The mobs you hated to face
Malta, but only because of the Sappers.
Cimerorean Traitors, because of their zOMGWTHBBQLOL -Def. Good. Grief.
The creatures of Rulaaru, forget their names, in the Shadow Shard. Not the reflections, those are known copies of the real deals. The wisps, the eyeballs... them. Ugh.
And not a group, but a singular enemy: Ghost Widow. I *hate* that floaty thing she does. It just *really* ticks me off.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
Knives of Artemis drove my mastermind pets completely nuts.
I would rather solo malta than team against them. It was always so surprising to some PuG groups how easy malta are with a forcefielder.
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
Two words: Freaking Vahzilok. :P
Spectrals. Sappers. Tsoo Sorcerers when on a melee character.

I actively avoided Malta. Sappers weren't too much of a danger but they were fairly time consuming in large numbers.
I avoided Knives of Artemis because the constant barrage of caltrops got very annoying. Especially in large numbers.
I avoided Circle of Thorns in the early levels because of the ghosts and the lack of ability to overcome their -tohit.
Everything else was pretty much fair game.

Sappers, spectrals, Longbow bosses, Raider porters & field drones, Rikti drones, Cims that seem immune to most anything o.o
Outside of those though, others were a breeze.
Sappers and Mu. That is all. The bane of my existence.
Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.
5) Carnies, I hate those phasing Master Illusionists and their invincible Phantom Armies that linger on when the boss is defeated;
4) Tsoo, those teleporting Sorcerers are extremely annoying in numbers for any build without burst damage;
3) Vanguard, and their op endurance curse, plus even without it they're so much stronger than the Rikti that it's ridiculous the war lasted that long;
2) Shock Therapy, once she hits her Tier 9 she's a ranged sapper with 90% res to everything... They fixed her recently, but for history's sake, she deserves a mention;
1) The Shivan Meteor, why travel forward in time to spend 10 minutes hitting a piece of rock?
None, to be honest. Illusion Control is kinda stupidly overpowered, with personal tanks distracting all the aggro from me. To this day I'm surprised that Phantom Army survived the entire run of the game unnerfed. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!
None, to be honest. Illusion Control is kinda stupidly overpowered, with personal tanks distracting all the aggro from me. To this day I'm surprised that Phantom Army survived the entire run of the game unnerfed.

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Mu bosses
Master Illusionist
CoT ghosts I always think they are dead so I go in a fight and the came back :P
CoT bosses
Tsoo Sorcerer on melee guys. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!
Agree with all of these.
Anyone who has been on Test will know that the (I forget teh name) IPU? are completely insane. Its like fighting the vanguard (with their debuffs and OP attacks) combined with the high lvl Resistance mobs (with teh target drones and -def) combined with a whole bunch of brand NEW powers that we have never seen before..and seem made just to kick your *** asap.
KoA suck too. I think the stacking Caltrops fix helped a bit..but as someone pouints out, it is way way unfair to MM pets. Oh, I can order my pet to jump of a building the ***** slap Tyrant? Can I make him stand on tacks? No uh!
The new Incarnate mobs in DA were pretty tough, but it was more..tough and a challenge, as opposed to things like that BS Scramble Thoughts arachnos has.
Longbow were, and are, generally really tough. Small mobs, not too bad, but when your in a full team..they can wipe it faster than almost anything. The Null nades are way OP, and simple stupid for any Resist base melee. Also a reason we should have got a -res.
Try playing a different toon Leo. You admit PA is overpowered..then brag about having no trouble with ANY mob? Try hami.
Cot. Not because they were tough, but because I hate the bloody orangebagel maps.
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
Carnie Illusionists were the only troublesome mobs in the game, and even then it was really only that way for my blasters. Sappers were always manageable (they're minions ffs), regardless of toon, you just couldn't ignore them. Rularuu eyeballs were a check against pure defense based builds, but again, it's just something to go into prepared.
None, to be honest. Illusion Control is kinda stupidly overpowered, with personal tanks distracting all the aggro from me. To this day I'm surprised that Phantom Army survived the entire run of the game unnerfed.
I am a bit surprised that when Arachnos was mentioned no one included the NightWidows. The MU are a huge pain draining end but there nothing more frustrating than being 100% health with a full bar of End and not being able to do a thing because your blinded and can't target a thing. With some characters i could at least fire off an AOE attack but others just had to stand there waiting for the effect to wear off unless i had a yellow inspiration.
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
While none was particularly troublesome over all, just got tired of CoT by level 35. I mean there is always too many CoT missions from 5-50. Very few mob groups have that wide range of level range besides Longbow/PPD of course a major arm of the hero side crime fighting team, and Arachnos/RIP, the main villain group that rules Rogue Isle. Then there is CoT who could of been relegated to a set level range like the rest of them. I think the freakshow had a more interesting background, even Carnies, or just about any other villain group besides CoT who only involvement with them is stopping some crazy ritual, stealing a book, or saving a few citizens on an over sized map.
At first it was "Dang, a CoT mish full of ghosts this is going to be interesting."
By 15 it's "Well here go another CoT mish with a big map and defeat all and or find a book in a tiny corner."
By 20 it's "Didnt I do this about 10 times already?"
25- "Really? Why not take the whole library while we here instead of running back and forth
30- "What the hell do CoT have to do with stopping the Freakshow (and or some other irrelevant villain group)?"
35-50 "Ok, this is bunk."
I think they had too many bosses that kind of killed the prestige of that title, although I didnt mind that so much as it was good xp but it seemed anyone could be a mage.
-Female Player-
I don't actually have any mobs I dislike to encounter nowadays. I disliked snakes before, because they became tedious for low level villains.
Sappers just makes me pay attention, which I see as a challenge. Same goes for enemies using heavy damaging AoE attacks on my MM pets where I need to use my rotating goto binds.
An another things is that some of my characters literally hate certain enemies groups as a part of their story.

Story arcs: �Viva la Represi�n! (#2327) | Mysterious Virus (#11762) | Four Horsemen of the 2012 Apocalypse (#531874) | Deadly Dragon | White Slime
My story on
My #1 I'm surprised I haven't seen at all, maybe just because it's low level, but: Clockwork. Let's give you opponents at a level where you already have no tools for End management and have them drain what's left of your End so you have to Rest every other mob. Now let's make an entire task force dedicated to them.
Also Master Illusionists.
Mostly Freaks, Nemesis and Council. They're not that hard to fight, but they're very boring.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
Malta, just for the extra-long stuns.
Arachnos, early on for lots of Mu end-draining before I could really do anything about it, later for annoying resistance to everything. (especially as a controller/dom.)
While none was particularly troublesome over all, just got tired of CoT by level 35. I mean there is always too many CoT missions from 5-50. Very few mob groups have that wide range of level range besides Longbow/PPD of course a major arm of the hero side crime fighting team, and Arachnos/RIP, the main villain group that rules Rogue Isle. Then there is CoT who could of been relegated to a set level range like the rest of them. I think the freakshow had a more interesting background, even Carnies, or just about any other villain group besides CoT who only involvement with them is stopping some crazy ritual, stealing a book, or saving a few citizens on an over sized map.
At first it was "Dang, a CoT mish full of ghosts this is going to be interesting." By 15 it's "Well here go another CoT mish with a big map and defeat all and or find a book in a tiny corner." By 20 it's "Didnt I do this about 10 times already?" 25- "Really? Why not take the whole library while we here instead of running back and forth 30- "What the hell do CoT have to do with stopping the Freakshow (and or some other irrelevant villain group)?" 35-50 "Ok, this is bunk." I think they had too many bosses that kind of killed the prestige of that title, although I didnt mind that so much as it was good xp but it seemed anyone could be a mage. |
So we show up and the cave and its full of.. Circle of Thorn! Now on surface this doesn't seem too bad.. okay so Nemesis found a cave full of COT and he's sending us in there hoping they'll defeat us and end our meddling in his business. But we are talking about NEMESIS here.. In what reality does this guy feel the need to let another villain group do his dirty work? His ego is so big you'd assume he'd want to use his own troops to ambush us just so he could take the credit for defeating us.
At times it seemed like they had an actual directive from higher ups.. "At somepoint during any set of mission throw in one mission against COT"
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
Seems appropriate as we wait to see if the game will survive beyond December to reflect on things we loved and hated about the game. One of the biggest discussions and possible controversies was the varied opinions on the various Villain grouips we battled. I thought it might be fun to list those groups we'd cringe when ever we entered a mission and realized we HAD to battle.
Okay here are some of mine..
Malta .. Between the Sappers stealing all your end, the stuns from the Tact officers, being frozen helpless by the Gunslingers, oh and let's not forget gunslingers will teleport away much like Tsoo Scorcerors or SkyRaider porters, these guys were just a royal PITA to deal with for many characters. The excpetion would be my Ill/Emps and my Stalkers who could sneak in and cause massive devastation.
Circle of Thorn (the early levels) It was bad enough that, long before other group AIs changed, these guys would take some damage and then disappear but their buffs made them hard to hit. Of course you also had to deal with Mages that exploded when the took too much damage, Ruin mages that left you bouncing off the floor and Spectral Ghosts that drained end. Fortunately with the COT there was a means to gain some revenge.. By around level 40 they became almost as big a joke as Council and players started purposely taking COT missions to beat them senseless.
Longbow Once only an issue for those on COV but now it seems like half the Vigilante missions have you battling them. Where to begin.. Well the absolute biggest PITA are the Eagles. I did a 30+ level Vigilante morality mission and actually chased one of them all the way back to the mission entrace where .. you guessed it He disappeared (ran out the door). This is not just an eagle trait however it seems as if the Longbow training camp must employ the same instructors as the COT... "When in doubt RUN AWAY!" Not so much an issue for ranged players but a nightmare for melee.
SkyRaiders These guys offer up a double whammy that can drive you insane. You approach a group and see two Field Engineers and a Porter. After the prolonged groan of distust you now have to decide.. Do I attack the engineer on the left or the right? Because sure as heck half the time you pick the wrong one and wind up with everyone bubbled while you beat on them. The of course you have the Porter tping in and out as you attempt to defeat him. And of course much like Longbow and COT anything that flies seems to love running away from any sort of actual combat. I have to admit this isn't as bad as it used to be. I can still recall a mission where I had two mobs aggro and found myself dealing with minons tht had as many as three force fields applied and were taking almost NO damage.. and back then the generators were a lot harder to destroy as well.
Honorable mentions... Any group that spawns anything that does damage or prevents it but offers up absoluetly no XP, Inf, Ect for defeat. This includes Malta Gun Drones, Banished Pantheon Death Shaman sumoned minons, Rikti Comm Officers Portal troops, and Skyraider Field Generators
So that's my short list of groups I can live without fighting. Looking forward to seeing what you all HATE
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon