462 -
I was a Defender at heart - I had more level 50 Defenders and more who never made it than any other archetype.
My favourite character would have been Dr Harmony though - an Earth/Energy Dominator.
She was a rare case of having a straightforward character concept (transmuted elements of the periodic table) and being able to realise it fully in CoH thanks to power customisation.
She was also my main in the Hero League International - the best supergroup I ever fought alongside. And I got into the habit of leading numrous PUGs and taskforces with her with the ever-ready assistance of the Virtue LFG Beta channel.
I was surprised how much I came to love Brutes. My first few attempts never clicked, but my final ones really did. -
Quote:For Force Fields, grab Protection Field in Force - this allows you to bubble allies or yourself.So, if I wanted to make a replacement for my Demons/FF MM in CO, what would I want to go for?
If there's no good pet set, then what's the closest I can get on the FF side?
You could also go with Inertial Dampening Field in Force and/or Aura of Radiant Protection in Radiant Sorcery as a slotted passive to make your pets tougher.
You get one slotted passive and one Form power, so pick these for some solid defence.
For Force field-ish attacks, try Force, or just go for the Sorcery attacks, depends what your concept is really.
Demon pets - Ritual of Ebon Summoning is the obvious one - gives you a pet demon who you can have permanently tagging along with the Unbound Ritual advantage.
Tyranon's Familiar and Void Horror also make good magical-looking permanent pets. Add in Air eleemtnal from the Air set if you can handle a genie tagging along.
The Ritual of Arcan Summoning gives you a Tron-ish looking robot ally, this is actually a Lemurian construct from the magic-using undersea kingdom, so tastes may vary.
Telepathy's Summon Nightmare is worth looking at - the pets here are temprary but change with rank, eg rank 1 gives you a static giant worm and a dog, Rank 2 is a dog and monster, and so on. Try this out in the Powerhouse - I found some things I liked in this set for my Martian Princess with a GL-style power ring.
You can defeinitely make a magical pet user who protects their pets. I find its best when transitioning a character to forget their CoX powers (which you didn't choose, after all, but were foisted on you as a whole set) and go back to the idea you had in your head.
Ego Choke or Ego Hold may suit you. Pyromancers Blade's (short lived fiery swords) may work for you, even though your CoX character couldn't do exactly that. -
Quote:Yeah, I think melee has improved a lot since then.Has melee become viable in CO? I only tried the game for like a month when it launched and I seem to recall anything ranged I tried completely owning anything melee I tried. Unless I was just "doing it wrong". Unfortunately, my favorite CoH characters are Stalkers. In CO, I think I ended up playing dual pistols when what I really wanted was a sword-wielding Samurai Ninja Robot Cowboy. Was that too much to ask?
Cause CoH had it covered.
My early memories were of running slowly towards enemies who trotted backwards at the same speed while shooting at you, and it was generally a pretty miserable experience.
This time round I've got a mainly Superstrong Brick-type character to 40 no worries, and a Martial Artist who relies on putting enemies down fast to the lower 30s without much frustration.
(Both character have a ranged attack for tagging runners, btw)
Melee Energy Builders now have a taunt when used at range, which stops the AI from kiting the way they used to. That, and the game just seems a bit easier with the gear thats given out at level 6, and some overall tweaks such as making offensive passives better.
Plus, I may have got better at playing this time round. -
I'd disagree that Block powers are wildly unbalanced.
I've taken four different ones on four diffeent characters and they've all had their upside.
Energy Shield w/ Phalanx Defence System on my "Blaster"- this provides only 34% damage reduction for 2 seconds after I use a power armour attack. I'm using the beam attacks and it works OK, but its honestly hard to tell because Support drones are keeping me upright very well.
Retaliation on my "Fire/SS" brute. Adds a damage bonus to the next attack. Block to get energy, then release a damage boosted Pyre on the bad guys. Or Block with a supervillain for a hefty punch afterwards. Along with Enrage it gave a very Brutey feel of chasing damage boosts.
Parry w/ Elusive Monk on my "Scrapper". I'm using an offensive passive, but building up dodge bonuses via gear and Martial Arts powers. Its working out OK.
TK Shield on my "Green Lantern" support/pets character. Provides a lingering block after I release, handy for when I do draw aggro.
I'd say out of all of these, Retaliation has been the winner so far, but not by a massive margin.
The differing percentages (200% to 300%) on different blocks arent that big a deal. In practice all blocks vastly reduce the damage you take. You'd be hard put to reverse engineer those numbers from playing. -
Quote:Hi.Thanks for advice Dr Harmony, it is nice to hear from you again since our last trip to Shadow Shard.
I would give your suggestions a try and see where that takes me. And if that toon works out and the game is fun to play I may try to port over my other 23 characters from COX.
Still... I wish CO adopted an Archtype system similar to COX as it certainly makes things easier to grasp. Blaster = range DPS, Tanks = well..tanks, Scrapper = melee dps and etc etc...
One more question though. How does CO handle falling from a great height? I know toons in COX take alot of damage if they fall from great height but they would not die from it. Does that work different in CO? I like the idea of KB punting baddies off a cliff/skyscraper and seeing them fall to death.PM'd you my global in CO.
Knockback does do damage to bad guys when they land. I'd opften punt someone over the horizon with Roomsweeper (a superstrength punch) and get an Xp notification and they wouldn't come running back.
I find knockback has a bit more joyful abandon in CO is that you're typically only facing a handful of enemies, so theres less stress about splitting up a group with knockback.
The closest equivalent to CoH archetypes really is your role and slotted passive I guess. If you choose a defensive slotted passive, you can go Tank role and pick up more hit points on top of your Regen/Force Field/ whatever.
If you pick up an offensive passive you can go Melee Damage or Ranged Damage role for extra damage and so on.
Of course, its trickier because you can have different builds on the same character at higher levels, and switch between them on the fly. I havent tried that out yet. -
Quote:The archetypes in Champions Online are incredibly limited.Maybe I'm to used to COX, I was hoping to re-create my characters in CO but found the Archtypes to be somewhat confusing or limited. My main is a Energy/Energy Blaster type of character but I just can't find something similar in theme over at CO.
I'd recommend that anyone who tries the game out to dish out the $15 for a month's subscription so they can try freeform characters.
Energy Blast = Force powerset, for ranged blasts with knockback.
The only archetype who uses these is the Impulse, which you'd have to pay for anyway I think.
Kinetic Manipulation in Force would be your best slotted passive for a Blaster type character.
For Energy Melee you could take Burning Chi Fist from Unarmed Martial Arts (a good quick hefty punch with energy effects).
If you liked the Stun aspect of Energy Melee, I highly recommend Sonic Device in gadgets - its a 30-second self buff that makes your next attack do extra sonic damage, and a short duration stun. It creates a big spherical impact on the boosted attack, which looks great for a devastating "Cosmic Punch" kind of idea.
There's no real parallel to Energy Torrent or Explosive Blast. Force Cascade is a very fun all-out blast in Force, very much like what happens when Cyclops opens his visor fully.
Force Detonation is a ranged knockback AoE, but a bit more like Respulsion Bomb in Force Fields than an Energy Blast power.
You wont be able to mimic your character completely, but its pretty easy to create an effective character with knockback blasts and cool punches. -
I hated the Dark Astoria faction with the Sybils and Harridans, whose nameforget.
That knock-up sand blast attack with the massive graphics that obscured the entire screen at the default camera settings was just obnoxious.
They weren't especially hard to fight, just not much fun due to the constant camera jerking and obscured vision. -
I hit level 40 last night on Wundastar, my ex-Fire/SS Brute. It wasn't hard to faithfully recreate her in Champions, in fact she felt closer to my original idea than in CoH, since I could drop in heat vision and so on as I went, and not when the archetype system said I could.
It was brilliant!
To be honest, I felt much more like a superhero playing CO this time round than I did in the late game of CoH - more one on one fights with powerful supervillains, and less beating up masses of minions.
Some of the later game missions, like the Vibora Bay Apocalypse, are utterly awesome. That one in particular would be the best superhero story I've played through in any game.
The tutorial with Black Talon is rubbish, but it would be a shame to discount the game purely because of that.
On the downside, the game is buggy, and has let me down badly a couple of times on the way to 50. There's much less content, so I'll see how it stands up to repeated levelling. -
I've found the reverse.
City of Heroes had pretty much prevented me from trying out other MMOs because it was so good, and filled all my gaming needs.
(OK, I played Champions a litel bit but then came back here.)
But I'm now playing Champions again and having a ball, and will definitely check out DCU, and probably Secret World at some point.
Games come and go, but my characters, and my love of creating them, will continue. -
Fansy, I have to admit that I hadn't heard of you before today. But your story is absolutely awesome.
Its good to have you on board. Thanks for taking the time to drop by. -
Yeah, I got all the way to level 12 in Diablo 3 before I gave up.
The voice acting was great, especially the little chats I had with the lovely Christopher Eccleston-ish Templar, but it totally failed to grab me, despite my utter love for Diablo II. -
I was asking myself exactly this the other day.
The big one I came up with was Tier 9 pets on Controllers and Dominators. I never really saw the link between crowd control and having a pet conceptually.
In terms of history and game mechanics it made sense - Controllers were low damage, the pets gave them some damage, and benefitted from the Controller's secondary set.
But quite a few of my main characters ended up taking a pet that they didn't really want because it improved their performance so much, and then I'd have to come up with some lame in-character explanation.
For example, Dr Harmony, my namesake, was an Earth/Energy Dominator who is easily explained as having elemental transmutation powers like Firestorm from DC. Trap enemies in diamonds, fire off nuclear energy blasts from my hands, creates clouds of choking gas, all cool with power customisation. And while it was within her power to animate a diamond golem, I suppose, its not what she would have done in a comic or a written story.
I did turn 32 just after my first brush with the Devouring Earth, and "got the idea off them" but it never quite sat right.
I guess I could extend this to other concept/efficiency dilemmas like the stupid sword powers in all the elemental melee sets.
But yeah. I won't miss Controller pets. -
Pretty much what you said, Primantiss.
I loved running PUGs, and being able to keep rolling as people joined and left. The basic teaming dynamics meant that everyone involved benefitted from being on the team (ie more XP)
I loved the support sets, and how one individual could turn up on a PUG and change the experience, be it giving everyone limitless energy or almst absolute protection or whatever.
The costume editor remains the best I've ever seen.
And the IO system kept me interested - I'd have left long before now if it wasn't for the opportunities this afforded in decking out a character, often beyond the basic scope of their archetype.
I'll add to the list the huge amount of content.
It had reached the point where I felt like I'd never get really bored, because there was enough content to play all year without repeating anything you didn't want to. Faultline, Croatoa, the Dr Vazhilok arc, Mercedes Sheldon's arc. All those off-the-beaten path parts of the game that I didn't take most characters through, but were a joy to rediscover when I felt like it. -
I was surprised at how little the news upset me.
It was hugely unexpected. I'd been enjoying the game on a daily basis and looking forwards to playing it every day after work. But, I think the announcement of shutdown made me realise what a rut I'd gotten into.
No more running SSA#1 weekly on each main character.
No more daily Ephram Sha missions.
No more crafting Kinetic Combats from merits and converters to make influence.
No more thinking of a character idea and being able to plan them to 50 in my head because I knew the enhancement sets so well by now.
I always knew that I wouldn't still be playing CoH in 20 years time, or even 10 or 5. -
I like your idea, Two Headed Boy.
Time to pull my finger out and set my account up on the Champions forums, so I can add to your thread there.
Champions is lacking most in variety of content and stability/bugginess. Adding some of the dev team from Paragon would undoubtedly help with both of these. I'd say its in the same state that CoH was three years in, and could become a brilliant game if polished for another five years by a team of this calibre.
Its already got some features better than CoH (such as the treatment of superstrength, a staple of the medium), it could go way further.
This is a really good option to cultivate.
Golden Girl - grow up and drop the "us vs them" act. It was tiring with villains and heroes and praetorians, its even more tiresome here. There's nothing cool about stubbornly refusing to see the merit in something different. -
That looks pretty cool. I'm a superhero at heart, and much less invested in steampunk, but I'll have to give this a shot when it comes out.
I'll echo the sentiment that browser based games have come along heaps. Technologies like Unity mean that you're not running that much far behind from a native client, and can take advantage of hardware acceleration and so on in a browser.
"Browser" is no longer synonymous with "simple Flash game". -
Quote:Champions Online is less restrictive than City of Heroes in terms of character creation, if you subscribe. Want an invulnerable tank with a psychic blast and pet robot? Go for it!Not to mention we are pretty spoiled when it comes to character creation in COH and all the options we get.
CO, DCUO are so restrictive, Secret World was okay and SWTOR depends on the gear you get.
On free-to-play you're limited to archetypes with pre-selected powers that unlock at each level, but on a paid account you're selecting whatever powers you want.
Obviously, it still makes sense to try the free-to-play first, just to see if you like the game mechanics/can stand the cartoony look and so on. But I'd hate to see people dismiss the game purely on this count. -
I'm playing Champions again, and really loving it.
Its very unpolished, and easy to get lost. Its easy to get put off.
For example, there is an Exit button to leave a mission map once you're finished, but its hidden in the "Crime Computer" interface.
The Crime Computer is something you really find for yourself, and without it you can get a bit lost without any missions or contacts to level up with.
The teaming interface comes with zero explanation. One time I logged out because I couldn't figure out any other way to leave a team. (Right click on your portrait? Of course!) I'm still in the process of figuring out the equivalent of PUG-ing over there.
But, its a very fun superhero simulator. It doesn't have some of the things that make CoH great, and has far less content to play through, especially on the way to level 15. But it has some cool things that CoH didn't have, and the freeform power selection is really nice. I'm currently running four very distinct characters, all of whom feel effective and do what they were meant to.
I'd highly recommend it to anyone who came to CoH because they loved superheroes. -
Sorry. I didn't realise that this was the would-have-been-live set. I thought this was your variation on the set presented on the Wiki. My mistake there.
As for the Repel and Knockup in Convection Cell - I was seeing this as a slow repel like Hurricane with a chance for knock up on regular ticks. This way, targets within the cell would not get perma-knocked up but moved out after a couple of bounces, to prevent it from becoming too pwerful a control.
On the other hand, it would expire, and its in a control set, so a knock-up zone without the repel wouldn't be to bad - Wind's version of Ice Slick/Earthquake.
You can already get "double Gale" on a Storm/Sonic defender, but the big differences are that Shockwave does decent damage, and Gale can be skipped. Like you say, Storm has a bit of a problem for Controllers by having two below-par starter powers. -
Cool ideas. My 2c:
You've almost replicated Hurricane and Gale there with Windshear and Thundergust.
A lot of people would probably pair this with Storm for thematic reasons, which means a bit too much duplication?
I'd replace these with something else - maybe a static location like Hurricane? Repel and knockup, call it Convection cell?
Plus, with either Storm or Time, you can have two -To Hit auras with this set, which could get too powerful. Having a Controller softcapped by the time they hit SO's is stepping into Defender territory a bit.
I'm not too keen on the breath-sucking motif for the powers, partly because we opften fight robots, zombies and other non-breathers. ( I know Fire Control already does this already, but making Nemesis teakettles cough doesnt look or sound right)
I'd prefer the immobilises to be vortexes around the effected characters. Maybe have the holds act like a faster version of Soul Storm, the Ghost Widow hold? I'm not sure if that could be done in a way that looked right? -
I've found myself playing Champions Online all weekend, and really enjoying it.
The archetype system they force you into in free-to-play is very restrictive, and intentionally so.
Or you can subscribe for 15 bucks for a month and get a greater degree of customisation than City of Heroes offered. If you want a tanky character with a gun for flavour, go for it, it's yours. My melee brawler is about to pick up bolas for a ranged hold. I could use temporary powers for this in CoX sometimes. Honestly I prefer the Champions system here.
It won't be for everyone, sure, but writing the game off because you can't choose your own powers would be like writing CoX off after just playing Death From Below. -
Quote:You pick two "superstats" and they go up very quickly. You can typically build up two other stats easily with gear (think enhancements) and attributes that you accumulate along the way. Its much better to do this tha focus everyhting on one or two stats due to diminishing returns at the high end.
3. Say I want to make Sam Tow like he was always supposed to be - Katana as a primary weapon, dual pistols as a support weapon and super-human reflexes with which to dodge really fast, strike really fast and shoot really accurately, what would I have to do? Yes, I know about Dual Pistols and SwordAxeMace, and I suspect there should be some kind of Reflexes set, but what about stats? Last I played Champions, it asked me to pick things like Strength and Intelligence and... Ego? Is it even reasonable to build for all of that?
Dex and Ego give you frequent hard-hitting critical hits. Strength will boost your melee damage. Con gives you more hit points.
I'd go with those 4 for melee and guns.
Passives like Lightning Reflexes are I think now just tied to your superstats, so whatever you pick works.
Presence improves healing, Int reduces cooldowns. You wont need them to be too high.
This information may be a bit old by the way... -
McNum - my first character in CO was my Force Field Defender.
Some basics of CO characters:
You can have one slotted passive active. These are defensive, supportive or offensive buffs to yourself and your team in supportive case.
You pick a role. Hybrid lets you slot any passive, the others (Tank, offensive Melee, offensive Range and support) let you only slot one type of passive. Each has bonuses eg Tank has extra HP, support gets lower end costs I think.
You can have different builds set up with different roles and passives, and switch on the fly.
For a soloing FF Defender type character, Tank role and Personal Force Field or even Invulnerability make you plenty tough.
For a team-centric one, play Support with maybe Aura of Radiant Protection from Sorcery - this gives you and all teammates damage resistance. I don't know how good it is, Im assuming there are no absolute stinkers of powers by this stage.
You can have one Form Power active at a time, these are like toggles effectively. Inertial Dampening Field in Force is the no-brainer here for tank or support role.
And then you have the click powers. Protection Field is a HP barrier like the new absorb mechanic in Nature Affinity. Mindful Reinforcement in Telepathy does the same but heals you when the bubble expires if it has hp left.
All click powers like this are self targetting too, so you can shield yourself.
So a support build with Aura of Radiant Protection, Inertial Dampening Field running and Protection Field would be pretty close to a FF Defender for teams.