The statement that "AT THIS POINT - the League is already decided" means little to nothing as an argument to change the play-off structure. Had games gone differently and WARE wasn't working the broom on everyone, it wouldn't matter. Don't bother changing anything because it's a waste of time.

    Over-complicating a small, simple league is silly. Just finish it, so I can claim I'm a Champion from the bench and resume perma-banning Hot from Mumble.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by prophet_8 View Post
    What about interest in a 5v5 or 3v3 ladder?

    It wouldn't last. Teams that want to play together wouldn't really be able to, since the numbers are so restrictive.

    In general, more people find 8v8s to be more fun anyway.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by hemmingway3 View Post
    Get the **** out of our thread with your pointless discussion. We don't have enough team members to do internals, so take this **** to Shenanigans' thread.

  23. I am quit. Kick out of practice. **** you Silite. I have no runes and I can't find Flash.