1639 -
M One thru portal
Okay just to update I was running some Marie Missions in PI and was able to grab a shot of our mystery man again.
If Posi mentioned that a lot of the badges and other items were on the spot it makes perfect sense. Sadly there is probably no one left to confirm anything IF THEY EVER KNEW FOR SURE. Knowing that I think it is quite possible that M-1 was simple used as a place holder for another potential statue that just never got made before the game went live. Considering how many bugs they find and need to deal with even after an update the fact that the multiple copies of the statue went unchanged isnt suprising at all. Even if someone realized it way back then I bet they had far too many other issues to resolve to worry about a couple copies on one statue being left in game.
Oh and by the way .. This was more of a fun teaser than any sort of urgent need to know before the lights go out. hmmm I have enough pictures maybe I will create an AE story showing the origins of M-1 and why the city decided to honor him! -
Hmmmm where to begin
The ITF .. when it first came out I recall the number of players moaning about how "HARD" it was to win but as always we found the strategy that worked and before long it was rare to even hear about anyone failing one. This was just such a different experience compared to any other TF. I loved battling Cyclops and Minotaurs as we worked our way to the final conflict with a Nictus enhanced Romulus.
Peny Yin's TF .. Just like the Posi one and two before it the new Yin TF made it fun and fast. I never really disliked the old Sister Psyche TF thanks to a set up that allowed sleath but this allowed the team to complete the entire task force in under an hour and without ever having to leave the zone. If COH does somehow manage to continue hopefully this is a model for what needs to be done with many of the old TFs that run a player all over creation and take far to long to complete.
Corruptors .. No specific power sets (I have a bunch of them now). I never really played the AT much when I first started on COV but when it became possible to create one and become a hero at level one I found them and never looked back. I think what I enjoy most is I get the DPS of a Blaster (or almost I am not into numbers) and still get the buffs/debuffs/heals of a Defender's primary or a Controller's secondary. They solo quite well and are a huge asset to any team.
Croatoa .. I don't get there as often as i used to but I can still recall my first visit to the quiet little rural college town and how different it felt compared to the concrete and steel jungles I had found myself in over and over as I leveled to 25. It was a welcome change and even the mobs there were so much different than the street gangs and such that I'd faced in any other zone.
GIANT MONSTERS .. Long before there were Rikti Mothership raids battling a GM like Lusca in IP allowed players to develope the skills to form multiple teams and battle a HUGE opponent. I enjoyed that challenge and the fun of watching 16 or 24 heroes buzzing around a GM until it dropped. And of course there was the challenge of just how few heroes we could use to take one down. Back before IOs or incarnate powers that was a real challenge and with no patrol XP to quickly erase debt a little risky.. My bests included Babbage in Boomtown with 4 controllers and one tank and Adamastor in old Dark Astoria with 2 controller, 2 deneders and 1 warshade (ME) acting as the tank.
Costume Creator .. I admit it I enjoy playing dress up. At one point WAY back when I first started in 2005 I had changed my look so much my SG mates made fun of me. "Is that you? You look so different. AGAIN" I have actually taken time out from leveling, as I approached level 30 or 40, to hit the tailor shop and design my "Next New Outfit!" Isn't that new save feature just great? lol
Of course my FAVOTITE favorite thing are my friends here. Being able to chat, joke and have fun while playing has made playing COH a great experience and a fantastic way to relieve the stress of the day -
Basically I feel the same as those i saw respond. I have yet to find any game that interests me as much as this did. I never once in 7 years stopped subbing so if they turned the pay to play back on yeah I'd stay. but if the Dev teams stays out of work and they never make another upgrade.. It wouldn't last long.
As it is right now the game hasn't had any significant maintenance done since they fired everyone and it gets harder and garder to play. earlier tonight I was on three straight Magi Farm teams.. got the boot glitch twice (wound up back in DA and had to be reinvited) and dc'd after freezing on the third. Three runs abd I made a whole 14% of the needed XP to open hybrid on my last 50 level incarnate. At that rate it will only take anoth 20 or so to actually open the power up.
If I am PAYING to play I explect new content, new trials, power, costumes .. in short everything I was paying for before NC Soft got STUPID. Hmmm that would require a team of developers and technicians.. Wonder if anyone out there needs work. (I MEAN THAT to be VERY SARCASTIC not as a joke about the devs losing their jobs) -
Quote:In my head, I always thought it was this with the minor modification: "other than the one guy holding a globe, there was no actual back story behind any statue."
Honestly, every time they attempted to give back story to the statues I felt eeky. Never felt right, always felt retconed and forced. /shrug
well No not all the statues have a back story they are realiztically just a decoration but there are some....
The Statue of Galaxy Girl in the now echo of Galaxy. there was a plaque right in front of her that explained how she became a heroine.
One of the statues in the RWZ is Mustang or at least the exploration badge (ACE) in his extended hand talks about the hero serving in WW Two so I'd assume the statue is HIM.
Of course we all know about Atlas standing there in AP holding the earth on his back.
The Dauntless Statue in Skyway again has an exploration badge nearby that explains he was Galaxy Girl's sidekick and died defending her.
There is yet another statue in Skyway dedicated BY EXP badge to the hero Red Tiger (aka Jake Montoya). The badge is called better days and goes on to explain that eventually the hero lost a leg battling the Clockwork King. He got an artificial one but had to retire from crime fighting after that.
Don't forget the statue of Minotaur in the water near Talos Island. The badge there tells us that Minotaur battled the Chimera and actually broke a hole in the ocean floor. He was never seen again but the island formed from that incident and was named in his honor.
Then there is the statue of the heronie Night Hammer in Steel Canyon. The exploration badge located at the base (controversial explains that 2 seperate controversies surrond it.. The first was how much the heroine HATED how it tunred out and the second involved the mysertious disappearance of the architect that designed it shortly after it was unveiled. LOL
So that's 7 examples right there that I was awre of just from doing numerous Badge tours with the Taxibots. Okay we NEVER did a Badge tour in the RWZ but I was an avid Exploration badger for a while and knew about that one.
Oh and good point Scarlet I didn't even think about the M-1 Tank which would make more sense considering the AT of of mysterious hero. -
Please note the following pictures:
M One in steel
M One in galaxy
M One in Perez
M Onein PI
The question that has plaqued mankind, okay so maybe just me, is who is M 1 and just exactly what did he do to get 4 THAT'S F O U R statues scattered throughout Paragon City? Was he really that awesome or did he just have a really, really, really good PR man?
About all we know for sure is he was a Tanker (from one of the exploration badges in the echo of Galaxy). No idea exactly when he was on patrol in Paragon City. No clue if he retired like Galaxy Girl or was killed in action. His outfit looks a bit like a World War 1 or even 2 aviators .. did he serve during one of those wars and THEN become a hero or was he already a hero and not unlike Captain America used his powers to help win the war.
Okay the boring technical answer ((OOC)) that would/will drive the role players and Canon Lore fanatics crazy is pretty simple. Without even consulting a dev ... we wanted to put up a bunch of statues around the city. We only had a few protypes to begin with including M One. We placed them where we wanted a statue to be and then things got busy, launch date arrived and we realized (after someone pointed it out) that the guy at attention and saluting behind Positron in Steel Canyon seems to be all over the place. Opps.. oh well too late now and we have more important things to fix. Yeah I know That's sort of boring even to me LOL
So let's make stuff up and create a history for the man of many statues (keep in mind these are just the ones you can see all the time.. M-1 is also the exact same statue you find in the devastated square on the mission map that lets you defeat the other world Psychi Clockwork King and numerous other missions you get through the portals in PI. )
So here's my idea:
M One, also known as Shawn Davies, was a Super Hero that joined the fight alongside Statesman during the war. He actually took his hero name from the old M-1 rifle used by foot soldiers. Strong as an OX and a loyal friend of Cole he gave his life to save their platoon by throwing his body on top of a UXO (UnExploded Ordanance). That selfless act allowed Statesman to live and return to guide the heroes of Paragon City in defending life, liberty and the American way. His friend Statesman personally appealed to the city parks commision and had several statues of their departed ex hero constructed so his valor and heroic act would never be forgotten. Eventually statues were placed in Steel City (where he grew up), Galaxy City (where he and his wife lived before he left for the war), Peregrine Island (near the site of the recruitment office he visited to volunteer for military duty, and in Perez Park (which he had spoke of often during the war as his favorite place to go and play as a youth).
See now doesn't that sound better than .. we just forgot to replace him with another staue befoe we launched and just didnt feel like wasting time afterwards? lol
NEXT.......... -
As we head into the final week of COH I figured it was time to do this. Like all of you the fact that the game is ending is upsetting to me. This game was a major source of stress relief for me when my job got too intense but more than that it allowed me to make new friends that stretched from one end of the United Sates to the other and even allowed me to meet and play with folks from numerous other countries. I don't enjoy much on television these days so once dinner was over, and the chores done, it was my nightly entertainment until I went to bed. I am still not sure where I will go when its gone but I have yet to find any game that is as much fun or offers nearly as many diverse ways to play.
Things I will miss when it's gone?
First and foremost.. my friends. Some are already gone while others are still out there playing. One good friend that I used to team with on Incarnate trials had some financial problems a while ago and stopped his VIP status.. I've spoken with him a time or two since but he's limited as a Premium member and there's no way to get back the VIP now. I think he plans to visit once more before the end.. Hope I am on lne when he does.
The community here in general... anyone that ever said "I can't find a team" just wasn't trying very hard (at least they weren't if they lived on Virtue). I had one free spot left on my main account after i transferred a few of my 50s back from exalted and decided to make one LAST new character [an Archery/Trick Arrow Corruptor]. In 11 days I managed to go from character creator to 50 +2 in 48 hours of actual patrol time. I did DFB trials to level 14 and then just joined any team I saw advertising spots available.. TFs, Trials Tip missions, Radios or Story Arcs. You may notice that there is not a single mention of the AE building, PLing or farming in there .. And that character is 50+3 now with all 6 incarnate powers opened and slotted to at least t3.
The sense of accomplishment.. yeah it's "JUST A GAME" but when you find that "GOOD" team and everything goes perfect it is magic! I had that with my friend REP, mentioned above, when we did I Trials. We had assembled a core group of quality players that met up almost every night and did EVERY trial. We'd fill in any empty slots with whoever was available and then go in and just crush everything in our path. The evening usually went BAF>KEYES>TPN>UG>MOM>LAM We'd save the trials that allowed fewer members for last since some players had to log sooner than others and if it got too late too fast we could always just skip LAMBDA. When we formed a league it was never a question of WILL we complete this and get a reward it was how quick can we finish so we can start up the next one. I have a number of Incarnates that have t4s in every single power from all the successful Underground trials I was a part of during that time.
Just playing the game in general.. I had several older brothers so I was quickly introduced to the world of comic and superheroes. This carried over into my adult life when I took my kids to see the Batman films and even now that they are grown I still enjoyed watching Ironman, Thor, Captain America and the latest.. the Avengers. There are a few other "SUPER HERO" games out there but none nearly as good as City of Heroes. If that doesn't answer the question for you then .. NO I will not be playing CO or DCUO.
Things I won't miss? (a little comdey to lighten the mood)
Watching the BAF opening cut scene for the one millionth time since the trial went live. Long ago I suggested making the exemption for that global ~But~ ~they~ ~didn't~ ~listen~ ~to~ ~me~!
Going to my contact in Steel Canyon to try and coax the Spelunker badge mission out of him or her and being informed "You need to go to KR and chat with the Field Rep". Awww come on I have been here over 6 years now .. Honest i really do know how to change the difficulty on my missions I don't need ANOTHER lecture. Can't ya please just give me a mission?
Doc Q and his insanely torturous task force. In 7 years I joined and competed that marathon exactly TWO times. The second was on my badger, Operative Tessa, who I can proudly say has completed every single Task Force, Strike Force and Trial in game. When it ended I promised myself..NEVER EVER AGAIN!
Clicking my Secondary Mutation power as the team prepares to start a mission and finding myself.. a RIKTI MONKEY for one minute. I am genuinely sorry that the Dev team is out there trying to find work but I'd stil like the name of the guy that programed that so I can go SMACK him.
Okay (did I mention this is going to be long winded?) some of my prouder moments in game...
I think first and foremost has to be my active membership in the Paragon Taxi Service AKA: the Taxibots. In todays game there are some players that have NO idea who we are or what we did but the old vets still send me tells when they discover I was and still am a taxibot. To me nothing made me feel MORE like a hero than spending a couple hours in the Hollows healing, buffing and rezzing poor 5 levels trying desperately to get through those first few street missions from Dave Wincott so they could actually get to the door missions and then teleporting them safely to and from missions throughout the zone. For those of you that weren't around back then.. there was a time when things like Ninja run or BUYING a jet pack didn't exist and until level 14 every player in game had to RUN from one mission to another. (SHOCKING ISN'T IT?) Worse there was no such thing as a radio or newspaper mission and therefore no RAPTOR packs either. Everyone contact you had seemed to send you on mission to just about any zone available except the one they were standing in so most players ran the arc in the Hollows since it was one place where the contact and the mission were in the same place. The touble was back then the street mobs were huge and usually higher than a five level so just getting to a mission was perilous.. Oh and did I mention back then the Hollows had No trainer, No stores and no hospital. So if you died you wound up in Atlas park and had to RUN all the way back and start all over. Taxibots got players to and from those missions safely and we never asked for anything in return. YES there were players here that took time away from seeing how fast they could level up and how much Influence, salvage etc they could earn to HELP other players!
After that I think I'd say my first 50 level.. no big suprise here it was Taxibot Sara2.0 who began her career on Infinity and then moved to Virtue along with friends and has been there ever since.
My Badger Operative Tessa who was my first SOA back before anyone and everyone could get them after level 20. At some point I just got sort of tired of the grind of badging but Tessa managed over 1100 and along the way as I mention above did all the TFs, SFs and Trials and spent time as a Villain, Rogue, Hero and Vigilante. She is a Rogue now and will always be one.
Recently I'd add in my two Nature Affinity characters.. Cybele Rhea amd Callistos Gaia. Both of them accomplished something that no other support character I own ever did in 7 years and earned the EMPATH badge by healing 10 MILLION hit points of damage. To me that's a testimony to NA and its ability since I can say honestly that every single hit point was earned in missions NOT on some healing farm. They are both still doing I Trials so who knows exactly how many HP they have now
Ending the game with a total of Fifty 50 levels, 36 that are incarnates and have most (Alpha, Judegment, Lore, Interface and Destiny) if not all (Hybrid) open and slotted. Oh and to date (hey I still have a week yet) a total of 25 that have a t4 in every one of those powers. My main account has 48 slots that are all 50s and the second account I created a few years ago.. when I ran out of slot on Virtue .. has another 2.
I wish all the Devs well and hope they find good jobs quickly. I would like to specifically wish Zwill all the best .. He was a great customer Rep and made the game even more fun with his antics.. "Hey Zwill was on line and here on Virtue. There are about 30 Winter Lords running around the Rikti War Zone. Lets go kill em!" LOL I would thank all the friends I made here for the good times and the good conversations we had in between beating the crap out of stuff and hope they all have a great Christmas and New Year. Hope you all find other games or whatever to amuse yourselves and with any luck we may wind up seeing each other again.
Now before I start crying I have almost a whole week left so I am going to go back in game and do what I do best... TRY TOO TAKE OVER THE WORLD PINKIE oh no sorry .. Beat up bad guys and have fun
Take care all, Good hunting and have fun where ever you wind up -
Quote:I realize I concentrated on Blue side in my original but I have ideas for a Red Side ending as wellA warm, fuzzy feelgood ending for the blues but what about us reds?
Always overlooked ._.
We'll show you... we'll ALL show you!
You haven't seen the last of us redsiders!
It has sort of already been said elsewhere here.. A series of trials that allow villains, Rogue and Vigilantes (sorry Heross you lose on this one) to take on each of the members of the Freedom Phalanx finishing with the defeat of Positron since he seems to be the new leader with Statesman gone. Of course each of these would include a large force of Longbow or even Vangaurd.
Now here would be the twist I'd add... once the Phalanx is gone ONE last trial that allows the villains to ultimately defeat Recluse and set themselves up as THE NUMBER ONE VILLAN GROUP. In other words for all those that complain at times it feels like red side your nothing but a lackey for Arachnos.. "Okay now I AM the boss. You go do what I want done. And be quick about it!"
I wasnt sure how to handle some of the other groups... IF you make a trial that takes place in a coop zone then both sides can join forces to wipe out the likes of the COT, Council, Fifth Column, etc.. You run into some difficulties if you dont .. A visit to Grandville makes it obvious that Countess Crey must have some sort of arraingment with Recluse... To the right of the headquarters building is on that is clearly marked CREY Industries. I suppose you could do one RED side where Recluse has had enough of Duray and his Pirates and send us in to wipe out the SkyRadiers once and for all.
Malta isn't as big an issue REd side but you could add a TF or trial where we wipe out the Family and take control of all their holdings.
Big thing is all this will get very confusing for the Rogues and Vigllantes. Wait I was just in Atlas Park and there were no Arachnos troops there and they siad that the rogue Isles were under Longbow control... Now I stop in here and not a Longbow in sight and we are opening the champaign to clebrate the capture of Paragon City???? LOL [we fade to black quickly and tell everyone it was only a dream.. then launch COH 2] -
I still HOPE that some how. some way, this game is saved but as time grows shorter toward the 30th I found myself wondering. Nothing lasts forever ... If you had a choice for a fitting end to COH what would it be?
For me I think it would involve a series of new Task Forces or trials outlining the downfal of the major villain groups in the game. We are heroes dedicated to stopping evil so:
1. One or two trials that either have us find and defeat the leaders of the Council and Fifth Column and throw them in prison or leave them dead and the two groups fade with no leadership.
2. A trail or TF that has us finally find the REAL Nemesis and topple his automated empire.
3. A trial or TF that results in a crushing defeat of the Circle of Thorns allowing us to seal what remains in Oranbega forever.
4. A trial or TF that lets us finally destroy the Rikti Mothership in the RWZ and ends with a peace accord signed by the Traditionalists that have finally siezed total control on the Rikti home world..ending the threat once and for all.
5. A Tf that allows us to expose Countess Crey and her corrupt business for what it truly is and a final show down with the woman in charge.
Now this could go on and on considering the vast number of villain groups out there but the ones listed above have always been a main focus of the game. So at this point we left with ONE major player (In my opinion before the rage wars begin lol).......
6. with most of the other major villain groups defeated, imprisoned or in hiding the heroes of paragon finally turn their full attention toward the Rogue Isles and Arachnos. a series of Trials allow us to battle and defeat a number of the high ranking leaders of the evil empire and ultimately with face Recluse himself and in the end what remains of the Arachnos forces retreat from the Rogue Isles searching for a new place to hide and attempt to rebuild.
Now I didn't do anything with Malta or the Carnival of Shadows and each of those could be dealt with as well I suppose but we don't really see either of them before level 40 and I was more interested in dealing with groups we find ourselves in conflict with for a much larger portion of the game. COT and Council begin appearing in missions as early as level 5 (even before that prior to the revamp of Atlas park and the DFB trial). Crey, the Ritki and Nemesis all begin apppearing in the 30s and continue right through level 50.
I left some groups out because we can almost see a definate end to their influence in game already.. Clockwork disappear, other than in altrenate worlds we discover through Portal Corp, at level 20 .. Interestingly the Synapse TF where we find and defeat the Clockwork King is a level 15-20 Task force so we can assume that once we defeat the King it ends them.
Sort of the same with the Vahzilok.. We battle the insane Doctor V in Positron TF part 2 and defeat him and not long after level 15/16 we stop seeing missions involving that group.
The Freakshow are sort of a mystery of course.. we do/did battlle them in the Penny Yin and prior to that the Sister Psyche TF but those begin at level 20 which is about the time we first start seeing missions involving the group. Hero side they just seem to disappear after level 40(ish) while we can still find them on Villain side in newspapers and contact mission until close to level 50. Maybe they just decided they like the Rogue Isles beter?
So basically my plan would be to ultimately eliminate all of the major villain groups. At that point all thats left are a few minor street gangs like the Warriors, Skulls, Outcast etc and with no threat of Praetorian or Rikti invasion, no Arahcnos, Crey, or Malta waiting to launch an attack.... A couple 50 +3 heroes could wipe out those groups in a day or two leaving Paragon City crime free and safe once and for all... and then the Rularuu invade and conquer the whole world. LOL
So how would you SLOWLY wind the game to an end if you had the chance? -
Opps had some lag or whatever and accidentally posted twice sooooo I dleted this one's content lol
Oh come on You should be used to this stuff by now!
example 1 Tin Mage TF last mission .. your team enters a portal chamber in PI and finds almost every hero you have ever encountered in game poised to go through and battle the Praetorians. You head inside and for some reason.. your team in the only the portal worked for and you get to battle Nureon, Bobcat and 2 AV class Warworks without their help. Hey thanks for all that help guys!
eample two The Dream Doctors final mission of second arc. Once again you find yourself at a staging area where not only a huge number of NPC heroes but and equal amount of NPC villlain (Arachnos) are preparing to battle MOT. After the cut scene you step inside and discover that Lord Recluse, Blue Steel, Lady Grey and the Honoree have joined you to battle the Banished Pantheon and their GOD. Apparently at the last minute everyone else's cell phone rang and they had to leave on urgent business at home .. something about no milk in the fridge again. No its fine guys we have it covered .. there are only 300 of them plus an all powerful god that devours people with superposwer We'll be fine
Its no worse than the many Rikti invasions in Atlas Park where everyone gathered at the statue of Atlas to battle and Ms Liberty stands there, hands on hips smiling, while a battle rages around her. I battled Nemesis in Skyway and Synapse and Minx never even blinked as dozens of Fake Nemesis appeared and tried to turn us all into dust.
I have enjoyed some of the newer content where your contact actually shows up in mission to assist you, like a few of the arcs in Praetoria, or at least they are in contact with you on the radio supposedly off someplace else working on another part of the plan. The old contacts basically have always just handed you a pile of work and then waved goodbye as you went off to take a beating. HEY Posi .. you know I had to visit the hospital 4 times before we were able to defeat the COT that ambushed us and then those Dopplegangers inside City Hall. Oh and THANKS for warning us we'd be fighting ourselves at some point. Next time YOU go handle it. LOL And before they fixed his TF I used to flip Posi the finger everytime I passed through Steel Canyon after enduring that marathon TF he used to send you on. -
OMG before reading Ubers post I had almost forgotten about the SWAT PITAs. This was one of those situations where I didn't even care if there was a BOSS in the mob I was heading straight for that stupid Equalizer to TRY and prevent that gooey mess that slowed me to a crawl. While it wasn't quite as big a deal for my ranged characters that stuff gave my melee characters fits. And as Uber wrote the effect was long lasting so even after yu cleared a mob it was a while before you were moving normally again .. and then you'd get slimed again by the next mob .. Grrrrrr
After running what seems like an extremely large amount of missions the contact finally gives you a cell phone number.. The first time you try to use it you discover its the pay phone in the men's room of the Donut shop in Faultline.
As you approach the end of the first part of the tutorial in the devastated Galaxy City Blue Spectrum refuses to take any of your powers. "Thanks dude but I'd rather just lay here until the next guy comes along"
During the spring event in Pocket D a team leader picks the desperate guy that uses really bad pick up lines over you. -
Quote:Hehehe I LONG time ago I posted somethig similar to this concerning COT. It just seemed like they were constantly trying to make certain we remembered that they were a major Villain group. I mean really I am running missions from Anton Sampson in FF and I get one Nemesis related mission after another. The out of no where Nemesis drops us a line and says we can try to foil his plans if we meet him in a cave http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Anton_...esis_mentionedWhile none was particularly troublesome over all, just got tired of CoT by level 35. I mean there is always too many CoT missions from 5-50. Very few mob groups have that wide range of level range besides Longbow/PPD of course a major arm of the hero side crime fighting team, and Arachnos/RIP, the main villain group that rules Rogue Isle. Then there is CoT who could of been relegated to a set level range like the rest of them. I think the freakshow had a more interesting background, even Carnies, or just about any other villain group besides CoT who only involvement with them is stopping some crazy ritual, stealing a book, or saving a few citizens on an over sized map.
At first it was "Dang, a CoT mish full of ghosts this is going to be interesting."
By 15 it's "Well here go another CoT mish with a big map and defeat all and or find a book in a tiny corner."
By 20 it's "Didnt I do this about 10 times already?"
25- "Really? Why not take the whole library while we here instead of running back and forth
30- "What the hell do CoT have to do with stopping the Freakshow (and or some other irrelevant villain group)?"
35-50 "Ok, this is bunk."
I think they had too many bosses that kind of killed the prestige of that title, although I didnt mind that so much as it was good xp but it seemed anyone could be a mage.
So we show up and the cave and its full of.. Circle of Thorn! Now on surface this doesn't seem too bad.. okay so Nemesis found a cave full of COT and he's sending us in there hoping they'll defeat us and end our meddling in his business. But we are talking about NEMESIS here.. In what reality does this guy feel the need to let another villain group do his dirty work? His ego is so big you'd assume he'd want to use his own troops to ambush us just so he could take the credit for defeating us.
At times it seemed like they had an actual directive from higher ups.. "At somepoint during any set of mission throw in one mission against COT" -
Quote:Yeah my Ill/Emp was the one character that I had the actively looked for missions against Malta. Sneak into their base, confuse the sappers and the gunslinger and then sic my Phantom army and Phantasm on them while they beat each other up. I actually prided myself on completing missions without taking a single point of damage.None, to be honest. Illusion Control is kinda stupidly overpowered, with personal tanks distracting all the aggro from me. To this day I'm surprised that Phantom Army survived the entire run of the game unnerfed.
I am a bit surprised that when Arachnos was mentioned no one included the NightWidows. The MU are a huge pain draining end but there nothing more frustrating than being 100% health with a full bar of End and not being able to do a thing because your blinded and can't target a thing. With some characters i could at least fire off an AOE attack but others just had to stand there waiting for the effect to wear off unless i had a yellow inspiration. -
Ahhh yes I had forgotten to mention that part. Just about the time they finally stop being completely overpowering.. almost all the missions you get against them, aside from Radio/newspapers, involved trying to find your way through those blasted caves of theirs. Its been a long time ago now but I can still recall the frustration I had on a mission. I cleared the entire map, or thought I had, and could not get mission complete. After three runs trough the entire thing I sent a petition and while i was waiting I did a fourth pass. In the one room I decided to check the ceiling and found one lonely Spectral ghost hovering up there. I defeated it got mission complete and less than a minute later the GM sent a tell asking if I still needed help. LOL
Seems appropriate as we wait to see if the game will survive beyond December to reflect on things we loved and hated about the game. One of the biggest discussions and possible controversies was the varied opinions on the various Villain grouips we battled. I thought it might be fun to list those groups we'd cringe when ever we entered a mission and realized we HAD to battle.
Okay here are some of mine..
Malta .. Between the Sappers stealing all your end, the stuns from the Tact officers, being frozen helpless by the Gunslingers, oh and let's not forget gunslingers will teleport away much like Tsoo Scorcerors or SkyRaider porters, these guys were just a royal PITA to deal with for many characters. The excpetion would be my Ill/Emps and my Stalkers who could sneak in and cause massive devastation.
Circle of Thorn (the early levels) It was bad enough that, long before other group AIs changed, these guys would take some damage and then disappear but their buffs made them hard to hit. Of course you also had to deal with Mages that exploded when the took too much damage, Ruin mages that left you bouncing off the floor and Spectral Ghosts that drained end. Fortunately with the COT there was a means to gain some revenge.. By around level 40 they became almost as big a joke as Council and players started purposely taking COT missions to beat them senseless.
Longbow Once only an issue for those on COV but now it seems like half the Vigilante missions have you battling them. Where to begin.. Well the absolute biggest PITA are the Eagles. I did a 30+ level Vigilante morality mission and actually chased one of them all the way back to the mission entrace where .. you guessed it He disappeared (ran out the door). This is not just an eagle trait however it seems as if the Longbow training camp must employ the same instructors as the COT... "When in doubt RUN AWAY!" Not so much an issue for ranged players but a nightmare for melee.
SkyRaiders These guys offer up a double whammy that can drive you insane. You approach a group and see two Field Engineers and a Porter. After the prolonged groan of distust you now have to decide.. Do I attack the engineer on the left or the right? Because sure as heck half the time you pick the wrong one and wind up with everyone bubbled while you beat on them. The of course you have the Porter tping in and out as you attempt to defeat him. And of course much like Longbow and COT anything that flies seems to love running away from any sort of actual combat. I have to admit this isn't as bad as it used to be. I can still recall a mission where I had two mobs aggro and found myself dealing with minons tht had as many as three force fields applied and were taking almost NO damage.. and back then the generators were a lot harder to destroy as well.
Honorable mentions... Any group that spawns anything that does damage or prevents it but offers up absoluetly no XP, Inf, Ect for defeat. This includes Malta Gun Drones, Banished Pantheon Death Shaman sumoned minons, Rikti Comm Officers Portal troops, and Skyraider Field Generators
So that's my short list of groups I can live without fighting. Looking forward to seeing what you all HATElol
It varies depending on the character .. and I have a lot of them.
Big Bad Bud is my Mutant Brute combining Street Justice attacks with Will Power defenses. His Bio states he grew up in Kings Row and after returning from a tour in the military beat up an entire chapter of the Skulls that had forced his youn ger brother to join the gang. He'd purposely live in Kings Row just to keep an eye of the Skulls and taunt them.
Operative Tessa is my Crab Spider and a Rogue who has faced off with just about every AV out there (good or bad) inluding her former Boss Lord Recluse. She's extremely rich (close to 2 billion in INF) and had many awards and accolades (she's my badger with over 1100). About the only place in the Rogue Isles she might feel comfy is St. Martial but my guess would be she'd find a place in Founders Falls.. nice rich neighborhood and she can really tick off recluse by not living anywhere near him.
I have a number of characters into Martial arts and I think they'd seek out someplace that would allow them to meditate and reflect.. Locations like the Shadow Shard or even the outer islands (floating) of Ouroborus offer up very beautiful views abd solitude unfortunately they don't seem to offer up any sort of shelter LOL. Fortunately they are all 50 levels so I could imagine them living in Steel Canyon which would offer easy access to Perez Park. PP does have some very pretty sites and at level 50, Kraken aside, what on earth is going to mess with a 50 +3 level Staff Weapons/Willpower Brute?
There is a temptation to locate characters I see as leaders in Atlas Park so they'd be close to the Mayor's office and Police Headquarters but who wants to live where you work?
I could definately see a few of my magic based characters finding a place to live in Croatoa. I always liked the look and feel of the zone and one character is particular, Doc Tenebris, actually has it in his bio that he is a professor there. So buying a house there would make it possible to walk to work every day.
Now villain side most of my characters long ago went Rogue so they could take a place on either side but if they chose to stay in the Isles the only two locations I'd consider would be St Martial or Nerva. Mercy is a war zone and LOOKS like it was bombed. Port Oakes has a small residential area but its more of an industrial area and who wants to live near that? Sharkshead? Nothing but warehouses, The main factory and the PIT. Nerva has some interesting scenery and no huge areas that are devestated and St M is like living in Las Vegas.
Of course I have a couple characters that would probably be such workoholics they'd just set up a room in the SG base and only leave to buy groceries or fight crime -
Okay with Nov 30 looming closer I realize there are much more important issues. That said over the weekend, to my suprise, suddenly the Cybertech costume pieces suddenly appeared as options in the costume creator. Now if you attempted to BUY them you got an error message but on several occasions we've seen that before when the Devs preloaded an item they intended to offer up after Tuesday maintenance. It actually suprised me that the items appeared at all since i assumed we were simply done getting anything NEW but I liked the cybertech stuff when i used it on Beta and so i was hopeful that while we will probably never see Issue 24 at least they MAY offer us a few small gifts before the servers go dark.
Wel its tuesday and I still cant go to the store and BUY the items listed so is this a glitch or someone's idea of a cruel joke?
There were several new costume designs on Beta that were interesting including Coursairs.. Space Pirates So are we goin to see any of them or are we being teased? -
LOL That was my first thought when i saw the thread's title. That aside okay lets see ...
Manticore? No thanks he's a Bruce Wayne playboy type .. besides being a royal PITA on Marie jenkin's Arc
Positron? Okay so the old every girl wants a knight in shiny armor applies but the man is balding and if your feeling naughty do you REALLY want to have to use a can opener to get your fellow ready for love? I'll pass
Blue Steel? No... he'd probably insist on bringing that silly shield to bed with him.
Ohhh what about Black Scorpion? Well during one STF (back before Ms. Liberty took charge) he did seem to have a thing for my Ill/Emp. Unfortunately that manifested itself in him periodically deciding the Tank wasn't his type and running over to where I was trying to heal/buff. While I was flattered it seems that BS never really grew up and he expressed his affections, as many Kindergarden kids would, by smacking me. This resulted in 3-4 trips to the hospital ship. I'll pass.
Okay let's just end this now.. until Brad Pitt shows up in game there really isn't any NPC I would sleep with -
Realistically no on line game can be expected to live on forever. While I had hoped for a longer run with COH than it appears we will get the fact is people get tired of doing the same thing and move on.
I think what upsets most of us that are old vets is the fact that after the COH experience its very hard to find another game that gives us much...
1. Character options There are almost no games out there that have the type of character creator available that COH has. When Cryptic intorduced CO I checked it out expecting, at the very least, to have something simliar that allowed me to design how my character looked. The fact is most games, including others by NC Soft, allow you to pick on of a dozen or so hair styles and colors, about that many faces and a skin color. Yes other option become availbale later or can be purcahsed seperately but only COH offers so many different looks before you even enter the game.
2. Powers Once again we have fourteen different arch types and a whole list of different powers that each can use. Then add in the various pool powers and its possible for eight controllers to team up an not a single one have any of the same powers. Also once again even other NC Soft games don't give the amount of powers choices and options. I have played Guild Wars and yeah I can accumulate a whole list of powers but I am only allowed to actively USE 8 of those at a time.
3. Varied ways to play and level Farming or PLing aside COH has so much content now that it's possible to level numerous characters without doing the same content again and again. Let's see I can Steet Hunt at low levels gain levels that way. I can run the DFB and DIB and in a matter of a few houirs be level 20. I can head to Kings Row followed by Steel/Skyway/Faultline and run missions from as many as 5 or 6 diiferent contacts to do the same thing. At level 10 I can start doinf Task Forces, Pos 1, Posi 2, Synapse, Penny Yin (preceeded by Sister Psyche), Moonfire, Hess, and Citadel and be practicaly 30 without ever talking to a single contact. Radio and newspaper mission exist from as early as level 5 all the eay to 50.
FAR too many other games are set up so that every single character you own runs the exact same set of mission again and again and again if you have mutliple characters.
This was my first MMO and the culture shock was searching for what I will play once its gone has made me appreciate what we had and what the Devs gave us here even more. If there is another game out there with as many varied ways to look and play I'd like someone to show me where it exists because I will miss what we had here. -
47 between my two accounts with 33 involved in the incarnate system and 24 with a T4 in every slot including Hybrid.... Can we all tell I am retired and have a lot of time to spend on the computer? lol
I came close to matching. maybe even passing, Memphis Bill with at least one level 50 from every AT except Peacebringers and at least one from each AT that is an incarnate.. My Dominator is still working toward T4s in everything while all the other ATs have one with all T4s. I know Bill has 50 levels from all the ATs but I also know he's not a huge fan of the I Trials so I may have more INCARNATE 50s than he does. -
Quote:Yeah GG Father Xmas is right. Using your example if the game COST 4 Million to run and made 1 Million PROFIT then it was taking in 5 million per year to cover expenses and turn that profit. Shutting the game down may eliminate the need to cover those 4 million in expenses but they'd still be out, at the very least, the 1 million in profit from every year. Why the at very least? Well how many players of COH also play other NC Soft games but COH was their favorite? It's possible, based on some of the posts I have seen on line, that some of those players may be so upset that when they can't play COH anymore they will stop playing ANYTHING NC Soft produces in protest... At that point your not just out the 1 Million profit from COH but potential revenue from the other games that are losing customers/players.An alterntaive reason could be that cutting the game saves NCSoft money in the short term - for example, if the game costs 4 million a year to run, and makes 5 million a year, then they've made a 1 million profit - but if they axe the studio, their next financial report shows a 1 million loss of profits from the game, but a 4 million drop in running costs, so in the short-term, they'd have saved 3 million by shutting it down.
Okay I'd still like confirmation from a RED NAME if any are left plus here's another question...
COH is done but NC soft has numerous other games .... is everything done or can we look at moving to Guilde Wars? Aion? etc
Just how deep is the cutting going or should we all just start looking for another company to deal with as well? -
Okay I am still in shock over the announcement today but I am dealing with it. I have already expressed my thanks to Zwill and the rest of the staff for the great game they gave us. I'll miss this place but if you've been on line you know it is a little crazy right now because no one has any firm answers to anything. With that in mind is there any RED name, because I don;t acept anything as fact until I see it from one of them. that can shed some light on a few questions.
VIP status.. like so many here I have played the game a long time and when it went F2P I continued to subscribe. I have 40 Fifty levels on Virtue and most are incarnates... If they stop taking my 15 dollars a month what happens to all of those IOs and Incrante powers I am entitled to? I am willing to pay to the end and play to the end but supposedly very son my money is no good.
When is it all over? .. I realize no one may have that exact answer but right now on the servers, on Virtue anyway, it ranges from thiose that are not sure if they can log in tomorrow to people saying they SAW or HERAD someplace the game is here til November 30th. Should I be out there hunting for a new game or do i have time to shop around and going back to question ONE if the game is around till Nov 30th (three months from now) will there stuill be maintenance updates, Can I still buy stuff in the store(aside from points if my rl cash is no good)
Oh and here's one .. On Beta there were numerous costumes and such in developement. Now I don't expect them to launch issue 24 ever but can we at least see the Sky Pirate and Cyber Tech costumes? They cant be that far from ready to launch so why not send us off with a bang.. like a few FREE items for those that stick around to the end.?
Here's one I have wondered about .. If the game is here till NOV and I stay, pay and play will there be a small support staff around to assist when things go wrong.. Minion stuck in a wall etc.
Right now it seems all anyone knows is The Game is ending. Some are sad, some are angry, many are confused. A bit more detailed info might help ease the pain and let us all know what we can expect and decide what we want to do.
I will miss this place terribly. But if I can play for a few more months I will take them and enjoy every second. Tanke care all and god bless -
Shhhhhh I have inside information on what the Ballion are and what they will look like. Follow this link THE BATTALION
DRAMATIC PAUSE ..... ...... ..... ......
That's right after traveling to the end of the universe the crew is affected by radiation and transformed from peace loving explorers into pure evil intent on ruling all of the known universe!
Don't stand there .. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES YOU FOOLS.. Miss Piggy is coming!