1909 -
Wasn't a fan of the book but this movie looks like "The Mummy" series of cgi-ed baddies.
I think it would have been better off as a mini-series but TV is "The Walking Dead" domain for now. -
Isn't 'crossbow guy' from The Wakling Dead the same dude that played Scud in Blade II?
Great job! I'll be smiling like a big idgit for awhile...
I started watching it because my 7 year old does and it seems that almost every episode, they're talking about killing, death and dying.
I would agree that they should've found someway to do a tag along with all of the superhero movie releases; even if they stuck to the 'indie' ones like KickAss, Hancock, The Watchmen, etc...
Banner rotation/trading with other gaming sites would've helped as well.
They could've hit the social media circuit a lot earlier (Facebook, Myspace, etc).
They probably could've done something with specialty products; like Jones Cola, the various pro-wrestling circuits or ringside banners at MMA or other sporting events.
The timing and focus of their PR could've used some major work.
I also believe that they could've tried to keep pace with the mobile revolution.
A solid PvP experience couldn't have hurt.
And finally, a better base building experience (interior/exterior), combined with the already robust character creation system could've put it somewhat onto Sims turf. -
Thanks for all the input given so far.
What would need to happen in order to make CoX playable completely offline?
Programming? Extra HD space? Better CPU, etc? -
If we can get an emulator for the current Beta; I'd be all for it.
Quote:Anyhow, as stated before, I like the implementation of everything I listed. However, following the original discussions; I felt inclined to agree (thematically) with those that felt that the snipe changes should've have been specific to the Range/Damage specialists (Note: I didn't notice as much vitriol about the Nuke changes not being AT specific).And why pray tell do snipes need to differentiate at all besides AT modifiers. Wait, didnt I ask that 3 posts ago? Do any of the other blasts in the sets differentiate for flavour or otherwise?
Doms already had Controls; Corrs and Fenders already had access to heavy buff/debuffs... and now they were getting the same/similar offensive buffs across the board while Blaster's sustainability (and therefore survivability) still wasn't on par with none of the above listed. And people felt slighted (although I could really care less (I was actively pointing out ways that all ATs could push toward optimizing the mechanic)... I could see their view).
[Insert power creep blazay blah here]
That being said, the changes were what they were and although it was (at the time) and is (most definitely now) an irrelevant pipe dream based on thematics; I would have liked to have seen an effort to see those arguing that point... given satisfaction in some way (like lowering or eliminating the to-hit requirement for Blasters or just adding in a secondary effect).
You're well in your rights to disagree but this is as far as I'm willing to debate/explain something that is utterly irrelevant at this point. -
Quote:*sigh*, differentiate the snipes... not the Blasters. It goes without saying that the ATs are already different from each other.Wait, but wouldn't the new sustain powers have been enough to differentiate blasters? Wasn't that the point? Having the insta snipe and nuke changes be unique to blasters would be like asking for the Fiery Embrace change to have been for only (State favorite AT here).
Was the sustain mechanic not enough to differntiate blasters? If it wasn't, why wern't people focusing on improving that instead of focusing on things that were not AT specific? -
Quote:I am aware of that; hence the desire for a little differential for Blasters...The snipe change was a change to snipes, not blasters. It was a change to make snipes an viable power selection option for all AT's and not a skipable power for most, regardless of the AT.
Quote:Why would there need to be a differentiation between the AT's for that beyond the AT damage modifier? Or am I mistaken, and all the AT's recieved blaster damage level snipes with this change? -
Although I think all ATs should have had some incarnation of Kheld's Dark Sustenance; I think it would've fit Blasters rather nicely.
I would've like to have seen Blasters get adjustments to damage/secondary effects based on the target's proximity to the player.
Blaster Auras having an actual debuff effect (or mez effect on Minion ranks (w/a small chance of mag increase (enough to snag a Lt every once in awhile).
I really liked the implementation of the crashless nuke, the sustain and the snipe changes (although I would've preferred a little differentiation between the ATs). -
Malta Sappers
Mixed Longbow mobs
Spectral Demons
Tsoo Sorcerers -
Okay, need some advice and info:
I'm planning out a few projects over the long term (short stories, audio comics, motion comics and other assorted projects come to mind) and I'm wanting to get my hands on a (good) free (or low cost) eBook compiler/maker that will allow me to publish and sell on both the Apple and Android platforms without having to worry about royalties.
Primarily, I will be working with .txt and pic files (with the option of adding in audio/video).
Any help is appreciated (because the amount of clutter available out there is overwhelming),
Thanks! -
Part of me is leaning towards Croatoa or Nerva; otherwise it's inside an updated and expanded Base Editor.
I would think that if they were really die hard fans; they would've already had a mention in by now. As it stands, I think CoX might have been 'indie cred' gaming filler (as opposed to having WoW stuff all over) and it meshed well with the character's comic book hobbies and comic book hangout. IMO
Regarding the "fan suggestions" portion of the header...
I would start from scratch; if the money was there to buy the IP, then it should be there to start a new one. Learn from past mistakes and use it as a chance to start with a better foundation that allows for better building (primarily engine and platform).
I would refocus future resource investment into accessibility instead of niche and exclusivity.
Maybe the new IP won't run on Android or other mobile OSes, however, an exportable basic character creator, base builder and/or mission architect might. The 'Paragon Market' and in-game auction house might.
[Can you imagine an app that would allow you to build whatever; wherever and whenever (that, in itself, is $ waiting to happen) and then being able to export to the game at your convenience?]
I would definitely reinvest time into (R2P - Ready To Play) PvP as a solid companion effort to the core game and make it accessible to multiple platforms. Give the Arena it its own server; allow players to start at max level, get rid of the enhancement system in favor of a revamped insp system, goal/achievement system and match parameter system.
[PWN somebody from my Samsung Galaxy (that I have yet to own)? Yes, please.]
Create longevity and a safety net for everyone at the start; build for player convenience. Allow for stand-alone, LAN and the full MMO experience (with the individual as the focus). Allow for import/export/transfer. Allow graphical updates to be optional (so that the game remains accessible for everyone (not just for those that can spend for high end parts). Make sure the engine is flexible.
blah, blah, blah, etc. -
I'm looking to see which of these secondaries can provide the bigger overall DPS bump for a Brute (Energy or Electric):
Electric gets the Fury-effected Damage Aura and it also gets a 20% bump to recharge (20% faster Fury build up and (20% increase to base DPS?)
Energy can get up to a 40% increase to recharge (40% faster Fury build up and (40% increase to base DPS?))
after base comparison, then adding in the 'easy' LotG slotting minimum of 30% (4 powers excluding t9) for a 70% max recharge influence) for Energy
(Mid's isn't calcing in the Entropic Aura recharge bonus)
I guess the secondary question would be at what point does +Rech cease to be an optimal way of increasing DPS? -
I am playing an electric.
My favorite sapper is an Elec/Kin Corr.
Might have to peek back in on my Elec/Elec Dom.
My Elec/Elec Brute got put on hold for other concept toons.
And I was waiting for the i24 changes to Blasters to go back down that route.