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  1. I had always sort of assumed that you where some kind of learning computer that had become self-aware at some point, Arcanaville. I still feel like I'm at least half right.
  2. I will never buy another NCSoft product for as long as they are a company and I am alive.
  3. Right, see if I ever buy an NCSoft related product again. For 7 years I enjoyed the crap out of this game and they decide to end it without any explanation at all. **** NCSoft. I'm so pissed off right now.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JChaos View Post

    Yes, Kinetic Combat is obviously superior in that it takes four slots to get an attractive boost.

    HOWEVER, that attractive boost is the only thing it adds. Its other bonuses are completely worthless in comparison to other sets.
    I rather disagree with the... direction, I suppose, of your message. Kinetic combat offers a minor HP boost, a minor resistance boost, and a good S/L defense bonus for 4 slots. Touch of Death offers the same minor HP boost, a better resistance boost, comparable Melee defense, and a minor damage bonus for 6 slots. I do not consider their set bonuses so astronomically different that you can make a declarative statement such as "completely worthless" for Kinetic Combat without making a similar statement in regards to Touch of Death. Compared to other IO's that have better set bonuses they are both comparatively inferior, but that's sort of besides the point when making a comparison between two things.

    As is, the 2.5% damage boost in Touch of Death is a significantly attractive boost, especially when considering that you will get the exact same resistance bonus by four-slotting KC and two-slotting ToD, and six-slotting ToD under this change since the Immob Resist in the two sets is equal. The only difference will be whether you want more positional defense and a damage boost, or more typed defense and no damage boost.
    I would not value the 2.5% damage boost in Touch of Death so highly as you are describing, especially when you consider the two potential damage procs that you are trading for it by having to use six slots to acquire the melee defense bonus. Even if you manage to use 30 slots to stack the 2.5% damage bonus 5 times it will not catch up to the potential of two procs, and especially not if we consider that one or more of the procs can be from a purple set.

    For the benefit of this conversation, I looked over some of the numbers in order to arrive at a more accurate conclusion concerning the Touch of Death and Kinetic Combat differences and arrived at this:

    Generally speaking, Kinetic Combat is still superior when you want to maximize your DPS and S/L defense.

    Generally speaking, Touch of Death is not a *horrible* sacrifice in power, and is preferable when you want to maximize your Melee defense (+ resistance?).

    So, to use an example, I have taken the brute version of Ablating Strike. I've turned off all outside damage buffs (such as Rage), but enhanced all IO's to +5 of their normal levels.

    I have Kinetic Combat paired with Mako's Bite: Lethal Damage, and Touch of Lady Grey: Negative Damage, which both have a 20% chance to fire and does 71.75 damage of their respective element, which mids has calculated out to be an average damage of 14.35 each, for a total of 28.70 damage. Ablative Strike slotted in this fashion has a 96.34% damage enhancement from slotting, which brings the damage of this power to 136.8 total (average) damage.

    For Touch of Death I have... Well, Touch of Death: Negative damage, which has a 15% chance to fire and does 71.75 negative damage, which mids has calculated out to be an average damage of 10.76 damage. Ablative Strike slotted in this fashion has a 100.81% damage enhancement from slotting, plus 2.5% damage enhancement from the Touch of Death's Set Bonus, which brings the damage of this power to 122.7 total (average) damage.

    However, let's say you do have 30 slots to spare for Touch of Death, and can acquire a nice 12.5% damage bonus. Mids has already calculated the lethal portion of the damage to be 55.96(x2) damage with the 2.5% damage enhancement from Touch of Death's Set Bonus, so I will enhance that by the remaining 10% to determine that 5 stacking Touch of Death IO Set Bonuses will increase the lethal portion of the damage from 55.96(x2) to 58.72(x2) damage. Add in the average proc damage, and multiply out the two hits in Ablating Strike, and you're at a new total of 128.2 damage, an increase of about 5.5 damage per attack.

    So Kinetic Combat + Makos' Bite + Lady Grey has an average total damage of about 136.80 damage for Ablative Strike.

    Touch of Death bolstered by some combination of 4 other sets of the powers which are also six slotted with Touch of Death results in an average total damage of about 128.2 damage for Ablative Strike.

    This is a difference of 8.6 damage, which isn't (by my standards) a ridiculously grand difference, but it does demonstrate that Kinetic Combat has higher potential damage when rather modestly slotted vs Touch of Death when put in a very favorable position by allowing 5 stacks of its' set bonus.

    I *could* have added Hecatomb: Negative Damage which would have *significantly* increased the damage Ablative Strike can do with Kinetic Combat to 157.8 averaged damage when paired with Mako's Bite or Lady Grey. You might argue that I can only put one purple proc in a power and thus adding in Hecatomb's proc is not necessarily a fair observation. However, I will point out that high end builds, especially melee builds, typically only wind up using 2-4 powers in their attack rotations when they've achieved the desired amount of recharge in their powers. As such, purple procs like Hecatomb see a great deal of use. Additionally, I *could* also have added in Achilles' Heel which, when utilized with a high recharge build, would further increase my damage significantly past what Mako's Bite or Lady Grey could offer me.

    These are all things that six slotting Touch of Death in order to capitalize on its' melee defense will not be able to do, and even when you dedicate 30 slots to Touch of Death to capatlize on the 12.5% damage bonus you are still going to be doing less damage than Kinetic Combat with 2 superior damage procs. The damage potential Kinetic Combat offers over Touch of Death is not something that should be idly disregarded.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by welshman_EU View Post
    Apologies if this part is actually true. It's not mentioned at all on the overview page.
    I didn't read closely enough to decipher whether they included Defenders or not, but it's been a widely discussed topic among forum regulars. I guess if you don't read the forums every day you might not know about it already though.

    Anyway, yeah, defenders be gettin' awesome.

    *EDIT: Just in the blast sets, mind you. Naturally, defenders don't share blasters "manipulation" secondary, just the blast primary (as the defender secondary). Anything specifically related to overhauling the manipulation sets is Blaster specific. Everything else, such as the "Fast Snipe", nuke changes, and new animation times should effect Blasters, Defenders, and Corruptors.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post

    EDIT: Hmmm.... Nature/Sonic for the singing-princess motif.
    I was thinking more along the lines of a Mandragora.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by welshman_EU View Post
    Man, the Devs really don't care much for defenders, do they? Once again, Blasters get massive boosts and Defenders get nothing.
    I pointed this out in another thread, but:

    Defenders (and Corruptors) blast sets are getting all the changes blasters blast sets are getting. Defenders (and Corruptors) are capable of very easily acquiring the necessary To-Hit required for the new "Fast-Snipe" function through Tactics + Kismet.

    Among Blasters, only Devices is easier than that. Darkness Manipulation and Energy Manipulation can get the necessary To-Hit through a lot of recharge reduction enhancements, Tactics, Kismet, and wise use of powers. Every other Blaster secondary is pretty much dependent on Build Up/Aim/Outside buffs.

    Defenders (and Corruptors) make out pretty well considering this was mostly aimed towards increasing the performance of Blasters, and that they weren't really suffering to begin with.

    *EDIT*: It dawns on me that you could have been joking.
  8. Mmm, perhaps I'm failing to convey myself accurately. My value of Kinetic Combat vs Others is:

    Fantastic S/L defense options
    Only need 4 slots.

    That Kinetic Combat doesn't require as many slots as other options means that I am free to slot in other (better) proc effects, which means I will be doing better damage. Kinetic Combat is also much more appropriate for powers I don't intend to use, but who can still take advantage of the set bonuses. For instance, I often want a good number of attacks to cycle through while leveling up, but only use 2-4 for a "top end" DPS chain. Kinetic Combat let's me put enough slots in those powers to make them useful for 1-50 without making their slots superfluous at level 50.

    Touch of Death is simply too restrictive while offering me less damage. Depending on how much resistance it gains it may become more attractive, but if I've judged the playerbase correctly I feel that most would not be terribly willing to part with the higher DPS potential of Kinetic Combat.

    I should also point out that, if I'm understand the proposed changes to IO's, Kinetic Combat should *also* be getting some resistance added to it as its' tier 1 bonus.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
    Unless you +5 the ones that matter.
    Get what you're saying, but you unfortunately cannot increase the proc chance using this method. Since you need all 6 to get the S/L bonus with Touch of Death, you have to settle with a less powerful proc in all your powers. Kinetic Combat is better in that it lets you maximize damage in this regard.
  10. I need actual numbers before I can make any educated plans.

    I do like what I am hearing however; Some of my characters where never meant to be super evasive but most of them become that way simply because it's the most effective strategy. I sort of like the idea of building my "squishier" characters resistance-ly and having enough status resistance to make it worth doing.
  11. I don't see Touch of Death becoming more popular, somewhat regardless of what new thing it gets (unless it's inappropriately awesome, like +10% to global recharge or something like that) simply because six slotting for Touch of Death puts the power in a weaker position than four slotting for Kinetic Combat and then filling up Kinetic Combats' weaknesses with more level-appropriate IO's or HO's.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadey_NA View Post
    or take targetting drone.
    Devices is the most obvious and easy way, yes, but not everyone wants to be devices secondary.

    Let's see... Aside from Devices:

    Darkness Manipulation can get there with Tactics + Kismet + Perma Soul-Drain (300% recharge)

    Energy Manipulation can get there with Tactics + Kismet + Perma Power Boost (300% recharge), OR it can cycle between some combination of Aim, Build Up, and Power Boost for less recharge (depending on your primary/secondary)

    Other than that, everyone else is going to depend on cycling Aim/Build up, unless there's something obvious I am completely missing to finish off the last 5% To-Hit you would need. I guess you could always just strap a defender to your back as well.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Most_Amazing View Post
    With tactics you should easily be able to attain a 22% to hit bonus allowing you to instant cast your snipes. So my vote is obvious.
    Elaborating on this:

    Defenders get a much greater benefit from Tactics than say, a Blaster, due to the way their arch-type modifiers favor buff effects. For a defender, tactics at a 60.2% enhancement value (3 slots) has a To-Hit bonus of about 20.02%, about 2% shy of what you need for fast-snipe goodness. That last 2% should be fairly easy to achieve with something like Combat Jumping + Kismet +6% To-Hit. (Protip: Buy kismet now)

    *EDIT: I should like to note that Corruptors can do this as well. Defenders end up with a bit of To-Hit left over, but Corruptors juuuuust get the 22% they need for fast-snipe with Tactics + Combat Jumping: Kistmet +6%.

    Blasters, unfortunately, need to be slightly more creative.
  14. Soloing Pylons is not the standard by which developers balance power-sets.
  15. Warkupo

    How do you?

    You'll need to have access to the Auction House, a VIP feature which you can unlock through the "Paragon Rewards" system as a tier 4 bonus. You can also purchase a temporary Auction-House licence from the market-place (cash shop).

    Once you've acquired access to the Auction House you can sell general salvage and recipes that you do not want to make some spending money. Aside from that, it's just the basic practice of buying low, and selling high.
  16. Warkupo

    Scrapper Love

    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post

    And all this time I used the Hello Kitty toaster avatar to infer you were female! Insert a quotation here about certain bound literature items and the manner in which they are adorned.
    Sir, I'm not sure what you're talking about, but Hello Kitty was one of the most masculine things I could think of to serve as my avatar.

    Now, if you don't mind, I have batons to play with~
  17. Warkupo

    Scrapper Love

    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post

    Let's use, for a melee set, all the apparatus: Baton, ball, rope, hoop, and ribbon!
    I used to have one of those as a kid. Best moment of my childhood, and then my father told me it was time to be a man.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
    ...I just had a thought.

    The Rikti defeated the Battalion apparently by getting rid of their gods, magic, the Well, etc.

    Will we... be able to defeat the Battalion without doing the same...?
    Probably. We're awesome.
  19. I'm going Energy/MC because of HADOUKEN.

    I mentioned this in another thread, but I really like the idea of using energy's KB to knock all the enemies back, teleport in behind them and throw them all forward, and then teleport next to them and finish them off with Nova.
  20. Warkupo

    Scrapper Love

    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Sadly, I don't have the same feeling, as DP/MC won't feel dodgey at all. :/
    I hear you. I *still* would have preferred Dual Pistol / Super Reflexes, but alas.

    At very least, I know I can probably soft-cap S/L defense for Dual Pistol / Martial Whatever, which is good enough for me.
  21. Warkupo

    Speed Combat

    The "gimmick" I had for a sort of "Speed Combat" character is similar to momentum, but stylized more for a "speedster" concept. My explanation is going to be difficult, so bare with me.

    Essentially, as you gain momentum, or speed, or whatever you want to call the mechanic your attacks will have a chance to proc additional attacks against enemies nearby the one you are fighting up to a certain maximum (let's say 5 copies of yourself, or so). These procs have a chance to miss, but they will always target *something*, so if you're only fighting one enemy they will all gang up on that one target. This would keep the power-set versatile whether he's fighting groups or a single entity.

    What I had envisioned animation-wise is that your character "phases-in" to attack other enemies around your target to represent you running around combat so quickly that you appear in multiple places at once. For best results I would utilize the doppelganger technology to get an actual copy of your character, but it would also be possible to just use a sort of blurry "ghost" model like what we have in Dual Pistols.

    Naturally this momentum would need some kind of limit, and has the potential to be incredibly overpowered. Still, it'd be neat.
  22. I just wanted to point out the possibility of taking both Combat Jumping and Hover.

    Seriously, Combat Jumping is such an inexpensive toggle I have a hard time rationalizing NOT taking it.
  23. I want to be wherever this is.