Best Martial Combat toon?
Out of purely conceptual reasons, I was going to take Fire Blast with this one and make it more of a Blapper, using Burst of Speed to escape from Location AoEs such as Fire Rain and Liquefy. With the Self Heal and +Absorb toggle, it makes it very viable, to say the least.
As for an epic, I am torn between Bonfire+Fire Shield, adding the Knock Down proc from overwhelming force to add a control aspect of survivability, or to simply go with Body Armour from Munitions and then pull in powers from elsewhere.
Either way, I'm very excited about this power set.
So.... what toon makes best use of the secondary?
My thoughts: 1) Avoid weapon sets to avoid redraw. 2) Should have a snipe to take advantage of proccing Reach for the Limit? (easily surpassing 22% regularly) 3) Supplement with revised powerpools for more of a scrapper type toon - sure it will be harder but more fun? e.g., new fighting pool, new presence pool (with melee range self heal/endo buff from new top tier presence power ... Burst of Speed -> Presence Power -> etc.) 4)... maybe add Spring Attack for more TP nuke goodness? 5) Epic: Fire for Bonfire? Or a damage shield? Or Scorp Shield for softcap S/L/N? 6) Primary should have (a) MOAR AOE and (b) 1-2 hard hitting st attacks to make a viable chain. Discuss? |
Apologies if those questions have obvious answers. I haven't watched the coffee talk video.
Out of purely conceptual reasons, I was going to take Fire Blast with this one and make it more of a Blapper, using Burst of Speed to escape from Location AoEs such as Fire Rain and Liquefy. With the Self Heal and +Absorb toggle, it makes it very viable, to say the least.
As for an epic, I am torn between Bonfire+Fire Shield, adding the Knock Down proc from overwhelming force to add a control aspect of survivability, or to simply go with Body Armour from Munitions and then pull in powers from elsewhere. Either way, I'm very excited about this power set. |
Scorp Shield may actually be best for much spawn diving given in theory you could soft-cap S/L/E.
In the Coffee Talk Zwil was using a hacked character so he could demonstrate both powersets at the same time. This had the effect of Reach for the Limit being on when he tested Martial Assault, which has a snipe. It seemed to proc regularly enough and last long enough that even with the pauses to talk, the snipe was always ready for a quick snipe (it had the orange circle).
So long as you have a +tohit enhancement in Reach For The Limit, which you can do because it costs no endurance, you can't enhance damage buff, and it doesn't recharge, then you should be able to fast snipe consistently.
The other thing I noticed in the vid was that the AOE radius on Burst of Speed seemed really small and the damage seemed lame. Couldn't tell if that was a hacked character issue or what. But it seemed surprising.
The AoE damage seems to be an afterthought, the main purpose seems to be to quickly move in and out of melee.
Though we couldn't see the damage, due to the enemies being hacked. It just showed them taking the hit, no orange numbers.
The other thing I noticed in the vid was that the AOE radius on Burst of Speed seemed really small and the damage seemed lame. Couldn't tell if that was a hacked character issue or what. But it seemed surprising.
Since /MC has Burst of Speed, it seems like it could work well with most primaries, even getting more use out of cones than other sets with a PBAoE focus. That said, sets with spherical AoEs still have the advanatge: Arch, Fire, Rad, Pist, Water, and Elec. I believe Hawk said the duration of Reach was longer than Build Up, so that could better synergize with Rain of Fire (actually lasting the entire duration), but if there is no clear indication of when it procs, that could be hard to control.
Slows are handy with Electric's end drain, because drained enemies tend to flee. If Reach can be made to transfer to VS, that would be a great combo.
Edit: Added water, duh on me.
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
Remove this, turns out the cooldown on inner will constitutes a considerable pre nerf.
Well I may very well have to take back /Energy Manipulation or you are doing it wrong and change it to Martial Combat. It looks like Inner will hits every blasters two biggest problems, Mez Protection and regaining hit points lost from lack of armor. Toss in a ranged AoE stun and that looks really powerful on its own. |
Really need to see what the chance of build up is but some combinations come to mind.
Dual Pistols/MC
Teleport In, Hail of Bullets, Teleport Out, fire off cones.
Throw Sand, Full Auto, Bean Bag
Beam Rifle/MC
Stacking Stuns for dominator like play.
Fire Blast
Good single target damage, fast casting attacks to leverage the new proc, Good combo of teleport and inferno.
Rad Blast
Stacking Stuns, teleport for the PBoE nuke.
Sonic Blast
Stacking Stun with nuke and teleport to aid deployment.
Water Blast
Cone Stun + Ranged Stun Nuke.
*insert set* or you're doing it wrong is always a silly thing to say. Why? Concepts. Also, different sets perform differently, it is hard to say one is in every way better than another.
Right now, I'm looking at its potential pairings with EPPs and Side Pools:
This might actually break me out of using Force Mastery (thanks to the random BU and TP attack)
I can see layering the BoS attack on top of an enhanced Bonfire or Oppressive Gloom; so //Fire and //Soul would be my primary choices (followed by //Electric)
Would definitely have to fit in Hasten, Burnout and Spring Attack (which I'll have to reevaluate for use without MC and consequently Force... thanks to MC)
Going from there (in order of initial preference):
Sonic/MC/Soul - Defiance, -Res, Stun and BU stacking
Water/MC/Soul - AoE damage and Stun Stacking
Water/MC/Fire - AoE damage and mitigation
El-Blast/MC/Electric - AoE damage, sapping/mitigation
Psychic/MC/Soul - Stun and -Rech stacking/mitigation
Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars

The radius was plenty large, but the damage is low, primarily because you can hit it three times in a row. Hawk mentioned cutting it by a third from what the formula would give, but then adding some back.
I'm still struggling with what to roll with MC, and I've been thinking about it longer than most. Eventually I'm rolling DP/MC, just because. But out of the gate, I'm leaning towards Sonic/MC and Water/MC, both strong mitigation combinations and both supporting a more active playstyle.
As to epics, I should point out that MC is another Absorb sustain, and Absorb synergizes much more strongly with resistance than defense due to its bursty vulnerability. That might not be enough to overcome the advantages of soft-capping, but its worth thinking about.
[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
Perhaps the more relevant question is how many Fire / MC characters in a white gi with a red headband or orange / blue gi with black spikey hair will be created within the first hour of the sets going live? My guess would be somewhere in the region of 3-400.
@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"
RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.
I was waiting for the I24 to see if finally with the fixes for blaster we could see a martial secondary and there we go!
Cant wait to try it, I will go with WB/MC
I'll probably go with Energy/MC. Not really for any particular synergy. Mostly just because it will let me focus a lot more on my secondary by skipping a bunch of Energy Blast powers.
@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian

I forsee many Mortal Kombat copycat toons coming.

Perhaps the more relevant question is how many Fire / MC characters in a white gi with a red headband or orange / blue gi with black spikey hair will be created within the first hour of the sets going live? My guess would be somewhere in the region of 3-400.
On Topic:
Dual Pistols/Martial Combat for all the obvious reasons. Fire/MC would (re: will) be insane for AoE potential though. Water/MC would probably be in that same boat with a bit more mitigation options to help traveling through mobs.
Originally Posted by Arcanaville
Warning: crazy space limit reached. Please delete some crazy and try again. |
Nothing really stands out as conceptually or mechanically synergetic when it comes to primaries to pair with it.
Even Dual Pistols. I'm not a big loather of redraw, frankly I don't mind redraw at all...but without actually holding the pistols while you kick, it kind of ruins any conceptual synergy the combo would have...I mean, the whole reason you're kicking is because your hands are too busy shooting to punch people.
But I think I'll wait for a Thrown Weapon blasting set before I delve into this new secondary. I've had the perfect character for it for a long time now and thinking about rerolling (not side-rolling) him from Spines/Dark stalker to thrown/martial blaster. I'm definitely rerolling his alternate dark/thorns dom build into dark/martial dom...that combo is just too perfect a fit.

Fire/MC just seems like to much fun to pass up on. Blazing Bolt > Blaze > Burst of Speed in > Eagles Claw/Storm Kick > Burst of Speed out> Moar Blazing Bolt> Blaze. Can just imagine a real "Dragon Ball Z" type of fighting with this.
The Only Token Black Guy

The Only Token Black Guy
1. Chi Push: foe repel, knockback, damage similar to power thrust
2. Storm Kick
3. Reach for the Limit: passive, chance for +33% dmg/+15% tohit per attack
4. Burst of Speed: self teleport, PBAoE damage, triple use before recharge
5. Dragon's Tail: PBAoE melee
6. Reaction Time: +absorb, +recovery, foe -speed, -recharge; 10s self +speed/+rech on toggle off
7. Inner Will: self heal, mez protection; requires self 8. Throw Sand: Cone foe stun, -perception
9. Eagle's Claw: high smashing, foe -recharge, -range
My thoughts:
1) Avoid weapon sets to avoid redraw.
2) Should have a snipe to take advantage of proccing Reach for the Limit? (easily surpassing 22% regularly)
3) Supplement with revised powerpools for more of a scrapper type toon - sure it will be harder but more fun? e.g., new fighting pool, new presence pool (with melee range self heal/endo buff from new top tier presence power ... Burst of Speed -> Presence Power -> etc.)
4)... maybe add Spring Attack for more TP nuke goodness?
5) Epic: Fire for Bonfire? Or a damage shield? Or Scorp Shield for softcap S/L/N?
6) Primary should have (a) MOAR AOE and (b) 1-2 hard hitting st attacks to make a viable chain.