Am I the only one not upset?

Ad Astra



Obviously a majority of the posters here are very mad COH is closing for good and rightfully so. Me on the either hand am not upset at all.

The games in game server population was pretty average even on freedom and virtue (and this was after the game went F2P!). To make matters worse a majority of people that played on my server (freedom) just farmed and a majority of the toons were lvl 50 meaning less teaming during the lower levels which was a huge PIA. The people that did play lower level toons were either complete noobs and didn't know how to play or snobbish vets who were playing an alt and felt superior thanks to their vet status. Thats a terrible player balance.

I first played this game back in 05 or 06 (dont recall) and have played off and on since. Everytime I returned however the game just felt more dated compared to other mmos. The powersets and combat are pretty much the same from back in 05 and it just felt meh. The game has not aged well for me. Going rogue was nice but its novelty wore off rather quickly for me.

This is a minority opinion on this forum but does anyone else feel the same? When I heard the news it really didnt bother me at all. It was nice to play this at first but it went downhill from there IMO



I've played numerous MMOs over the last 5 years and only two were even passably playable to me. I've never been back to any of them. You're entitled to your opinion but this is what I don't understand, if you don't like this game why do you keep coming back?

And for the record, I've never had the experiences in this game you claim to. Complete noobs I help, but then I don't think of them as "noobs". Snobbish vets I've yet to meet one, even back when I was a noob.

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



Freedom was my original home, and I spent years playing pretty much exclusively there.

Over the last year or so, I've largely moved off Freedom to Virtue, finding the population wasn't that weird mix as you ran into on Freedom, as I prefer to PUG, not run with a closed group. I originally moved over more so because I was out of space on Freedom, but it was back during the Shark Week event I returned for a period where the strong culture difference was quite evident. Virtue now feels much more like Freedom used to feel, possibly at least in part due to many of the well known (at least to me ) Freedomites moving there back during the period of free server transfers we had a few years ago.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



<snark>You said you played on Freedom? Well, there's your problem.</snark> When there's more farm selling spam than any other chatter, your server has issues.

As far as being dated, no other mmo has super sidekicking for ease of teaming with anyone or a gear system that ranges from store bought gear (that's actually functional) to sets that turn you into a tank mage. With the exception of the ill-conceived Incarnate content there's nothing you have to grind, which is unlike basically everything else out there.



The experiences you shared in the second paragraph are common negative descriptions of the freedom server.

As for me, I'm not upset too, but my reasons are completely different.



I'm sure there were people who weren't, or at least not enough to get involved in the discussion. They would have all moved on by now. There would be no reason for them to be on the forums, so it's a pretty pointless question.



You know, I can't say that I do feel the same. I'm upset at more than just the game closing down. The entire Paragon Studios team was canned by NCSoft without warning, including the extra project PS was working (CoH2 supposedly). Paragon worked hard on City of Heroes throughout the years, especially recently. They did things that the user base requested but never actually believed it would happen. If they aren't able to save CoH (including the Titan project and their hand in the matter) they're out of a job working on something that they've enjoyed and nurtured. I'm upset that I wasn't given any sort of information on compensation nineteen days after the fact.

As for your statement about in-game affairs and a level deficiency: I've never noticed any of the subject matter to which you are referring to. Infinity has been a home to me for years, albeit I wasn't exactly the most charming lad in the bunch for a few of them, and I'm proud to say I played and continue to play on Infinity. I'm upset that I won't be able to enjoy a game that allowed me to happily choose between teaming or solo play, with very few negatives for picking one over the other. The casual experience City of provides is astounding--I enjoy being lackadaisical.

So no, unfortunately I do not share your sentiment, but I do understand your position and see where you are coming from. I can respect your attitude and outlook on the situation, but I respectfully disagree on the basis of my own experiences and beliefs.



Originally Posted by BricksTown Thug15 View Post
Obviously a majority of the posters here are very mad COH is closing for good and rightfully so. Me on the either hand am not upset at all.

The games in game server population was pretty average even on freedom and virtue (and this was after the game went F2P!). To make matters worse a majority of people that played on my server (freedom) just farmed and a majority of the toons were lvl 50 meaning less teaming during the lower levels which was a huge PIA. The people that did play lower level toons were either complete noobs and didn't know how to play or snobbish vets who were playing an alt and felt superior thanks to their vet status. Thats a terrible player balance.

I first played this game back in 05 or 06 (dont recall) and have played off and on since. Everytime I returned however the game just felt more dated compared to other mmos. The powersets and combat are pretty much the same from back in 05 and it just felt meh. The game has not aged well for me. Going rogue was nice but its novelty wore off rather quickly for me.

This is a minority opinion on this forum but does anyone else feel the same? When I heard the news it really didnt bother me at all. It was nice to play this at first but it went downhill from there IMO
You are not the only one not upset. It was bound to happen at some point and that is a risk with any online game. At any moment the company can say "Alright, we had enough of this. Let's bounce." Then that would be the end of it.
With that said, even after what, 8 years of this game being live or at least since I started playing in i6, I didn’t expect it to happen just yet. I guess I just did not have that emotional attachment to the game nor community so while I can see why people are upset, in a way I don’t get how people not see this coming eventually. Probably as they can’t comprehend my view and some probably can’t even understand it, but thousands of players thousands of views.
I know for some people this game was a very good enjoyable outlet, a break from the daily rat race, a place where they can meet people that share their interests. Some people even met people in game and turned it into a real life friendship. And for some of them to see all of that come to an "abrupt" end is like being in a comfortable community and getting papers saying you have to move on.

As I said in earlier posts, as a business decision, I completely understand it. On a personal level, I has to suck to have a fun job you love and them *poof* it's gone. On a gamer level, some people put in significant time here and some people been here long enough to see their ideas go from an abstract idea, to concept, to actual being in this game and now all of that is on the verge of coming to an end.

For me this is like a car that has been working fine all of sudden catch fire and watching it burn. A bit annoying at first but then life goes on like another day in the office and I buy another. Then, the old one that burned is soon just mere small table talk for laughs. Then it is soon forgotten.

In game, while majority of the people was very friendly, welcoming, warm and helpful, you have a few that was downright mean to new players, which is bad for business and probably a factor that kept the population from booming like it could have done. Some people become vets and been there for years and forget that at one point in time they too was a wide-eyed newbie trying to find their way around. Some people will ignore this and continue but some people will say "Forget this crap, I'm going somewhere else." And of course some vets will and have responded "Good, we don’t need you here anyways" followed by some insult and or expletive. Running people off just to keep the clique intact, while alienating new players, is not a good way to grow numbers in any game, especially one with a relatively small population. Although the friendly welcoming people outnumber the aforementioned rude people probably by tenfold, people that rude tend to leave 100 times greater impression than nice people. Some people don’t remember the guy from last week that they passed at 3:42pm that said "hi" to them but they sure as hell remember the guy that was cursing at them and acting a fool two months ago. Some people remember that no one uses turn signals to change lanes but overlook the people that do.

But that is just me and not in any way implying that is how people supposed to feel or wrong for feeling differently than I. And I hope the same apply for me.

I guess to sum up my overall feeling is more of the proper term of feeling indifferent to the situation. Still will play/post as normal until it's done and when it's done, it's done.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



If this had happened a few years ago when I was still really into this game I would have been upset, and while CoH is still something special to me, being my first MMO, I moved on long before this happened.

TBH it bothers me more what they did to the paragon studios team than what they did to the playerbase, though neither group of people deserved what happened.



I was more shocked than upset. I figure we had a couple of years tops, get it to 10 and done. Didn't think they were looking at CoH2.

Having said that, let's say they are successful and save CoH. In order to ensure longevity, don't they have to start working on number 2? They were maximizing what they could get, but it was getting long in the tooth. So it was a problem that plagued the game, and it will be a continuing problem if it's saved. If that's the case, then isn't it just prolonging the inevitable again?



Originally Posted by thgebull0425 View Post
Having said that, let's say they are successful and save CoH. In order to ensure longevity, don't they have to start working on number 2? They were maximizing what they could get, but it was getting long in the tooth. So it was a problem that plagued the game, and it will be a continuing problem if it's saved. If that's the case, then isn't it just prolonging the inevitable again?

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



To the OP.. No I do not share your feelings.

CoH is the only MMO I play. I have tried EQII, WoW, SWTOR, GW, GW2, DCUO, and CO.

NONE of those games have what CoH does for me. Part of that is the community and the friendliness of the people I have met the past 7.5 years.

So yes I am upset the game may close, yes I am upset I may not be able to play THIS game with my friends, and yes I am very upset that the dev team were thrown out on the street without any notice.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



I was playing in defiant we never had a big group of players to begin with and at server merge some moved over to freedom or virtue but I never felt once the server I was playing depleted. We had a global channel where we talk about anything and was forming teams for specific contents. We had incarnate trial runs every night except sundays which was saved for Mothership raids. I could level my newly made low levels fairly easily with teams mostly in DfB up to 15ish than doing ingame content. Never saw a snoobish vet and for noobs this game is easy enough to carry a team if there is one or two other people who knows what they are doing.

I was upset in first day of announcement I was not able to believe what I was reading. I didn't cry like most but I was close and probably I will cry once game is really closed. I signed petitions and keeping a good amount of money for donations once things are become more clear about how to approach to ressurrect this game. Currently I am playing CO because I haad a lifetime sub for it since beta. I will check Wildstar online once it came out but not keeping my hope high since they axe down CoH means it is next on the line if their attemt with BS does not make a good profit.



I was upset at first, and am still annoyed that the forums will vanish, but I'm at peace with the game shutting down now. If they save it, that's great, but on the gaming side of things I've pretty much moved on.

And I think if they *do* save it in some fashion that there may already be some irreparable damage done to the population by the announced shutdown.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



I dont think that your the only one not upset. Its just that as far as I can tell everyone else who feels like you just shrugged and uninstalled the game on the 31st of august.

Will we succed? who knows. But we're the types who identify with the sort of creed our charecters espoused that we HAVE TO TRY.


WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO



I've always found it relatively quick and easy to get on a team with minimal down time, especially when compared to the other MMORPG I've spent much time with (WoW). I think it's because teaming is encouraged with XP bonuses, there isn't a prerequisite team build (i.e. tank/healer/some DPS) so team composition can be flexible, team size in CoH is fairly large, server/global channels help in putting together teams, and sidekicking/exemplaring is a great system not found in other MMOs (should be a standard feature by now in all MMOs, IMO).



Originally Posted by Flying_Carcass View Post
I've always found it relatively quick and easy to get on a team with minimal down time, especially when compared to the other MMORPG I've spent much time with (WoW). I think it's because teaming is encouraged with XP bonuses, there isn't a prerequisite team build (i.e. tank/healer/some DPS) so team composition can be flexible, team size in CoH is fairly large, server/global channels help in putting together teams, and sidekicking/exemplaring is a great system not found in other MMOs (should be a standard feature by now in all MMOs, IMO).
Yea if you are on Virtue or Freedom. Other servers and or villain side and especially Prae side, from personal experience on Victory and various other servers, sometimes building a team takes just as long if not longer than WoW. Now if a person is some unlucky chap on Victory and on red side and or gold side, then most days, a team will never come. Even on Virtue, teaming can take a while on red side and gold side on just about any server takes forever if it manage to happen at all. My experience. But in general on virtue and or Freedom blue side, usually fairly quick and easy.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



I don't mess with Incarnate content (it's ebil!), but I find it fairly easy to get a team for a task force or regular missions (I'm fine with any size team, really). Besides, you can always check to see if people are willing to fill.



I was surprised at how little the news upset me.

It was hugely unexpected. I'd been enjoying the game on a daily basis and looking forwards to playing it every day after work. But, I think the announcement of shutdown made me realise what a rut I'd gotten into.

No more running SSA#1 weekly on each main character.
No more daily Ephram Sha missions.
No more crafting Kinetic Combats from merits and converters to make influence.
No more thinking of a character idea and being able to plan them to 50 in my head because I knew the enhancement sets so well by now.

I always knew that I wouldn't still be playing CoH in 20 years time, or even 10 or 5.



Well I was upset and I will miss Freedom, it had got into a nice groove with constant dfb's and frequent iTrial runs, the spamming had almost completely stopped and there was a lot less trolling on the globals.

I was really looking forward to the new Incarnate content.



Im not upset - I was shocked when learning it was closing (I went to go resub after getting back from an extended business trip - the subscribe button wasnt available in my master ncsoft account, came to the forums and found out- doh!)

I came to CoH during its later beta testing after another MMO i played was closed (Earth and Beyond) and i've enjoyed the ride. Will miss it, doubt it will be saved or resurrected, so with my screenshots, videos and memories, I bid adeau and will probably login the last day on my first char I ever created and sit and watch the sunset happen.

Have to say, as so many others have, this community and the dedication of the devs is what kept me coming back (on my free time and from other games :P) all these years. So xoxo to you all.




I think much of the upset is caused by the way the closure was handled. If NCSoft had come out and said "Guys, the game is losing money, we have to shut it down, we'll wind it down over 6 months" sure there'd have been sadness but a lot less anger. To sack all the devs with no notice and only give a 3 month sunset while the game seems to be still profitable is what caused the anger.

I am upset in that the game was improving and getting updated over the last few issues and I was looking forward to the upcoming issues. I wasn't playing as much as I have in the past but still often enough to justify the sub.

The OP was suffering some of the classic Freedom problems, a change of server would have fixed them.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



I'm really empathising with the OP, because like them and a few others, I feel the same for the most part. But it's a matter of perspective.

When I started on the game back in 06 (I'm officially 5 years and 10 months subscribed as of this month), I had gone through the hardest time of my life to date with both my mother and my father having died within 18 months of each other; one to leukemia and the other to a heart attack.

For me, the game became a virtual and literal retreat from the grief I was experiencing and and the people here became a makeshift family where unfortunately people were exposed to the emotional extremes that came with my experience. So the game became somewhat of a safety blanket to me.

But in the last couple of years as time and experience mellowed things, I began dabbling more heavily (as I always had) with other games. Galaxies, DCUO, CO, LotRo, AoC and so on. I could never just limit my broad range of interests to just one game. What CoH couldn't provide, LotRo could and so on. And while I'd made good and long-standing friends here, it became obvious only a handful of them I became friends with outside the game and that was telling.

So by the time of the announcement, I'd recently come to a position where I could log in a few times a week comfortably and that I was going to keep the game to the game and my personal life personal. For me, it was a necessary seperation. So when the news came, I was a bit teary, but it wasn't for what was happening, it was for what the game had meant to me in the past. Death had taught me to be pragmatic and realistic, and on the grander scale of things, none of my friends from here were dying. None were suffering from disease or cancer. All that was happening was that a game was closing. Just a game, nothing more. If my friendships couldn't survive beyond that, then they weren't solid friendships to begin with.

I can see and understand that those the most angry, upset and vehement with NCSoft are deeply emotionally invested in this game and at my most judgemental, I would say far too much. But that's coming from my own position where I was the same way, and grateful for the experience, but also seeing the downsides and potential damage that can do.

But it's just a game. I have three decades of experience in tabletop roleplaying and I have a folder and a half of characters I've created and been invested in and told rich, interweaving stories with. But those games too were 'sunsetted' and I had to move on.

Ultimately for me it's become about perspective. I can move on from City of Heroes be it restored or ended. And ultimately, I'm not upset.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



(honstly without looking at previous answers and just going off the cuff)

I was kind of dumb. I actually formed friendships with my SG and got to know the people I ran with on my servers. I was kind of surprised at how sad the news made me. I was worried I was going to lose my little online family and panicked. After that was assuaged, I worked to find out what we were going to do next.

In accordance with my fears we couldn't find anything as 'good'. However we were able to find things that would work 'good enough' and that weight was taken off me.

To ask if we're upset is a trick question. Of course all of us are. With the direction of I-24 and what was hinted at to come, how could we not be?? It's as much a manner of 'are you prepared'?

And after the heartless treatement from NCSoft with this news (regardless of what they've done before to keep it running 'till now) I can say...

Yes. We are. **** you.

My little online family will still be together no matter where we go, and that's all I needed to know. The rest is details.

No matter where it is, it will be to a competitor. We just don't trust NCSoft anymore, nor do I encourage any trust in them (unless something changes soon, but I really don't expect it- funnily, understanding the history of CoH, I state that more for them than me... left in the original hands we may not have made it past City of Villains).

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Yes, you're the only one not upset! ;p

aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).